If I started a bachelor's degree I wouldn't finish till I was 26...

If I started a bachelor's degree I wouldn't finish till I was 26. Anyone else regret NEETing all these years I'm so far behind the norm.

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i'm turning 29 next week

>26 you'd still be a baby. Quit being a bitch and get started.

>Yea Forums - Television & Film

>tfw 24 and having the exams i should have had at 19

Literally who cares

who are you quoting?

I'm getting my bachelor's before I'm 30 at least. Feels good man

I'm in my last year of master's and I unironically wish I NEETed all those years

I'm 29 and still in school. Though I have my own business, but yeah, I want it for show.

>he'd only be 26

>tfw 24 years old and don't even have a GED yet

Just think of how popular you'll be with all the students who want you to buy liquor for them.

Fuck off reddit.


By 26 you should have already graduated with a fucking Master's.

How do you people fuck up your lives so badly?

Military service.
26 is still young. I turn 26 this year. Trust me just get your bachelors

which television or film does this pertain?

My life has been decimated by depression and anxiety.

Bro, I got a bachelor's degree and I haven't used it in any way. It also took me 7 years to get because I went through a lot of shit during that time that I won't get into, and it left me with 50,000 dollars in debt. I wish I wouldn't have gone. I'd be better off. Be thankful you don't have student loan debt.

>stinky little neet sneaks out of his bedroom at 1pm
>the coward is very excited parents at work till 6pm has the house to himself
>this creepy little wimp, full piss jar in hand, and belly rumbling for tendies emerges into the kichen
>”look who’s out of his cave!”
>it’s alive”
>the subhuman forgot it was Saturday! Whole family is over for a birthday party!
>”hey user, how’s the job hunt? You still doing those movie reviews?”
>”>user, whats in that jar...?”
>the loser slinks back upstairs and hops on the chan to frantically shitpost the party away

I really regret not rolling a warlock. Mages fucking suck

In Europe it's pretty normal, half the people on the course will be in their late 20's or older. I would say going to university straight away at 18 is a bad choice, most of them stop going to lectures after a couple of weeks and spend the whole time partying, which you can do without spending a shit ton of money on a degree you were never sure about in the first place.

This plus other mental health problems.

Finally beginning to admit I want something more than this so I'm thinking about trying to learn something that'll get me a good job. I've got no qualifications or experience so I'm thinking learning a skill and doing volunteer work would be a good start. Problem is I'm borderline retarded and haven't attempted anything that resembles hard work once in my entire life.

>classmates are 19 or 20 at their oldest
Well at least I did dodge a fucking bullet getting my shit together so soon

But I want to work in the federal government and the only way in these days is their national graduate program.

It's time for you to start lifting or let yourself be weighed down.

26 isn't that bad imo
I'd say 25 is when you should have your life sorted, 26 is only one year after

>Yea Forums - Some Faggot's Personal Blog

>tfw some first-year at my uni killed himself last week by jumping off of a 8-story balcony to the foyer

Translation: "I'm a lazy faggot and too much of a fuck up coward to take any personal responsibility for my pathetic life."

I dropped out of school at 14, didn't go back into any education until I was 19, I did certificates and shit for a couple of years. 23 now and volunteer and trying to get my drivers license then maybe go back to school because I'm not having much luck finding work with no friends, I never talk to people my age in real life, I get anxiety.

I do lift. Do you assume that I would not be mentally ill if I lifted?

Sounds based, wish I had the courage to do that

I'm about to graduate in May and I'm 22. Don't do it, College is for the birds stay NEET as long as you can

I had a coworker who switch careers at 45, from a marketing associate to an actuary. Never too old to learn imho

I don't, I would be even more tired and depressed by now otherwise. Fuck normies btw.

Okay then, keep lifting.

Heyyyyy coward whatchya going to do when mommy n daddy die?

>caring about social norms
it does not matter when you're done. all that matters is that you find something that justifies your existence.
the "when are you gonna get a real job"-people suffer 5 days a week to have 2 days off, and spend more time during those 2 days dreading monday than actually enjoying their free time.

then they get a kid so they can have something to give them a sense of purpose in life, and then they get depressed when they're 50 and their kids have moved out because they have no idea who they are

just ask yourself, do you like the average person? probably not right, so why would you wanna be like them, and live like them?

Thanks man you're right I go out of my way to avoid people.



How do you find something that justifies your existence?

>19-23 military
>24-26 Bachelors
>27-28 Masters

desu, I can't find a fucking job and I just deleted my master's degree from my resume.

