>romance scene starts playing
>remember that I'm a 25 years old kissless virgin
Romance scene starts playing
Same I also had such a wonderful upbringing and had connections
Don't worry it gets worse after you've loved and lossed.
>MC doesn't get teary eyed when talking to people
did you also shart yourself a while a go..rough life
How often does this happen? I am a bit younger than you and it doesn't often come to mind while watching movies.
not him but it gets worse as you get older
when you're young you still have a glimmer of hope inside you but that eventually fades away as you realize you're not getting any more attractive and girls increasingly closer to your age are taken, and younger ones also drift out of reach since once you get old enough, the age gap just becomes too big to be socially acceptable
t. 27 yr old kv
someone loved you and gave you a chance and fucked it up
>when you're young you still have a glimmer of hope inside you but that eventually fades away as you realize you're not getting any more attractive and girls increasingly closer to your age are taken, and younger ones also drift out of reach since once you get old enough, the age gap just becomes too big to be socially acceptable
Don't worry bro, it's much better to be a 30 year old virgin and marry someone who truly loves you. Take it from a guy who's fucked at least 200 girls and will never get married. It's better to marry or die a virgin than have any amount of pussy. Just keep playing your video games and watching anime, it will totally be worth it.
Go out to the bar with some friends and find some dumb drunk slut. Treat her like you want her attention then don’t. It’ll work trust me
I dont have any friends
I have no hope but I embraced misanthropy so I’m not too phased by it
I'm 28 and this is spot on. Eventually the only thing you hope for anymore is a sudden death.
>tfw kissed a girl, held her hand and fucked her all on the same day last year
Alone again now tho obviously
This but I’m 24yo. I hate romance movies and reduce my score of a movie with a romance seen by 1 or 2.
i was like that up until i was 18 years old, then out all the sudden i felt like shit whenever i saw couples of my age having fun and stuff, pure suicide fuel
I haven't had any friends since middle school.
This user is LARPing but he’s kind of right. Your first roastie girlfriend will bitch at you until you give up everything you like so you can devote more time and attention to walking around Target looking at knickknacks with her. Just stick to hentai bros
>war scene starts playing
>remember that I don't have a confirmed kill
You fags are the closet things I have to
Very nice to say this in a time incels are getting monitored by the NSA.
>romance scene starts playing
>Remember tha i'm a volcel and don't give a fuck about w*men
I had a kid at your age
>watch Raimi's trilogy
>MJ being a massive slut third or fourth time in a row
>be happy that if they're all like this I dodged a bullet there
How much alimony do you pay a month?
lol ur friends are fags
Formerly straight
>trying to enjoy a film
>gf starts trying to get frisky with me
Bitch I'm trying to watch the movie
Grass is greener, etc.
>coworker (married) asks me to walk her home
>tries to kiss me outside her house
>dodge like that webm of that slut rejecting that incel at a convention
all i could think of was the blowjobs she gave her husband and it disgusted me
user stop being fgt and go to /fit. Go swimming and give two shits about appearance. Fake liking normie shit and see what happens
Not that user, but I'm /fit/ for 6 years now, eat and look better than anyone in my entire family.
That alone doesn't mean shit though, as if there's no kissless virgin threads on /fit/
This is me.
I am actually a bit scared by how easily I can exist alone and be content with it.
Fuck you, that's not true.
>someone loved you at least once
>nobody ever thought you were anything other than a disgusting creep
Fuck off, stupid normie.
>that humblebragging Chad who lies about how ugly and unwanted and unattractive he is even though he's 6'8" and can lift 7/8/9 and has 8,500 ng/dl test levels
Why do they do this brehs
I'm not tall, 5'10 king of manlets. Decent test levels though yes
Not that user, but it doesn't matter much anyway. I can barely remember how her ass felt like and how it felt like to grope her tits etc.
His room looks clean for an autist
He followed Jordan Petersons' advice and look what happened to him
Reminder that you had at least one Hinata in your life but you were too autistic to notice it.
The chance is gone...Forever.
I'm sorry I don't watch zoomer weeaboo trash so I don't understand that reference.
At least you did it once, it's better to do it once than to never ever do it because nobody ever thinks you are worthy of touching them.
why not see a psychiatrist
Pretty sure I was attracted by at least two tomboys when I was young
There was a black girl who was attracted to me in high school but I didn't do anything about it. I don't want to have sex to be honest.
This girl put her phone number in my yearbook back in 7th grade but I never called her and now I just want to know why.
>lose fat, build a little muscle
>get a good haircut
>wear decent clothes
>talk to a girl
its really that easy frens just try for once :/
total bullshit
>do all that
>still nothing
This is what women tell themselves when going for the BBC
>>lose fat, build a little muscle
>>talk to a girl
None of these are easy for me.
>expecting shit to be handed to you
Try harder and then cry harder you zoomer trash
First one is extremely ease.
Second one is the problem yes
I'm almost 30
Shit is handed to countless people on a daily basis, idiot.
>First one is extremely ease.
For you
>finally get a gf at 24
>she has borderline personality disorder
you just can't win
I am 38 years old virgin, yes my life sucks and it is shit
>tfw even BPD girls aren't attracted to me
Here's what you need to do, go do boomer shit tier and you will find a dried up roast fish to make a family with, don't expect anything good but it's better than nothing. Boomer shit tier activities include walking dog in park, BBQ with neighbour, going grocery shopping, going to aa meetings
so what's the best suicide method? don't give me the helium tank meme shit either that has a terrible record for killing. like choking down 30 tylenol tier useless.
Before you do, why not perform a live action social experiment, walk up to the first sexy woman and ask for her number, if you succeed yay you get laid, if not then you don't lose anything, so it's a win win. Best suicide method is slow suicide via smoking and drinking partying hard in clubs everyday, which coincidentally can also net you some pusy
>walking dog in park
I don't have a dog
>BBQ with neighbour
I live in an apartment, no one knows each other.
>going grocery shopping
How does that work? Now that there's self checkout I literally don't interact with a single person in there.
>going to aa meetings
Only plausible one, though I'd rather stay alone than deal with some psychotic bipolar used up alcoholic single mom with kids
Tried all this doesn't work if you have the aura of a weird beta/omega
Women think I'm cute until I open my mouth and I can see them instantly get confused and run away.
Idk fuck it hopefully I somehow literally fall into pusy before I lose my looks
T. 28 year old virgin
i know exactly what you mean but you need to work on your conversational skills and try not to sperg out too often
I don't wunna end up with some normie tho why would I turn down what makes me me?
Srs tho why the fuck do 15-20 year olds seem so much more approachable? Women my age and 30+ physically and mentally recoil
Guess I'm a retarded teenage memer stuck in a old body
Can and will use this too my advantage
>sex before marriage
Why do people do this
boredom and easy access (for nomies)
I literally have a girlfriend and I can't remember what this feels like the day after, is this a recognised thing?
Especially in 2019 when you're asking to be falsely accused of rape.
you mean why do westerners/whiteoids do this.