I know a girl in real life that has a similar background to Meadow Soprano. The question I have...

I know a girl in real life that has a similar background to Meadow Soprano. The question I have, if you had the chance to marry virgin Meadow Soprano, would you? If not, which fictional TV character would it be and why?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

>thicc italian virgin
>wud u mary????
Of course I would dipshit

Maybe spend less time worrying about which fictional woman you incels would marry and spend more time having sex.

i wanted to fuck her so bad then found out she is jew

Attached: jew italian meadow.webm (500x720, 2.87M)

no cuz italians aren't white

why does she look like an arab?

Oh good, it's this stupid thread again.

So is her father in "waste management consultanting" as well?

I am having sex with my cute fictional wife Meadow Soprano.

look at that build user, she pops one kid out and she will be shaped like a bourbon barrel.

In fact they're Italians, they're not a color.

part eggplant

>cuban mother
>she's a jew
pick one.

Always this unhealthy obsession with other people´s genitals.
Maybe somebody removed yours?

she is a jew, that is why

Attached: jew italian meadow roommate.webm (1280x720, 681K)

Fucking half the time of this show they spend in the kitchen

Do you think her and Meadow ever fucked?

nah at first I thought she was a party slut but then I guess the writers changed because she became a crazy country girl that missed her family and was crazy

Meadow's indian friend was hotter

Yes obviously. Think of the inheritance

I think she's Jewish and Greek. She's so hot bros...

the other half in restaurants and pastry shops

don't forget Dr. Milf's office

hnnnnggggg that's the best type of girl desu

>virgin Meadow Soprano

Umm, user... I've got some bad news.

Attached: Jamal Ginsburg Hasidic Homeboy.png (1441x753, 1.54M)

Best Meadow friend incoming.

Attached: freame-video-752666_0x440.jpg (640x360, 86K)

FACT: These two fucked
"Kept me up all night while I was trying to study" yeah sure

What's the bad news? That I'm Jamal Ginsberg? I am a Jew but not black.

>I am a Jew

Attached: Vitos gun.gif (500x282, 1.5M)

I only know of two half black half Jews, and they both seem fucking insane
One of them is Eric Andre

Don't forget her pusy

>Not taking every chance to impregnate this type of girl

Attached: Sopranos - Meadow 2.webm (600x720, 2.97M)

Genuinely accurate, My Italian friend literally sneaks off to go to the kitchen and eat straight garlic and cold cuts

I can't decide if she was hot or not. She always looks different.



Atleast I'm not a tranny


god thicc JB meadow was best meadow

You sure OP? this is what she looks like today

Attached: JBCG92.jpg (817x1390, 193K)

No because as much as I have a crush on her I don’t want to marry into her murder family. Also I don’t want to have the talk with known psychopath tony soprano when we first start dating.

Wow I'm sure she's so sad that you won't date her cause she's part jew

wow she's in shambles

how on earth could you be so autistic that you didn't think jewesses were hot

>tfw the real life Jamal Ginsburg killed a mob boss like a week ago because he wouldn't let him date his niece

Tony was lucky he didn't punch his lights out.

>Some pulp

Deepest lore.


I'd fill her with "some pulp", if you know what I mean.

Meadow is perfect girl material. I definitely would marry her. As long as I treat her well I am in no danger