“If someone is the enemy, it’s okay to kill endless numbers of them,” he continued...

>“If someone is the enemy, it’s okay to kill endless numbers of them,” he continued. “Lord of the Rings is like that. If it’s the enemy, there’s killing without separation between civilians and soldiers. That falls within collateral damage. How many people are being killed in attacks in Afghanistan? The Lord of the Rings is a movie that has no problem doing that [not separating civilians from enemies, apparently]. If you read the original work, you’ll understand, but in reality, the ones who were being killed are Asians and Africans. Those who don’t know that, yet say they love fantasy are idiots.”
What did he mean by this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


i literally don't get it

Me neither, and I'm 6'4".

He's based and redpilled

>"For me, I think it's a mistake to make caricatures of what different cultures worship," said Miyazaki when asked about the Hebdo attack [via Yahoo! News]. "It's a good idea to stop doing that."

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>American movies. So callus. So much senseless death. Really goes to show how broken their society is

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You'd have to be a retard to take anything this dumb fucking boomer says seriously.

There were civilian orcs being slaughtered in LOTR? Did the eagles bomb out some helpless orc villages in a deleted scene?

What a pseud. I like Ghibli stuff but he comes off like a total mouthbreather.

And what was the Nanking massacre? Pretty much what he described, committed by japs, not the U.S. To much whale and dolphin meat clogging his brain's.

>ITT: triggered l*rd of the shits soiboi fans

>Having people that don't belong to your race die in large quantities in your movies makes you a racist. I would never do such a thing.

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Yeah this wtf
These guys were just doing their job too, not their fault their leader was a fucking madman, yet they're all killed completely carelessly

Kek. Gondorian F-35s dropping white phosphorus over Cirith Ungol is nice image.

Artists and actors need to shut the fuck up and speak through their professions

He's a sour old man and his films are overrated. No one can explain to me why his films are better than other weeb shit

Literally who gives a fuck what this raw fish eating tighteye says?

Those poor civilian nazis Indy ran over with a tank

He's demented

These guys are soldiers, not civilians, so it's okay for them them to die, at least according to what he says.
It's not contradictory.


Neither were the Orcs?

Someone should tell him there weren't civilian orcs killed

hello rddit incel

He's mistaking Indiana Jones with Rambo and Lord of the Rings with Transformers, he's fucking senile

Wasn't the last movie he worked on was about a guy making planes for the Japanese during WW2 and he learns to not give a shit that he's helping kill people because his love of designing planes is more important?

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How could Indy shoot that poor innocent civilian?

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He's basically saying that action films use a broad scope of "the enemy" as fodder for the hero to brutalize and write off the concept of civilian casualties entirely just for the sake of having big explosions. They don't challenge the hero to show restraint or prevent destruction, wanton destruction is expected as long as a Nazi or orc dies in the process. It removes an essential human element from the story because it's easier to accept a Nazi got minced by a propeller than it is that one of Indy's stray bullets struck and killed a mother of two offscreen.

This is coming from a man who was born in the middle of WWII and one of his first memories was likely a news broadcast about the United States wiping two cities off the map in nuclear hellfire and killing tons of non-combatants because they had a shiny new toy they wanted to test out.

>“Even in the Indiana Jones movies, there is a white guy who, ‘bang,’ shoots people, right? Japanese people who go along and enjoy with that are unbelievably embarrassing. You are the ones that, ‘bang,’ get shot. Watching [those movies] without any self-awareness is unbelievable. There’s no pride, no historical perspective. You don’t know how you are viewed by a country like America.”

Pretty rich coming from a Japanese dude. Did he mention anything about what the Imperial army was doing all over Asia when talking about enemy civilians and combatants? Worse shit than the Russians and Germans combined but they got off scot free because they sucked some US cock.

I mean even Tolkien himself regretted making the orcs so irredeemable.
But Miyazaki does have too much of a pacifist philosophy to be sure, I was so disgusted by valley of the wind I couldn't even finish it.

