Post characters who's introduction would save the DCEU

post characters who's introduction would save the DCEU

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They already did captain marvel, dumbass

written and directed by james gunn

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>live action capeshit
Not even once. They would just cast shaniqua umbubyae nosferatu to play her, and there would be no boob window either.

Close enough

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livewire origin/solo movie

but is she a good character?

she's one of those "only as good as the writer" type of undefined characters. so they should stick to the gray/palmiotti run

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I like Power Girl. Her boob window is there because she doesn't have the S because she doesn't have hope. In most iterations she saw Krypton die and it scarred her mental.

3 deep for me but not for my penis baddump pssst

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I'd like to try to get into capeshit comics for titty monsters like Power Girl but I ain't got a clue where to start most of the time. Manga's way easier to get into.

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>Have super speed
>See someone about to get struck by lightning
>Jog over slowly to push her away

they'd have to hire a female director and it would all go to shit

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I haven't been up to date with comics for about a decade now but Power Girl really only had one memorable run back then and it was the Gray/Palmotti run.

Show him love DC

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Captain blonde w/ fat titties, thin waist and thicc ass comin through. Marvel would get steamrollt,.

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I'd very much doubt they'd adapt her faithfully to live-action, especially with that outfit. I mean I've never read any DC comic or watched any of the animated DC stuff but from what I've read of her attitude on Wikipedia, loads of petty people would probably get pissed off with her.


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God that Larkin love powergirl video makes me diamonds everytime

I like Power Girl because she's hot AND a good character.

But yeah, Power Trip by Connor and Palmiotti and Johns' JSA are the lion's share of her good stuff

Her being just slightly in-character made such a difference

>when she calls you Earth-boy

>peegee on screen
>in 2019

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and that can be found where?

it's collected in one volume called Power Trip. I found it at the library desu

Consider the following.

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>Shazam/Power Girl team up movie where Billy has to hide his boner everytime she's around him NEVER

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Think we´re doing fine so far.

Unless of course (((they))) don´t start niggering everybody again.

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I've been waiting for Genoscythe the Eye Raper for years now.

banter-filled buddy-cop flick when?

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Phantom Lady should get her own DC movie.

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She's preggo now and her tits got even bigger. Absolutely marvelous.

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I wish

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the only reeedeming choice.
Could compete with marvel's spiderman.

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The question

Played by alex jones

kek, this would unironically be kino

CIA, played by Idris Elba

>you will never watch Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker for the first time again

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