What If Spider-Man: Far From Home is a FAKE Movie?

does his theory have any merit?

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Not a chance

Why not?

That would be pretty cool if Marvel trolls everyone

flawless argument

what would disney achieve by sinking millions of dollars in a marketing campaign for non existant movie you absolute retard?

>he actually believes i'm going to click on a capeshit youtube video
the absolute state of Yea Forums

Why would they spend millions making fake scenes for trailers like they've already done?

God, youtube speculators are so retarded

because spiderman is a highly profitable brand and the jews camt get enough money?

Imagine unironically spending time on recording and editing this shit. How petty and out of touch one has to be. God damn

making that shit doesn't cost them one cent, they patched up some of the many many hours of green screen footage of individual actors they already had to create a shot with all characters, or shot the scene specifically for the trailer during the production of the movie. putting actors on a background and adding cgi Hulk for which they already have the asset also doesn't cost shit.
answer my question: what do they stand to gain from releasing that trailer?

The only thing that makes this completely impossible is fucking Sony. How does this guy not understand that spiderman belongs to sony and not disney?

well he does seem to be absolutely retarded to be fair

all the trailer scene probably cost less than 20-30 millions desu

I'm sure shareholders would be thrilled to hear that they spend 20-30 millions advertising a non-existant movie and I'm sure that no goverment agency would see releasing a trailer for the movie that was never intended to be made as a stock manipulation

considering that avengers infinity wars did like 2 billions, it's peanuts

and few millions for such a big marketing act is a steal

how the fuck is that trailer marketing any other movie than spider man itself? it's the third time I ask you what do they stand to gain from it

His videos are all awful.

also do you even understand is that waht the movie made in box office is not the net profit of the studio? it's (box office/2 (because cinemas take roughly half of ticket money, even more overseas)) - production cost - marketing cost - taxes = net profit

But there's photographic proof of them filming the movie including scenes that weren't in the trailer

to make billions

If you believe Disney would waste money on a "le epic" marketing stunt you're legitimately retarded

Imagine being this retarded unironically.

He is so terribly miscast it's not even funny.

What would spider-man even do when he's not in NY? Run around?