>635 days until Avatar 2
635 days until Avatar 2
damn what happened Yea Forums
i luv u user
Based and jimpilled
based and robust
But that's just six months from now!
Formerly 636 days
Unironically can't wait!
These threads gonna be biblical when we enter "60 days until" and when the trailers drop
The first one was gay as fuck, kys
Kys reddit
Based user
Anyone have the video of avatar Apu singing?
blue Zoe best Zoe!
incredibly based and extraordinarily redpilled
>Jake Sooooooooooooooooolly
please do not make fun of na'vi accents, it's offensive
who was in the wrong here?
Absolutely based and alarmingly redpilled
Who is going to write the music for Avatar 2? Horner left some big shoes to fill.
I would like hanz Zimmer unironically
>635 days until capeshit btfo forever
>Tfw turning 30 next year
extremely based
>tfw you remember the time when this countdown was in the 1200's
>nothing happened in your life in 600 days
>Well, look at the capeshitter with his big MCU and his fancy unfunny quips