Godzilla:King of the Monsters is coming on May 31st.
You can discuss other Kaiju related films too.
>Long Live The King
>Intimidation TV Spot:
Godzilla:King of the Monsters is coming on May 31st.
You can discuss other Kaiju related films too.
>Long Live The King
>Intimidation TV Spot:
Other urls found in this thread:
Kaiju rule
How do you make Godzilla more appealing to an international market?
And why does Toho suck at this?
>talk with friends about Godzilla
>they think it's "pretentious stupid shit"
>then talk about Endgame
>they are excited for it
Why? Just why?
Are the Toho Godzilla films worth watching? Which and how should I watch?
>shitty Marvel and Star Wars bait threads get 300 replies
>comfy Goji threads die
It's not fair
What does kaiju mean?
"strange beast"
Here is a good guide
It means "strange beast". Been used in old folklore, became synonymous with monster movies. Technically these are "daikaiju"(large strange beast) movies
Depends on the day and time of day. Plenty of these threads make it to 300
Is he mid chad stride
Spoilers when?
where have you been bud?
This is thw first time I post here
And they take the whole day to reach that. Which is partly why they are so comfy
>tfw Megalon and Hedorah were the first ones you watched
Normalfags with shit taste.
A cool one billion for the king!
Thoughts on O'Shea Jackson Jr?
I wish
$400 million
30 bucks
750 million $
Will Yea Forums get Godzilla merch?
>tfw it's almost time
Best cinematic universe ever
I haven’t bought toys since I was 10 but I’d totally buy this
Always in for Zilla threads!
That's a "adult" toy
i was thinking about picking up a couple of the old movies posters
i thought people generally really liked the first movie
am i mistaken? could this flop?
Godzilla is pretentious to normies? The day of the rope can't come soon enough.
I already have some
Well fuck why'd my phone flip it. Goddamnit this is why I hate browsing from work
Ignore him. The first movie was well received besides the lack of Godzilla screentime, and Kong Skull Island did well too. There's a lot of hype for this movie
>no Neca King Ghidorah planned period
What did Toho mean by this
nothing, neca said theyre not doing it because it would cost too much but meanwhile a 300 dollar+ hulk 1/4 scale isnt too much, how about that huge alien queen, how about any 1/4 scale figure, how about the pacific rim otachi figure? the true reason is that they know if their prices come close to sh monsterarts, no one will buy their lesser quality stuff
Perspective on the furthest head is way off
The issue is that to keep it in scale with the other Godzilla figures it'd mean their Ghidorah would be around the same price as the SHMA one. Which kinda defeats the purpose
Not sure how to answer that first one. I've always thought if you liked something as it is, you can like it regardless of origin. Changing it to appeal to more people can work in some ways, but as it is you can just as easily alienate the fans of what that thing was to begin with. In other words, if you want to make Godzilla more appealing to wider, international audiences, you'll likely need to change it to such a degree that it will no longer be considered a Godzilla story/movie. As an example, you don't need to change the Marvel or DC movies to let Chinese theaters play or enjoy them. The same could be said, albeit a smaller degree, to pretty much anything.
As for that second one, Japan has just always sucked at marketing
I’ve got a lot of friends to go different showings with me. I’m giving the theatre all my sheckles for this movie.
>only 69 days until Godzilla: King of the Monsters
Hope it's good. The trailers for the previous movie were some of the most hype shit preceding a film debut... And ended up being more exciting than the fucking film. These new trailers look great, but I'll be damned if I get excited again. Cautiously optimistic.
Based Zilla poster.
Shin gojira is shit
Utterly plebeian taste detected
t. Yea Forumsnimefag who only likes Anno
Here's a more up to date one. General kaiju chart to follow.
If you think Shin Gojira is a film about Godzilla and go in refusing to think of it otherwise then you are going to be sorely disappointed
Funny, I didn't say Shin Godzilla was good or bad in my post. I didn't even mention it. Are we projecting?
Also, I enjoyed it, but its international marketing was abysmal compared to what Legendary is doing. Great movies can have bad marketing, and vice versa, and I think that's a reason why in the current era Godzilla still isn't as internationally popular as some of the biggest movies right now. Little to do directly with quality.