Miyazaki clearly doesn't understand the LOTR is highly based around Christian mythology which is a lot of good vs. evil. Also the Orcs in LOTR aren't like other Orcs. They're born of evil magic and not some society that existed alongside humans and there's a culture clash. No, they were made specifically to destroy anything in the name of their dark lord.

His argument however works great in the DCEU and MCU. We see our heroes kill soldiers left right and center without any care if they were being forced to fight them or not. Captain Marvel has no problem seeing Kree soldier getting killed despite the fact we know the Kree has institutionalized slave warriors with Yondu being an example of this. And this shit is done at the toddler age. Fucking Aquaman straight up murders thousands of Atlantian soldiers just doing their fucking duty in following their leader by commanding their shark mounts to eat them when he could have just sent them away like a real hero should have done.

Capeshit is shit but do you really expect Cap or Aquaman to simply not fight or try to reason with legions of guys intent on killing them because a handful might be unwilling slaves or because they're just doing their job?

In the extended editions there's even a scene where Faramir wonders if some mercenary dude who got killed by an arrow was trully evil and wanted to conquer others or was he forced into it.

based US

> “If someone is the enemy, it’s okay to kill endless numbers of them,

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There's also that part where Sam sees a dying Haradrim and realizes they're human beings just like the "good guys", just they got memed into fighting for Sauron.

do you honestly want Indy to not defend himself in life or death situations? It's not like he ever goes looking to just start slaughtering people, he's always on the defensive struggling for his life

>You don’t know how you are viewed by a country like America.
I thought Americans loved Japan?

I can understand not just sending the Sharks away since the soldiers could just get off them.
The real crime was the big kiss in the middle of the battle, especially since they had moments ago established they needed to finish it quickly to keep casualties down.

Based and redpilled

>That scene where Indy slaughtered all those defenseless Japanese people just because they weren't white
Sickening, really...

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Somewhat. I wouldn't say that he's referring to all action movies, only LOTR. But he's not understanding that the main theme of LOTR is friendship/unity; orcs are just there to as a backdrop as "evil" so that the forces of good can unite against a common foe. Some action films have nuance and there's no clear-cut definition between good and evil. Princess Mononoke is a good example.

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>the ones who were being killed are Asians and Africans
Does he confirm that Orcs = Niggers and Goblins = Asians?

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All of those movies are trash.

He's talking about action films in general where the white heroes travel to a foreign country to kill a bunch of brown/Asian people and get called heroes for it.

He mentions LotR as a parallel for some reason.

LOTR is extremely fucking racist, stop being delusional

>If someone is the enemy, it’s okay to kill endless numbers of them
>If someone is the enemy

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He is complaining about killing enemies instead of writing the script in the most forced and pathetic way to avoid any kind of killing (particularly by the good guys) and resolving everything in the most "violence is bad!" way and villains being not-that-bad (to avoid difficult moral choices or scenes).

> LoTR: An ancient evil force awakens.
> Anime: An ancient evil force awakens.

Dis nigga stupid.

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Goblins and Orcs are two names for the same exact thing in Lord of the Rings

Miyazaki hates anime, though

>all action movies are just ethnic cleansing wish fulfillment for white people

Really nice animation, creative concepts, and often (but not always) nice writing. It’s really not hard to see why his movies are better than average anime. Average anime looks like One Piece and Black Clover.

You can defend yourself without killing people.

Sounds like miyazaki is just racist honestly. Unexpected.

He may be an old codger, but he's correct about digital animation being an insult to life itself.


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Dude its a movie Memeazaki just turn your brain off bro

Like seriously yes. He lives in a state of fear, a world in which white people are out to get all others. If i didn’t know better i’d say he has the femen virus?

He is just the safe choice for normalfags and a way to denigrate anime fans since miyazaki was "different" and his movies are art unlike commercial, degenerate and childish anime. Weebs defend him in the same way they fap when an anime movie gets an oscar nomination. The desperate need for validation.

I don't give a shit what he thinks. Why do you? Why is it relevant?
He's a brilliant animator and all, but what the fuck is it with anyone who excels at something being listened to on completely unrelated topics as if they have any authority or wisdom, or anything of worth to say?

He really is an sjw?

>there is a white guy who, ‘bang,’ shoots people, right?

