To all the shills behind Scott Pilgrim

>"yes goy be a nice guy like Scott Pilgrim, no dont take the qt asian waifu go for the Stacey who took 100 dicks in her pussy instead, you can provide for her and fight off her Tyrone exes all by yourself!"

Seriously. Why is this (Scott Pilgrim) movie so jewish and gay?

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Other urls found in this thread:

movie is about people from toronto
toronto is canada's canada
needs to be purged with fire

The whole point is that Scott is the largest asshole in the series

Btw holy shit imagine being Riley and suddenly being deprived of fucking MEW

I couldn't figure out why anyone liked that movie? Is this the same one that came out a few years ago that all the tumblr faggots were excited for? That movie really sucked. I remember all the tech shows on G4 tech TV had a hard on for this series for some reason, and couldn't understand it at all.

>Scott Pilgrim
>nice guy
Scott is anything but nice in the comics. He is a giant piece of self centered shit.

it's a cautionary tale, don't take it at face value. He starts out ignorant of what matters and by the end he thinks he's found it out but still hasn't. He's not out of the Cave yet

>qt asian waifu
She was a frumpy dork


The Asian was just a budding Ramona though.

>obsessed with trendy boyfriends
>cuts and dyes her hair
>immediately bounces from one boyfriend to the next

The creator of Scott Pilgrim unknowingly created a parable of the soulless hell of modern relationships, where hurt bitches abused by shitty boyfriends emulate the whores before them in vain attempts to win back Chad. There were no good women in this whole movie.

Why wouldn't a jew want you to racemix?



>No black ex's
She's pretty based


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This movie is like 20 years old nobody has ever heard of it, kys grandpa

Why would you racemix with an Asian and create ugly hapa kids?

no white children > half white children

>I couldn't figure out why anyone liked that movie?
Seconding this. I watched it and I didn't get the hype. Everyone was like "haha lol geek culture right?" and I think didn't laugh a single time.

Amerimutts feel uncomfortable if they are not racemixing.

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Nah that’s exactly the point, everybody in the story is shitty.

That poster literally just said there are no good women, and yet you're mad at a god who purposely made you undesirable so those soulless women don't go near you? Sounds like he was looking out for you to make you this way.

Wtf is scott pilgrim? I’m 19 btw.

All I remember about this movie is going to see it in theaters and seeing like a five middle-aged women randomly walk out 20 minutes in.

it was quirky and had video game references
i read the comic before I watched the movie though. I actually kinda liked the movie better, comic was too complicated for what it was still good though.

its not even 10 years old

I'd rather never have been born than to live life being lonely

I remember reading the comic books - half of the cast was gay, everyone eating vegan food (even though only Vegan Ex was talking about this).
I remember thinking something like 'woah, they're really living a weird life in Toronto'

Who knew that in ~10 years this crowd will basically rule the discourse. I just want off the ride at this point.

No, they want a race of mongrels who will work for them and never say no, by racemixing and them having no culture.
Like chinese citizens.

Chad goes to the gym.
If you have a proper chin, you can become chad.
It's just millennials would rather kill themselves than put any effort into anything.

what do you do if you don't have a chin or a jawline?

yes goy don't marry a white woman

I think it was being pushed hard by G4 tech TV because they knew the people that were making the movie? Like how the gaming blogs will push shitty indie games and say they are 5/5 because their roomate made that shitty indy game. I remember when Scott Pilgrim the movie came out it was shilled hard, and I had never even heard of the comic at that time, but all the shows on G4 was pushing it hard. It was like a prequel to gamergate, because it showed how untrustworthy those shows were. I also liked how Leo Laporte (that old boomer faggot that had a tech show showing boomers how to use their cell phones on G4) attacked gamers during Gamergate and took the sides of the literally who's. That was hilarious too.

Then you are indeed fucked.

>Chad goes to the gym.
I have to have high(er) test to work out in the first place. Chad started out deadlifting 450lbs. I can barely deadlift ~175.


Then get higher test, that's done through excercise.

so what do I even do now?

I need high(er) test to start exercising in the first place

it must be a roastie movie because the entire concept of it is evil

The latest tactic of the jews is pushing racemixing with asians.
White women with blacks, white men with asians.

She'll get Tyrone offspring anyways

Then push through.
Holy shit, you need higher test?
Then get higher test.

C*nadians have no culture

No, people who racemix are a minority, specially among whites.
You are an agenda pusher, or a legitimate cuckold.
So, which one?

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>tfw went to the gym on monday
>did 4x8 squats 55lbs and 4x8 overhead presses 45lbs
>felt like I as going to faint and had to rest half an hour, didn't even get to do the bench presses or deadlifts
>body still hurts when i move
im too weak to get strong

adulthood is realizing ramona is a PUTA and yellow pussy is superior

He said women, user.