Some are good some are dog shit. The graph that user linked you really helped me this summer while I was watching them
>Godzilla '14 was painfully mediocre at best
>Skull Island was meh
Nah. It doesn't have a legitimately good movie yet.
Who else cried at the end of Godzilla vs Destoroyah?
At least they've leaked the Godzilla vs Kong design
Capeshitter illiterate faggot detected
Whynot make a good goji cartoon like the 98' tie in one?
I love the 98' film. No hate
I liked them both, also you're gay
Disney kys
2014 was decent. Skull Island was great. I'd say it's 1.5 for 2 so far.
What would Yea Forums do for Monsterverse if Godzilla is out? Use Cthulhu? More Kong films? Original monsters? Lesser known kaiju?
Look at that toy pic
Kind of obvious that Goji is going meltdown mode after this movie
Not during the film? Like beginning or middle? I'm not familiar with lore.
No way, that's a terrible idea. I could see some more Kong films, but I can't think of a solo story that would make sense after he fights Godzilla. Some other kaiju could work in further movies, a Mothra prequel similar to Skull Island could work.
Why? Cthulhu could make sense as a kaiju. No crazy abilities like Lovecraft lore though.
Cthulhu as a normal kaiju that flies is cool. He could control the sea though.
Gojira is kino. Bless this thread.
Anyone remember the Hannah Barbera cartoon?
New trailer/tv spot at kids choice awards
I've always wanted a good 2D Godzilla anime or Western cartoon, at least at that quality level. A tie-in to Shin would probably be better than a sequel, or perhaps an anime that picks up after Final Wars, or set between the Monsterverse movies if you wanted a tie-in to the movies. I'd prefer an original series with its own story and not restricted to film canon, but I'm alright with any it it's good and 2D.
Sad that the best animated Godzilla is the TriStar series. Not that the series is bad, but Japan should be all over that shit.
Goji? Goji?
original monsters just to see what Legendary comes up with
What about hannah barbera one?
Rampage crossover
500 million
The trailer has very few views
Original western cartoon would be great,animation like thundercats reboot would be kino. Or Megas XLR style
>Rampage crossover
Fuck no, Rampage is to Kong what Kong is to Godzilla
They'd be absolute jobbers
You're proving my point. You like Anno, not Gojira.
What other Kaiju shows/comics/videogames should be adapted to the big screen?
Anyone remember Duncan firebreather?
They supercharge him in this movie, but it's very likely that he'll be in Burning mode for the whole of GvsK
Monster movies but in the medieval times
Godzilla scooby doo crossover when?
Post goji memes
>Shin Godzilla
That design looks cool. He((She?) It!)) looks like the original Godzilla that survived the oxygen destroying devices, and is still trying to heal the wounds that keep disintegrating.
Oh wait, this Godzilla is a complete remake, and is not even a character, but a Mcguffin for political commentary and criticisms. This godzilla had no personality, no anger. The director tried to make Go-Ji-Ra scary by making the monster random, unreadable, and dangerous like a natural disaster, but he just made it look and act autistic, only Sperging out when people start hurting it because it's "different and misunderstood"
>'Member Fukushima? Ooh. Ooh. I remember! >'Member the Earthquake that caused the Fukushima disaster?
Goddamnit, who thought giving Shin Godzilla googley eyes was a good idea?
>How do you make Godzilla more appealing to an international market?
By making Godzilla destroy more non-Japanese cities
>San Francisco
>San Francisco
I like political satire user
The 'muh Anno' argument is stupid
Hannah Barbera one kind of sucks. It's fun and goofy, but honestly it never interested me beyond a curious glance. In retrospect it's a weaker version of the TriStar animated series.
I agree. I know eastern studios by name more than Western, but if I chose a Western animated studio or style, it'd be something like the guys who did that animated Van Helsing movie back in 2004, or the Castlevania series on Netflix. For anime, I'd probably go with 8Bit, the guys who worked on Infinite Stratos and the new Slime anime.
I'd hesitate to suggest 3D, I'm more of a 2D guy, but I'd make an exception if ILM did it in a similar style as Rango.
