What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
>"Lets rush in and create a team up movie to cash in on the Avengers sales instead of building our shared universe."
>"Also, let's have Zack Snyder run it into the ground. "
Snyders daughter fucked this up. selfish brat.
Not enough hardcore anal sex scenes with the male cast members
She got (((suicided))) as a warning to Snyder to leave the project
They went too far in a few places
It’s capeshit
Studio meddling and Kevin Tsujihara
and Snyder
Whedon not given the movie from the start. 99% of the criticism is Fatfleck, Missing Mustache, and bad CG. None of which would have happened if he didnt have to try and salvage a shitty movie.
Whedon > Snyder. Any day
It's actually a pretty good fun flick if you look at it on its own.
this but unironically
Those Whedon colors
ezra miller
Yeah, him and insecure WB to begin with.
2st post best post.
bad villain, bad casting for flash, shitty special effects, crappy plot, edited down to being way too short, doesnt set up future movies, and of course changing directors and tone half way through. and yet with all of these problems suicide squad is still worse
we have a winner
Other than Harley and what they did to Waller (her killing her own people was fucking retardedly dark even for her) Suicide Squad was actually good
Critics basically universally agreed he was one of the better parts of the movie, so factually this is pretty inaccurate
having the worst version of the joker of all time combined with horrific editing makes the movie unwatchable. I would have left the theater if I didnt need a ride from my friends
since when do you care what shill critics think? do you think annoying gay flash was a good bit of casting?
be bait or get the bullet
>hyperliberal media loves my faggot ass!
fuck off ezra. And stop spamming threads about yourself
Two directors that are as close to polar opposites as you can get.
I think that the horrific direction and writing of Justice League was not a vehicle for anyone to showcase how well "cast" they were, when the characterization of the role you signed up for was completely changed by the end of production (Snyder's Barry was not the retarded quipster that we ended up with)
I will reserve my judgement for the casting when the solo film releases with a competent writer/directing team since Miller is a good actor
>Suicide Squad was actually good
based, bravo joss would've made it kino
Probably the star of the like not it’s but it was, you couldn’t see what it was if you know?
>Something's coming. We need a team.
>Something's coming. Will you be on my team?
>Something's coming. Will you be on my team?
>Something's coming. Will you be on my team?
>Something's coming. Will you be on my team?
>Something's coming. Will you be on my team?
>I said no, but I changed my mind.
>Something's coming. Will you be on my team?
>I am crazy. But I will disappear and come back for the climax of the movie.
The Avengers is a shitty movie, but to it's credit, it didn't spend 80% of the film establishing and assembling the characters. Or can you imagine Oceans 11 but 80% of the film is just getting the team together and they show up at Vegas and pull off the heist in the final 10 minutes? That's what Josstice League did.
>de actor is gay/jewish, therefore casting = bad!!!
I want /pol/cels to leave
Why didn't the WB execs just leave things be and let Zack make his cinematic universe in peace?
>tfw Knightmare movie never, ever
Yoooooooooooooooooooooooooo what
Nothing you dick fuck,now back off on this Flick before i find you and cuddle up to you.
show me one NON-hyperliberal agenda pushing soi who said he was good
Shit opinion
>Half the league are literal who's at the time of the movie's release in the DCEU
>Get someone the polar opposite tonally to change the original movie
>Boring plot even by capeshit standards
>Completely forgettable villain
DC should have seen the writing on the wall and gone big, introduce Darkseid, let it be its own stand alone adventure.
this, obviously
I went and skimmed through these reviews: rottentomatoes.com
I'm not as autistic as you are to determine who is a "hyperliberal", feel free to determine that on your own.
>when you cast really lame people as Superman, Batman, and The Flash
>when you get one badass actor, and you make him fucking Aquaman
The knightmare sequence is easily the dumbest moment in any DC film.
Dumber than Wonder Woman saying she believes in love. Dumber than Nazis fighting in World War 1. Dumber than Superman crashing a spaceship full of fetuses. Dumber than cuckold Joker offering Harley to some random guy and then killing him for refusing. Dumber than WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME?! Dumber than Green Lantern's CGI domino mask. Dumber than the crab people Lord of the Rings battle. Dumber than the line "evolution always wins." Dumber than the Mother Box being locked away in a giant vault, surrounded by archers, but with a glass ceiling. The knightmare scene is so bad all the actresses from Sucker Punch look at it and cringe.
All i see is le epic reddit buzzwords.
I'm listing things that happened in DC films. There aren't any buzzwords. Do you know what buzzwords are?
Okay, but why is it dumb?
Daily reminder this was Snyder's choice and that while creative/daring it definitely didn't work stylistically
dumber than Lex knowing everyone's secret identity before they even formed the league?
shit's just an average capeshit, anyway