ITT: Movies that turned boys into men

ITT: Movies that turned boys into men

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I bet they just threw that swimsuit away without a second thought.

someone post the webm plz

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what a sadly exploitative scene

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This, on reflection, thank god it didn't turn me into a furry

wypipo really be seeing flabby flat wypipo ass and masturbating

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people don't get turned into furries, they're born that way and just need the proper trigger to awaken it.

I want to ____ that bunny


>anons in this thread think they are men

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Crocodile Dundee, zoomer user

If you're a 90's kid, probably Barbwire or Species.

Why are women's behind so attractive?

And you are?

Because no woman will ever face your ugly ass from the front.

thank you

Attached: sniff.webm (480x360, 322K)

For me it was Naughty College Schoolgirls #19

I’m 28, my dude. Genuinely do not remember this from that movie.

Thanks though

Kelly Preston sex scene

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Sorry sweetie, movies don’t turn boys into men having sex does. Enjoy boyhood.

>user in this thread thinks he’s a woman


i______ t__ s____

Older sister?

i want to sneed?

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That movie is gen x trash, my friend.

Because it indicates their suitability for breeding

Are you supposed to want to fuck that lion?

>high-cut swimwear/lingerie is finally making a comeback
Maybe there’s a future after all, bros.

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Furries out

why don't girls wear the bush nowadays

Classic childhood boner scene but sometimes I wonder how uncomfortable it'd be. I'd hate to essentially be wearing underwear that wedges all the way in my asscrack. Talking about all thongs and shit like that in general


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>look her up
>she's John Travolta's wife


i am 38 old virgin, seriously fuck my life


It's a Jewish thing. They like prepubescent so no bush.

I'm convinced women are build somehow differently, so they can pull that off.

What? Bush made a comeback like 5 years ago user, plenty of girls rock it

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I agree, furries need a certain solution involving triggers.

>It's a Jewish thing. They like prepubescent
Not true.
Also Jews tend to be a bit hairy since they're Mediterranean basically

I only saw a little bit of this movie, but this is the one thing I remember.

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>Pedophiles don't like prepubescent
>Jews aren't pedophiles
>Jews don't like blonde European women because Jews aren't blonde

Take your semantics somewhere else, Rabbi. We can all see you for what you are.

I know I'm a fag because I looked at the guy first lol
She's got a nice body though


It’s not very comfortable but they wear them to (among other things) to feel sexy or of course to attract male attention.
Though with that said I’ve met females who wore strings because they were comfortable. I was skeptical but it might have been true.

Jews aren't any more pedophilic than other peoples.

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To be fair her body looked great in that scene considering her age. Many woman wished they had her body.

amen brother

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This image is significantly improved if I imagine those stupid eyebrow dots as her eyes

what a waste

A nice body without a pretty face is useless

At the time was quite literally the sexiest thing I had ever seen...

>tfw 14 years old me paused the TV in my room and whipped it out
Good memories

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wtf in going on here

Seconds later they rip off their skin and reveal themselves as gross ugly witches with hook noses

I want to see her have an orgasm.

Add another question I wish I'd asked my ex before she became my ex


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Jesus, look at the size of that thing. That thing will rip you to shreds

just imagine a long, thick squirt coming out of her vagina while she's slowly falls to the ground shaking like if she was electrocuted

I mean I know it's been shitposted about for years, but honestly if you don't find that shit hot you're just gay and there's no way around it.

>be Dunston
>check in

I (unfortunately) don't have a webm but I'm sure this scene made a bunch of late 00's kids discover their sexuality. Her all sweaty, dirty and smelly also probably awakened a fetish in pubescent boys.

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>tfw you realize Elton John made the first mood-setting sex song for a kid's movie

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I would do literally anything to watch her masturbate.

I'm convinced that it was a gay person who started that meme in the first place.

>literally have a ritual where old Rabbis suck the newly-mutilated dick off baby boys

I feel bad for zoomers. We got ass cheecks and R-rated horror kinos, they get sweaty shirt tits

Having a narrow butt is one thing. But why accentuate the narrowness of your butt, with this high cut swimsuit? I'm sorry, but this is a disappointing butt.

That's only done by ultra-Orthodox Jews. Everyone knows they're nuts.
btw they don't fellate the organ itself; they put their mouth just on the wound and suck the blood out, which is still disgusting.

sauce for this lol

Link (1986)

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Is this a movie based on Roald Dahl's book The Witches? I read it a long ass time ago and haven't thought about it in years but this clip just triggered a memory of a scene from the book.


