Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
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alita is for pedos


Nice try user, see you in 5 hours.

Alita is an average movie

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She's centuries old. Get it through your skull, chowderhead!

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Yeah, so?

She's the literal definition of Born Sexy Yesterday.

Oh it's you again, how are you doing?

>does it taste as good as chocolate, user?

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now you are just showing how dumb you are, at least bring valid criticism and not lies

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She's also another problematic Manic Pixie Dreamgirl.

When is Lupin gonna get a Hollywood adaptation?

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Hopefully never, it’d be just as shitty as Alita

ironic shotposting is still shiposting

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$83M (checkmark)

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for god sake can you stop projecting your politics onto entertainment?

Jerome in full force today. Thanks for coming, was worried about you.

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Born Sexy Yesterday refers to a secondary character who is reliant upon the protagonist, if we're being literal.

Alita avoids this straight away by being the MC.

> *spies on you*
“Hey user”

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>Alita is so shit it didnt get reviewed by rlm

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How to date Alita:
>1. You can't.

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they dont review good movies gay butt

Based, she doesn’t exist losers

they just review marvel and other basedshit

They did homecoming, blade runner, etc

Good morning, friends! It's my birthday! All I ask for are a few cute new Alita OCs today.

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Good thing I don't fart in sleep like my dad. His brapper is like a machine gun.

Do you plan to celebrate it with Alita today?


Have a comfy birthday user

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Does anyone have a massive (You)? I need it for OC.

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Today's a bit too hectic, but I'm going to see it again with my family tomorrow.

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>wanting to protect and love women is bad
fuck off feminazi whale

biggest i got at the moment

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Hedding out to Passport to Iron City. It's a two hour drive so I'll see you all tonight. Love ya.

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Have fun user

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>You only saw my movie HOW many times, user?

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It's so good!


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Thanks user.

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a lot

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>that floating line

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Its 3 am here, haha, didn't notice.

>need a laugh
>go to check china daily box office
>the website is apparently being blocked by the Chinese ministry of information

I guess some powerful chinks also waifu'd alita.

an hollywood movie with an ugly feminist Fujiko? no thanks

Only once. I'm sorry, I will see it on monday when the ticket is half price.

For us its Tuesday when the tickets are half

Did you asked for Cobra Kai crossover? Anyway i made one

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How many official Alita: Battle Angel books were realesed? I was just about to order the prequel, the movie novelization and the art book, but in doing so I disvovered that there's a fourth book titled Dr Ido's Journal. Makes me wonder if there are more companion pieces I weren't aware of.

You mean manga or like books on the movie?

Is there something about your past you're not telling us Herr Doktor?

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Gib kisse

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last night was 15 and I got a shirt. I took a lyft to a theatre 20 minutes away and arrived to a surprisingly packed auditorium. I usually prefer empty but it was nice getting to see so many people get healed. Also, I got a shirt for half price lol

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What do you think of this change?

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I don’t know why I like this one so much.

Th-three, Alita. Is that OK?

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nearing the halfway point of the 1st volume. I enjoy it but the movie's pacing/exposition/character changes are 100x better. The movie has way more emotional weight behind it.. Really excited to see how the art style changes though because later Alita looks way better.

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I now it’s late but


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I like both versions of Ido.

The buzz about the movie is pretty dead, we are better of buying merch and go to the Iron city.

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>this is what passes for humor to zoomers
I can't fucking wait for boomercalypse and zoomercalypse.

she is weapons-grade cute with a beret :3

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Film is better

The official books for the movie. (e.g. 'Alita Battle Angel - The Official Movie Novelization' and 'Alita Battle Angel - Iron City - The Official Movie Prequel').

Imagine Alita with this budget

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the only reason we have a shot at a sequel is because it WASN'T that big.

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Was that only production? It looks like it was 200 productions and 250 ads

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Alita begins with the third volume in essence.

2. Fight me

One fucker in Taiwan bought all of the 103 tickets, yet they haven’t updated the numbers since February so I guess they’ll add another 3-5 million
Holy fuck Taiwan will save Alita

Forgot pic

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>One fucker in Taiwan bought all of the 103 tickets
god I hope this is legit, that man is a hero.

