Fuck the Mountain

Fuck the Mountain

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thats ur mum's nickname

Fuck Game of Fags

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Do not use Rome to shitpost, it doesn't deserve that.

That's what your sister did



mental how badly this show jumped the shark

This actor is a cool Mexichad. He was great in Narcos


It killed off too many characters for shock value alone without introducing any new ones, it just feels empty now. A husk.

any good titties in the past 2 seasons?


My friends mom was really into this bisexual mutt back in the day. Since I burned the blurays for them to watch I burned one disk with just this guy screaming and getting his skull snapped open on repeat and gave it to my friend at school. My buddy said that night he heard his mom put in the disk and then she started screaming. Another roastie toastie'd.

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isn't that the king of the homeless from the other side of the wall? nice looking robes you wanker

my gender studies professor said that the scene where he fights the mountain is the result of suppressed homosexual rage and the expression of mountain's white privilege, which in the end destroys the closeted oberyn.

Maario Naharis

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inb4 not playing along with your larp makes me a roastie



>white man's privilege is being fucking HUGE
I wish I wasn't a manlet