>Yea Forums doesn't enjoy high culture
Explain yourselves
>Yea Forums doesn't enjoy high culture
Explain yourselves
Other urls found in this thread:
>new york times
>high culture
That whole image is pure comedy
>entry level jazz is high culture
I like Grand Theft Auto and can quote Hamlet at length and Kind of Blue by Miles Davis is one of my favourite albums and I think frogposting is kino.
>highly arbitrary arrangement
>Harry Potter, GoT as mid-high culture
what the actual fuck
If you read, it says it's admittedly highly arbitrary
>If you read
i can't read
Okay jeez you didn't have to whip those digits out like that I'm sorry.
reading is too high culture for me
Did emily dickindon write only one poem
Fuck Finnegans Wake. I love Ulysses and Portrait as much as the next guy but motherfucker I am not a philologist. I ain't got time for that shit.
Ye is way too low on that tower
Take it easy guys it's a bait pic
>superbowl higher than UFC
>superbowl higher than kanye
>got higher than anything on that list
>fargo that low
>big bang higher than kanye
>star wars higher than anything
>NYT higher than citizen kane
i love how you can tell who made this
>Beethoven symphony
>emily dickinson poem
This is so fucking vague
fuck off back to your containment board
>i love how you can tell who made this
I don't get it? Who?
>gta at the bottom
>meet the press, jew york times near the top
Lose my number B
>fucking Big Bang Theory and Adele above Kanye
Eah nah, eat a dick
>literally just things i like at the top vs things i don't like at the bottom
dont go on that board at all user, i never come on Yea Forums either
digits of truth
I don't know but I know pic related made this post
you as well. read the sidebar before you start invoking the evil jewish menace
>that image
cringed hard
>i'm smarter than people on the four chans because i reads teh sidebers!
Okay man, good work.
Literally listened to a Beethoven symphony today
even a middling iq would've intuitively understood that it was an arbitrary arrangement, a low iq would've recognised a textbook, lmao @ your brain at the bottom of the bell curve
>>Harry Potter, GoT as mid-high culture
more like low brow garbage
>super bowl that high
fucking jews
/r/ sneedposting at the very top
oh wow what a special little snowflake you are, did you also maybe listen to Mozart
he's really good, don't know if you heard of him
>ultimate fighting
/heem/ here. God DAMN, this triggers me. At the elite level MMA is one of the most complex, technical and cerebral sports there is. There are so many variables and things that need to be trained and perfected. It's not just 2 fat dudes swanging and banging. There are several olympic caliber athletes in the UFC.
God damn, I'm triggered.
You can quote possibly the most popular play ever and one of the most critically acclaimed albums of all time is among your favourites?
Well it’s no surprise a person so lacking in integrity like you enjoys frogposting.
>High culture
Only an absolute retard would think this. Hamlet was full of sex jokes (most notibly Hamlet's ex-gf going crazy and talking about how good it felt to get fucked by Hamlet) and the entire plot revolves around how Hamlet himself was suspicious of how right after his dad died, his mother immediately started fucking his uncle
Yeah, yesterday. What's your problem? I've only been listening to classical music for a few months.
Call me when you listen to this, pleb
In the span of less than a generation, university humanities departments have experienced an almost unbelievable reversal of attitudes, now attacking and undermining what had previously been considered best and most worthy in the Western tradition. John M. Ellis in "Literature Lost: Social Agendas and the Corruption of the Humanities" scrutinizes the new regime in humanistic studies. He offers a careful, intelligent analysis that exposes the weaknesses of notions that are fashionable in humanities today. In a clear voice, with forceful logic, he speaks out against the orthodoxy that has installed race, gender, and class perspectives at the center of college humanities curricula.
Ellis begins by showing that political correctness is a recurring impulse of Western society and one that has a discouraging history. He reveals the contradictions and misconceptions that surround the new orthodoxy and demonstrates how it is most deficient just where it imagines itself to be superior. Ellis contends that humanistic education today, far from being historically aware, relies on anachronistic thinking; far from being skeptical of Western values, represents a ruthless and unskeptical Western extremism; far from being valuable in bringing political perspectives to bear, presents politics that are crude and unreal; far from being sophisticated in matters of "theory," is largely ignorant of the range and history of critical theory; far from valuing diversity, is unable to respond to the great sweep of literature. In a concluding chapter, Ellis surveys the damage that has been done to higher education and examines the prospects for change.
>Game of Thrones that high
>"Why yes sir. I too am a Miles Davis fan"
easy man i don't want any twouble
This is gatekeeping,
the stuff people in high culture are actually into are never even mentioned to the plebeians.
Of course intelligent people haven't been breeding for 100 years so maybe even the highest levels are braindead enough to follow something like that picture, i donno, there are some intelligent people left though. We definitely do not read the NYT unironically though.
>Finnegans Wake
woo lad, no.
Also people in high culture mostly enjoy the same things that people in the middle culture enjoy but on a much grander scale. For example a middle class person would go to a football game, while a rich person would go to the same game in a private suit
Do poor people share suits?
Sometimes, but not as autistically as some rich people do.
>sports at the bottom
>shitty TV shows and popular music at the top
Did Dobson write this?
Here's the real image
>Rich Pinata
lol, how deluded are you?
It's Terry Crews at the bottom, Piano in the middle somewhere, and Ronnie Coleman at the peak
high culture is irrelevant nowadays, low brow entertainment is the norm across all types of artistic mediums
it always has been like that, nigger
theater used to be tfor the unwashed masses
wow dude you like kind of blue, you must be quite the jazz fan
t. Jason Genova