What odd choices for cities
The first movie had Honolulu this will have Boston. Among others more traditional cities for monsters to destroy those are rather new. Paris have never been properly destroyed in a monster movie. Many cities in Godzilla movies had only cameos and it's always fun when monsters destroy recognizable landmarks. Legendary series has some original locations like the Philippines or the Antarctic. Making the story feel bigger. Bigger than ever before in old Toho movies. That's why I hope they're allowed to keep the series going.
I'm surprised it never happened, Hanna Barbara had the rights to the cartoon for a while, didnt' they?
Is he dropping a poop?
That's still a pretty poor excuse not to do one. Honestly I'm sure they'll change their minds after the movie is released and makes mad cash at the box office.
As for the price, most SHMA value lies in their articulation and engineering scheme. But for a figure like Ghidorah less is sometimes more.
NECA can easily reduce the articulation in the necks and legs, add 2 strong hinge joints to the wings to ensure stability, and sell it for $90 a pop.
stupid wojakposter
Anything new on this?
If there is one there's not much excitement about it so probably nothing new. Nothing new until the premiere I think.
Well part of me is really glad they aren’t giving away the movie in the trailers. Other part of me just wants to see sweet ass trailers to get even more hype for the premiere.
nazi cyborg monster, dresden bombing was a cover up to kill it
Monster movies have to work extra hard to be profitable. Godzilla marketing department must be working overtime and even though the interest seems to be considerate it still doesn't guarantee success. If I was tasked with carrying on with monster movies after the rights to Godzilla and others expire I'd have to do some dudebro movie like Rampage. Something with mass appeal. If I could do whatever I really wanted to see I'd do a movie featuring American monsters from the 50s (which would probably be impossible due to rights Rhedosaurus is WB so there's no problem but the Blob is Paramount).
>2014 was decent
Decent in what sense? Everyone allowed to give good performances was axed early, the plot was weak even by blockbuster standards, and what little action there is gets cut away from excessively or is difficult to see until the very end when it doesn't matter. World-building doesn't save it because the scope is limited and what we do get is generic.
>Oh wait, this Godzilla is a complete remake, and is not even a character, but a Mcguffin for political commentary and criticisms.
You make that sound like a bad thing.
Why are Godzilla fans so weird?
>hat they know if their prices come close to sh monsterarts, no one will buy their lesser quality stuff
That's some major stupidity coming from you. Please fuck off and die now. Monsterarts "quality" isn't worth shit anyway.
That is a bad thing you Annofag. If you want it, go watch one, don't try to turn this time honored franchise into it by destroying tradition.
Never, Toho refuses to have Godzilla crossover with American properties anymore. They feel it's a bad look for the brand
Having your own main cities destroyed by Godzilla is considered an honor, especially the degenerate ones. Imagine the merchandising user
It's bigger in scope than all previous movies even though DAM and Final Wars had technically more locations. At least after that unnecessary cut during the Honolulu sequence all action is the way it should be including the military scenes that these days are usually pretty generic.
Painfully shitpilled. Please use your brain instead of just shitting your pants at the sight of change.
>2014 was decent
The movie really lost a lot of interest when Bryan Cranston died. Well that was my family/friends said. They really only watched it because the "Malcolm in the Middle"/"Breaking Bad" guy was in it
The city closest to mine that was ever destroyed (by a monster I mean) is Copenhagen, in the movie Reptilicus. The Danes could afford it but no one else wanted to try. I certainly approve of more variety. Boston is weird enough already. It has some skyscrappers but relatively small (and certainly boring looking) but in these type of movies we sometimes see the monsters destroy other type of landmarks like train stations.
Get that annopill out of your rectum. Godzilla was whored out because Toho didn't want to get surpassed by Warner Bros and they let a methhead design the monster into an Evangelion/Cloverfield abomination, which was a really bad idea
>Godzilla getting fatter ever
My penis thanks you
I'm gonna be different and say he wasn't even that good in the movie he just had the same crying face throughout and that was getting old already. Maybe if I saw his shows I'd also claim he was the best thing about the movie just because I saw him.
>It's bigger in scope than all previous movies
It isn't. The focus is narrow. Very rarely do we see outside of the main guy's perspective and he's a total waste of space. I wanted to see how the rest of the world responded to the news of rampaging monsters.