This film is gay lol

your whole passion seems geared toward what you want and can't have rather than using the gifts God did give you to serve others. ironically if you had more character you would probably have been laid a long-ass time ago. lol idiot in fact i'm positive that hell for people like you is being shown all the times you could have been laid if you weren't an entitled narcissist.

Soreness for that long is pretty average when starting out. Go again today and work out whatever's not sore.

Also eat more.

>im too weak to get strong
Are you fucking retarded?
Didn't they teach you biology at school?
When your body hurts it means that you are doing good.
If you do excercise and don't feel tired afterwards it means you haven't done shit.

No, that's a millennial thing because millennials are a generation of autistic people who are so incompetent that they have ruined relationships among their race.
Fortunately, this means that millennials will filter themselves out of the white race.
You are a generation of betas, it would be disastrious if the next generation of whites were educated by manchildren and whores like you.

>every piece of media consumed and advertised at people is filled with interracial propaganda
>people still don't fall for it and want their own kind instead
holy based genetics

>well unlike in my generation...

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I like this post because it was likely written by another Millennial.

Because it's ingrainted into our brains, we separate ourselves in groups, race is one of those. People from outside our race are seen as foreign people, as beings who you need to be careful with.
More often than not, people who racemix don't do so out of their own will, but because there's literally something wrong with them.

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Well, boomers did do something better than millennials which was not racemixing, it's just they were terrible parents and gave birth to a generation of autistic manchildren who get their world view from cherrypicked internet posts, make decisions based on them, such as dating people from another race, and then don't do anything at all anyway because they are too lazy.

Not at all, and thank god for that.

>adulthood is realizing ramona is a PUTA
Whats up with spic subhumans forcing their disgusting language randomly?
Nobody wants to hear your gibberish.

Only possible if I had high test in the first place.

> To all the shills behind Scott Pilgrim
OP seek help. You're delusional.

> it's just they were terrible parents and gave birth to a generation of autistic manchildren who get their world view from cherrypicked internet posts

huh, really makes you think

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Have sex

Are you that stupid that you unironically think you can't raise your testosterone?
At this point it sounds more like you are making up excuses to justify not doing anything.

I dunno dude. I moved to Japan for the purpose of racemixing, and I'm a pretty cool guy.

>Not at all, and thank god for that.

When was you borns?

No you aren't millennial, and please, don't come back.
All people who racemix deserve to be mocked.

MEW is hotter tho



I did, did it for the first time 3 years ago.
Not being a virgin is yet another thing that disqualifies me as a millennial.

Dumb asshole who worships thot actresses

Why do /pol/fags whine constantly about racial purity and saving the white race while at the same deriding white women and worshipping asians? You know that Hitler would've sent your ass straight to a concentration camp?

Jeez dude, next you're going to mock me for also being a weeb. You seem to have a lot of hangups.

>tomboy who becomes grumpy, sarcastic, and emotionless after getting pumped and dumped by Chad but still smiles and likes him after he gives her one half hearted and rushed apology

She's all yours user

>Not being a virgin is yet another thing that disqualifies me as a millennial.
Is this some kind of mental illness?

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Because /pol/ is full of millennials, millennials don't have ideals or convictions, they are posers who want a prepackaged identity, but when that identity requieres a semblance of effort, they jump ship.

No, I don't care if you watch anime, it's just entertainment.
People who racemix do deserve to be mocked, like people with mental issues.

Did Scott fuck Kim?

The defining feature of millennial men is that they are all balding, fatass virgins, just like how millennial women are all dead-inside whores with stupid hair dyes.

Knives was too good for Scott. That's been literally stated in the movie. She did deserve someone better than him. Ramona and Scott, on the other hand, do deserve each other, for better and for worse.

I have no "gifts" you fucking retard

The comic was written by a hapa, the most patheric type of male kniwn to exist.

But my desire to racemix with Japanese women stems from my childhood (and present day) attraction to anime girls.

the movie is meh.
Only good thing is that it has MEW and Prime Larson. There are a couple other characters that are perfect cast but Michael Cera is fucking horrible and ruins most of the movie just by opening his mouth.
The comic book was fun and it was a thing at the time and it was entertaining to read, with all the references and seeing Scott being a huge asshole but that's it.
Nobody in their right mind thinks the movie is good unless they have some sort of mental disability.

I pitty you OP, because there's nothing as sad as a huge raging closeted faggot that's insecure about his penis size and comes up with this random bullshit. Living on the defensive and talking nonsense about shit that never happen about something must be getting tiring, try to get some money and buy a rope and just end it.

Edgar Wright is the best comedy director working today you fucking philistine. "This is reddit, this is memes" is not genuine criticism. Have sex.

You think I care about your reason to do it?