Fuck off furfag

legit this scene

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Under Siege? Great movie

Nice. Was just about to rant about how this wasn't posted yet. My step dad was a massive prick, but he gave me and my friend the video of this on a sleep over night and made torpedo jokes that will always be funny.

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Because nobody likes having public hair, men or women. It is itchy, makes you sweat more, comes off easily and gets everywhere, becomes a breeding ground for grime. You can debate all you like about which is more aesthetically pleasing, but nobody actually likes having a bush.

Where my Yugo boomers at?

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those massive torpedo nipples
my fuck
my balls dropped that exact instant

gayest post I've seen in months.

I want to fuck the lioness

>no one posted that gameboy, cake or me scene yet

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and my other lewdest memory

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OH YEAH. One of those classic Showtime After Dark / Skinemax flicks

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that shit looks so bad

Goldie Hawn at the beginning of Over board

Imagine being Arnold in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Jamie Curtis, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Arnold and not only sit in that chair while Jamie Lee Curtis flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that dance. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, JAMIE LEE CURTIS LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Austria. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Arnold. You're not going to lose your future political career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.


requesting webm of that, for research purposes

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Any other fags here? What was "that scene" for you?

Does the monkey fuck her?

so glad I don't waste any of my life watching capeshit

>Directed by JUST JACKIN

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I remember how impressed I was when I saw those boobs
it was like the biggest boobs I've had ever seen at that time
I was probably 10-12 years old or something like that

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This was the moment I knew I wasn't gay

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absolutely based.

What? I haven't shaved my pubes since I was 16, and I only did it as a test then. I'm 31 now.

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What about movies that turned girls into boys?

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Anjelica Huston is like a deflated Elvira

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this is some great cinematography

Nah, I'm just not attracted to two wrinkled pancakes.
How is her butt that narrow, and still so droopy with cellulite?

I find this isn't true. Having a bush is more comfortable for me.

I remember she annoyed me the whole movie, and how laughable it was that when she got sweaty, it looked like it was JUST on the top of her tits

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sauce me
looks like some dumb capeshit but lassy is mint


Any other strip search scenes like the one with Dreama Walker in Compliance?

Roselyn Sanchez in Rush Hour 2

The only woman in a movie I remember constantly jerking off to

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It's never not funny

have you ever tried eating out a girl with a full on 80s style bush? it's fucking difficult

Best are those pufferonis third from the top 4th from the left
The only time I remember praying when I was little was to ask god to make her my girlfriend

Lost in Space
Lacey Chabert

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taking a shower once in a while helps

I initially thought she was Sandra Bullock

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Thora Birch is 16 in that photo, you sick pedophile. Also
>not including Keira Knightley's 15 year old tits in The Hole
At least do it right.

If you are blonde it doesn't count, you avoid a lot of the normal downsides there since it grows in softer and finer.

This scene makes my dick instantly hard every time.

Weirdly she was never as hot as she was in this again, even though she was still super hot as an adult and grew some big cans

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Not a role but just in general

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2nd from left, 2nd down

2nd from right, 3rd down

3rd from right, 5th down

left, 3rd down

who be they? they all look like very good movies

pic trade related

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>all old pics
proof that modern actresses are less hot

wait katie holmes did topless scene? very nice

I find chimps to be absolutely terrifying.

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venom would be kino genderswapped

>im not wearing any panties

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Now they don't get better than this

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game of thrones

She still looks fine.

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>that tongue

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“Jamie, look up ‘chimpanzee penis’ what’s the average length?”

They could never do this today

I'll get this out of the way for ease.

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dat tummy

Like a really famously excellent one.

The Gift. Good film, as it happens.

A lot of women in prison movies have scenes like that, except sometimes even more gratuitous and licentious. I doubt anything like this could be shown today though.

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Zoomers also have access to endless porn online, unlike when Crocodile Dundee came out. I'm not sure the need is there anymore for any typical movie.

now her tits belong on that chart, if she was an actress . Excellent pair

Who would you add to a seventh column?

>no pair of 7/10, most under
Shameful, porn has the real best tits, not actresses

This is exactly the kind of schlock I live for. I don't care what anyone says, this is the kind of far out cinema magic that was lost on us past the 90's when everything became cynical to a fault.

>rogan's dreams.webm

Those are anti-gravity tits.

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Blacked: Origins

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thanks user

im gonna give it to Lizzy Caplan

Perky, sport and small. Perfect!

I thought it was from an old movie though. Kinda dissapointed.

top kek
btw he has a nice butt in that scene

I have that on hdd. No idea Katie was even in it nevermind nude


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But she's flat as a board.

