Game Of Thrones 1st episode leaked

any of you guys have the link? they have erased the video all around the normie part of the internet! please bump this shit up

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Other urls found in this thread: s6 premiere date

but user only normies give a shit about got



reddit always has links. so there's the link plus cut and paste:

I'm gonna split it in several posts:

While the Dothraki and the Unsullied march into Wintertown, Varys & Tyrion are probably in a cart (not horseback riding) might be talking "balls" (or lack thereof)

Jon/Bran reunion. Jon to Bran "Let me see how much you've grown, almost a man grown now ..." or smth to that effect

Sansa "offers" WF to Danny. Danny is a aware of the cold reception, some small talk the North is so beautiful ... you're as beautiful as the North"

Bran has to let them know that the Wall has fallen and the NK has a dragon so a Grand Northern Assembly is organized: Jon in the middle, Sansa and Danny on each of his sides. Subjects will include:

introducing Danny

the current status of the troops

Small Jon Ned Umber in attendance

Jon says they need to send ravens to let everybody know the NK has crossed the Wall and has his own dragon

Danny watching the reaction of the Northern Lords which is not very sensible

Lyanna Mormont to Jon: "Don't forget that we chose you not Danny, your job is to rule the North"

Jon: "We need allies/Danny to fight back the WW" - Jon is obsessed w/ allies and Danny is his biggest ally

Tyrion speaks well of Jon and tells them that his sister will send troops

The Northern lords are not happy to hear that Lannister troops are about to come in the North

Jon tries to convince them that they need all the help that they can get, even Lannister troops

The Assembly does not conclude well. Sansa is pissed "Not only did you bring Danny in the North but now you bring Lannister troops too?"

This is the first of many assemblies. They need to get together to make all sorts of plans

5) Sansa meets w/ Tyrion to talk about the Lannister troops: "You really trust your sister and believe she'll send troops to help the North?"

Tyrion, thinking that Cersei is pregnant and she has a reason to fight, tries to assure Sansa that his sister is somewhat changed and he trusts her and that she will indeed send troops to help.

6) Jon/Arya reunion - they embrace lovingly. They "compare" swords (Longclaw vs Needle):

Jon: Did you get to used Needle? Arya: Once or twice

Jon realizes that Sansa doesn't like Danny and he asks Arya to help, put in a good word on his behalf.

7) KL

the Greyjoy fleet gets the Golden Company to KL.

Qyburn tells Cersei that the NK has crossed the Wall and he has a dragon which is great news for Cercei "let them kill each other in the North"

Euron/Yara talk -

Y: "why don't you kill me now?"

E: "you're my family blah, blah ... I have better things to do, I'm gonna get me some Cersei ass!"

in the Throne Room, Euron presents Harry Strickland & The Golden Company (minus elephants)

Cercei is having a tantrum, she dismissed Strickland BUT Euron says he kept his part of the deal and now he wants what was promise to him: You have to fulfill your part of the deal Cersei and ... tum! tum! tum! ... she does.

Postcoital talk may include Cersei pointing out that he didn't bring the elephants and something about enjoying it as much as she enjoyed it when she had to give it to Robert.

Meanwhile ...

Yara who is on one of Euron's ships is freed by ... tum! tum! tum! ... Theon in a blitz operation after which he asks permission from his sister, who is the true queen of the Iron Islands, to go North and help the Starks and she agrees.

8) Back to WF where there are many things to be organized, we follow the 3 advisors: Davos, Varys and Tyrion - all 3 aware of Jonerys

love is in the air constantly and escalating: Jonerys shippers rejoice

the Karstark troops will arrive (eventually ... )

the Dothraki will keep Danny informed about what the dragons are up to

How to train your dragon - Jon's first flying lesson: Danny gets on Drogon and dares Jon to get on Rhaegal. Jon is reticent but, eventually, clumsily gets on Rhaegal and they take off ... (OK, I literally have butterflies in my stomach as I write this LOL)

Eventually they land and passionately kiss

9) Other reunions: Arya/The Hound, Arya/Gendry (in the smithy). Different characters will have different preferences in dragonglass weapons and Gendry will try to accommodate them

Maybe the Hound will order a dragonglass ax.