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I don't get it

The fuck is this shallow logic haha are you not seeing the point? No one is saying cap / aqua man / indy should do this, they’re fictional characters. They’re not real, they’re following a written script.

The point is that there are real heroes, fighters, soldiers that look to portrayals in cinema for role models or at least some societal standard. So when people create stories or produce movies where heroes don’t have to take any moral consideration in how they defeat the enemy (other than pew pew I’m gonna wipe out these 25 minions guarding the door), it’s less meaningful in real world application and raises problems. That’s miyazakis argument and I tend to agree on some level. As someone else points out about LOTR and good vs evil, he might misunderstand the backstory to some of the stuff he’s criticizing, but I think he’s also making a sweeping argument against anything that creates a silly black/white battle between the forces of good / forces of evil.

There's no digital animation, it's just animation.

Asians are unironically the most racist fucking people on earth, the average Jap's political views could put a stormfag to shame

>japan is one of the most xenophobic cultures on earth
>omg white peoples fantasy stories are originally metaphors for killing foreign invaders/armies!

Why does he have a problem with this except that its white people? This Miyazaki is a racist and i mean that unironically

pretty much this. He got so used to people praising him all the time for his team's work that he ended thinking that whatever dumb thought go through his head must be the smartest insight ever.


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You had me until the end faggot. We had already tested that shit plenty. Those rabid japs deserved what they got and they should have never attacked us to begin with.

LotR is indeed for retards. If you want proper heroic fantasy, you read Worm Ouroboros.

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>Cap or Aquaman to simply not fight or try to reason with legions of guys intent on killing them
In older capeshit they would be expected to disengage and find another way through the situation unless they had to fight.

Hey, this looks pretty good. Should I give it a watch? Never seen any anime before.
Also, ahould I watch the dubbed or subbed version? I heard the dubbed version has my man Mark Hamill so that seems pretty nice.

fucking weebs, should all be gassed

Go to bed, hayao

>[thing people heard of] is indeed for retards. If you want proper heroic fantasy, you read [shit nobody cares about]

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Remember that Miyazaki spents 20 minutes every morning in his way to work at Ghibli visiting a closer kindergarten for... reasons

>Suddenly remembers the first scene in age of Ultron where the avengers kill 200 guys in one minute

Problems with this:

1. They dont believe they did all that stuff.
2. We won the war and wrote history so actually maybe we will never know for sure if they were as bad as we say
3. Idiots keep telling them the nuke wasnt needed and that theyre victims of america despite them being a culture that doesnt surrender and all actual evidence saying the nuke saved lives and was very much justified as well as deserved if they did do what we all say they did in the war

You’re retarded ha ha

The gig is over, you cucks.

The pacific theatre of ww2 was retarded. If the Japanese had just helped Chiang Kai-shek instead of sperging out, there would have been no need for a war with America and the chicoms would have been BTFO.

He’s not. He’s right.

normalfags don't count

Fuck this guy

Have you ever been to a LoTR thread before the tax meme took hold?
It was filled with /pol/acks larping as the good characters of the movies and comparing the baddies with minorities. Basically he is right.

Fair points. #3 is a well argued one too (by historians, policy analysts blah blah). That being said, the US will always be viewed as the enforcer, the winner, the deemer of world order after ww2, even if the nuke was a strategic and necessary maneuver. So you get art voices in foreign countries like miyazaki who constantly point that out. It’s true though, US movie industry does make a lot of war mongering movies, although I’d like to think it’s less contrived and superficial over time

I do

>all these "DUDE JAPANESE WAR CRMES" replies
He really struck a nerve, didnt he Yea Forums?

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At that point in the movie Aquaman controls all sealife. He could amass an army of all their mounts along with everything in the ocean. No one is gonna fight a man who literally controls all the life in the ocean. His half brother could still wanna attack but it would have shown that he lost the respect of his men who now see their true king. Instead the suits said there needs to be a being action scene so Aquaman just murders guys following orders.