I only realised in adulthood why I liked George of The Jungle and Tarzan so much as a kid.

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>almost 200 posts
Son I am disappoint
You're not a man until Mathilda has stirred your loins

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>pedo shit
fuck off

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>not having the unrated version
I feel sorry for you family

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Rachel Brosnahan in Marvelous Miss Maisel, shockingly great tits

Attached: Marvelous.webm (1086x1336, 2.86M)

Furry faggot!

She's clearly going through puberty, so not pedo.

The pasta works because she is hot. It wouldn't be nearly as funny is she was ugly.

Pisses me off that Campbell didn't go topless too. Instead she waited like 13 years until she was old and flappy

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U gay bro?

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I have the unrated version of Eurotrip, is that enough cred?

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And no fakes among them.

is this a jojo reference

I don’t remember this

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who doesn't belong

anyone else remember this teenager kino?

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That's not a chimp, that's an orangutan. Big males have huge cheeks so that one is either a very young one or a female.

>doesn't have the unrated version with the sex scene
My condolences.

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Holy shit I didn't know she had such HEAVY looking tits

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Olivia Hussey is a teenager there too.
OP confirmed for party vanned.

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>Talking about all thongs and shit like that in general

I'm a dude who has worn thongs (men's and women's), and they can be comfortable

if you're flossing with it, it's too small

This was always too contrived to be hot. Why was she just standing there, half holding a towel only enough to see most of her tit, but covering up her nipple for some reason? It's a really obviously phony "get the actress to show her boob but not all of it" staging.

Why don't A-list actresses take roles specifically as jerk off material anymore?

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rejoice o man in thy youth

On the other hand, big tit.

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Super incredibly gay and homosexual.

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Julianna Guill's tits simply cannot be beaten. And we will never get to see them again

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I always forget Brendan Fraser looked like that.

nothing gets me harder than women being casually sexual or accidentally sexual in the "real" world - that being when they are not really aroused or trying to be sexy, I.E not the bedroom or porn state of mind where they are hyper sexual, showing off shit tons of skin, trying to moan and all that other shit

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have sex

yeah the bitch is hot, but this is a pretty creepy commercial.

Imagine the genders reversed , some buff hairy construction worker wearing only tightie whities walks into a little girls room while she's playing with ponies. he starts flexing and slowly undressing while offering her the latest MLP doll? would be creepy as fuck desu

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I always get rock hard with this scene

Happier days to be sure.

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This. Have had at least five normies tell me this was their first fap. JLC is pure boner fuel in this I don't care what anyone says.

Jesus fucking Christ.
Should I just pay a prostitute pals? Legit question here.




Just stop allowing "consent" to cockblock you.

Because its disgusting. Id rather see a nice shaved vagina. Than a mass of pubes with a slit.

>tfw last two gfs said thank god you shave when they pulled down my pants

Apparently alot of dudes are keeping afros down their.

the creepiness all depends on how receptive the girl is

How can Arnold be so alpha that even the best pasta on the internet is his?


Is she?

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Pretty easy to tell when a young girl wants it.


Not really

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>that top left corner

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my nigger

>be 8 or 9 watching adventures in babysitting for the first time with parents
>see shue for the first time
>"dad shes pretty i want to kiss her"
>"we all do user we all do"
>mom throws the remote and hits him the chest

I still remember that all these years later

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>laugh track plays in the background

They're perfect

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Goldie hawn is one of the few women ive ever seen who i dont find physically attractive, but her personality and charisma make me rock hard.

I watched for the wrestling

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user words dont do you justice..

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u wot

I dont go down on a girl unless she has a nice looking one. Which is a shame because i love doing it. But the amount of blown out vags is ridiculous.

That was one of those "childhood me found this scene incredibly erotic without really understanding it" scenes.

Are they real?

>mfw her dad was on set watching while she filmed that scene

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More like turned kids into autists you cringey furcuck

>they don't fellate the organ itself; they put their mouth just on the wound and suck the blood out, which is still disgusting.
This is stupid logic. The wound is on your cock, and they put the mouth on the wound, then SUCK YOUR WOUND. But that's ok, they're just sucking for blood, you getting your baby cock sucked by an elderly man is just a positive side effect.

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Thora Birch is only 16 here, so if you find that attractive, you're a pedo

Jennifer Tilly can make me rock hard just by talking.
She's a bombshell on top of that.

reminder that there's a blatant blowjob reference in this movie



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>pedos ruining another thread




Right here burazer.

