Best of the Worst: Spookies, Action USA, and Alien Private Eye

It's up!

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Who cares?

i do

>no mike
>aids moby
I'll skip it.

who is that new guy

Tim Higgins, a theater actor who acts in plays in Milwaukee and Chicago.

I really hope Josh is there

Fuck off e-celeb faggot

They literally said spoopy over and over again and no mike fuck this and fuck the moustached dipshit

>Caring about basedcuck Mike
>in 2019

top kek



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no Josh, no watch

Friendly Reminder: the prosecution has no case. Mike and Rich will likely walk.

What did they do?

>Spookies? Why would I want to watch a movie with a bunch of spooks in it?
Jesus, Mike!?

Rich has been indicted for fraud and Mike has a pending felony assault charge.

take a hint, rlm

Stop being an e-celeb obsessed soiboi faggot fuck

Really? Kinda surprised they didn't get picked up for sex crimes

No chance Jay or Jack don't flip. I can always spot a rat

Yea Forumseddit tourists unfortunately...

Jack Packin' on the pounds.


who? the guy from peep show?

Great episode, but Jack in the panel instead of Mike ruined it.

who's the new guy? he sucks

Thanks Tim!

Mike is right there in the thumbnail

He's okay. He's not a try hard, which I like. Prefer him over Josh.

I keep thinking the plush millennium falcon on the couch is a pusheen

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Only PTfags and zoomers get upset about RLM threads

Almost as good as sex.

Oh shit, gonna watch tonight then.

Mike "spookie nukie" Stoklasa

I work at a local bar in milwaukee, near where these guys shoot this stuff. Let me tell ya, that studio has always been shrouded in local controversy, but people say mike has some powerful connections so it always gets hushed pretty quick. But recently, there’s been some real crazy rumours going around about this bunch... serious shit. They could be in real trouble this time


Holy shit, like what?

fpwp, RLM is kino.

Spill the beans or shut the fuck up, nigga.

I work for them Milwaukee PD. I’m not privy because I’m just a beat cop, but rumor has it Mike finally crossed a line he wasn’t supposed to cross. Heard kids were involved this time.

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lust-crazed muck-men

Though never convicted of any crime, the Milwaukee Police Department considers Stoklasa to be connected to the Walnut Street Lynchings of 1998-99.[26] Stoklasa has vehemently denied his involvement in the crimes. "No, I was absolutely not involved in that... tragedy. I find it disgusting that you would accuse me of such a thing merely because of my political and social values. If my testimony is not enough, my business partners Jay Bauman and Dolf Herrman can vouch for me. I offer my condolences to the families of the victim,"[27] Stoklasa said in court when questioned about the lynchings by prosecutor William Carpenter. After Stoklasa was found innocent, Carpenter told reporters afterwards that Stoklasa had a hint of a smile when he said "tragedy"[28] and that Herrman was hardly a trustworthy individual, having served time in prison for racially charged assaults and vandalism.[29]

>BotW episode without Mike but including fatass and aidsmoby.
Who gives a shit

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Everyone knows Jack is the funnest one.

Holy shit, Jack got fat again

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A hooker i fuck once a month in Racine was telling me she fucked Jay, he paid with a hundred dollar bill and asked for change

Hmmm... probably about over 10 years ago these boys rolled into town. Old folks didn’t trust em... shoulda listened. Said they’d turn this place into a mini Hollywood. Hah. What a joke. Senators were real friendly with em. Let me just tell ya... it ain’t just movie reviews they’re filming in that place. Lotta kids gone missing. There’s a rougher bar downtown, not many people know about it. Mike frequents the place, you wouldn’t believe the shit that comes out of his mouth... “third reich” mike they call him. This time however, heard he went down there with his buddy jay. Things got heated with some Mexican cartel boys, human trafficking got brought up... there was a body. Don’t know if they can weasel out of this one

Ask me how I can tell you're from reddit

This story is completely fake. Jay pays hookers with crypto.

