Where did the giant hole in his chest go? If he self healed, shouldn't he have just woken up on his own?
Where did the giant hole in his chest go? If he self healed, shouldn't he have just woken up on his own?
I'm just glad someone is trying to make chest hair okay again
He was probably going to wake up on his own anyway. Don’t you remember the end of BVS? The dirt around his grave started floating because he was alive.
>Where did the giant hole in his chest go? If he self healed, shouldn't he have just woken up on his own?
He was supposed too, but two directors and all that.
holy crap
based Cavill not shaving his chest
>tfw just grow hair all over instead of aesthetically like based cavill
imagine owning the rights to superman and batman, the two most famous superheroes of all time (with only spider-man competing) and just straight up can't make it work... meanwhile your competition is just pulling out superheroes nobody even knew or cared about like black panther and make it a billion dollar franchise.
Holy fuck this is disgusting, delete this
Yeah but did based Snyder even shoot that? From what I can gather, this was his scene & the only change they did was making it daylight in post.
Yeah, and that would've made a hell of a lot more sense than a magic box. Esp when they knew he got nuked in orbit & still lived. Sit his body out in the sun.
The same place where Batman's distrust for metahumans went
please lift
delete this
It regenerated when the box kicked in.
what's wrong with his nose though
>Listen, maw. I get my powers from the sun, so if I ever "die", just throw my dead ass into the yard for a while with weekend at Bernie's shades
>Buries him
Once I make some progress in PT, I will
do you have a disease or just really bad at photoshop?
The Original scene was explained. It's because of the codex he was able to come back. Hera told her son to ressurect him using the mother box. She said the codex inside of him had regenerated him. He was only still dead even though his cells never died.
Yes has the worst disease of all, americanitis
It's fucking hideous
Personally, I don’t think he was ever *technically dead. To kill a Kryptonian, you have to break their nervous system. We see Clark do that very thing twice - once when he snaps Zod’s neck, again when he shoves the spear through Doomsday’s spine. That big outrush of energy when Doomsday died was the pent-up energy of his supercharged aura being released. The aura is tied to their nervous systems.
I filled it with my love.
why do you care about his chest?
i want to lick his other hole
Even so. The miracle here was supposed to be the codex sustaining him in a kind of reviveable death. The mother Box then hits him with world breaker energy that revives him.
Why don't you?