Good morning user! I made instant noodles for breakfast

>Good morning user! I made instant noodles for breakfast

What do you do?

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>carbs for breakfast
lol no

report cunnyspam like i always do

>What do you do?
Wake up, because no women find me attractive or desirable or even tolerable

piss in her mouth

give her a good beating for being annoying.

>Instant noodles for Breakfast

White women were a mistake

put my face in her cock

>noodles for breakfast
>what do you do

Attached: tatsu.gif (500x269, 896K)



>tfw no skade gf

Attached: skade.webm (480x852, 1.5M)

Is this some actress cunt? I don't recognize her ugly face.

Do you people really consider this good looking?

Attached: 1547878522305.jpg (960x960, 168K)

>plucked eyebrows

every nordic girl is at least a 7/10

Attached: Thea-Sofie-Loch-Næss-Feet-3847526.jpg (1080x1080, 97K)

I'd say learn to cook and suck my dick whore

I'm not into Nordic girls but she really makes my heart melt.

I make her slurp the bowl of noodles clean of the floor while I smash and then take her out for breakfast ofc

>those curves

Wonder where my gf that actually makes breakfast is but not before fuggin that

do I have to be a refugee to have a chance

>ugly ass dogs instead of white babies

This ape is someone waifu

id wonder why this bitch is trying to give me a sodium bomb for breakfast