>Jay pays hookers with crypto.

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>yup, lotta history down that road

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how is a grim reaper a spook, surely as embodiment of death he should be above all this, unless that movie functions on Castlevenia rules and all monsters are just Dracula's bitches
>10l coca cola
Oh dear lord, will this be the death of americhans?

Way to out your story as fake

How can you tell? Is it because you both come from reddit?


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They said it was a statue of the Grim Reaper, so evil statue come to life rather than the actual Grim Reaper, hence being able to kill it.

Is Rich trying to be charismatic? Cringe.

No, but I'm sure you do

>trying to be not a complete pushover
>same thing as trying to force charisma

watch the intro, him acting stiff and unnatural is just awkward. I like him better when he's just frowns and occasionally mumbles

>Why don't my pretend friends do exactly what I want them to??

It's like QAnon except nobody gives a shit

Why the fuck do they have this new guy on the panel who barely says anything? Is this a joke?

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>mike replaced by some literally who

absolutely ruined, I think I might skip this one honestly

He says plenty. He also makes jokes that aren't cringy and ruin the flow of the discussion like beardfat.

>calls himself a rlm fan
>doesn't recognise the bartender from the iron ore musical


>calls himself a RLM fan
>gets the name of The Western Ore Musical wrong and attributes someone to being in it that isn’t actually in it

Why the fuck did they spend so much time putting down men with small penises? Was I supposed to find that funny? They have the brains of 20 year old roasties, I swear.

This is a good bait. Reminds me of the old times when people actually put in effort in their baits.

fun episode, all 3 movies seemed like decent choices

Here’s your reply

I actually didn't even miss Mike

I'm 100% sure you came from reddit in the past 3 years, Ask me how I can tell you're a goober zoomer.

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your time is over grandpa, move on

Why is there a nuclear explosion going off in the background?

Nah, Mike getting drunker and drunker is one of the best bits of BotW, but new guy is a decent replacement for Josh.

Wtf? Source?

>Le epic wojak maymay
You have to go back

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I noticed this too. Nice gut Jack.

Mike got away with curb stomping two niggers about a decade ago, and his luck is running out

This fucking thread. And all the other RLM threads as well. Ya'll here are whining about god knows what while I'm just sitting here, enjoying whatever the boys put out (if it's something I didn't personally like, at least the crew had fun, hopefully), taking into account their weaknesses as hosts and people and realizing they're just that - people. An anonymous normie show-off over and out.

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that guy is truly the worst guest ever

I think action usa looks great

Hi, Josh.

Having lived in Wisconsin and near Milwaukee, I love how everyone that works for RLM looks exactly like someone that lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

So many baldies at RLM

>if it's something I didn't personally like, at least the crew had fun, hopefully
What a fucking cuck.

You're on Yea Forums, my man, we all are.

who the fuck is this random bald guy with a mustache?

Jesus Christ, read the fucking thread. Or watch more RLM. He’s already been introduced.

who's the guy with a mustache?

literally never seen him before, and I've watched lots of their content


whose the bald pedo dude

Alright, this can't be a coincidence now. The first time mustache man opens his mouth is when they mention child molesting.

What episode was he last on? I know he's been on BotW before but I thought it was a recent one.

Black Spine Edition #2.

Beardfat. But just because he's a homo doesn't mean his a pedo, you fucking homophobe.

Oh yeah, what a terrible gimmick that was.

did he suddenly get thinner as well?

porn stache guy wasn't that bad, would have rather they kept Mike in instead of Aids Moby though, guess they wanted to remind us he still works there or something

mike looks a lot healthier

Mike is a massive racist not a pedophile, get your lore right newfag
Jay is gay and fucking COLON the Canadian, get your lore right newfag

That’s not their fault. They literally introduced him on Best of the Worst just a couple episodes ago.