Why would the Japanese help Chiang Kai-shek? The Japanese goal wasn't to eradicate communism

>mainstream good
>lesser known works bad

Take your opinion and your avatarposting to where it belongs

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>civilian orcs

Define “deserve” here

The US conducts ton of air raids and drone strikes on targets all over the world. We mistakenly kill nonaggressing civilians probably every year alongside actual enemy soldiers (Syria, afghan, blah blah). Is an extremist allowed to bomb your suburb or shoot up your school because fuck rabid Americans?

He knows that the next Indiana Jones deals with Red China....

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Their goals were stupid and unfeasible. They could have at least acted like they gave a shit about the Anti-Comintern Pact.

Everything i was raised to believe about the world is now called wrong. No evidence to support that its wrong just people started saying its wrong.

I was raised to think:

People who discovered our countries are heroes worth praising

White people are good people. Probably the best people. Others are good too but seperate of course. (You can discard this one if you think its racist, thats irrelevant as theres no hate involved)

Colonialism was a great thing and made our great countries

the british empire was good

Japan deserved the nuke

Now people tell me everthing here is opposite. Its fucked

If I recall correctly that quote was about computer generated movement using the head because he likened it to the disabled

One of the most un-based Japanese I ever heard.

>the british empire was good
this was never true, anglo scum.

no. what happened was they showed him CG animation of a zombie crawling and stuff and he said it reminds him of his disabled friend who can't even give a simple hi five. then he said the animation is insensitive to the disabled and that it's an insult to life.

He's saying that contrary to popular belief among people here that lotr is on the same level as "capeshit".

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>>“If someone is the enemy, it’s okay to kill endless numbers of them,” he continued. “Lord of the Rings is like that. If it’s the enemy, there’s killing without separation between civilians and soldiers.
sounds based and, dare i say, redpilled to me

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>japanese refuse to surrender despite mutiple 100,000s dying in air raids, being surrounded
>okinawa was a complete bloodbath because japs kept using civilians as shields and intentionally goading us into killing civilians in uniforms

They deserved it because they weren't going to give up otherwise. Check out Operation Ketsu-Go

This was ww2, neither japan nor america were in the position america is in today. Japan attacked america. Japan had plans to take the entire southern hemisphere and were doing just that. They were said to have been way worse than the germans in cruelty on the ground and and in human experimentation.

The situation is vastly different to the one you described in every way. I dont support americas overseas wars but your comparison does not fit

I mean bro chill. Columbus was somewhat brave for sailing across the sea. He discovered the America’s for the European markets. That being said, he also raped and oppressed the native ppl.

Colonialism is an efficient market system. I think it’s called mercantilism or cameralism by some historians. That being said, you’re still fucking over the colony economy to some extend for the benefit of the home empire. We still do this today to some extent. Americans are chillin as a result

British empire was powerful sure. Good? Shrug. They were on our side for all the last big wars. They’re still a big ally

Hard to define deserve. Japan is a massive economy today though. Who cares what side they were on 80 years ago. Germany is also a big ally of US

Very few people will come right out and say the Japs reaped hellfire, but they so did.

Pretty brainlet for someone who makes fantasy movies so perhaps it's just you.

There are no "civilian" orcs.

Its totally always been taught as true until recently

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Studio (((Ghibli)))

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Yeah I mean look it’s hard to define the proportional strategic response to what japan was doing in the war as an aggressor. They bombed Pearl Harbor fuck that. Don’t get me wrong I’m American and reap the awards of being a baller here, glad we won. Very difficult to define what is deserved and what is fair. Historians spend their lives nitpicking these facts so I’ll back off here

>the ones who were being killed are Asians and Africans
it was literally the germans in both lotr and indiana jones

> The enemy? His sense of duty was no less than yours, I deem. You wonder what his name is, where he comes from, and if he really was evil at heart. What lies or threats led him on this long march from home, or he would not rather have stayed there... in peace? War will make corpses of us all.

Whoa, a dino-poster on Yea Forums.

Well he said some really stupid shit. Of course people will take issue with it.