So do something about it, user. You have to want to get better. Stop hiding behind those excuses

T.somebody who did the same thing from 18-24

>started a trade apprenticeship at 26
>won't be qualified to take my journeyman licensing exam until I'm 31





Find what you enjoy doing and do that. If you dont have the money then work a shit job until you have enough money saved up to pursue what you really want to do.

Do what?

Keep at it, homie. Proud of you

I got out of college at 27 after finishing a PhD. 9 years of college in total. During that time I made 0 friends, and had 0 gfs. In undergrad, there were two guys that I hung out with a grand total of once outside of class. In grad school, I occasionally hung out with two of the guys in the lab, but it was generally during "school hours," i.e. we'd leave the lab to go for lunch or a movie. Now, I'm stuck in a job I hate surrounded by people older than me that are all married/with children/in long term relationships. My social contact outside of work is 0, and outside of Yea Forums, I don't communicate with anyone about anything other than work.

What I'm getting at is that school or NEET, it doesn't matter. There's nothing left in my life driving my forward. For a while school was enough but even that started losing meaning towards the end and I completed it just out of spite more than anything else. If you don't want your life to feel meaningless then do your best to develop some meaningful relationships. How? Don't ask me. I clearly failed at that, but I now fully realize their importance.

should I roll a mage or druid? do you think I could DPS as a druid or would I be a healbot?

I feel like if you have to rely on other people to fulfill your purpose you are doing it wrong. I don't fucking know though. I'm in the same situation as you but I only have a Master's and no job.

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Lmao imagine being this much of a drone letting ''the norm'' guide your entire pathetic life because you are incapable of original thought.

Start going to the gym. Join a club. Take general classes at a local community college class. Practice self control (nofap, cutting down on vidya, weed, etc). Obviously don’t want to try too much at once but over time you’ll start noticing a difference if you put forth the effort


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My point about the kids was that if you tie your existential foundation to them, one they no longer need you, and that time will come, you'll be left in limbo with a job that likely doesn't interest, but you kept in the interest of your family and likely no hobbies or passions to fill the void.
Find a job that actually interests you, that's far more important than making a lot of money


I kind of hate mages due to mainly being water vendors and am leaning towards warlock, but I hate anything with pet maintenance. Shapeshifting seems cool though.

Julius Caesar didnt start his political career until he was 31.

If you feel bad about not doing it now, imagine how bad you'll feel about not doing it in 10 years.
Get over yourself and just do it. I finished my bachelor's when I was 24. No regrets

It's kind of a subjective thing. Really it's about finding whatever makes life worth living for you. For some people it's about feeling like you're contributing something to society, or the world. For some it's about being there for your family and friends. For some it's simply about just having a good enough time and enjoying your life enough to justify the suffering.

You’re describing what you would do if you had a job and responsibilities. I love my job, only get burned out every now and then and when that happens I take a couple days off with leave. I love the weekends spending time with my kids, and I look forward to work mondays.

What's the point in getting an education when the economy will just collapse soon anyway? Even if it somehow won't collapse by some magical feat, what's the fucking point then? So you can get a good job and a wife and some generic faggot children? What then? So they can repeat the same fucking cycle?

It's all so tiresome. The world is getting worse and worse each day and somehow people are pretending like everything's fine.

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he was also stabbed to death

I came to realize that the true point in life is to live for those around you that you care about and that care about you in turn. People dedicate their entire lives to their careers, and are successful by every imaginable measure, only to end up shooting themselves in the head. There's a reason why the suicide rates are higher for professionals than proles. You dedicate your entire life to pursuing only things that benefit you directly but then wake up and realize that you don't have anything that makes you happy. You make a lot of money, but don't spend it on anything because there's nothing you desire. The same thing goes for PUA or "playboys." They spend their youth chasing girls for that dopamine rush after they get them in the bed, but then they realize that they have nothing to show for it. All their relationships last a day and no one is interested in sticking around.

We are social creatures by nature. I denied it myself for years, but eventually it hits you and you come to realize there's nothing to look forward to. My entire youth I've been focused on just making money. Now, I'm sitting on about $100k in liquid cash and two properties. Now a millionaire by any stretch, but it's enough to get by for at least a few years. The problem? There's nothing I want anymore. My computer is over a decade old. Same goes for my TV. I don't play games anymore. Outside of work I'm either on Yea Forums, weightlifting, or wandering around aimlessly in forest preserves. If I found out that I'm terminally ill then I wouldn't even despair for a second because there's really nothing I'm looking forward to. Hell, knowing that I'll die in a year or two would be more merciful than expecting to have to endure another 30 years or so.

how are shamans? could I dps as enhancement spec?

