Can we take a moment and appreciate the best scene in the cinemá of all time?

Can we take a moment and appreciate the best scene in the cinemá of all time?

Attached: 1553322826685.webm (980x408, 2.86M)

more slapstick violence from Zahler?

that's not the trench run in star wars episode VII


Of all characters in this film, THIS FUCKING N-WORD was the most unlikable

"Dude some autists with machine guns are aiming at me, even if the police comes they will probably just shoot us all, instead of keeping it cool and escaping with my life let's fuck it up"

Cheap garbage, I can't believe people actually like this dogshit.

Also I cannot believe this is the same guy that directed Cell Block 99 and Bone Tomahawk, because both of those were great.


What movie? Looks like ass.

Dragged Across Concrete

Attached: dragged-across-concrete-cover.jpg (1200x600, 134K)

>because both of those were great.

Attached: Brawl in Cell Block 99.webm (900x484, 2.83M)

I love Zahler so much.

Attached: 1488658642290.jpg (650x1000, 119K)

>I love (((Zahler))) so much

Attached: fags to the left of me, pack of niggers to the right of me, here I am stuck in the middle with jews. (1280x720, 1.83M)

is this a comedy?

Oh Jesus. I was thinking of watching it. Guess it's DROPPED

Literally everywhere. It's out on VoD.

This is so fucking bad. You losers enjoy this? Fuck the shills who call this movie great.

What the fuck is this shit? Is this woman the one who play Dexter's sister in the TV series? Why is this so bad?

this looks like accidental kino

A jew that works with a person deemed persona non grata in hollywood specifically because of "antisemitic remarks" doesn't seem like the kind of person that would bother bringing forward the jew agenda.

That's right Mr. Goldberg

Attached: gibson9n-5-web.jpg (750x1125, 69K)

is this a tim and eric sketch?

isn't that the black guy from key and peele?

is this supposed to be poorly choreographed? cause they did a good job if its supposed to be a homage to shitty movies or whatever

>dude it's supposed to be shit

>That fighting game round start look-alike pose off when they both decide to throw punches
This isn't a parody?

Attached: 1.png (188x202, 25K)

it was a pretty effective gut punch to get the point across that the masked dudes don't fuck around whatsoever and are brutal killers.

it was a little weird that they went from robbing convenience stores for chump change, to pulling off a flawless gigantic gold heist, to cowering in the back of their van and getting killed by a dude with a revolver. and the gang banger who just got out of prison can precision shoot a leg and a gun at 25+ yards with a small pistol? alright.

movie's not realistic at all but it was a fun, gruesome ride and that's zahler's goal.

Why did that bitch even make a sudden move like that? It's like she wanted to die.

Without knowing what this is from and lacking any context, I'm assuming this is supposed to be a joke, like a tribute to over-the-top B-movies or something? I mean, her hand just disappears.

What the fuck did he even shoot? She turned out to be alive after that.

she showed that she's not exactly in the most rational mindset because she's leaving her babby alone for the first time since birth. so she wanted the dumb nigger to not ruin everything, and thought stopping him from pressing send would make her not die in her irrational mindset.

Where does her right hand go?

it asploded

Pretty much this.

Not what jail fights look like at all.

The end battle of Blackhat is way more accurate, albiet not in a jail setting

Based. No one likes niggers.


Stop acting like you know what jail fights look like you shut in incel

It's literally a grindhouse movie with a modern coat of paint.
Absolutely fucking great and I wish it was longer didn't feel 2 and a half hours long.
People shit on this and cell block 99 but they are fantastic slow burn gritty autistic revenge porn and it's fucking satisfying.
Bone tomahawk is still his best movie overall but these latest two are fantastic in their own right.
Shot caller starred up and bronson are obviously huge influences and this movie is all the better for it.
Mel was fantastic as usual and actually gave a decent performance surprisingly with tonnes of racism sexism nigger bombs anti govt/police and social justice shit as well
Dunno if this movie director is a redpilled tard but he based Mel is based the entire movie is a fucking trip bants between Vince and gibbo are authentic cinematography is fantastic effects are all practical.
Only weak points is the lack of characterizaton for the bad guys but doesn't hurt the movie at all since they are just fodder.
Had some nice twists too I won't spoil it.
10/10 grindhouse kino if you liked his other movies and shit like hobo with a shotgun machete early quentin tarintino movies as well as gritty 50s-00s cop kino you'll like this
Just don't go into it expecting anything else other than max payne meets la noire with a healthy dose of nuwave blacksploitation it's great everyone is a horrible asshole