Either the translation is bad or miyazaki is an actual idiot who sees the world as everyone vs whites

Nice projection. I just like his films because they are cute and remind me of being a kid going on adventures, both real and imaginary. That and I like his portrayal of ghosts, spirits and other magical things

>It was filled with /pol/acks larping as the good characters of the movies and comparing the baddies with minorities.

movie-only retards pretending they're elves doesn't change the original intention of tolkien's work

and were you there before the pol threads? It was synthesized baneposting, maggoty bread, metaposting, etc.

>Japan starts an empire enslaving and raping every women in a 10,000 mile radius for almost a decade, all the while claiming it as their right since they won those battles
>Japan brutalizes other countries during their occupation in other ways and become to most heinous occupying army in history
>They then launch a surprise attack on U.S. soil, even though we weren't in the fucking war

We should have nuked them three times.

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They almost had a coupe and actually stopped the first surrender transmission and attempted to stop the second one.

Miyazaki goes so ahead of its time that he's thinking about the Amazon series remake

Aha so the actual problem is Miyazaki can't read

Read the books and you'll see it in the physical descriptions

>Have you ever been to a LoTR thread before the tax meme took hold?
fuck off back to r*ddit magapede election fag, LOTR threads have been around a lot longer than that shitty meme

Wait, what non combatants did Mordor have on its side, and out of those in what scene were any killed?

This sounds like some old spooky propaganda about westerners killing, maiming and eating civilians, like Miyazaki's government told its own people the americans would do to them in WW2.

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so it'll be africans killing asians and other africans?

>Orcs are actually misunderstood

Jesus fucking christ, I'm so tired of all this bullshit

You can tell a story about friendship and unity without using violence as a backdrop, though. Natural disasters, disease, any number of real issues with non-violent solutions you could have come up with. Instead, we bond over killing orcs.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you can't tell the story LotR told, but the thing Miyazaki is saying is that the violence is essentially taken for granted. Nobody has qualms or as much as a second thought about mowing down hordes of enemies. You can make excuses about how the orcs are just generic mooks and nothing to sympathize with all you want, but that's just weak storytelling if you can simply write the villain off as simple chaotic evil, always and forever.

It sounds like he hates movies. We all know real life isnt like movies. The reason nazis /zombies / orcs/ robots were used for so long as enemies in movies and video games is because theyre basically fantasy enemies (even the nazis cause they were a charictature of something long finished)

In miyazakis world we arent allowed mindless fun movies

>Thinking that Reddit is anything but the opposite of hipsters

Yeah, its my favorite Miyazaki movie. Good clean fun, enjoyable for kids and adults, lots of cool looking machines and guns, a simple story that doesn't drag on forever or make no sense (a la Howell's Flying Castle or most of Miyazaki's movies really)
Also its a kid's movie called "Laputa", which means "The Whore" in Spanish. So, that's pretty funny.

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he just sounds jelly of losing ww2 desu

Get a load of this published historian ova here fellas

Not all fantasy stories are equal

The decision to attack america really was just insane. I guess they really believed they were divine

Tolkien served in WWI and wrote the series as he saw Europe sliding back into Armageddon in the 1930s. Miyazaki is basically a lifelong artist and animator with little life experience outside that narrow field. I assume his fathers position as a chief engineer at an airplane firm gave him access to a pretty comfortable and privileged upbringing too. Different sides of the tracks.

orc-posting becoming reality
>demons are just misunderstood

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It's a possible real life situation with all the china controlling africa now, so it will reflect reality

>Tolkien served in WWI and wrote the series as he saw Europe sliding back into Armageddon in the 1930s.
That makes his work infallible and unbiased?

But they actually are misunderstood, just not in a bleeding heart sort of way. They're spawned from evil and exist only to wreck evil upon Middle Earth. While Tolkien himself regrets not depicting them in a more sympathetic light, they are what they are in the books and trying to cast a different light on them now just misses the point.

I love his work honeslty its gonna kinda ruin it for me now thinking that he hates white people

no it just means he has more perspective on war

is this real? Miyazaki dvertising carajillos?

Japanese militarization was really insane. Just saying you didn't think Japan should waste money on big ships or impossible to win wars could get you murdered in your own home. And the guys that killed you would get slaps on the wrist.