I won’t finish my chem PhD until I’m 27. There are much more lucrative fields to get into than mine as well. 26 is peanuts. You have the luxury of being that much wiser in your years and knowing exactly what you want. Want money? Do finance, computers, or engineering.


Fucking hate all these normies who can't reisst the urge to bitch about their privileged lives

Come work in the oilfield with me. I make $110,000/yr with no degree. Fuck college

it can't be that simple, can it?

These are the worst trips I've seen. Ain't checking them

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the Chad trips of truth
the Virgin trips of conformism

Not him but usually COL in oilfield towns in ridiculously high. In my county everyone and their grandma knows someone who went out to Midland-Odessa to work the oilfields but what they dont tell you is you'll be paying $1600/mo for a 1br apartment

What kind of country are you living in, finland?

I'm 25, graduated a 4 year bachelor last year. Currently on a one year NEET and it feels so good.

>Not being a post-grad earning a PhD scholarship by your mid-20's.

The fuck do you pathetic coons do all day? Just sit around and jerk off to faggot porn? Go do something with yourself instead of being pathetic sad cunts whining about "baww muh depression".

So? Live like a scrub for a few years and put a ton of that sweet salary into savings. Then move somewhere else if you really want.

>still a NEET
but why

>Want money? Do finance, computers, or engineering.
Do not go into engineering if you want money. It does not compare to what you'd make working in finance or with computers (CS or IT). It's also significantly more difficult to find a job because everyone expects you to have experience since all you learn in school is theory. Almost nothing practical.

Most of Europe?

Why not?

If I ever got to the point where I even had a basic salary I would be able to have so much money that it's almost not even funny. My living expenses are as minuscule as possible because I'm not interested in anything. Over 90% of every paycheck I get wouldn't even be used. I just can't get to the point of even having a decent salary though so it's all lost on me.

>its better to be a NEET before getting a degree
Not for me, I was even offered a job after graduating but I ignored the email.

Fiance jobs take years to actually pay well and you have to work crazy long hours. The company basically owns you.

just got ganked in redridge by an undead rogue fag. I fucking hate these camping horde retards.

I'm 30 and I have nothing. No degree, no job, no money. You'll make it.

WoW is a dead gaem

I went to university at the normal time but I won't start my first graduate job until 28


I have two degrees. One in Biology and one in Business Information Systems. Can't get any decent paid job. I'm working in HR at the moment and hardly make more than minimum wage.


>Started community college at 25
>two years later on my way to getting my associates
>Haven't meet anyone my age, everyone in my classes are fresh out of high school
>Can't connect with anyone

It's not like I don't try to socialize but have you ever interacted with an 18-20 year old these days? It's legit awful.

Are you trying to say you kept failing and repeated many of the classes?


i wish i had a good job

>Haven't meet anyone my age, everyone in my classes are fresh out of high school
>Can't connect with anyone
I have to disagree with this, there's this guy who is 2 years older than us and he tried his very best to fit in, I mean really tried. There's one thing I noticed these old farts have, experience. They seem to able to do things faster and with a better perception when it comes to tasks, something that only with age you'll get.

>being a post grad cuck
working is so much better both mentally and financially than doing a masters/phd. 5 years in industry will give you more leverage for jobs than a masters will

based and redpilled

>based and redpilled
There's nothing based or redpilled about that post,

guys should I tame a boar or a cat? cat has high dps but the charge ability on boars seems useful for leveling.

1.) im not wh*te enough to make a living in the permian basin without carrying to work every day or something
2.) im already kind of locked into a trade apprenticeship with my local union and I dont know if I should/could/would throw that opportunity away, even if its in lieu of more money

A masters is worthwhile to get if you can't get a good job offer out of undergrad. If the classes align properly you can get a coursework only masters in 1 to 1.5 years. PhD is a waste of time, and this is coming from someone with a PhD. Almost no one in the industry cares about it, and almost no one considers it an equivalent of experience. You're looked at as if you were a fresh grad coming out of a PhD.

I’ll be 25 by the time I’ve finished mine. I got a good job at 18 so never bothered going, my job was going well until I laughed at some balding boomer faggot for making a dirty comment to a 16 year old apprentice. Got sacked after that because he reported me for not listening to him. Been coasting since.


I'm 28. You will always feel that you're now too old to begin something that you should have started sooner. Overcome that mindset. I jokingly tell friends that I'm younger now than I was at 21. If you want to attain a degree, go for it; coming out at 26 years old is still very young, and you will have plenty of time to develop into a better version of yourself. Just go for something that will help you attain a lucrative career. Good luck, user--and any other anons feeling the same pressure.

