635 days until Avatar 2

>635 days until Avatar 2

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damn what happened Yea Forums


i luv u user

Based and jimpilled


based and robust

But that's just six months from now!

Formerly 636 days

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Unironically can't wait!

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These threads gonna be biblical when we enter "60 days until" and when the trailers drop


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The first one was gay as fuck, kys

Kys reddit

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Based user

Anyone have the video of avatar Apu singing?

blue Zoe best Zoe!

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incredibly based and extraordinarily redpilled

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>Jake Sooooooooooooooooolly

please do not make fun of na'vi accents, it's offensive

who was in the wrong here?

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Absolutely based and alarmingly redpilled

Who is going to write the music for Avatar 2? Horner left some big shoes to fill.

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I would like hanz Zimmer unironically

>635 days until capeshit btfo forever

>Tfw turning 30 next year

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extremely based

>tfw you remember the time when this countdown was in the 1200's
>nothing happened in your life in 600 days

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>Well, look at the capeshitter with his big MCU and his fancy unfunny quips