If you unironically think the right looks good, please leave this board
Godzilla assumed many forms in the past but some historians claim that Shin Godzilla betrayed the spirit of the original Honda's vision because it was too nationalistic for their tastes. It's a very simplistic view the movies were never consistent on their message regarding military and the movies were changing according to contemporary politics (positive in the 60s, cold war angle in the 80s).
>Being scared by thunderthighs
And KotM will make it even bigger. We already know about this international organization visiting all these places over the world now we will see more of their bases. But it's not just the number of locations, Final Wars had them even more. It's how they're important to the story and at least Monarch ties them together. This time they will be the main human characters so the movie will probably be more focused.
>don't try to turn this time honored franchise into it by destroying tradition
Your claim is dependent on a few incorrect assumptions. 1) That Godzilla has ever only been a single consistent thing in both character and type of film. 2) The franchise was in a desirable position prior to Anno's film.
Because a lot of fans want to see Godzilla destroy everything, monsters, military, and buildings alike. Everyone liked him because they see him as Earth's guardian destroying any man or monster threatening her.
Shin Godzilla was too artificial and soulless like an autistic child in a department store
2014 Godzilla was a little too bro tier for my tastes, but he's passable, especially if WB intended this Godzilla to be grown up from Minilla who drank Saki with underage teenagers under a bridge
I bet you thought 2014 was a good movie, too.
It was...serviceable
Monsters > Power Gap > Godzilla 2014
The right looks better and more like Godzilla than the one on the left.
Godzilla hasn't ever only been a single consistent thing, but he has consistently been a character, which he is not in Shin. And the franchise was in a great position prior to Anno, it's been severely compromised by Shin. It's them pulling The Last Jedi on the loyal fanbase by trying to attract faglords with shit taste with first Shin and then the Anime disaster.
>And the franchise was in a great position prior to Anno
Godzilla was culturally irrelevant and creatively stagnant franchise before Anno. It had been run into the ground and 2014 did little to change that.
Only a very vocal Western minority had any notable distaste for Shin Godzilla. It was biggest success the Japanese side of the franchise had enjoyed since the 60s.
>It was biggest success the Japanese side of the franchise had enjoyed since the 60s.
With a bubblegum and paperclip budget, anything can be successful with a popular brand
>and 2014 did little to change that.
Good that there's still some steam in the franchise after many months of hearing how in Japan monster movies are not taken seriously or even liked. But it's Legendary who should be credited with giving Godzilla more popularity than ever before. Just like a couple years earliers it got a boost with the release of original movies on American market. Or in the 50s with the release of Godzilla - King of the Monsters. Export and wide release this is how Godzilla can expand as a brand.
I concur. 2014 did a lot to bring back the excitement for a lot of people I know.
You're right and Toho made Shin to leech off the Western success
Weird. I guess that's why the several Godzilla movies before it were commerical and critical disappointments or failures that led to Toho retiring the franchise for a decade.
Correct. 2014 did lukewarm business in both Japan and the US. Toho was already planning a revival before 2014.
It was a good movie.
Anyone know where I can watch the Rebirth of Mothra movies?
Fucking right my man.
Why not "KKK/Kaiju Kino Klub"
I actually really like the Rodan and Mothra designs they went with
Me too. They're proper reimaginings of the classic designs
What these guys said.
It made more money and publicity than Shin did lmao. And it wasn't run into the ground, it was a classic franchise with many beloved entries.
>no bluray releases of the non godzilla toho films
You know some people were actually upset about the long legged Mothra? Weird. Toy images seem to indicate she looks more like a Monarch Butterfly in terms of color
Watch Shin Godzilla
Some people just don't like change. Personally, I love that they took some inspiration from wasps and mantises for her new design. Makes her look a lot more combat-able while still keeping a sort of feminine, regal look to her.
>Toy images seem to indicate she looks more like a Monarch Butterfly in terms of color
She does, and is bioluminescent which is why she can glow blue and even has a blinding god ray ability
It's hard to say whether the SHMA or NECA is more accurate, but it seems like the NECA at the very least used concept art as its basis for her wing coloration
Who /finalwars/ here?