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the absolute madman

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Maximun healing

>watch a movie that isn't alita for the first time in a month
>can't get into it
>just seems strange without alita

Uh oh

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In Taiwan the avergae price for a ticket is 12CAD, that mean this fucker bought $1236CAD worth of tickets or 920$ USD

Real human being, and a real hunter-warrior.

the only movie I've watched besides Alita this month so far is Goldeneye lol

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>watching a movie without rosa in it
even bladerunner 2049 is making me ill

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I hope this movie is still in theaters by the 1st of next month when I get paid.... I wanna join in on the generals

I didn't enjoy how the movie crammed 3 volumes imto one film and focused too much on shipping Gally and Yugo. That scene where she tries to offer her heart to him, and when they kissed felt so forced. She never acted like this in the manga. Is it bad that I started hysterically laughing when Yugo's death scene played? It was too dramatic and looked strange compared to the source material.

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Fractal and log() scale when?

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post your paypal. I'll spot you.

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Depends where you leave but if you are in somewhat big city you should be able to find Alita's movie in at least one kinotheatre

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Didn’t that mainland Chinaman buy a stake in a whole movie theater to show Alita? Step up, Taiwan - show that you are Best China.

>She never acted like this in the manga.
well user be thankful you have two interpretations to choose from. The movie is an adaptation. Doing a shot for shot remake of the manga would be awful. You are allowed to enjoy things as separate entities.

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I watched Green Book and Into the Spiderverse. And Aquaman agin, holy shit people are still going to it. Based thirsty Momoafans, I salute you.

For real? Wow!
my email's [email protected]

I dont expect results but you would make my day

It’s like when I first played through Red Dead Redemption 2 or The Witcher III
can’t get into anything else after

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Fuck this picture does things for me, man. But yea I was just hoping its not being pulled from theaters or anything like that.

Here take this pass too ;)

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Based user sharing the love

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it's done. idk what a ticket costs where you are, hopefully it covers it. Be healed, user.

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Anyone have the screencap of the user who remembered all the trailers that play before Alita

Don't just do things for people. No matter how good you think they are, or how deserving they are

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Hey bro, I know it might not mean much to anyone else but im gonna have a great ass day today so thanks man. Hope we meet again in the general tomorrow

Didn't know Kishiro was an Iron Maiden fan.

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i've offered before. It's all or nothing with me. This is who I am.

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>not buying high and selling low
Never going to make it lmfao

I was bored.
I maed this.

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just paying it forward. Report back for /comfyposting/

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Yes, thanks

Enjoy the movie lad

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There are a couple of actual rock and metal references in the manga, specifically in the motorball arc


I get that it's supposed to be an adaptation but the characterization of Alita just felt wrong, especially the new backstory and flashback scenes they gave her. The environment and world looked great though. Maybe I would have liked it more if I hadn't known about the manga.

Attached: heh.jpg (242x422, 50K)

>I've seen things you wouldn't believe
>mountains of chocolate covering craters on the moon
>oranges raining on mars

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Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

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Blade Runner

2/10. would watch for fight scenes again tho

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I prefer the movie but I'm still enjoying the manga just fine. There's story elements I don't like (like Ido having a berzerker body for her, rather than it being a connection to her past) or him being a weird hypocrite about enjoying fighting but... also not liking combat? And wanting to keep Alita away from it? I've never really cared much for comics because they simplify story mechanics too much for me and that's really my only complaint with the comic. People say the movie's pacing is too fast but honestly the manga is really fucking fast too, if not more so.

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Just went back to the 200th general and counted the threads posted since then. This is thread #236.

= 201
= 202
= 203
= 204
= 205
= 206
= 207
= 208
= 209
= 210
= 211
= 212
= 213
= 214
= 215
= 216
= 217
= 218
= 219
= 220
= 221
= 222
= 223
= 224
= 225
= 226
= 227
= 228
= 229
= 230
= 231
= 232
= 233
= 234
= 235
= 236

This list doesn't count which was created between 218 and 219. It beats #219 by creation date, but it had a lewd OP and people hated it and migrgated to 219. did not reach bump limit.

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I'm a little hungry, user.

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>Based dad protecting me

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Thanks Alitan.

>ignored the lewd thread
Based, healed, and compliments.

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thanks, based Archivist. Your work is appreciated.

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what do you want to eat.

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fpbp indeed you frikin moron

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I'm getting all emotional over here. Never change, /alita/.

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Yes!! Archive user is here!!!!!!

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oranges, duh

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Over thirty. It’s still showing here but I’m broke as fuck at the moment. Will see again.

Sure, try this miss.

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holly molly

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you're double what I've done and I'm pretty jealous

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>See it 5 more times and I'll let you hang out with Alita.

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It's made $395,349,987 worldwide so far, mostly due to China.


It didn't reach bump limit because it was killed by the mods. Bot threads were equally active at the time.

