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Other urls found in this thread:

i hate to see a man cry

she has rejected Logos

Twitter is currently banning people for sharing this clip.

I can't stand listening to the people behind the camera recording stuff.


i thought they would have successfully purged all incorrect thought by now

Who? Some nutty yank? Moaning about trump?

Because it's all over for her. Imagine you spent two years wining and dining with New York elite liberals and getting complimented on a job well done. It's over.

Her audience was duped. She duped herself. It will only go downhill from here.

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shit taste
like best part

He really should have listened to the potion seller.

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You can leave now

Wait, so what's the story? What exactly did she do to destroy her credibility?

It's interesting how I can't find this clip when I search it on Jewtube

Eat my shit, boy.

nothing, she will reload and be back flogging the next big drumpf story next week

false reporting on air everyday since 2016

She spent years making up imaginary links to Russia for it to fizzle out completely.

What will realistically happen now? There's legitimate proof all these news organizations have been lying for years. Something has to happen right?

she managed to get a guy to bring out trump's tax returns from years ago on live TV and it turns out he pays(ed) more than Obama and Bernie sanders

Muh Rissian collusion

>she has rejected Logos

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You're still here? Shoo!

idunno. it's probably russian troll farms that do these non-argument rhetorical liberal bashing threads. I'm pretty sure they do a lot of the "trans arent gay" and cuck life posting too. probably trying to make non-slav western males somehow even more faggy.

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shut the fuck up Jordan

>Something has to happen right?
Man I wish I was 15 and optimistic again.

Ah, I see. Thanks, anons. Just looked it up myself. Trump is cleared, the Russian Collusion turned out to be the dumb PR campaign we expected it to be, and... some new enemy will be conjured up for the world to fight for the next two years next week. Got it.

I'm not political, but the last few years have made me fucking hate liberals.


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Nothing will happen because "media freedom" is pushed to the limits. Whatever you do the media is seen as suppression no matter how many lies they tell, whether directly or by omission.

>she managed to get a guy to bring out trump's tax returns from years ago on live TV and it turns out he pays(ed) mo
Jeez I forgot about that one

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clean your room . webm

>i've doing a lot of thinking lately

Malice is my twitterfu

He's the only person who should be allowed to use Twitter as far as I'm concerned.

quick rundown?


>"Leave Mueller to me"

What did he mean by this?

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But then who would he roast?

So this is essentially BUT HER EMAILS but for liberals

She's not crying because Trump won't go to jail, she's crying because deep down inside she knows she's a complete fraud that peddled insane conspiracy theories for the last two years

I think it's really telling how important it was for the left to get Trump. The put their entire efforts into it. Heck they even convinced bob woodward to talk about it incessantly. But to be honest there is something about bob woodward I haven't trusted. I can't help but wonder if bob woodward and bernstein were just lucky they feel into the entire watergate scandal.

Giving Malice roasting material is, in my opinion, Twitter's only legitimate function.

Take your pills schizo

Who's gonna play this man in the inevitable biopic?

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If you think Trump had no ties to Moscow throughout the election and before, you're a shilling cultist. There is more than enough evidence of collusion from the campaign all the way to his family. Quit trying to obfuscate the truth, you faggots, and just admit that your golden meme god is a criminal. He has been since at least the 1980s

oh no no no

>when you bank the entirety of the last three years of your existence on shrieking about a case that only existed in the first place because a buttblasted losing party made it up in its death throws to try and save face, only to have it turn out, shockingly, that it never actually happened and was all bullshit
I'm surprised the meltdowns haven't been crazier honestly.

weird headcanon tbqh

keep swinging

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So is trump cleared? the only thing i can find is "muhler presents his report"

Kino as fuck

holy kek

Except Hillary bleached thousands of emails, there was no russian collusion except for hallucinations in the mind of salty libtard losers

they'll have completely forgotten about this by next week

The same thing that happened to everyone that pushed trough the lies about the disastrous Iraq war. Nothing. No one paid a price. They still make the rounds on FOX and MSNBC giving their expertise and insight on daily political affairs. A lot of them went into the Trump admin.

And Mueller who was key in lying about the WMDs became the progressive messiah.Well for a while

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>y2k over
>the end of the world never comes

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If you think Trump has ties to Moscow, you're a shilling cultist.

>Western "Freedom of Speech"
How fucking pathetic are you guys lmao. Seriously this is way beyond Orwellian.

Technically nobody's read the report yet, but he's not recommended any further indictments, which everybody, left and right, is taking to mean that he didn't find anything. So yes, he's cleared, except some people are calling Meuhler a Russian agent now.


two years of "top security experts," and "anonymous sources," and "FBI agents" and it was all a load of bullshit.


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She should have chosen a different path.

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>you're a shilling cultist
Has the nerve to call everyone this

The worst thing they could say about Alex Jones was that some of the Sandy Hook parents were allegedly harassed by his viewers because he claimed it was a false flag.

Rachel Maddow tried her hardest every day to peddle bullshit conspiracy theories that prevented Trump from fixing relationships with the biggest nuclear power, not only that she fought every day to make them worse. A lot more dangerous than Alex Jones, yet the american public is brainwashed and have no grasp on reality .

