Biopic when?
Biopic when?
>“Lydia smiled. With her eyes. She could not do so any other way. The lower half of Lydia van Bredevoort’s face was an illusion. Four years ago, on Vilgefortz’s -her master’s- recommendation, Lydia had taken part in experiments concerning properties of an artefact found amongst the excavations of an ancient necropolis. The artefact turned out to be cursed. It activated only once. Of the five wizards taking part in the experiment, three died on the spot. The fourth lost his eyes, both hands and went mad. Lydia escaped with burns, a mangled jaw, and a mutation of the larynx and throat which, to this day, effectively resisted all efforts of regeneration. A powerful illusion was therefore drawn so people did not faint at the sight of Lydia’s face.”
wtf is this real?
Rolling shutter illusion
Impossible. You would need to rotate the camera, and her movement would need to be Superman fast, for a rolling shutter to produce anything like that.
Yeah, it was posted on some politics website. They didn't even notice
It's the refraction of light due to the car window. Look at the distortion that's happening to whatever object that is above her
I shouldn't even have to explain this
okay lets just go with the more plausible outcome then since you brainlets know everything: she must be an Alien.
americans were so close to elect beelzebub as their supreme leader
then where are her fucking teeth
They're there you fucking idiot. Look closer.
Ask the fucking goblins in your brain what they think. Seriously how retarded are you people?
Have sex
Good luck with that.
unless you're asking me to, in which I did this morning with my wife who's now out. I gotta go too. Peace, moron.
she possesed?
Did anyone explain pic related? What's with her frozen expression? Why is she sitting in this guy's lap while he's holding her hands?
same malignant spirit?
She looked like THAT?
Probably some form of mental degeneration
Or it's the weird tongue worm brain eating bug
right's spookier than left
le $hillary boogie man desu!
Parkinsons disease can cause you to lose control of your eyes making it impossible to concentrate. Also causes lose of body control.
>no red arrow pointing to red box
>swelling inspirational music
>young girls looking up in awe
>stern looking men nod approval
>MAXIM cover girl in Hillary wig smiles softy, closes eyes, nods head in gracious bow
>fade to black
>end credit tag
>"Hillary Clinton will return in 2020"
>post credit scene
>cameras rolls up from behind of a stern bald man in a black suit sitting on throne in front of a TV
>he looks to the side
>"Dmitri, it is time once more."
>"Yes, Tsar Vladimir."
Are you guys legit fucking retarded? Is this Qanon shit?
Instead we got the biblical definition of the anti christ
But in the bible the Antichrist unites the whole world and is beloved. Trump is hated and isn't even a globalist.
>he isn’t a globalist
holy based...
The real video of them dragging her unconscious body into the car is pretty creepy though
Reminder that the artist who made both of these committed suicide.
who's the man? i thought this was for a goofy Jap show
>making fun of a sick old lady
Yeah, what assholes. She should have been President!
>But in the bible the Antichrist unites the whole world and is beloved
I wonder how in hell an Antichrist can secure that sort of popularity.
she used to be kinda cute
>woman that's married to a former president looses against an orange man with zero experience in politics
Too many redpills
The goblins say it's a simple optical illusion caused by the angling and refraction of the light, and that I'm a just swell guy who shouldn't hurt anybody
Not bad.
I would absolutely RAIL prime hillary
Even Chelsea can get it
>zero experience
He lobbied for years and donated millions of dollars (to democrats)
quite homely at her prime. bill could have done WAY better
Kinda looks like one of the Olsen twins there.
What accress could possibly handle this demanding role?