If Hugh Jackman really loves his 63 years old wife whom he married in 1996 before he got rich and famous, never cheated on with all the hot women he worked with and adopted 2 kids together then why does he never mention her on his social media?
If Hugh Jackman really loves his 63 years old wife whom he married in 1996 before he got rich and famous...
Jackman isn't interested in women. It's well know he's gay and his wife is a beard.
He's gay, dude.
Will Jacman get metoo'd soon along with Bryan Singer?
I'm his boyfriend.
Huge Jackman
I worked on a movie Hugh Jackmam starred in, and every time he'd come to set, it'd be with a man who was just as physically fit as he was. This guy friend of Hugh wouldn't talk to anyone. He'd just sit in his chair and wait until the day ended before quickly leaving with Hugh.
big cock?
nice larp
could be a trainer?
Is Hugh really nice to everyone on set?
His whole marriage is just a Huge Act, Man!
He's nice to men and boys. Completely ignores women.
I doubt it. This particular role didn't require Hugh to be physically fit or even exposed i.e. Wolverine
He was covered up throughout the movie.
as a straight guy, I would be flattered if someone as handsome as hugh jackman wanted to fuck me
Greatest Showman
Whoops, it was meant to be a question
>nice to everyone on set
It's an unwritten rule in Hollywood for the crew to never mingle with the cast. If you ever get a chance to work on a movie with high profile actors, then you'll know. You just don't talk to them and vise versa.
Oh snap, this man is a jester!
No, it was an older movie that I won't say.
Only liberal weak man keep their wholesome plain jane wife
it makes sense, production would grind to a halt if everyone on set was trying to get "their moment" with an A-lister
Mmm... that's not exactly it. Think of it more like a janitorial crew that cleans the office building that you're working at. As the janitors cleans the office, they don't talk to you and you don't talk to them. That's kinda how it is. Power dynamic is definitely at play. But off set, I'm sure Hugh's a nice person.
>not marrying an older woman so you can do mother/son incest roleplay for the rest of your life
He has a long term relationship with his PA.
Why would anyone sit around a set all day you fucking idiot
Try harder next time
>not learning the names of everyone you work with
>not rembembering birthdays and personal bits of information
>not ingratiating yourself with the herd so that you're more valued
>not climbing towards the mantel of leadership
I do this too. But because I am a sperg and women make me nervous. With guys I can be myself with no pressure because I don't want to fuck them all.
Reminder that Jackman has some fucked up skin disease. That old cunt is probably the best he can get.
It’s normal for non-famous spouses of famous people to avoid the spotlight. Huge Jackman respects his wife’s wish for avoiding unnecessary attention.
>sit all day
Because the guy wasn't paid to do anything. His "job" was to be with Hugh. That's it.
And it's clear that you've never worked on a movie before. If you have, then you'd know that tons of people show up on set and do absolutely nothing. These people are either friends, family, or sex partners.
brb, sending screenshot to hugh
There's nothing wrong with talking to janitors, you fucking sperging. This isn't India with a whole low caste dedicated to cleaning out the sewers (aka every road in India).
Most people don't talk to janitors because 9 times out of 10 they're illegal immigrants who can't speak English. And you just want them to do heir job and move on so you're not reminded of how there are millions of slaves doing dirty work because businesses won't pay enough to hire whites.
Anywhere like a government building or oil and gas facilities where you'll see white janitors, people will talk to them.
>superman is afraid of getting metoo'd
>wolverine has to settle for this
what the freak is happening
They likely wont ever see these people again after a few konths of filming. Why would they bother to know the name off coffe guy n#368
He keeps getting skin cancer melonomas on his nose. I read somewhere that this is common for HIV+ people.