Would have liked it if she had a bigger body and head, and was furrier. The rest is fine, she's just so small
Tokyo SOS is top fun. One of my top favorites.
Kiryu two-parter is the true anime Godzilla we got.
>It made more money and publicity than Shin did lmao.
I hope a Hollywood blockbuster (with more money thrown at production alone than a Japanese film cost to market and produce) made more money. Though gross isn't necessarily an indication of quality and it would make more sense to compare 2014 to its Hollywood competition (in which case that $529 million is nothing special).
>it wasn't run into the ground
Godzilla was a dead franchise not too long ago. There's a reason for that huge gap between Final Wars and 2014.
I can't wait.
Don't listen to the faggots in here. Shin Godzilla is easily the best Godzilla film since the original Gojira (non-Raymond Burr edition)
If she's too bulky then it'll look less like she's able to fight properly. That's why they moved away from the Cecropia moth/Royal walnut moth look to a more wasp mimic moth look. Also, the original Mothra was pretty petite to begin with.
I don't think it make more than $700 million unless it performs very well internationally
Them! isn't a kaiju movie by any standard. And that's the wrong Host movie. What a dumb chart.
>Them! isn't a kaiju movie by any standard
>a movie about giant irradiated ants attacking isn't a kaiju movie
>Original Ghidorah in Final Wars
Wait, what?
I don't know where they come from.
>Godzilla was a dead franchise not too long ago. There's a reason for that huge gap between Final Wars and 2014.
user, they always end one era and give Godzilla several years rest before starting a new one. That's Godzilla 101, brochacho.
They're elephant sized at most, have you even seen the movie?
>They're elephant sized at most
And? Kaiju don't have to be hundreds of feet tall to be considered kaiju.
>have you even seen the movie?
I have.
Not him but I've seen Them! numerous times. It can be considered Kaiju just like King Kong can be considered the OG Kaiju.
Thanks for pointing that out, accidentally chose the wrong poster on the site when I made it. Here's a fixed version
>They're elephant sized at most
How many elephant-sized ants have you seen in your day-to-day life, user?
The only gap that wasn't a response to troubles at box office was the one between Godzilla Raids Again and King Kong vs Godzilla. The Millennium series was a dire time for the franchise. The director of Final Wars said it best when he explained how Godzilla was viewed as a niche for NEETS that neither adults or kids thought fondly of.
She actually looks like she could fuck shit up. I don’t get the hate at all. It’s a great redesign.
>The only gap that wasn't a response to troubles at box office was the one between Godzilla Raids Again and King Kong vs Godzilla.
Those were only the 2nd and 3rd movies. Godzilla wasn't even seen as a bigger box office draw than King Kong in Japan at the time.
I also noticed that Japan interrupts those planned breaks whenever the US makes a Godzilla film. They usually make one of the better films in the Toho franchise when they do this. Godzilla 2000 and Shin Godzilla are two of the best entries in the entire series.
I like the new Mothra design. She looks like a sleek battle version of the original without compromising too much of the original style.
>Godzilla wasn't even seen as a bigger box office draw than King Kong in Japan at the time.
Those first 3 movies are still the most successful Japanese movies adjusted for inflation.
But most breaks were the result of poor performances at box office. Megalon and Terror of MechaGodzilla did bad and thus the break between Showa and Heisei. Every Millennium Godzilla except for GMK either disappointed or flopped.
>Those first 3 movies are still the most successful Japanese movies adjusted for inflation.
I thought Shin did extremely well in Japan and won several awards at the Japanese version of the Oscars, including Best Picture.
>But most breaks were the result of poor performances at box office. Megalon and Terror of MechaGodzilla did bad and thus the break between Showa and Heisei. Every Millennium Godzilla except for GMK either disappointed or flopped.
I'm a huge Godzilla nerd and actually did not know this. I appreciate the info.
Scenes from a pachinko game.
>I thought Shin did extremely well in Japan and won several awards at the Japanese version of the Oscars, including Best Picture.
Shin Godzilla did exceptionally well. Adjusted for inflation and if you don't count reissues, Shin Godzilla is the 4th most successful Japanese film. Critically, it's the most successful film in the franchise. It got tons of awards and most fairly prestigious.