You're doing fine user rest for a day or two (or much longer if you're just starting out, like a week) and then go back to er. Lift what you cab handle with proper form and add 2.5 or 5 pounds to it every week and in a year you'll be warming up with weight that used to be your 1RM. Obviously there's a ceiling for everyone unless you're younger than 30 and willing to do roids but as long as you're over 5'5 and don't have any genetic conditions you should be able to get some respectable lifts if you keep at er. You're gonna make it.

lol, you are still a fucking millennial. It's a demographic based on period of time, you're just some autistic sperg out of them with delusion of being some enlightened one

More fool you for believing 2000 year old dogma

completely agreeing with these; when Scott meets the "completely evil" version of himself and they immediately get along like they were best friends for years, that you should tell you what type of person you're supposed to take your protagonist for

No, i'm not.
And if even if I was, I would still shit on them.
Millennials are, objectively a cancerous growth on humanity.

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Millenials who aren't racemixers or soibois are the lost generation. We have no people. We're solo

>it's just they were terrible parents and gave birth to a generation of autistic manchildren who get their world view from cherrypicked internet posts
You don't say.
Pot, kettle, etc.

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You know, for someone who hates racemixing so much, your views on the subject sure are black and white.

They think that stopping white women from fucking black guys by any means necessary and forcing all women to get married at 18 would mean their incel asses could finally get laid. It would also supposedly 'solve' all their 'roastie' behaviour that gets them all riled up and angry.

No, you are normal people, live normal lives.

No the authors self insert giga chad was a virgin until he and ramona met. He didn't fuck any of the disgusting and loose urbanite thots that threw themselves at him.

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I don't know who said that everything is about sex except for sex because sex is about control but these primates truly exemplify it. Them and the fat "feminists" who think they can guilt trip men into fucking them by shifting beauty standards. So much manipulation of all sides.

This but unironically

>toronto is Canadas canada
This made me audibly kek
t. Canadian

Honorary Aryans

Btw this is shitty bait thread not /pol/

took me right out of the story.

no heterosexual guy dumps submissive asian girl in schoolgirl uniform for a pink haired skank.

maybe he tries to fuck both. maybe he wants skank more because he has some gross fetish, but you would keep banging the asian the whole way,

>he wants to settle with a asian gf and not conquer a stacy

this is why you'll always be a virgin

Ahhhhhh yes. The grandpa poster. Makes the grandpa jokes in every thread thinking its clever. And I know all of those posts are coming from you, user.

whats the biological purpose for caucasian grils not having ass?

> it's just they were terrible parents and gave birth to a generation of autistic manchildren who get their world view from cherrypicked internet posts

lol the irony kek

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If I had higher testosterone id have the willpower and the strength/stamina to work out 3h/day like you chads do

Gen poZ is unironically nothing but trannies and gayboys who think they're better because their parents allowed them to be raised by the internet

Ramona? Nah? Kim? Nah. I prefer Kim.

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Isnt scott supposed to be your typical beta hipster/ white knight? I had friends like that and let me tell you they would go for the turbo slut everytime.

Bro, she's done been conquered by dozens of cocks. Those women are literal trash & probably head cases.

You're just a bag of excuses.

why are white men so insecure? I mean, you've got the whole planet and yet you're all like "oh no someone implied something about someone who looks a bit like me"

If I had higher testosterone, I wouldn't be making excuses.

>Not being a virgin is yet another thing that disqualifies me as a millennial.

What the fuck does this autist even mean? Is this some kind of power fantasy?

You do know you can increase your testosterone, right?
If you are lazy, there's even pills that do it.

This. Irl shed have cheated on him a month or so after that last battle he fought "because why don't you pay attention to me like Josh does!! He actually cares about me" also who's getting serious with a "le quirky" pink haired girl whos had many many many many serious relationshipa that all ended horribly.

you'll never marry a virgin so why concern yourself with how many cocks she's had

There's nothing left to conquer, you're just another fucktoy to use and ditch

>You do know you can increase your testosterone, right?
>If you are lazy, there's even pills that do it.
With a doctors prescription/steroids? I cant find a (((doctor))) who's willing to take pity on me and consider my test levels low enough to prescribe TRT. Also dont steroid pills fuck up your liver?

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>I did, did it for the first time 3 years ago.
Imagine being proud of losing it at 18

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>there's nothing left to conquer

literally what do you mean by this, there's always pussy

I'm not talking about steroids, i'm talking about pills that increase your testosterone.
And honestly, i'm about to give up, all you have done is make up one lazy excuse after another to justify being a lazy fuck, which means you might not even want to get fit.
If so, your problem is in your head, and i'm not going to bother with that.

Imagine being a poZZed up Zoomer and not losing your virginity at 16 but still acting as if you're some kind of badass

As opposed to not losing it ever like a millennial?

