Who did he piss off for "them" to throw one of their own to the sharks?

Who did he piss off for "them" to throw one of their own to the sharks?

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Remember fuck kikes

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his phone was the source of the fappening leaks
dude got phished so he had to be made example of
source: my ass

His brother

He thought he could out smart the devil

can confirm
source: fucked emma stone for a role

Pizzagate got too close to pedowood so they had to make a sacrifice.
>"They don't rape kids in Hollywood, they rape adult actresses. Look at Harvey Weinstein! What are you? An alt-right conspiritard? I bet you think Clinton runs a pedo ring in the basement of a pizza shop!! Hahaha!!"

Unironically, I bet this is true. Because, how no Disney or Nickelodeon (Hi, Dan Schneider) have been outed yet?

La La Land?

Roflmao. Reminder Weinstein is innocent and has emails to prove it.

A thousand times this.
Also, playing detective on 8/pol/ for pizzagate a couple years back was the comfiest time.
It was so fucking close and suddenly nothing.

Sucking dicks for easy roles is rape by normie standards

You know it was debunked, right?

>so fucking close
how so?



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Only right answer in here. Harvey was tanking the company he ran with with his brother, so the brother went to the NYT (or some big paper) and snitched on him.

Every time.

>That feeling when your handkerchief map is pizza related

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He was sacrificed because they believed the #metoo movement could bring down Trump. If Hillary won, they would not allow him to be taken down.

You're all as bad as flat earthers, I hope you realise.

Everybody who was in the scene knew, they were just too scared to say anything.
Donald Trump thought that if he called this guy out that the left-wing would STFU with the smear campaign, but he underestimated the aimlessness and stupidity of the left.
Trump turned out to be a Zionist, so he probably knew Weinstein personally.

These guys probably don't care if they go to jail or not they've probably achieved some kind of enlightenment.

Who knows what knowledge the elite possess.