>Critically, it's the most successful film in the franchise
It totalllllly didn't ride the coattails of another movie
What does that have to do with anything? And I suppose you're oblivious to the facts that Toho was going to revive Godzilla around 2014 with or without an American film and approached Anno before the writing on Godzilla 2014 was even finished?
>In December 2014, Toho announced plans for a new Godzilla film targeted for a 2016 release, stating, "This is very good timing after the success of the American version this year: if not now, then when?
Based burgers helping foreign countries with their own problems, yet again. American hype and Nippon nationalism/competition got the Toho Godzilla spinoff going
Sure, Toho took advantage of the exposure. They did the same thing after Godzilla 1998 and had far less of an incentive to do so. But notice the link says Toho announced plans for a reboot in 2014. They approached Anno in January 2013 and naturally had plans on the table before that, which lines up perfectly with the goal for reviving the series after having let it rest for a decade after Godzilla Final Wars. And, as we would later discover, a Toho film could not be worked on while a Legendary Godzilla film was in active production.
I only lurk these threads normally, but what you posted is just so retarded I had to post, he used the 2014 film to convince ppl to finance shin, its bizarre that you can't see this, the only reason toho, and by extension anno made a godzilla film was because of burger interest, literally the only reason that film exists is because of 2014, get your head out of your ass faggot
They have contacted him with plans for the Godzilla remake at that time, but the film's major development only occurred after the release of the 2014 flick
The subtle dialogue (if it's translated properly, which is probably not as fucking always) hints that they were still on the fence about releasing another Godzilla film at all.
Truthfully it really explains the shift of the script after the UN starts discussing nuking Godzilla. Except for the absolute end, the final battle played it safe with as a traditional Godzilla climax, music and everything
All good in their own ways. Simple as
Yea Forums needs to get over its raging hate boner for Shin.
don't ever go to Yea Forums but shin sucks plain and simple, that atomic breath scene was kinda cool, guess they have that
>he used the 2014 film to convince ppl to finance shin, its bizarre that you can't see this, the only reason toho, and by extension anno made a godzilla film was because of burger interest,
That's odd since Toho cared so little about how Shin Godzilla did outside of Japan and it ignores Toho's own stated goals. Had 2014 not materialized there was more than likely still going to be a Godzilla film. 2014 doing well was just extra incentive. But it still has nothing to do with how Shin Godzilla was received.
>Toho's own stated goals
>stated goals
I mean really? r u serious?
Toho approached Anno in January 2013. He didn't accept the offer until May 2013. He submitted his script in June 2013. Higuchi later admitted Toho could not make their own live-action Godzilla film while Legendary was working on one. Godzilla 2014 started principal production around the same time I believe. Legendary had already missed the original 2012 release date and it seems Toho was making plans to fill the 50th anniversary if the Legendary project did not come together in time. The decision to make Skull Island instead of a proper sequel to Godzilla 2014 gave Toho the opportunity to make Anno's film.
The international angle is something Anno would do. It's present in his own works.
so? to summarize the only reason shin exists is because of 2014, and I wish Shin was better I really do, but it isn't
>the only reason shin exists is because of 2014
What's with you and absolutes? Toho's actions seem to suggest they were putting serious thought into producing their own movie if Legendary failed to make the 2014 release date. But once Godzilla 2014 entered actual production in late 2013, they were contractually restricted from working on their own live-action film until Legendary completed 2014 or its sequel if they had elected to immediately pursue it. Yeah, Godzilla 2014 demonstrated Godzilla was still a viable property. But it isn't the only reason Toho got back into producing Godzilla films. Back in 2004 they said they were taking a ten year break and they kept their word.
It's pretty obvious that they wanted a Godzilla Race, but letting Legendary go first to test the waters and examine their works was a shot on their own foot. It really shows their lack of confidence of their own production
>Toho was making plans to fill the 50th anniversary if the Legendary project did not come together in time
It would've been a 1-1 modernized remake with a by-the-books director had Legendary scrapped. When the Western Godzilla released with much success, that was when Anno's script was selected and immediately put to work. Higuchi also really wanted his Godzilla to be scarier, edgier, and TALLER
>design the monster into an Evangelion/Cloverfield abomination,
The fuck outta here with that bullshit, when I saw the shin design it immiediately reminded me of the suit from the '64 vs Mothra, especially the face
>you see Rodan, we simply cannot let king Ghidorah exterminate humans like they're ants, we must do something
>So why did you just sit and watch while Ghidorah blasted that black neighborhood with lightning?