Maybe Arya will ask for her dragonglass Valyrian steel dagger to be turned into a spear. Gendry is impressed by Arya's dagger. She wants a weapon with which she can defend herself better, they talk about attaching the dagger to a pole.. Arya even gives Gendry a sketch showing what she wants him to do with her dagger. (thanks u/EveryFckngChicken for the revison)

The now grown and confident Arya gets angry at Gendry who keeps calling her My Lady - possible sexual tension

10) After that first disastrous assembly, Jon has to talk to Sansa. She keeps telling him that his duty is to defend the North and he's not taking her advice seriously, he keeps telling her they need allies. Eventually Sansa confronts Jon: Did you bend the knee for the North or for love?

1) Jorah introduces Sam to Danny. Danny is grateful to Sam for curing Jorah.

Danny: But you're the son of Randyll Tarly? Yes! The brother of Dickon Tarly? Yes! Well ... I've got something to tell you...

Sam is excited that the Queen wants to talk to him.

Danny: See, I told you father to bend the knee and he was no and no, so what could I do, I had to roast him, I had to ...

Sam: well, he wasn't a great father to me ...

Danny: ... and your brother too..." Sam starts tearing up: Thank you for telling me!

12) Sam confused in his emotions goes to talk to Bran. Bran tells him that he needs to hurry to tell Jon the truth. So while Jon is brooding in the WF crypts in front of Ned's statue, Sam comes to him to give him the Aegon news.

Jon: What's up dude? you don't look so good!

Sam: Well, Danny cooked my father and brother ...

Jon: ...

Sam: maybe this alliance you've made is not so great

Jon: We need allies so I bent the knee and now she's the queen and I'm not really the KitN...

Sam: Forget about KitN, and forget about her being queen. Actually, it's you who should be king b/c Lyanna Stark, and b/c Rhaegar Targaryen and b/c you're name is ... tun! tun! tun! ... Aegon Targaryen!

Jon: But my father Ned Stark was the most honorable man that ever graced Westeros ...

Sam: Sure, b/c he had to protect you b/c Robert and Rhaegar and ...

Jon: But ... she's the queen!

Sam: She can't be the queen b/c you're the rightful heir to the IT, and 7K, Protector of the Realm ...

Meanwhile, at CB

Tormund and Beric tell Ed that the Wall has fallen and the NK crossed into Westeros and he has a dragon and Ed tells them that when the Wall fell, something strange happened to CB, maybe some strange symbols on the walls, maybe a message from the NK. "Quick, we need to send a raven to WF, we need to warn all Westeros - not knowing that thanks to Bran everybody (including Cersei) already knows.

The episode ends w/ the NK arriving at CB.

NOTE: bear in mind that the funny lines are in keeping w/ Friki's style not actual quotes from the script, though the essence stands. ETA: screencaps

So do we know who will win the Game of Thrones?

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we know from Friki Leaks that characters who survive the Long Night and are seen at Tyrion's trial in KL are Davos, Arya, Sansa, Bran, Robyn Arryn, Brienne. the fate of characters who were off screen at that moment is still up for debate.

And a resurrected CIA? I suppose that's off the table as well?

how do we know these are real leaks tho?

Because Yea Forums is reddit's bitch

Well where can I watch it? Jesus.

idk whats going on from what ive read it was leaked but no one seems to have it

wow so everything would be solved now except for the efforts of retarded women

same guy leaked Seasons 6+7 accurately

There's no episode leak, just the plot

ive got a link to the video where he talks about the spoilers if anyone wants it

From what I read it was posted on youtube and then taken down.

I've got some grains of salt about the whole thing. Leaks dont usually get exclusively posted to youtube.

Link ?