Taste receptors are working.

>I don’t mean to be rude, but am I supposed to know you?

Attached: 8.jpg (1108x763, 94K)

Requesting this with Jimbo and Rob after seeing Alita cross $400M.

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I only saw happy death day 2 in theaters and felt so empty I saw Alita again right after.

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My youtube account got suspended without any warning, i'm fairly sure it's because of several of my comments particularly under some milliondollarextreme videos.

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So it seems we average about 5 threads a day. For being above 200 generals, that's damn good.

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I'm not the original archive user. I'm afraid he's not around anymore. His track-keeping of the first 200 threads is what made it possible for me to find out what thread we're at now. I will keep counting these threads from now on.

Should we count the lewd thread then?
By the way, there was another instance of split threads - 217 and 218 - but both of these threads survived to reach bump limit.

This. The only movies I've watched besides Alita are either James Cameron films or other films similar to Alita.

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>I'm not the original archive user. I'm afraid he's not around anymore.
Rip, we need a funeral service for him.

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I've been watching Blade Runner 2049 inbetween watchings of Alita.

Nice jpg fag

all the way to 999 hell yeah
well thanks for taking up the mantle, user.

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There have been at least 3 splits in /ALITA/ history, I think the first one was pre-199. Imo all should be counted, so we do not forget our shameful history.

You're actually a faggot who should fuck off back to your social media wasteland.

>Yea Forums
>not mainstream
We're an ocean of piss filled with turds like you.

Go away

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She’s hot

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Gonna take my brother to see it tomorrow, hope he thinks it's as kino as i did

Cringe and bluepilled, imagine fpbp'ing your own post and not even being first

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>If he doesn't I can cut his face

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Going to watch it again today bros
Last weekend was supposed to be the last showings, but apparently it’s been doing well enough that the film is going to stay in cinemas until the end of the month

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What's going on in he-

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makes me laugh, evrytiem

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Enjoy yourself user I had a lot of fun the other day. I won motorball by betting on Jashugan but I don't think he wins every single time

kek based

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W-we can be heroes, right? I only get my welfare monies on the 1st of the month...

It's 140pm at what I assume is the last weekend alita will be in my theater. I expected to be the only one here. There are 20 people here. What the fuck. I'm sad because i wanted to be the only person in the theater but happy people are still going to see her.


I saw a video where Zariki won so it appears to be random

Kierkegaard tier hair

Saw the movie 3 times and for a while now fapping is imposible. Hard to explain but always have the feeling Alita is watching and judging my actions 24/7 is this what healing is like?

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Alita will stay in my closest cinema at least until the 27th.
Probably 1 or 2 weeks longer, which gives me the chance to go again and again.

Lads, guess who is going to see Alita in IMAX 3D in English this coming Monday?

Attached: 2019-03-23 14_01_05-Alita_ Battle Angel_ Get Tickets _ Twentieth Century Fox.png (671x390, 22K)

>You better not touch your thing in front of me user

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that's been pretty common. I've still done it but the amount has dramatically decreased. Having a full time job now/antidepressants finally kicking probably have a lot to do with it but that same urge is just kinda gone now. I don't feel bad when I do it but it's actually kinda nice not doing it so often. I just don't want to anymore.

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I had a dream Altia was in bed with me.
I didn't fap but it was so hard it hurt.

Alita is not for lewd but Rosa is and Nyssiana can be.

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I'm so jealous, I'd kill for them to bring her back for another weekend at my IMAX.

Enjoy the hell out of it user, it's how she was meant to be seen.

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Not actually a complaint btw just uh... yeah I'm not going to be able to hold out.

so i wonder if some of you are getting confused by the same thing that happened to me during br2049 repeat viewings.
theaters wont list all their future showings for a movie, especially on fandango, with new movies coming out in one to two weeks. so it looks like an older movie like Alita is only going to show for one week more, but when you get closer to that date, the updated listings go up and you see that its still showing for another week or two. and this happens for longer than youd think. then again, some of you have been posting that alita isnt showing at all in your cities anymore so be careful about what i say.

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I just called and its all in French, still IMAX though

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so i finally laughed at this retarded gif after like the fiftieth time its been posted

The /HEAL/ meme is true
I used to jerk off twice a day on my break hours at work because of the stress, but ever since watching Alita I don’t have the urge to anymore. I still find her attractive and love her, but i don’t have he urge to do that anymore. Some user went into some sort of biological explanation as to why this is but I don’t have the screenshot for it unfortunately.
I can’t stop thinking about Alita. She’s on my mind 24/7

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>I used to jerk off twice a day on my break hours at work
woah I've never cranked it at work but have considered it lol

this makes me mad and i dontknow if anyone else noticed. three seconds after
>Wipeout Zariki!
he's in third place in the motorballers launching over the bridge with the flames. bullshit.