>I said we'd protect HUMANS, Rodan
It's nice to know that raimi still finds work
I would love gamera to be redone. GAMERA VS LEGION with today's special effects would be absolutely great.
Grand Goji Gathering of the Gutsy Godzilla Guards in Gloriously Great Glamour
It wasn't run into the ground, are you actually retarded or something? Unlike some companies like Marvel, they do take breaks every once in a while. Do you not know the history of the franchise? They did the same in 1974, did that make it a dead franchise? Or when they took a break in 1995? 2004 was just another planned ten year break. You really shouldn't talk about things you know nothing about.
>there are people that dont like this
They planned for it to be a sendoff for another ten years even before the box office results came in, you pillock
How would do Yea Forums a Godzilla american film? Remake of he 54' film? Original take? Who would you cast? Story?
>The Godzilla AA defense mechanism
It's shit like this that makes me think this Godzilla is just a Giant Biomech with genetically modified human/zilla hybrids as operators
It would be a late sequel to the first Godzilla. Have the '54 Godzilla resurrected by an eco-terrorist death cult and fight the '14 Godzilla. '54 would be like Deadpool trying to heal itself while the contamination from the previous fight with the scientist is continuously destroying it's flesh. This Godzilla would have bony arms, a wittled tail, and uncomprehending rage and only reason for living is to destroy Mankind while '14 is bros with Man.
Too bad people are obsessed with remakes and reimaginings while perfectly good material back then are still perfect foundations for a story, but a person can still dream
So,let's see which classic monster movies could fit in the monsterverse? Them!? The beast from 20000 fanthoms?
I would love if Toho and Legendary did a serious Zilla movie because I love Zilla's design....NO HATE TO ZILLA!
didnt toho put zilla in a movie just to have godzilla effortlessly kill it
Yes...but IDW did Zilla justice! The IDW Godzilla comics are really good.
Rhedosaurus is from WB too so Legendary can theretically put all famous movie monsters in one movie. They have so many new one in KotM if I could I'd definitely put Rhedosaurus in there as well. He really deserves it even though he was the reason Ray Harryhausen disliked Godzilla.
Let's not turn Godzilla into an autistic circlejerk please.
I honestly thought someone shooped this so he'd look like he's peeing on the volcano.
It's been full of Gatekeeping, NotMyGodzilla and Toho Suicide Watch or Maybe Not for a long while
It's pretty fun actually
Ray Harryhausen is a genius though. His effects are better than Toho's.
Toho is just butthurt because '98 had soul. The movie was way ahead of its time
I will only concede that when I watched Godzilla 2000 it felt so generic and basic that even though I liked Godzilla's design and I knew it was the real deal I couldn't say it was better than "Godzilla" 98 as a movie and I feel guilty. But I haven't seen 98 in years and it's much longer and a bigger chore so of course Godzilla 2000 or any Godzilla movie is a much better way to spend your time.
The guys who animated Castlevania would need a shitton of budget though, because C was choppy as hell.
>Mothra on her way to steal your bf
can't she steal me instead?
Let's be real anyone who watches Godzila films is there for the King, and ULTRA FREAKIN LASERS
Sure, why not?
gorgo remake when?
It was a way better movie than people realize. It was cheesy, but pre 9/11 was always cheesy. I honestly loved the design of the 1998 Godzilla, because it was flexible, dangerous looking, and threatening to mankind.
When I say this Godzilla is flexible, I mean that it's new, mysterious, and unknown. Realistically, this monster is more akin to a young adult and would eventually enough grow older into the more traditional Godzilla we all know and love. Seriously this Godzilla is a much better representation of the younger Godzilla than Japan's Minilla
Even the Higuchi and Anno saw some brilliance in the film, and made some triple digit IQ references to it in Shin Godzilla
>Remake of the 54' film?
I will remake the 1998 Godzilla, mark my words