Maario Naharis

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Based Mario poster with the digits


I'm not surprised GOT does this every fucking season

At least they do it more subtly than showtime used to. Literally every showtime series gets its first episode posted to torrent sites a week before release (not sure if they still do this, i havent cared about them since dexter s4/shameless s3)

based but a bit late
never be late again Maario Naharis poster

straight from reddit
>How to train your dragon - Jon's first flying lesson: Danny gets on Drogon and dares Jon to get on Rhaegal. Jon is reticent but, eventually, clumsily gets on Rhaegal and they take off ...
>(OK, I literally have butterflies in my stomach as I write this LOL)
>Eventually they land and passionately kiss
Jesus fucking Christ.

This thread only has 27 replies and that exact quote along with the entire rest of that post is in the first 4.

Lurk harder user.

Honestly that sounds perfectly with D&D's writing. Some of it sounds like shit and doesn't even make a ton of sense. Also

>Varys & Tyrion are probably in a cart (not horseback riding) might be talking "balls" (or lack thereof)
Yeah that's D&D

more like gay of thrones lmao fgts

A decade on Yea Forums and I still don't understand the mindset behind a post like this.

It's pretty bad when I can't even be bothered to look. This show is so mediocre now I just don't have the motivation.

t. autism

based! :-)

GOT is still the best thing on television.

Idk man, the only autistic person I've personally known was actually quite intelligent and capable of thought provoking conversation under the proper circumstances. He just wasn't good at expressing his feelings or talking to people until he felt they could already understand him. I suppose though it is a condition that we still don't fully understand as a society.

>gendry will fuck arya
you can say that bobby b finally fucked lyana

Did you just assume my gender?

dude it's just a shitpost... what's there to get? I write some bullshit post because:

maybe someone chuckles when reading it
maybe someone gets triggerd and starts seriously replying to my shitpost

so what's the reason for tyrion's execution? did he legitimately do something horribly wrong that made him deserve it, or did he not worship daenrys as much as she was expecting him to?

I say "idk man" to everyone. We are all the species of Man.

He lies to Daenerys that Cersei is sending troops because she’s a changed woman all the while knowing she’s not.

i don't know what the actual betrayal is but i heard he blows up KL, which means he just blew up the city daenerys wanted to eventually rule over along with all its citizens. she'd literaly be ruling over ash which is a line she used last season iirc.

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Why does reddit write this faggoty? I picture the writer with a dead vestigial penis that no longer works thanks to BASEDlent

>some small talk the North is so beautiful ... you're as beautiful as the North"

classic D&D dialog writing.

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This is 4channel not Yea Forums you utter newfag. Go back to plebbit.

no links, huh?

First episode sounds boring as fuck desu

Gay shit

from the leaks say that before getting executed and after knowing the sentence, he kneels down as the weight of his betrayal is too much. The leaks also mentioned something about tyrion saying that the people deserved it. (KL i assume) Maybe he went full an hero?

they always are. the only first eps i liked was season 1's and 4's

i guess they want another tyrion speech like s4 since people always say they loved that one

When does this shit air again?
I mean, this thread is clearly full of shills, so can one of you do you job and remind me?

>please bump my game of reddit thread

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It's right after I fuck your mom.

Provide link already you massive cockcobbler

where can i find those leaks?

The leaks are in Spanish anyways. Just read the thread. Not to mention HBO took down his videos on Youtube, IG, etc. They're basically stalking that guy on social media.

>Watching a leaked episode at glorious 480p with shitty audio

>Sansa is pissed "Not only did you bring Danny in the North but now you bring Lannister troops too?"
Hope this bitch fucking dies already, she probably won't because muh stronk rape survivor though.

>Just read the thread
>first episode described from a to z
>oh btw, tyrion is executed some time later
go to about 8:30. he goes into the details about the trial

thanks my guy

watch the full thing. this guy is likely legit considering he spoiled season 7

>Watching the dub
Why would anybody do that?
>Jon ostia tio no seas gilipollas y monta el dragón y haz una onda vital lobezno a todo gas
>Jon que pedo güey no seas pendejo y monta el pinche dragón, órale mi cuate!