>I'm not talking about steroids, i'm talking about pills that increase your testosterone.
Like what? You're being intentionally vague then shitting on me for not knowing exactly what specific detailed thing you're talking about right off the bat
>And honestly, i'm about to give up, all you have done is make up one lazy excuse after another to justify being a lazy fuck, which means you might not even want to get fit.
and im telling you that if I was high-test like (You) then I wouldn't have that problem, mr chad

Adulthood is not giving a maggoty shit about Scott Pilgrim, user.

>Takes the roastie with a fucked up history, bad attitude and no personality over the cheery, polite girl with no baggage
Ahh, to be young!
There you go.

>and im telling you that if I was high-test like (You) then I wouldn't have that problem, mr chad
But that's the thing, being high test is literally a matter of diet and excercise, it's like being fat, it's a lifestyle thing, it's not something set in stone like bone structure.

>giving a shit about personality when she's clearly hotter

it works both ways

>nail an 8/10, 41 yr old milf at my work
>one day she shows me pics of her in high school
>mfw she was the head Stacy in a group of mega stacies


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>If I had higher testosterone id have the willpower and the strength/stamina to work out 3h/day like you chads do
You exercise 1h/day, get your T and stamina raised, have enough to push forwards. This is called training, you know.
You probably won't win any bodybuilding contest, won't fuck a record amount of stacies and won't do some Scarface-tier world conquering, but you will definitely graduate from the rock bottom league of life.

Just got back from a booty call. You spent your Friday posting about racemixing. We can both tell who is the incel in this situation.

>toronto is canada's canada
I thought that was Vancouver

My grandma has a bunch of Dexamethasone pills for her chemotherapy and she has to take 32 for three days before the day of and during the treatment
Can I steal some and get swole

>>giving a shit about personality when she's clearly hotter

DING DING DING found the future multiple divorcee

>But that's the thing, being high test is literally a matter of diet and excercise, it's like being fat, it's a lifestyle thing, it's not something set in stone like bone structure.
pic related. "haha yeah brah its just diet and exercise its not like I was born with high test"

>You exercise 1h/day, get your T and stamina raised, have enough to push forwards. This is called training, you know.
I don't have the test levels to exercise 1/hr a day. I know you cant get this through your head because you came out of the womb as a Chad, but I literally physically medically endocrinologically muscularly cannot work out for more than 25-30 minutes. This is exactly what I was talking about and you Chads refuse to acknowledge it even while you do it.

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No, you shouldn't.
You should get testosterone boosters.
Look them up.

The ginger is the one you should only want. Fuck the rest.

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Not him. But how do I get me a big breasted jungle bunny to slam? I'm tired of only dating pale white chicks with daddy issues and terrible oral skills.

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>toronto is canada's canada

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then work out for 25-30 minutes duh

If w*men are willing to sleep with you and are attracted to you in the first place you really have no reason or justification to pretend like you need to ask for help or advice

Because it was financed by jews, made by jews, and stars jews

>Sex with long term boyfriends, with the occasional mistake here & there VS dozens of instances of hookups & casual sex

I hope you see the difference. It matters because women are wired to be way more emotional when sex is involved. If one isn't, its a huge fucking red flag.

>pic related. "haha yeah brah its just diet and exercise its not like I was born with high test"
Yes, exactly.
As I said, the only thing that can fuck you up are deformities and bone structure.
You have a proper jaw?
You don't have any disabilities or deformities?
Then start lifting.

>I don't have the test levels to exercise 1/hr a day
THEN FUCKING RAISE YOUR TEST LEVEL, it's fucking biology for fucks sake.
You are fat? You get thin. You have low test? You raise it.
I doubt you even have any interest in becoming a succesful person at this point, you rather wallow in self pity and feeling sorry for yourself for the rest of your life.
You think there haven't been any fatass virgin neckbeards who didn't pull through and ended up like those "CHADS" that you praise as gods?
Look at Zyzz, look how much of a low test beta, lanky faggot he was.

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You dont understand. Its weird. I meet someone we have a good time for a month or so, she leaves or cheats and then I go 3-4 years with zero women contact. I keep meeting women in 3 to 4 year bursts. Like my last "gf" was 5 years ago.

Because upper middle class le geek so into underground live local music purple hair foodies arent we so proletariat we wear carhartt and eat sushi from a food truck.

Zyzz used steroids. You're basically doing the exact specific thing I originally claimed you and your fellow Chads are guilty of.

>I walk the lonely road

I am guessing the girlfriends you get ate the ones approaching you. Thus more likely to be cheaters as they are predatory.

>when shes telling you about her last bf and he sounds completely rational and shes the crazy one
>when youre in the car and the radio djs start talking about how many partners is too many and she gets nervous and changes the channel

I know you wont believe this, but she cheated on me.