I'm finishing mine at the age of 33. Germanfag here. I gonna become a therapist so age isnt really an issue but fuck you for making me feel bad again.

No, I always did well in education. I just kept failing graduate job interviews due to being an ugly non-posh beta. Though I did have retailcuck jobs and one good job between graduation and now

>A masters is worthwhile to get if you can't get a good job offer out of undergrad
I went 8 months before getting a job, and seriously considered a masters after being NEET so long. but I love how stress-free work is relative to college, and having a steady source of income is so much better than being a poor student

Literally me. The only reason why I have a job now is because they gave me a shit offer and I'm overqualified for it. I tried finding a better job but always get dropped after the second phone interview.

I miss being a need. Only time when I didn't want to off myself. Fuck school and fuck work

I eventually managed to pass those but I was never convincing enough in interviews. My next job will be good though

This might sound like a dumb or silly question, but at what age in our current society is "too old" to go back to college? I'm the trade apprentice user ITT and I'm planning to try and get a bachelors after I become a licensed journeyman but by then I'll be 30-31 years old. I'd try and start doing some summer courses or some online shit right now but I dont want to jeopardize my progress in my apprenticeship classroom instruction since im a bit of a brainlet

I wish I would feel the same, but work is more stressful for me than college was. Yeah, exams sucked but I was pretty good about buckling down and preparing. It only became easier later on when there was a lot of overlap between classes.

At work I'm constantly thrown deadlines and tasks I've never done before with zero formal training. I'm also expected to maintain a certain level of billability (think consulting where you charge your time at work to various projects). All this thrown at me and it's killing me in terms of anxiety.

Better than being 27 or 28 or... just get off your ass and do a degree now if you actually want to do one. The more you put it off, the less likely you’ll ever do it.

I learned to get passed HR, but somehow always fuck up with the hiring managers. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I think I'm too reserved/honest instead of saying yes to everything they ask.

>wasting time getting a masters

Also OP you got this far without it just do something else.

finished mine at 25. Just fucking do it man, you'll regret not doing it right now.

Didn't finish my bachelor's until I was 28 and finished my masters just before I turned 31 a couple months ago. Not really a big deal. I was in the army so I got started late.

What is your degree?

Arts and the Social Sciences

I graduated with a bachelors at 23 back in 2013 and I've only ever had two barely above minimum wage jobs since then, and I'm back to being a NEET for almost 2 years at this point and I'm 29.

Social media marketing at Staffordshire Uni

Finished mine at 35. Got a good job programming making 105k a year. I did A LOT of bullshitting to get here though

Hahahahaha ya that’s pretty much it

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there's definitely stress at work, but the stress evaporates once I clock out, whereas during college I would be stressed every time an assignment or exam was coming up. during exam season, I would be pretty much maxed out stress wise for 2 weeks straight, along with chugging coffee and energy drinks just to make it. if I fuck up an exam, I could fail out of my program and essentially waste $10-20k having to redo my semester. if I fuck up at work, chances are I'll get talked to by a manager and move on. at work, your peers want you to succeed, since it makes their lives easier as well, so there's way more resources vs. college, where profs intentionally fuck people over to meet their 65% pass rate. and worst case getting fired, I'd just get a new job

>Social Sciences
that's not science

Yea, currently accounting degree until age 27. It sucks, but then again there’s not many poor, unemployed accountants, so...

Bail asap. No joke. Got that shit at 22, and it amounted to nothing. Go into some specific business or stem or nothing at all. Really, not trying to be a dick, just trying to save you all the same bullshit I went through

Starting salary is shit tier until you have all the professional exams done and about 4-5 years experience. But then you will get paid well.

my fellow bruddah

Why did you do that? You're not supposed to go to uni if you're over 22. Now you're saddled with debt and will still get passed over for someone 5 years younger than you with the same qualifications.

I want to teach English in Seoul but I don't want to be lumped in with the rest of the cretins that do it. I have a masters in English literature and speak fluent Korean. Hoping to find a job as an English professor, pay is much better and I’m actually teaching people who want to be there.
Blogpost over

At 26 I graduated with a masters and 3 years of work experience

Thats the goal. Thanks for the tip

Collage is stupid, I was there for 3 days and didn’t even learned how to spell it correctly

... and when no-one cares about you?

>you're supposed to live by following a year to year formula
Shut the fuck up

If you learn programming and dedicate to it, there is a job for you out there, i promise.. literally #learntocode, it's a goldmine

I finished undergrad at 27 and law school at 31. Will make almost $300k this year. You can still make it.