Everytime I read Yea Forums autistic made up stories about Mike & Jay I always picture the events described as if they were one of their shitty skit before a review.

I always picture the loners that come up with it.

Who's the new bald guy with a mustache?

are you sure?

Anyone got the cap of Mike talking about Tina Fey?

One of the few episodes that genuinely made me laugh out loud.

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aids make you drop weight fast

I think he's appeared before, too.

He was in a bunch of their videos doing various bits. I recall seeing him in really early HitB doing an hipster in a video and a thug in another one. I think he was also featured in their plinkett reviews in some capacity.

Practical effects are always better than CG.

I don't mind him, but Rich without Mike is like peanut butter without jelly.

Review when

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is beardfat a fruitcake?


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After the revolution, Nukie Tapes will be used as a form of currency in Milwaukee.

Someone’s been browsing reddit.


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What should I do with an entire month’s worth of freetime? Catch up on my reading? Learn a new skill? Hm...I’ll think about it after I watch the new BotW.

Fucking Christ, RLM fanboys really are autistic

I think it's multiple levels of irony or something...

Just wait till you see his Power Point presentation on Rich Evans’ wardrobe.

Didn't some guy said that jack was fired? Did his headcanon failed?

you should never believe anything people say in these threads

that's a given, and it isn't only these threads, it's the whole bleeding website

jack did leave, there's a couple of more segments where he's involved but he left to make more money and he's still butthurt that mike cancelled pre rec

kys shill

Whats a "nukie"?

jack was never hired you dipshit

what mike's gonna do to the spookies

I thought that was their own project, do you mean to say that mike is an all powerful producer that dominates their creative decisions?

Based. Wizard is kino

go away Josh nobody likes you

It's all lies and bullshit.
Jack made money from PreRec, it ended so he needed to get jobs elsewhere, meaning he isn't around as much to do videos

>jack made money from prerec
literally nobody was watching that, they didn't make shit. he was already working as a producer or some shit like that

They should replace Jack with this other bald hipster. He's not super funny, but he at least makes Rich and Jay laugh on a consistent basis.


That's the measure for how new guests are allowed in. You either have to work in Hollywood in some capacity or be balding.

Rich cancelled Pre-Rec. Rich just wanted supplemental income and once the Patreon doubled since the start of Pre-Rec he dropped it. Remember he is a fat lazy troll.

I bet you are one of those guys who click on the penis enlargement ads on porn sites.

This is a new level of autism.

I need screencaps of mike saying "I like that spookie" and "Don't hurt that spookie"

I bet this braindead user has a great happy life being dumb and braindead

Well it literally is from Reddit.

Not with meanies like you around

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Of course the canadian who speaks the least curses the least. He's a boring nothing person. I would rather have no one there than see him try to fumble out a point

>Jay says "fuck" more than Mike

I find this hard to believe.

Nukie is RLM's favorite movie. You should send them a copy, it makes them smile.

By this point I'll take anything

>grover51 browses Yea Forums
I should have known

there are copies for 2 dollars on ebay RIGHT NOW

and on amazon for 180 dollars for some bizarre fucking reason

I don't mind 70's bald porno stache

Stop putting that fucking new hobo vagrant on the panel

He adds nothing, just like Aidsmoby

He was so forgettable that i had no idea who he was until someone said he was on the black spine edition 2

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fuck sake

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How many times during the discussion does Jack fake laugh way too hard at some joke and then look at the camera with his mouthing hanging open because he's just so SHOCKED someone went THERE! Like he's on the office.

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It's the same guy?

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>mfw Jim comes on screen or says something

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but peanut butter tastes great with or without jelly

God I hate aging

>hating jack
He's put out the best content of any RLMer

>no mike
>wizard is older and balder and shaved with a mustache
the fuck is this

Someone actually sat down and drew this.

how do you know that
maybe they drew it standing up

Shit up bitch

I liked Early Edition. Fun show

Seeing Rich happy makes me happy.