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based and crotchsockpilled


Thankfully I don't, because she's ugly as fuck.

i'm all in user

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I still can't believe they put this in a kids movie. Really confused me desu as a lad


except she's clearly saying, "you mean like this"

someone failed lip reading class

I'm not into incontinent women.

This woman on everything she appeared in the 90s

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Amen to that.
T. Swimmer

>hes never walked into his bedroom and seen his gf coming out of the shower like this
>hes never had his gf drop the towel and say "why dont you bring that nice cock over here"

user get a girl im telling you even if she turns out insane. Moments like that are worth it.

Disgusting pancake tits

Women imply vaginas.
Unless I'm as wrong as you are using the word "pedo" for an attraction to pubescent females, they have vaginas.

lips that could suck the cock off a dick

Risky Business. The subway scene.

The absolute state of my childhood boner

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not a movie but wew lad all the same

Attached: 1541437661448.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

lucky god

>home alone in 7th grade
>she comes out in wcw
>decide to fap
>freak out because this weird goo shot out of me

Stacy Keibler made me a man.

They're all Witches and to them Children smell like rotten eggs + open sewage processing plant + putrifying meat so she's basically gagging / retching

you could go for an escort. you'd pay more but i think it would be the better experience

Attached: sniffhappy.webm (720x720, 1.28M)

yeah just spend around 200 for an hr and have a good time

escorts are prostitutes

Nigger I used to rewind the fuck out of that part, the tape might have even had tracking problems because I'd try to pause it right at that moment

But like you said she has a banging body to go with that sexy voice.

>for some reason black chicks who talk like dumb blonde bimbos turns me on
>found a website full of dumb valley girl black chicks who talk like dumb blonde bimbos

I can die happy

good shit. that tangerine dream soundtrack is fucking great too.

>female comedians

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You can't just become autistic you fucking mentally retarded faggot.

>I'd try to pause it right at that moment
At the floating bobs or the foot?

JU-ooh nice butt

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What turned me into a man.

What turned you into a.. well lets stay polite here, but you're not men.

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Damn, Don Cheadle's facial expressions are so subtle but convey so much


Found the n*gger

>t-t-t-top right

for me it was the power rangers tv series

Attached: power rangers.webm (682x465, 1.66M)

They seem to have guys doing similar poses in similar scenes
This isn't the full view btw; the mods would probably ban me for posting the full one

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>I have literally never touched a boob
rip me

Holy shit, I'd rather be a nigger than a faggot too much of a pussy to actually type NIGGER on an anonymous micronesian cockfighting enthusiast forum.

user, racism is against the rules on this board, please do not break the rules

What do women's brappers smell like bros?
I'm guessing they smell like vanilla with a hint of sweat.

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300+ replies and nobody mentions species... This board has a severe case of the gays

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yeah but you could make it like a date, going to a bar/restaurant and feel more normal instead of just picking a hoe up and having sex. Not an expert on this matter tho.

Don't you know paedos are A-OK if they are women?

Reminder, she's now a turbo SJW that does Ted talks about how problematic and sexist that show was and even specifically that gif

They smell like greasy shit.
Like you would expect an asshole to smell if you weren't pedestalizing pussy.


>What do women's brappers smell like bros?
Rub one finger against your asshole, rub another one inside your foreskin. Smell them together. A little like that

>some buff hairy construction worker
no, it would probably be a twink like bieber or timberlake in their 20s

Why not?

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did they draw her camel toe?

her tits look like knees

They smell like shit dumbass

Too small

chestlet detected

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Are you a cute virgin girl who wants a boyfriend by chance
If not fuck off roastie

For me it's Ana de Armas

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fug, I never realized Trini had such a good brapper also:
>Jason in the back looking like a dweeb

Hahahha you fat greasy bastard.

Is this what real sex is like?

they're not small


Attached: ana de armas 04.webm (960x518, 645K)

Hugo doing God's work

Most perfect tits

Attached: Katie Holmes titties.webm (1400x788, 3M)


Send me the link voicebro

How many times do you think they allowed him to "accidentally" fuck up the scene?

she's saying 'want some crêpes?' look it up it's true

Yea they are

that is still referring to her bouncing her tits around

The daddario scene in true detective cures the gay
You can even see her snatch if you ramp up the brightness
outtie, biggest letdown ever

fuck that wonky aspect ratio lad

Jesus, she used to be so perfect

Attached: mfw.png (625x480, 455K)

everything is a JoJo reference

Attached: 5gJIFUD.jpg (1440x900, 86K)