>there are people on this board right now who STILL don't understand that Buenos Aires was a falseflag
explain how bugs can launch meteors across the entire galaxy with any degree of accuracy
There are people on this board right now who STILL don't understand that Buenos Aires was a falseflag
Other urls found in this thread:
>t. bug
>implying they were aiming at Buenos Aires
Its easier to believe your own go ernment is the sneaky boogeyman instead of facing the horrifying truth that intelligent killer insects have got our number. They've had it since day one, and earth is on borrowed time.
But keep burying your head in the sand. When you wake up dead cuz some bug impaled you on its face spear, dont say shit.
they'd be aiming 100,000 years into our future if they wanted to hit earth from the other side of the galaxy, and that's assuming the asteroid is moving at light speed.
who the fuck cares faggot there's bugs to kill
look out everyone we've got a fucking civvy here, why don't you pick a gun up and do your part?
>imagine being a brainwashed leftie thinking that a race of beowulf cluster bug brains don't have the intelligence needed to create black holes and hurl rocks though them to destroy buenos aires
You will be the first to be hanged the day of the traitor scum
>explain how bugs can launch meteors across the entire galaxy with any degree of accuracy
psychic fucking powers
In the books they have laser guns and spaceships like humans
They used warm holes
sure, that's what the government wants you to think
the real question is was this an intended plot detail or just typical hollywood physics stupidity
So why has not earth changed if they traveled from one side of galaxy to other?
Are you questioning our government?
>bugs send a giant asteroid halfway across the galaxy that somehow hits Earth
You all are need to get redpilled. Either the government shot the asteroid towards Earth themselves, or used it as an excuse to keep the military industrial complex alive and further expand for more resources
Also how the fuck did they get troops all the way from one end of the galaxy to the other? Even if they were going lightspeed it would take them near 50,000 years to get there
The bugs have a collective brain
Do you realize what this means civilian maggot?
Their collective intelligence is beyond human comprehension
Bugs don't need technology and traditional weapons because their collective psychic power can literally bend space time
So shut your fucking mouth civilian shitstain and let the citizens do their job
>all the bug lovers ITT