Attached: Nigger_B8.jpg (468x307, 18K)

I don't see the Bronson influence at all and I love both films

I genuinely believe the director was shilling this movie when it came out. So many threads obviously made by the same person

nvm i got confused lmao. The hostage was the clerk.

I actually do, sweetie.


The themes of a tamed animal (mc/modern man) trapped in a decaying society is a pretty big influence.
Also stylistically not directly
Just saying they are similar films imho not sure if either director mirrin each other.
On that topic when will we get more gosling Jake gylnhaul Nicolas winding refn autistic slasher depression kino

I shilled that movie and I totally didn't make it hahaha
>doesn't post the best scene in the movie because a guys head getting kicked off down a hole would get u banned
Faggot zoomer

>Just don't go into it expecting anything else
why is this particular line always used by retards with sub 70 IQs to justify their horrible manbaby taste in movies?

yep one of the most blatant cases of shilling in Yea Forums history, even worse than the Joker or Alita stuff

So just because I like something you don't means you can shit on me for distilling my opinions down on something.
Your doing the exact same thing about me in your badly written asinine edgy arse post mate
Fuck off and get some taste.
Infinity war part 2 comes out soon bet you can't wait.
Meanwhile brainfus like me can appreciate gritty dumb shit like this and happy dumb shit like mcu dc etc.
Alita deserves its shilling tho its unironically one of the best anime adaptations and has jc himself ghost directing/cg
As for the joker it's literally not even out yet?

God I swear this board gets dumber every God damn post
>DURR I don't like x politics in my y movie I gotta take sides.
Meanwhile I'm a massive racist who faps exclusively to mixed women watches as much lefty shitty crap like the orville and right wing garbage like op
Holy fuck you morons think anyone cares about your shit opinions especially on here? It's like shitting into a sea full of shit

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funny how every time a zahler flick comes out the threads are chock full of plebs shitting it up with webms out of context and accusations of shilling. in a few weeks they'll move on to whatever capeshit is out and the threads will be almost unanimously positive.

>itt: Mel Shit-son shillers seething
>b-but Zahler makes movies like this, he's so original hurr

Now there's some bullet impact not the NZ bullshit.

that is Emily Rose, she had an exorcism when she was young. it seems the Vatican sent their special forces because the demon came back but they handle things differently than priest!

yikes sweaty, wake up and smell the flowers already.

>people will call this "better than capeshit"

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kys you balding kike

Attached: 220px-ZahlerVeniceFilmFestival2017.jpg (220x297, 16K)

This is worse than John Wick


>plebs unironically calling this and OP's movie kino

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>dude, it's just a pleb filter

Sure, it may be out of context, but it still looks like ass. Care to elaborate on that? Is it meant to be ironic? Like b-movies, straight to VOD?

is that John Malkovich? wtf, what movie is that

Where did you do time? What was your DOC #? Charges?

County doesn't count you fuck boy, they are two different worlds. Your bitch ass wouldn't last a week.

my point is that when people started posting those webms back when the movie first came out, there was a huge divide between people who had actually seen the movie and people who had only seen the webms and judged the quality solely on that. sound design plays an important role in the overall experience. it was like if you booted up a PC game, set the graphic settings to the shittiest possible level and then complained that the game looked like ass. now if you watch the movie and still hate that the fight scenes aren't on the same level as the raid films or something i don't know what to tell you. go watch those i guess.

Vince Vaughn Brawl in Cell Block 99

>it was like if you booted up a PC game, set the graphic settings to the shittiest possible level and then complained that the game looked like ass
this is a terrible analogy, at least it's not a food one though
>now if you watch the movie and still hate that the fight scenes
I believe I will.

Film is a visual medium

a painting on the wall is a visual medium. modern film is audio/visual.

visual comes first and if it sucks - the audio won't save it