Then take them, if you have balls and have done proper research, that's it.
I didn't, there's way too many risks, and gains from steroids are hard to mantain.
Testosterone boosters should be enough to give you some energy to get back on track.

cringe, keep jugging your roids you dumb fuck lmao

At least you meet women, you fucking humblebragging Chad. Count your goddamn blessings and be thankful they find you attractive and desirable in the first place.

And yet your only evidence/advice is "dude just will your body through like mindfulness or like telling your brain to make more testosterone lol" with a not so subtle "but dude actually just take steroids wink wink" subtext considering you basically copped out and retreated to the stereotypical "dude look at zyzz and yeah I guess take steroids" chadvice

Imagine being such an incel that a women having sex is unimaginable to you

I dont even lift but even I know there are some permanent gains from steroids

>And yet your only evidence/advice is "dude just will your body through like mindfulness or like telling your brain to make more testosterone lol" with a not so subtle "but dude actually just take steroids wink wink"
You refuse to do excercise out of your own accord, you keep saying
>b-b-b-ut I have low test
So I give you the alternative, testosterone boosters.

You refuse to do either.
Because it's become clear that you don't actually want success, or to be fit or anything, you just want people to feel sorry for you, to victimize yourself, that thing that millennials seem addicted to.

Correct. I have ZERO game unless im buzzed or hype myself up/go into a zone (which is really really hard to do) BUT if you approach me and say hey that girl over their thinks you are cute. I can walk over and flirt with her no problem. My brain isnt wired right. I go from mega depressed, turbo nerd to super alpha, casonova in seconds.

What are you doing to only get girls with daddy issues

And my original point was that there's some Chads in life who never had to or have to use steroids. Meanwhile you and your brothers are telling us that we basically have to risk permanent hormonal damage and permanent ball-shrinkage in order to compete and be considered human by women

Your advice basically boiled down to "dude just use steroids". Don't pretend like those $80/bottle "100% all natural blackdongawanda & oyster cum & zinc" supplements do anything for people who aren't already high-test. You're basically telling me my options are to buy snake oil or to buy steroids.

All of Canada is shit except for Quebec City

>I couldn't figure out why anyone liked that movie?

Main character is a dweeb, but a hot girl finds his awkwardness endearing and has sex with him, and he also gets to have superpowers and win fights and shit. Basically a power fantasy/wank material for nerds with no self-awareness.

it, or rather the comic, define a generation

>Your advice basically boiled down to "dude just use steroids"
No, once again, it boiled to "do excercise", you say
>b-b-but low test
I tell you to use testosterone boosters.
Now you say
>b-b-but steroids

You do not want a solution to your problem, you want others to feel sorry for you.

And im telling you that those "testosterone boosters" are a scam and snake oil. They don't work if you don't already have 15,000 ng/dl testosterone levels. You just pretend they do because you've never had low test and you're just pulling things out of your ass to stroke your ego.

>And my original point was that there's some Chads in life who never had to or have to use steroids.
Yes, those people managed to keep their testosterone levels high through constant excercise and a healthy diet.
If you sit on your ass all day, of course your testosterone levels are going to plummet.

>Meanwhile you and your brothers are telling us that we basically have to risk permanent hormonal damage and permanent ball-shrinkage in order to compete and be considered human by women
What, you ruin your health and you expect to have an easy way out?
That's not how life works.

This. The comedy is mostly top notch, and it's stylized in a way no movie had been before. If you disliked it, you're probably nothing more than a contrarian. It's a genuinely fun movie, and on top of that it's got some great music.

And again, this comes down to the fact that you don't want to fix your problem.
If you don't want that, there's the forced way of forcing yourself to do excercise and eat healthy until you get back to your normal testosterone levels.
Now, will you do it, or will you just use the "im low test" excuse to continue in your loop of self pity?
I honestly don't care, the one who would benefit from pushing through is you, not me.

You already know what it takes, take the advice or don't.

Same here which is how I was able to call it.

Same experience with chicks, never realizing when a chick is into me unless she is trying hard to overtly seduce me or gets so frustrated with me she starts crying about perceiving an unrequited soft rejection that is torturing her. So only the sexually aggressive cheater types break through my personality barrier.

Pretty obvious to fix it by just hitting on chicks that seem nice. Obviously we are sexy mofos with lowkey supergame if we dont have money or status and drive the hottie megasluts crazy they are desperate to conquest us if only for a month. So focus on decent chicks. I am working on it.


