Send in the clowns

Send in the clowns
Those daffy, laughy clowns

Attached: Send in the clowns.webm (427x240, 2.93M)

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Send in those soulful

Attached: Pepegliacci.jpg (530x838, 108K)

Thanks for posting this


soulless meme

what's his endgame?

Why does reddit ruin everything? This meme wasn't even that good to begin with, but they somehow made it even worse.

Attached: bang.webm (1280x720, 305K)

This one is better

Attached: 0DA08A51-3969-402A-8D5D-603974FC5180.gif (607x609, 388K)

Gonna have to disagree. Out of all PeePees we've had these past fuckin' what, like 12 years now? This one might not be timeless but is painfully relevant. The world's a sideshow: Obese everywhere, bearded "women", Jewish ring leaders, people are becoming so giant that we're soon to see worse backs and hearts, mixed race goblins are everywhere, midgets are apparently people too now, media magicians clouting the world with smoke and mirrors, cities packed like clown cars, rainbow hair as far as the eye can see, sugar's a staple food, and the tamers have subdued what should be the lionesque civilians. The first world is under the tent -- honk honk.

>midgets are considered people
literally since fucking when

Since TLC gave them like twenty shows and you can't call them midgets anymore.

These are too well made for me to believe that an individual is spreading them. Clown world pepe is a psyop


It's almost as if you can see the creator's youtube link in the corner

Attached: 1518129270613.jpg (118x121, 13K)


cringed bigly at this teenbro newfag post

Time to kms

Attached: 1552749260042.png (900x900, 455K)

Attached: 1552148925888.jpg (750x574, 466K)

There's a site you belong to and it isn't here.


Riddle me this OP!!
What runs a a presidential campaign, and is a ping pong master?
Who knows what's best for dominos, is cheese or pasta?

Attached: cheeseORpasta.jpg (1147x771, 171K)

go back there

g-guys, what if the jannies see this?

Attached: 1553316160290.png (300x300, 101K)

I was definitely here first, buzzworder.
