I though Chewbacca blasted Kylo in the stomach.
Why does he look unharmed here? Did lucasfilm just forget?
I though Chewbacca blasted Kylo in the stomach.
Why does he look unharmed here? Did lucasfilm just forget?
Man, V from Devil May Cry 5 sure got ripped.
Hitchcock didn’t have a belly button either
He got shot in the lower abdomen on the side. The high waisted pants are covering it. Some of them were slightly changed for aesthetic purposes like the facial scar but every wound he received in TFA is accounted for.
V looks like Kylo in appearance and Urizen is basically Kylo in character. It's like poetry
The moved his scar too. But hey, plotholes don't matter right?
why is he doing that white bitch thing where they pull their yoga pants up to their ribs to hide their belly/paunch?
V is twink/10, would invite him to a Bryan Singer birthday bash.
>minor aesthetic differences are plot holes
I guess it's a plot hole that Sheev looks different in every movie right? Oh wait DISNEY didnt make those so its ok
"He who desires, but acts not, breeds pestilence" -Zyzz
>quality control
>in a plastic uninspired toy-selling children's flick
Driver is V from DMC5 if V got doused in acid and whacked with the ugly stick
On a higher resolution image you can see the top of the scar sticking out on his left side.
Why they didn’t give him regular pants and have the huge scar part of their conversation instead of just a joke? Because the writer has the mentality of a child.
>Sheev looks different in every movie
He's an old fuck that aged like real people do and then got his face burned for like for over 20+ years. You fucking idiot. How retarded are you to try to make this comparison?
It's not a plot hole, you are right - it's not giving a shit about continuity. Rian altering the placement of the scar simply because he felt it looked cooler over his eye is a microcosm of the terrible decision making that has gone on throughout Disney's tenure of the Star Wars franchise.
He looks drastically different from ESB to RotJ, both in the original release with chimp lady and the 2004 release with Ian Mcdiarmid in his episode 3 makeup
But George is a good boi he dindu nuffin it's only bad when (((DI$NEY))) does it
Yeah changing a scar slightly so the actor can better emote and is generally more aesthetic is such a horrible choice because 0.5% of autistic virgin fanboys will get upset over MUH CONTINUITY
have sex
You are both retarded. These things don't matter. Star Wars is a movie made for little kids.
So why are you defending it faggot?
I am not. I am telling you to go outside and do something that matters.
You can barley even see his face in those holograms. And besides old man make up is not the same as a fucking big as scar that magicly moves in only two fucking days.
~Yawn. Whatever you say faggot. If you are that upset about someones criticism of a film you are defending it dumbass.
You are the one getting upset over a kids movie.
The scar is not a big deal when you consider some of the more glaring instances of complete incompetence like leia hugging the desert orphan she met an hour ago over chewie when han died
Why are incels like this?
Why are people still talking about this garbage movie? I didn't even last 30 minutes before having to turn it off.
>You're not a Jedi, Rey. A Jedi respects the silence that serves as the foundation of the Force
I know you are meming but I think this point is still worth talking about. You can defend almost all of the decisions made in the Disney movies as stylistic and or story choices. Upset that the original characters are relegated to cucky background characters? Well that's the direction they chose to go. Upset by the many problems with TLJ? Well they chose to do a different kind of star wars movie, diff direction ect. But there is no defending Leia hugging some girl who she literally just met over CHEWY after HAN SOLO just died. How do you defend that? You can't, and even JJ was forced to admit it was an overlooked mistake. You can hate or love the problems or directions of the new movies all you want But What this proves is they don't care. The people making star wars don't care about it so why should we?
Thank you based JJ, KK and rian for making me stop caring about children's films
Relax, rian. I'm talking about JJs movie
It's almost like they decided to try a different makeup design between films
Does the mouse provide a single script to all its shills?
Wow just like they did from TFA to TLJ
But its only bad when Disney does it
These films are awful. I dont remember anything