>Yes, those people managed to keep their testosterone levels high through constant excercise and a healthy diet.
They had high testosterone levels to begin with. High testosterone leads to high energy and high willpower, which leads to the determination to work out ofr 12h a day and eat nothing but spinach and raw chicken breast and fresh mineral spring water obtained from a hand-dug well
>If you sit on your ass all day, of course your testosterone levels are going to plummet.
If I sit on my ass all day, its because I had low testosterone levels to begin with. Are you really one of those "nurture" cucks on the Nature vs. Nurture side of the debate?
>What, you ruin your health and you expect to have an easy way out?
>That's not how life works.
According to you my health is already ruined from "sitting on my ass all day". Might as well blast a shitload of test from Mexico and go out in a "blaze of glory brah" like your Chad idol Zyzz did

And you say "idk brah i dont care lol" because you know im right and you're just stroking your ego at this point. You've never had low test levels so you can't pretend to say "haha yeah if I wasnt so high test I probably wouldnt have the energy to work out 80h/week and fuck 30 bitches a day"

Why do you assume those Chads arent using steroids?

I get lucky more than a bunch of women are sitting around going "oh isnt user so hot id fuck him"

>get fast food job out of high school
>im a 19yr old guy working with nothing but 16-17 yr old super sluts who will fuck anything with a penis
>work warehouse job
>unloading trucks
>everyone around me is 5'3 mexican chads
>I'm 6'3
>across from are department is the women department/HR
>I stand out like a sore thumb thus I start getting approached.

Im far from a chad. A chad didnt get humiliated and bullied in high school. A chad didnt have sex until he was 22. A chad has never had a woman laugh in his face when trying to get her number.

I had few friends in high school that went nuts over this movie when it first came out, telling me it was a masterpiece. At the time I didn't really get what was supposed to be so amazing about it and just thought it was an ok movie. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised that they turned into typical basedmen a few years later.

>They had high testosterone levels to begin with
Everyone has them, those who don't is because they lowered them through a shitty lifestyle.

>If I sit on my ass all day, its because I had low testosterone levels to begin with
And you will have low testosterone if you continue to do so.
Up to whom is breaking that cycle?
We are not simple animals, we are humans, we have the power to push against our own biology.

>According to you my health is already ruined from "sitting on my ass all day".
Yes, but not the kind that does permanent damage, you can fix it.
Will you?

Hes right and im a manic depressive. Until you sit down and 100% commit to getting in shape it will never change you have to get you in the right mindset. This is coming from someone battling alcoholism by the way.

This thread proves that incels do have free will

Nature vs. Nurture

If women approach you, you are defacto a Chad. Why do so many of you Chads have this bullshit "oh no I only fucked 80 women this month", "oh no one of the 300 women I fucked actually rejected me" woe-is-me victim complex, then get the audacity to shit on us who actually have it tough in life (i.e. this chad: )? You guys have had it easy since you came out of the womb and you expect us to feel sorry for you because you have to live like us non-Chad unattractive undesirable men for one minute of the month. Wow, sure sucks to be you.

>I actually kinda liked the movie better,
the movie cherry picks the best jokes while keep none of the relationship drama

That diet would fuck your hormones up. Your body needs cholesterol to make hormones. Eat lots of eggs faggot. Pasture raised not just because its humane, for more omega 3 and nutrients from the better diet pasture raise chickens get.

>16-17 yr old super sluts who will fuck anything with a penis

Psst, they won't fuck the majority of people who frequent this website.

>dude tabula raza lmao you can overcome genetics just by tryin really hard & just b'in urself really hard
Oh, so you're one of those postmodern deluded soibois who lives in denial of genetic determinism

Thats not an answer. Those Chads are secretly using steroids just like competitive college level athlete.

Attached: Scott-Pilgrim-vs-The-World-Scott-and-Kim-have-sex.png (831x407, 322K)

You are in denial of the massive impact nutrition and lifestyle have.

>And you will have low testosterone if you continue to do so.
>Up to whom is breaking that cycle?

You're missing the point, which is that your future is determined by your present. Step 1 of your "how to be a Chad" guide is literally "1: be Chad".

Ive had sex with exactly 5 women user. I know friends whove had double that in a week. Idk what i am but chad is not it.

>Thats not an answer. Those Chads are secretly using steroids just like competitive college level athlete.
In any case, those Chads have high test levels even without the steroids. I have to blast and cruise test just to fucking be on the level they'd be at if they weren't on roids.

And you are in severe denial of the massive impact that genetics have on endocrinology and hormone levels. Hypocrite.

This was back in like 2006

Your nutrition and lifestyle going forward depend on your mental state right now, and ultimately you can trace the causal arrow all the way back to genetics and prenatal testosterone exposure.

I am poor and a manlet and chicks approach me. Not a Chad at all.

Change the tense if you like, that doesn't make your statement any less bullshit. A robot in your position would've been occasionally mocked and otherwise ignored. Teenage girls don't fuck "anything with a penis", they fuck guys who are suitably attractive.

Sounds like a self-defeatist's circuitous illogic of false assumptions to me.

Yet more proof that it's all about face.