>la puta

It got renamed as just "the castle in the sky" in Spain, but for some reason they didn't change the name itself from the movie, so it's weird to hear all these characters going around and talking about the whore.

they are still adorable even when they are being angry about it

>Baphomet is misunderstood
>Moloch is misunderstood

It was one paragraph in a whole 1k+ page series that consistently equated fairness, light skin, light eyes, blonde hair with good (he even described one guy in ROTK as having a "gallant" nose). On the other hand evil groups such as orcs, goblins, and especially Uruks and Southron men have dark skin/hair/eyes, "hooked" noses, and slanted eyes.

The movies take it further with the use of drums, dreadlocks, complex braid styles that are actually associated with West African royalty, "tribal" paint, as well as body and face jewelry. All of which scream "SCARY BROWN TRIBES". So yeah it reinforces racist associations of brown/black with savage, evil, and bad.

Fuck this creep. He's a bitter cranky old fart who's obessed with (and probably has raped) little girls, who mentally and physically abused his son to madness and his films are pretenious, tedious and humorless crap that, if we lived in a just and fair world, would languish in obscurity

Boring old people-hating frog-face fuck should just impale himself on a samurai sword and be done with it

I only wish he met Walt Disney and Chuck Jones so they could have knocked out every tooth out of his head

>boomer's first anime

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We must let the orcs into the shire! It's the only way we can have peace, and as we all know the Hobbit population's birthrates are low so we need the orcs to help stimulate the Hobbit economy we must coexist.

Its an island from Gulliver's Travels.

We had this thread yesterday, and it was just as dumb and unproductive then as it is now

The levels of Amerimutt cope itt are off the charts

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>Unit 731
>Unit 731 (Japanese: 731部隊 Hepburn: Nana-san-ichi Butai) was a covert biological and chemical warfare research and development unit of the Imperial Japanese Army that undertook lethal human experimentation during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945) of World War II.
>At least 3,000 men, women, and children-from which at least 600 every year were provided by the Kempeitai were subjected as "logs" to experimentation conducted by Unit 731 at the camp based in Pingfang alone, which does not include victims from other medical experimentation sites, such as Unit 100.
>Thousands of men, women, children, and infants interned at prisoner of war camps were subjected to vivisection, often without anesthesia and usually ending with the death of the victim. Vivisections were performed on prisoners after infecting them with various diseases. Researchers performed invasive surgery on prisoners, removing organs to study the effects of disease on the human body. These were conducted while the patients were alive because it was thought that the death of the subject would affect the results
>Physiologist Yoshimura Hisato conducted experiments by taking captives outside, dipping various appendages into water, and allowing the limb to freeze. Once frozen, which testimony from a Japanese officer said "was determined after the 'frozen arms, when struck with a short stick, emitted a sound resembling that which a board gives when it is struck'", ice was chipped away and the area doused in water. The effects of different water temperatures were tested by bludgeoning the victim to determine if any areas were still frozen.
>Female prisoners were forced to become pregnant for use in experiments. The hypothetical possibility of vertical transmission (from mother to child) of diseases, particularly syphilis, was the stated reason for the torture. Though "a large number of babies were born in captivity", no children lived.

make carthage great again

most cultures associate white with purity and dark with evil, it's just an inoffensive cultural constant

Daily reminder that Pearl harbour was an inside job just like the USS Maine or 9/11. America was a mistake


LotR is more or less a modern historical epic in the veins of Beowulf or King Arthur first and foremost. Though it does occasionally deal with the horror and humanity of war. But it's not the main reason Tolkien wanted to tell it. He just wanted to make his own epic fanfic because that's what he loved.

>It was Sam's first view of a battle of Men against Men, and he did not like it much. He was glad that he could not see the dead face. He wondered what the man's name was and where he came from; and if he was really evil of heart, or what lies or threats had led him on the long march from his home; and if he would not really rather have stayed there in peace-all in a flash of thought which was quickly driven from his mind.

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Ceterum autem censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

*honk* *honk*

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There were civil orcs?