You will never be a woman

>Watching a dyke cry on air because it turns out the president did not in fact sell out his country to Russians
>American news in 2019.

What the fuck

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How about the fact too that liberals now believe Don Jr is literally some kind of criminal mastermind who is seconds away from being indicted? The dude has 3 kids I believe.

>remember that we get a fresh dose of outrage in 1.5 years

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Imagine being this retarded

They haven't really stopped attacking you guys since 2016. What's next? Rally shootings?

Logos are like symbols usually used for brands, like the fish lady is the logo of starbucks.

>The battle with Freeza has finally come to an end
>The Z Fighters earned their rest
>Peace has come to our world, but for how long?
>Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z!

It was pretty based of her to reveal that Trump paid a much higher tax rate than any of his opponents calling for his tax returns on live television.
Oh wait that was unintentional.

This. She along with the rest of these media scum fucks should be hanged.

Love /poltv/ threads

You mean when Yang wins?


Wow. I can't wait for 4 years of "Yang is a Chinese agent" TRUTH.

>What's next? Rally shootings?
Fuck! All it takes is one unhinged right winger to take a shot at a Democratic front runner and the left will go 12 megaton in the media with back-to-back reporting. The producers must be praying for anything at this point.

But if someone shoots Trump than that person will have a statue erected in his honor and a candlelight vigil.

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>mfw leftists are now jumping on the hopes that the southern new york district court will somehow be able to depose Trump

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>"But doctor..."

Will this lead to The Great Redpilling?

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Go dilate your axe wound.

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replace russia with israel and then you would actually be correct

No. It'll lead to some depression for them and keks for us. Then they'll move on to something else that they'll say has actually been the big all along and how we've always been at war with Eastasia and have always been allied to Eurasia.

Twitter by now is a liberal echo chamber where majority of vocal people are completely fucking delusional. I doubt it.

Honestly we wont know until the report is out.

I kind of doubt anything's going to come from it at this point since Mueller announced there would be no more indictments in the case.
at least I'm hoping so since I made a bet on it with a friend

The worst part is she wont be punished for this. She will likely lose ratings over it. But she wont lose her job.

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I remember republicans saying the same thing during the curiously brief investigation into hillary and her handling of classified info. Nothing's going to happen, just deal with it.

The media will drop it like a hot potato and ignore it as best they can and just go back to "he's an unhinged racist misogynist who doesn't know what he's doing and is destroying america and our reputation" bitching they've done in between the "impeachment any second now" reporting they've done. Then when the next democrat prasident is elected they'll all clap and pat themselves on the back for a job well done, insisting the nightmare is finally over while conveniently looking the other way over their chosen ones transgressions same as before.

The fact that after these past 3 years of shit Fox of all networks comes off as the only sane and fair one is absurd, but it's where we're at right now.

I dont think mueller actually said there wouldnt be anymore indictments. It was just some guy at the justice department that said that. Its why i think everyone is acting retarded we we literally dont know whats in the report and what steps the JD will take, if any.

No, they're in too deep now.

>crying on national television

I also shit in public squares so everyone can take a whiff.

>curiously brief investigation

It was 6 years

>meanwhile he can openly show off that he's a shameless Israeli puppet and nobody bats an eye

The minor fourth the major fifth...

Makes you think eh?

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look at this duude

>something has to happen right

You do know that it’s up to you right?

This says a lot about society

For real, everybody is jumping to conclusions and no one but Barr has read the damn thing yet

>It was 6 years
>who cares if the people under investigation literally destroyed evidence hammers
>or that subjects of the investigation were allowed to sit in on questioning of other subjects of the investigation in the capacity of an attorney
>or that the DoJ said that they'd follow the investigation's recommendations... Except when it was recommended to charge Clinton under gross negligence.
Oh don't get me wrong, political hay was made of it for years. But an actual, criminal investigation was done with a shit ton of irregularities and wrapped up quick as fuck.

Yeah bro. The jewish government is going to ask the jewish justice department to crack down on the jewish media

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>hurr twitter ban people post video hurrrrrrr
get a fucking grip lmao
the extent of how far you /pol/ bootlickers will go kek


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This is only because Trump did a U-turn and became the best goy. They would go after his son at least if he wasn't neck deep in swamp. You know it's true.


He backpeddled pretty hard on imigration and increased welfare for Israel even more.
He's basically a moderate democrat at this point.

Nice try moving the goal posts, faggot. The charge against him is that he is a puppet of the Kremlin and it's looking extremely likely that Mueller's report will turn up zero evidence. Stupid cunt Maddow was among those beating the drums of war and insisting that there was solid evidence of Trump's Kremlin ties and yet the report will end up showing that there is no evidence.

Consider this. If the evidence was so solid, how and why did the Speaker of the House, the compromised FBI, the CIA, and other committees in Washington D.C. allow a known KGB plant to remain in office for so long?

You and your ilk should self immolate.


and yet he hasn't opened the borders, hasn't disbanded our immigration and customs enforcement agency, or any myriad of other retarded dem policies