Because you have it tough in life because you refuse to do anything, and when given a way out you make up excuses.

And I didn't, in fact, 3 years ago I was fat as fuck and my stomach was doing such weird shit and I was shitting such weird looking turds from my garbage diet that I legitimately thought I had colon cancer.
I got fit precisely because I regreted a ton wasting my youth doing shit like playing videogames and browsing Yea Forums.
All those fun memories everyone was of their childhood and teenage years, all those concerts they went to and had fun on, all those weekends doing dumb shit on the street, experiencing awkward but exciting teenage love, getting laid with one of those raccoon eye emo chicks that were even hornier than most dudes, that's all shit I missed that I will never be able to live, and my memories of being a teenager will always be playing Counter Strike Source and Wolfenstein ET all day.
I turned 21, I cried almost everyday like an angsty bitch over the fact that I wasted what, for everyone else, is the most fun time of their life.

Only now i'm finally starting to turn things around, but even then it's too late for some things.
So no, I wasn't born like this, I forced myself like this because I didn't want my life to get more and more miserable as the years pass.

$5 says you're just pretending to be a poor manlet so you can troll me/ego-stroke yourself.

You need to get it out more and have sex

So you are a Chad. fucking liar.

What like Andre The Giant? The fact that you just throw "hypocrite" out there reveals your problems are all mental not physical.

Knives is boring and stupid, and if you weren't such a desperate lonely virgin you'd persue a woman who is attractive AND interesting. But your standards are basically anybody with a pulse.

>y-you are just lying
Very well, tell yourself that, enjoy your miserable life, I know exactly what that is.
Hope wallowing in self pity was worth wasting what remains of your youth, i'm not brave enough to follow that path.

Attached: I FUCK THE MUSIC.png (831x407, 381K)

Nah they usually cycle roids off season or whenever they know they arent going to be tested. The gains in deep muscle fiber, tendon and ligament strength, and bone structure remain when they go off steroids.

t. Guillaume de la Tour Dauterive

I said you were lying about your claim that you're not Chad. Lose the fucking victim complex, you're /fit/ and badass and w*men all worship you, you've made it. Don't get so defensive.

>The fact that you just throw "hypocrite" out there reveals your problems are all mental not physical.
Not an argument. Also you defacto admit I'm right if you acknowledge men like Andre The Giant or Jason "daughter molester" Momoa

Not all Chads play sports, so some of them just probably permanently stay on roids to mog on weak sub-beta men like me. Especially ex-fatties like this who feel the need to constantly torture and demean non-Chads by playing the whole "oh who me no im not a Chad lol I just happen to be 6'2" and have a chiseled jaw and can lift 4/5/6 and w*men worship the ground I walk on at work, no big deal brah lol im no Chad haha" think he should have went with the underage girl he groomed then?

Not him but I look like a stern middle aged man (I’m 24)

Fatcel mentalcel = volcel

I drive a 14 yr old car with 170k miles on it that is falling apart, and am 5'5". And went bald in two months at age 19. All i have going for me is a decent face.

>I said you were lying about your claim that you're not Chad
I never said that, what I said is that it's not true it's a matter of circumstances, and that you can become one

>you're /fit/
Kinda, i'm not there yet.

Not at all.

>women worship you
Maybe they would if I knew how to talk to them.
Perks of missing out on teenage love.

$5 says you're lying about all of that just so you can mog on me and assert your dominance.

Most people I've talked to who like this movie all agree that Scott Pilgrim is a stupid asshole.

I have the exact physique of Gollum and my net worth is $0.50 and a mouldy sandwich, a trio of supermodels just pulled up outside my cardboard box and begged me to creampie them. Smh had to turn them away because that Nicki-Ariana threesome last night really took it out of me.

The writer of the comics is Asian so that prolly explains it. I always thought scott was his proxy.

Scott basically falls in love with her because she's quirky and American.
That should tell you how smart he is.

What's the point of even replying if you are just accusing everyone who tries to give you advice of lying?
You do not want help, you want people to feel sorry for you.

>mog on me and assert your dominance.
You do that against people who are competition to you, you yourself said that you are a beta, that you are low test and you refuse to fix yourself. There's absolutely no reason why anyone would want to assert dominance over you when you are bringing down yourself.

And that's another thing, you have such a warped view of the world.
People on the internet almost live in paralel reality.
According to everyone here, there's no decent women, they are all whores and they all fuck exclusively black men.
And also, for some reason, everyone here thinks asian girls are all pure angels who will throw themselves at your arms the moment they see you. (trust me, they are not, they are also whores, and be very careful with asian feminists, they are rabid animals, even more than white feminists)
You know the reality?
The majority thinks all these people are fucking insane, at most they put up with them, but nobody likes them, most people just want to get by, get a decent job and get someone nice to live with.