Attached: alita17.jpg (640x242, 68K)

So Alita is a dog?

It's more that she doesn't care so much about propriety.

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Attached: I like it.jpg (750x471, 42K)

>450mil for avatar 2
Uh oh I hope boatman knows what he is doing

this makes me feel good

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I bet, right now, he regrets not taking about 50-100 mil from Avatar 2 and dropping it on marketing for Alita.

I have to deal with phone calls and people’s bullshit for a living so I took Matthew McConaughey’s advice and started jerking off twice. Makes the shift go by faster. It does help
But Alita healed me of it. Haven’t even had sexual thoughts since I first watched it. I daydream about just holding her tightly and kissing her forehead. You know, all the lovey dovey gay shit

The reverse is true for me. My sex drive was pretty much gone before watching the movie. And it's weird because it's not arousal from kink or overty pornographic stuff but nice kind stuff, like holding and what not.
Not sure how I feel about this.

>You know, all the lovey dovey gay shit
but all that gay ass shit is my favorite part in a relationship

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>that sigh from alita when ido spots her and she knows she's in trouble


Healed? Maybe? Uh...

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well it sounds like you needed to start jerking it and this guy needed to stop cranking it at work. as if his coworkers didnt notice him slipping away to slap away in the bathroom every hour lol.

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Alita's only available in one theater in Manhattan now but I'm going again on Monday

I, for one, wouldn't be tracking someone's jerking habits at work. No one probably knows nor are looking for it.

sounds like a positive thing to me user. You're not beating off out of depression/boredom so do whatever works for you?

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i dont think they wanted to notice either but i doubt its not noticeable if youre doing it twice at work regularly

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Only one theater? Im on Montreal and there are more than 15 theaters near me who have Alita

I’d see a Hollywood version of Lupin with Brie Larson as Fujiko for the lolz

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Unless alitatickets is inaccurate, it's in only one theater here

Not really
I always bring in a shit ton of water bottles to work to stay hydrated so if they were to track my bathroom habits theyd just assume I have to pee often (which is true, I pee after I jerk it).

very nice, thank you user

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Too damn cute.

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I LOVE that lovey dovey shit too user but I haven’t felt that type of innocent love since my last relationship. Dare I say it, it’s more intense for Alita. I know, it’s weird.
I wasn’t even a waifu fag at all. I went in to watch Alita because it looked like a fun movie (I even thought the eyes were an odd choice at first).
I came out realising I had fallen in love with a fictional character and dived into the waifu laifu head on. All that weeb shit i made fun of for YEARS and I find myself here now. And you know what? I fucking LOVE it. I can’t get enough of Alita.
I haven’t felt dreadful depression or self doubt. I think of her as watching over me all the time. I even got back to getting full 8 hours of sleep and started pushing myself in the gym even more now. It makes me question what love even is user.
I don’t know what this movie did to me, but it’s special.

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There only one place still showing in IMAX, but a lot of 3D tho. Just go to the Cineplex near Atwater.

Bless your soul, user.

Attached: adorn my chess.png (482x681, 386K)

James Cameron and Robert made the absolute best character imaginable. As the based China man said
>The history of women can end here.

Attached: kiddie.webm (960x402, 2.71M)

Yeah, I will go to the Forum Cineplex next week probably. One of the favorite kenitheatre, they show rare aweosme movies there

Attached: alita tuned you.jpg (1280x1239, 439K)

>fist full of tears
a true poet his words transcend any language

Attached: wardrobe.jpg (1024x4301, 1.06M)

I was addicted to masturbation for seven years. The longest I went without fapping from 2011 until a week ago was four days. Last year I made it my New Years resolution to cut down to twice a week - I lasted two days.

I watched Alita five days ago and haven't masturbated since the day before that. I genuinely haven't felt the urge. It's getting to the point I'm starting to get worried. I didn't wank till I was an adult, and whenever I had nocturnal emissions as a teenager, there would be blood in my semen. This was presumably due to prostatitis caused by long term retention.

Has anyone seen this fucking madman play the guitar songs from the film?

Attached: smilerod.png (213x241, 72K)

Saw this while looking for the music that played during the bar fight. (I still haven't found it).