Say that to my face and not online and see what happens.

JonxDany is the most forced, bland, obvious, normie tier pairing. Feels completely out of place in the world of GoT and absolutely confirms that GRRM is a hack.

Attached: 1551546518324.jpg (1920x1080, 244K) s6 premiere date

>targs are famous for incest
>there's only one male targ and female targ left that are the same age
cmon dude it was always gonna happen just because its his fetish

Should have been a political marriage if he wanted to go that route. Bittersweet for the audience, they get their pairing and realize that they aren't actually happy together.

>implying d&d are capable to think that deep

Sounds better than watching it because you paid HBO.

Quite literally how i know this is 100% real

shit i just watched his older video and he spoiled season 6 too. yea he's legit

Have sex

>Danny: See, I told you father to bend the knee and he was no and no, so what could I do, I had to roast him, I had to ...
>Sam: well, he wasn't a great father to me ...
Jesus Christ Samwell

Fire and Ice? It's in the title, you Peruvian Goat Herder!

yeah, i have it in my butthole. you need to reach in there elbow-deep to find it, though.

just why

Why is Sansa running things? Now that Bran showed up, shouldn't he be King in the North?

Because Sansa is an amazing politician now. Even better than the actual King in the North.

And yet you did exactly that

No it should still be Jon. Bran is practically a vegetable

This. She learned from the best politician ever in Cersei.

Only redditors always think of and post about reddit. GTFO nigger


> Stronk wimmen, but half your male characters are cripples or geldings.


This shit is retarded.

>Arya Gendry possible sexual tension

Uhhhh.... user.....

>OK, I literally have butterflies in my stomach as I write this LOL)
Whelp, time to firebomb reddit HQ


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fuck GoT and fuck the normies

>too stupid to realise they need every ally they can get

Getting sick of this plot line

hmmmm reminds me of one particular video that has been circulating here for a while

>seen at Tyrion's trial in KL are

> It's another Tyrion trial episode

That makes, what? Three trials and a dozen episodes revolving around them?

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You're right but how is this George's fault?

Onions español. Me he reído. Mis dies.

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>Davos, Arya, Sansa, Bran, Robyn Arryn, Brienne

Cripple, girl, girl, cripple, tard, girl.


I just conjugated the verb "ser" in Spanish in the first person and this is what I get.

That filter is dumb as shit.
Once I was unable to post a youtube link because it had onions in it. Took me a while to figure out what's going on.


GRRM wrote them user

Like fatboy didn't check out of this plot long ago. This is a DD joint.

>endgame will diverge from the books

lol no every major death and survival and plot line like Tyrion's trial will also be in the books

can the hacker known as Yea Forums pull a netflix on us and leak the whole season already??

I didn’t bump it, newfag

t. reddit tourist here for /got/ general season

This is why I come here

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>Implying GRRM is gonna write them, finish them and publish them

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Bran doesn’t want it

I remember seing this 1 or 2 days ago. You’re late

Oh please, you people never sage without announcing it

your shit meme is shit

They're are probably mostly written already, when he dies somebody will edit them and publish

Either that or he is waiting for the series to end and hope to die down so he can bring around another hype bubble when he releases them

We might finally get to hear the end of the honeycomb and an ass in a brothel story

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It's revealed in the books. The honeycomb is the ass and he ate it out.

>Varys & Tyrion are probably in a cart (not horseback riding) might be talking "balls" (or lack thereof)

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Tyrion kills D&J to finally end the Targ scourge, that's why he is on trial.

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>watch s8 trailer
>it’s sunny as fuck in the north
I thought winter was coming or did shireen clear up everything?

They never should have killed Ygritte. There was so much chemistry between them, him and Dany just feel so goddamn wooden. I don't buy the romance at all.

> the Targ scourge

> the only reason anybody survives the White Walkers is because of the Targs and their draggos.

Would this have been a better ending?

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the only reason the walkers exist is because the valyrians exist


Well?? where can I watch it?