Then you go on about these "chad vs virgin" memes where "chad" is the good guy and you act manly and shit in Yea Forums, but then when there's people like that are actually like that, willing to give you advice, you call them liars and reject everything.

You live in a bubble with a completely distorted world view based on Twitter screencaps depicting the psychophrenic ramblings from insane people that nobody listens to (and that probably have a more miserable life than yours) and you refuse to improve yourself with shitty excuses and turn away anyone willing to help you.

You are not living in real life, you might as well strap some VR goggles because that's what you are "living" right now.

I think he needs to be more motivated too but going on these autistic rants isnt helping.

Thats the opposite of mogging i think?

>don't strawman people!
>now let me strawman you!

Cynicism is basically the crying baby instinct. They cry about it all the time because the hope someone come in with a magic want and solves it. They pretend it's not about that because it has become a social game.

It's like the people you want to give gifts to and they go "oh you shouldn't have, I can't accept this" and if you say okay and take it back they'l lbe super bummed because they were just being coy.

These faggots are being coy with the universe itself. "it's not like I want a soulmate b-baka"

OP hit it out of the park with this shitpost

I'm gunna have to call bullshit

What i'm saying is based on what you said on this thread.
And the fact that there's a fuckload of people like you who almost need to be pushed for them to do someting with their lives.

The problem is that some don't feel like real life is worth it because they think that real life is exactly like what they see on social media.
People here think that anyone who gets laid is a muscular, 6'5 dude, people think that all women are feminists who fuck 10 men a week and that everyone is out to get them.

Understandable if your only view of the world is on the internet, but the internet is full of people who don't have anything beyond the internet.
Which is a shame, a lot of people who could be potentially happy if only they put some effort into it.
And yes, you'll need to put effort for all the time wasted.
You could have been normal from the begining, but things didn't turn out that way, you can't change the past, you have to deal with your current situation and move on from here.
And trust me, the more you wait, the harder it'll be.
You are probably in your early 20s, there's still time.

>dude youre ugly and unlovable and you have a shitty attitude and you're fat and out of shape and weak and low test
>but you shouldn't be cynical about it~ just be optimistic and positive and man up and lift things and eat nothing but raw chicken breast and spinach and mineral spring water :))))
>genetics doesnt real bby, its all in what you eat and how you think :333

Gen z is worse, don't kid yourself. Also you're not really gen z.

No, Scott isn't a nice guy. That's just an issue with casting Cera as him
Scott is an asshole who was using Knives as an ego boost. It would have never worked. He didn't deserve her. he deserved someone as awful as himself, but someone also willing to be better like he was

im 26, its already too late for me. and im posting based off of what I experience and receive in social interactions in real life, you moron. Nobody treats me like a human being but every /fit/swole chad I know who does the whole "passive-aggressively insult people but pretend like im being cool with them" thing seems to be worshiped and they get away with passive-aggressively insulting people (and it even gets conflated with charisma) just because they're 6'10" and muscular. to live life as an ugly undesirable unattractive men is to constantly live life on the defense.

So you're a degenerate who has sex while millennials preserve themselves

Babies first comic usually

You sound like Brie Larson now

>im 26
One year after achieving your physical peak age, which I think is between the ages of 25 and 45, you have plenty of time, but you have to get on it now.

>millennials preserve themselves
For what? Millennials are not marrying anymore.

that last sentence was a direct reference to Brie Larson,. Lurk more. Ugly unattractive undesirable men do have it harder than w*men and Chads in day-to-day life though. We're basically looked at as criminals just for existing.

My test levels are already declining, which is why I know I need to resort to steroids. Whether I get them through a (((doctor))) or I get them in mexico.

According to who? The (((news media)))? I know you poZZed up Zoomers get your news through snapchat and facebook, but you need to learn how to do some fact-checking and learn what primary sources are before you start proselytizing and regurgitating opinions

The author/comic book creator of SP unironically shills homosexuality a lot, like 90% of the male cast iirc ends up being fags.

>My test levels are already declining
Yes, but don't act as if you are 50.
People in the military remain active until their late 40s with no problems, it's just a matter of focus.
Not saying that you need to go to the army or be as fit as a soldier, but you will be able to hold a proper physique for a long time, almost as long as you have lived yet.

Also, if low test is your problem, stop jacking it so much.
In fact, if you can stop for an entire week, the better.

Hitler was a massive weeb though.

My problem isnt masturbation so much as kratom addiction

I work in the skilled trades so I genuinely want|need to get swole as of last year so I can do #manly #masculine #hightest #gitshitdone shit. Its not as high physical demand as the military but its almost on the same level

fast-checking from /pol/

Go to /fit/, carefully read the sticky then.

Stupid dumb phoneposter scum

>bragging about fucking a 40 year old
>implying women past 30 let alone 40 can be anything above 5/10