Unironically women ended here
And that’s another thing, I don’t find any other women except Alita attractive anymore
Based chinaman was right

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Attached: comfyface.png (1149x1201, 941K)

nice find, I wish I had the audio for the barfight. Seems like a fun riff/easy solo. The cyborg guitarist's part are a bit more complicated though lol

Attached: dreaming-of-oranges.jpg (846x727, 152K)

Why doesn't Yea Forums take paypal anymore? I had to get my pass via bitcoin which is super lame.

Also take my free Alita poster I created using 5 seconds in photoshop.

Attached: 472389433789798211.jpg (672x562, 217K)

user, are you drunk?

Attached: Smile and Hope.png (481x477, 249K)

C- for the effort

Attached: 1553043342829.jpg (1912x803, 119K)

but they still accept card user

Attached: BIG-SIP.jpg (1280x538, 137K)

Attached: B4261928-03E3-457F-8DCB-F50EF651B88F.jpg (720x760, 68K)

Erm, here, a higher quality copy of the logo.

Attached: serveimage.png (1302x564, 420K)

Thanks fren.

Attached: kitty.png (697x719, 496K)

What's the source of this? I have an idea.

Attached: 1524923287724.jpg (484x519, 22K)

>I went in to watch Alita because it looked like a fun movie
>I came out realising I had fallen in love with a fictional character
I think we're all in the same boat on this one, friend.

Attached: comfy cuddle.png (473x761, 536K)

Is doc Ido’s journal good?

Rosa infected us with her crazy.
And we love it.

I think that gif has been around for at least 15 years.

Attached: m'favorite food.png (367x500, 210K)

I just want the best for Alita and hope she smiles again.

Attached: itsyourdream.png (498x538, 296K)

Why was she so scared here?
What was she thinking?
Existential crisis because she lost her memory and believes they though her with the rest of the garbage?

>Hit image limit again
Never stop impressing me, /ALITA/

She thought Ido was a serial killer or some shit

She thought Ido was the person chopping up those girls for their organs

because this old guy she just met came home late with a bleeding arm? Wouldn't you be concerned about that?
we are unstoppable. Comfyposting reigns supreme.

Well shit, now the thread is going to go really slow with no images to post. So, what influences did you see in the film? Example, did certain parts of the film remind you of other things? Something specific, like a piece of music.

I'll delete my image so someone else can get one more.

Attached: die of cute.webm (960x402, 2.51M)

>that leather bodysuit with trench coat ontop

Nice choice.

honestly no one thing made me think about any one movie. It's somehow familiar yet completely unique and I can't think of another movie like that. It's got Jim's tight pacing but it felt cheesy like RR and we had some stock things we've seen before (bar fight, teenage romance) but it still felt like its own thing.

It feels like she's quickly getting much older as the film progresses and I'm not talking only about expressions

Rosa talks about this somewhere, and the animation team does, too. Her posture changes and her voice goes from being pitched over Rosa's to closer to her own.

I saw visible change on her skin too

Okay my abs burn now...
Healing is painful.

Yeah, and how she interacts with others changes too. She slouches less around others and sometimes leans into them or stands over them depending how she feels about them.

I missed the English IMAX, so I had to contend with the VF. The french dub is not too bad, the actress has a similar voice than Roza, tho some translation left to be desired. "Vainqueur Absolue" for example.

I have the cinefex interview where they specifically talk about it. Alita matures and Rosa started playing her less like a goofy teen and more as a woman. It's intentional.
"we slimmed her cheeks and sharpened her jawline. Rosa played her more 'womanly' and a little more sultry."

Hunter Warrior is Vainqueur Absolue? lol

I love how the two guitar Jamaican song is very lightly playing in the background during the whole alita feeding the dog scene. So fucking cute.

Here is a smiley since you fuckers image limited again.
(>’-‘ )>

Zapan shoving people out of the way and scanning the streets for Hugo was straight terminator iswear.

Final Champion : Vainqueur Absolue
Hunter Warrior: Guerrier Chasseur or Chasseur-Guerrier.

>"Vainqueur Absolue"
HAHAHA that's unironically awesome

"Ultime Champion" would be a better translation.

>beginning of the movie
>can barely hear alita speak her voice is so soft and timid and unsure

>end of the movie
>"SPEAK! Not you. HIM!"

Since we can't post images post songs!
This song STILL gets me hype and I listen to it twice a day.

So the whole film is an allegory for growing up, overcoming difficulties, standing your ground, fighting and never giving up no matter what happens?