>Gendry as king, with Sansa as wife, and Brienne as the commander of the king's guard
>Bran as protector of the north

Wow........ t-this i-s s-so g-gg-good---

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that's so in character it hurts at this point

Dont know why people think gendry would be king. He'd literally be nothing more than a proxy while the council ruled. Kid eats rats in flea bottom. Cant read etc.

But he makes Sandor a dragonglass axe. He is a super talented boy user, if he can learn to do that surely he can learn to do other things.

the cw tier

if fatass had any hope of finishing the books, i would've dropped this trash by now

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Maario Naharis

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>the only reason the walkers exist is because the valyrians exist

> Children of the Forest create White Walkers ten thousand years ago.

> Targs show up a few hundred of years ago.

> White Walkers are the Targs' fault

>Targs show up hundreds of years ago


so did the actual episode leak or is it just some description?

read the thread brainlet

Well, he could be legitimize, but d and d don't care about the canon anymore


You are very confused, user:

>rise of valyria 8000ac
>long night 8000ac

About time you showed up

Legitimised by who?

>daughter is heir

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> While Westeros was recovering from the Long Night, in Essos

> confusing Essos and Wessos, not to mention cause and effect.

Keep trying, user.

And being legitimised will all of a sudden change what I said? He was never a recognised bastard. But a kid who eats rats, cant read and speaks like a lowborn bumbling idiot.

'me axe u sumfin m'lord? wot that paypa say from won of me subjeks? 'fret of war m'lord? downt worry Ima king now m'lord'.

Unlike Jon or Jaime he was raised eating bowls of brown and smacking hot steel with a hammer. Hardly the upbringing that would make a good king. He'd be nothing but a proxy to his council. A literal peasant on the throne. Even him getting the stormlands which is likely to happen is going to be a trial in itself given the state of westeros post apocalypse. And this peasant is supposed to pick up the pieces of a an entire state.

White Walkers were created 5,000 BC, around the same time Valyrians appears.
Someone taught them magic and how to tame dragons.

Who's the tiny kingdom in the middle of Westeros

What I'm saying is they're both linked to magic you thick cunt, if the magic wssnt there you wouldnt need targs to beat walkers in the first place

look at this fag

It's the ruins of Summerhall. Aegon the Unlikely tries to bring back Dragons after they all died out using an egg and gets himself, wife, kids, and kingsguard killed in a fire.

>get resurrected with Rh'llor magic
>convert back to Faith of the 7

I don't think they'll end up together.

> there was no magic in the world before the Targs found their draggos

> Children of the Forest didn't use magic to create White Walkers thousands of years before draggos.

You are utterly lost, user.

Jon is the union of fire & ice.

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>thousands of years before

It literally say they came around the same time learn to read you mouthbreather

am i retard for not realizing this before now? did everyone else already know this wtf

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I don´t even care about GOT anymore but i would like to watch it to spoil it for every normie i know...

It was pretty obvious since the first book, deal with it.

Reminder that Valyrians are pure scum

Valyrians were roman fire elves that enslaved and sacrificed black people.

Would Bran be so kind to tell Jon to stop fucking his own aunt? Or are they going to ignore that for now?
She's right though.

Fuck off targs

>Gendry calls Arya my lady all the time which frustrates her
The only pairing that matters.

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More like used hacks to kill everyone they didn't like and then got promptly b&

whatever happened to the 'lunchables guy'?

>Arya/The Hound

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Plus Bobby B finally gets to share family blood with his m8 Ned.

That makes sense his dad was an asshole.

Nice of them to show that he did care about his brother

Why the fuck was Tarly so loyal to Cersei? I mean for fuck sake, the Reach sided with Aerys in Robert's Rebellion.

Which season was this again?


D&D removed Young Griff from their tv shit show. Which is good, he was spared.

This, I hope in the books Aegon usurps Tommen at least. Obviously he won't keep the Iron Throne, but he deserves to at least die fighting the Other on a dragon.

Hell I'd be fine if it turns out he's a Blackfyre from the maternal line. It'd be cool to see a bitter rival of the Targaryens joining Dany against the WWs.

lol griff is a bastard for lys

>everyone doesn't die
It's shit.

>Book Euron is a chad sorcerer pirate
>Show Euron is a cuck who craves having incestual sloppy seconds of a bitch who is already knocked up again by her brother

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I love that actor he's a cool guy

>Book Euron is a Chad

Hes a cringey anime loser

I guess the Tyrion stuff does make sense. In the show, he still cares about Cersei and her kid for some reason even though she tried to have him killed, but yeah OK , D&D, whatever you like.

It doesn't matter what he is or not, he'll be beloved by the people.

He noticeably loves his family. Always did. It's what he would do.

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this show is just fan fiction now. seasons 1-4 were good thats it.

GODS THESE memes were never funny and glowing eyes are low energy reddit jokes


I really don’t understand the point of ruining the show by reading spoilers.

What a sad life people must live

It can't be worse than watching it.

Some people enjoy spoiler culture. for some it helps their anxiousness because they know things before so it helps them relax to enjoy

Fucking got me.

He was terrible in his first season, but they;ve changed the character since and he's quite entertaining now, feels like they decided to rip-ff Vikings with the way he talks now.

You are welcome for this timeline.

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RIP the Young Wolf

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>GRRM is a hack
Jon isn't going to be Danny's concubine in the books. Dance heavily foreshadows JonxVal. GRRM in his usual hackery reuses the exact same language he used when Jon went from describing Ygritte as being pretty in a common sort of way to being the most beautiful thing in the world to him when Jon talks about Val over the course of the book.

that really doesn't matter, the North has literally never been ruled by a woman. The North is like the opposite of Dorne in that daughters are passed over for the closest living male relative to their father. The plot for She-Wolves of Winterfell even revolves around the various Stark ladies trying to stab each other in the back to make their sons, husbands, and grandsons the Lord of Winterfell after the previous lord got killed by the Ironborn.

>Let them kill each other
>sends the golden company to attack Winterfell anyway

Damn Cersei is retarded, not as stupid as he brother somehow managing to get himself put on trial again but damn.

My personal theory is that Jon will marry Sansa and Dany mirroring Aegons sister wives. Sansa represents ice, dany fire, and Jon in the middle is the union of both. He'll probably fuck val but I get the feeling shell be sacrificed or something.

>You have to fulfill your part of the deal Cersei and ... tum! tum! tum! ... she does.
A sex scene?

>The episode ends w/ the NK arriving at CB.


>Jon: Did you get to used Needle? Arya: Once or twice
what did she mean by this

>Danny: See, I told you father to bend the knee and he was no and no, so what could I do, I had to roast him, I had to ...
>Sam: well, he wasn't a great father to me ...
>Danny: ... and your brother too..." Sam starts tearing up: Thank you for telling me!
>s-sorry for roasting your brother and father
>o-okay thanks
And this bitch doing this is so out of character wtf

I don't believe that, this dude must be a danyfag.

The best ending would have been if Blood Raven had fucked off and died at the Redgrass Field and the better man had become king.

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Mate I’ve seen /tg/ campaign threads with better dialogue than this.

>Jaime confronts Brienne on what happened when she encountered Stannis
>She looks hesitant and says "What's done is done."




Why do you have such a boner for nobles?
The Targs were sociopaths, bobby was an obese retard, Jeffrey a retarded incest baby, and cersie is a braindead slut

>Jonerys wont happen in the books

Get a load of this denial kek

>Jon isn't going to be Danny's concubine in the books. Dance heavily foreshadows JonxVal.
>being this delusional
Stop, please. It's too late for that. You sound like those Jon x Sansa shipperfags in denial.

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>Haha, arguably the most popular show airing right now! Nobody wants to discuss that on a very well known image board dedicated to discussing film and TV shows! Shills!!!
You faggots are worse than /pol/you delusional cucks

Wow, weird, it's like he's a main character or something