The end of the barroom fight where Alita stares at the floor is the biggest pivotal moment in her change.
It was cute, sure, but I think the way they play it off as cute was to sneak in the fact she's deciding not to act like a child anymore because the very next scene she straights completely up and you rarely see her "looking up" to people (except Hugo) or curling around them.

you cracked the case user well done

I think any time she's "looking up" she's looking at a goal. First her father, then Hugo, then Nova at the end (but she's not trying to emulate her, rather destroy him).

Not just. But the deepest metaphor for Alita is this, yes.

Has the OST been released to iTunes? It's not available on my country's iTunes store.

Can't tell if Alita was completely dropped from a lot of international markets or Fox stopped reporting numbers because of the merge. Doesn't make sense for it to be dropped from all theaters when movies that have been playing for as long or longer and making way less money are still playing in these countries.


Well, US got released yesterday and Shazam! Next week


I fucking love that.

>or Fox stopped reporting numbers because of the merge
You mean Disney. Alita stepped on their politics and interfered with their flagship stuff.
Yes, I'm away Cameron owns it but right now Faux (and now Dipshi) are distributing.

and that whether if you're a 300 year old super soldier or sad stoic doctor or an unfettered but still good, you can always change who you are.

I couldn’t even find a lame captain marvel thread to image post in lol

champion ultime sounds more right

*unfettered but still good person

Yes, it's on there, or it ought to be. A few anons have said some songs from the movie are missing, though

no they don't. crypto only

Alright fuck this no more image thread.

If you’re not OP like alita how the fuck do you beat the really big motorball players like Mace, Stinger, and Juggernaut? The way juggernaut tossed ajakutty seems a little lopsided.

Reminder youtube audio quality is ass. mediafire.com/file/cr86a6bwkberw1s/Tom_Holkenborg_%2528Junkie_XL%2529-Alita_Battle_Angel-OST-2019.zip/file

gotta be fast or get some auto-win weapon like the grind cutters.

You don't. Those guys are the cream of the crop.
So git gud faggot.

Motorball is not about “kill every player except you”

I have a 400 error when I try to upload a picture here, so I write without pictures.

I'm talking about last week. Saw it completely disappear in a lot of the big markets on BOM. Doesn't make sense for it to be completely taken off when it's still making decent money while older movies making less than 100k are still playing.

Reposting for the morning: I recorded writefag's Peace because I liked it so much. Definitely a lot of work..I downshifted the (You) parts a bit, but they still don't really sound passable as male.

>finish new OC
>thread is at image limit

Well it was hard not to think of podracing while watching motorball simply because the announcer had a similar kind of cheesy voice.The visual aesthetics reminded more of the PSX Wipeout games.

Of course I think there might have been some BR2049 influence in some scenes like the rain scene but it's hard to know for sure.

Most of the influence properly comes from the manga and the anime. Alita Battle Angel really is its own thing and there's nothing else like it.
BR2049 veterans know how it's done

Actually motorball in the manga makes sense
The rules say that each competitor should have the same motor horsepower
So you can be light and fast but weak like the black chick
Or big and armored like tiegel but slow
In the end the strongest mind and fiercest rival wins
The grind cutters are illegal by the rules of manga motorball and actually the grind cutters in the manga exist in a completely different sport, some fighting arena

Yeah, I dunno why.
Maybe distribution schedules?

new bread is in the oven will post at 310

new thread soon lad

i think alita is really cute

Are you a grill?

pls no stall


Ree don't
>are you a girl
Tell me what you think of my OC

pretty comfy, but Im not a fan of fanfics so :P but the voice is cute

gotta go fast

The more I watch Alita, then go back and compare it to Cameron and Rodriguez's other films, it's very similar to their low budget, independent ways of doing scenes, only here there's a 170 million dollar budget on top of them. The bar scene isn't any longer or more grandiose than some of Robert's other bar scenes, but are more expensive because of the effects required to bring Alita to life. There's this cheap quality charm to a lot of the scenes in the movie, like the scrimmage game. Seems like something out of a much lower budget movie, yet here it is with such a high budget.

sick fuck

She’s a nice boy

No, I can see where the money went. Any dollar less on Alita's expression it would have been noticeable.

Right, that's where the money went, into Alita and the worldbuilding. I'm saying despite the budget, there's a nice low budget approach to the scenes, makes them feel grounded despite all the expensive digital effects. I love it.

Indeed. It did feel real.



imagine how jarring it would be to watch Borg scenes in TNG but with modern Star Trek sfx lol