While this is legitimate miyazaki shouldnt have a problem with it. He’s a japanese man living in japan, a country that is itself incredibly xenophobic. He seems to have a problem with it just because its white people doing it, like whites are a threat to him. As other anons said, miyazaki comes off as simply racist here.

The Japs are just salty against satirical magazines

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not an inside job mate, but they badly wanted to fuck up the nazis so they gave the japs a chance to fuck them up

yes, it's also full of archetypal characters, you aren't supposed to try to find the characters "realistic", but find parts of all characters inside yourself

Based and redpiled

I think Moloch literally is misunderstood. I've heard that Hebrews misinterpreted phonecian cremation rituals of already dead child corpses as human sacrifice.

I don't either, especially since the quote
"Lord of the Rings is like that. If it’s the enemy, there’s killing without separation between civilians and soldiers"
applies only to the orcs who're shown to be evil, and even then Tolkien gives them many scenes strongly alluding to the fact that Orcs are ensnared by the will of their evil masters and not irredeemably evil themselves. There isn't one point in the books or movies where Aragorn or the good guys burst into a goblin nursery and start hacking down gobbo women and gobbo babies. In fact the book and movie both mention how the heroes have pity for the enemy, and would much rather let them go, wondering why the enemy come from so far away to mercilessly kill them when they could've stayed at home in peace. The last action scene of the book ends with the hobbits letting a bunch of bandits and Saruman go even after they've devastated their homes.

LOTR is about how evil things forge their own ruin.

>but the thing Miyazaki is saying is that the violence is essentially taken for granted
and people take the stability created using violence for granted too, there are things that we had to fight for, and you can just assume that removing the violence will give you those things for free. there is no "normal" without creating it with effort

Nice wikipedia copy paste you butthurt chink/gook/amerigoblin

If i remember correctly, miyazaki has gotten into trouble within japan for his anti-war messages more often than not. He has criticized his own country's misdeeds plenty of times.

>"Will Aragorn kill baby orcs?"
>"What about CIVILIAN orcs!!"

Both confirmed to not fucking read the damn source material they are criticizing
There are no damn civilian orcs, because "orc" is not a culture, but an entire adult male corruption. While children corruption and woman corruption, has been writen off on the "bad" side, civilians where included in the "good" side when the barbarians pushed by Saruman massacre a village

>pearl harbor
>unit 71 in china
>burned korea down
>SEA military expansionism
>""""comfort women""""

No, no, it definitely was the evil west.

Fucking based.

Explain the reports of the Carthaginians burning their own children.

What the fuck ever. But it's totally okay for Japan to slap biblical imagery on everything because they think it looks cool though.

>It is pity that stayed Bilbo's hand. Many that live deserve death. Some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them, Frodo? Do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment. Even the very wise cannot see all ends.

>The movies take it further with the use of drums, dreadlocks, complex braid styles that are actually associated with West African royalty, "tribal" paint, as well as body and face jewelry. All of which scream "SCARY BROWN TRIBES".

Based Peter Jackson.

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the white walkers are just misunderstood

>respecting a gooks opinion
pls tell me you don't do this

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I guess he’s a complex guy. The translation could also have been skewed to match the politics of the readers of kotaku. This may have made him sound more extreme.

He has a point, many of the enemies of Gondor and their allies aren't just the orcs, trolls, uruk-hai, but people of color, like the Haradrim, Easterlings, the people of Rhun and Khand, etc.

Those are not caricatures, though. They don't make them with satirical purposes.

I do like how his earlier movies like Princess Mononoke presented all the characters and factions as both good and bad in a rational and non-edgy muh gray and grey morality way. The drama in princess mononoke comes from almost everyone pretty much being right about their reasons for doing so many villainous things.

Hitler was misunderstood

I mean let's be fair.

Right, Evangelion is totally respectful of Christianty. Not at all just using it as window dressing

I still feel bad for the forest god.

I mean, he isn’t wrong about these movies being shit, nor is he wrong about mindless action scenes being dumb, but LotR, Indiana Jones, and Star Wars aren’t shit because of those reason.
If anything, those films have the least “killing enemies because they are enemies” among mainstream cesspool.

What this user said. Mononoke is undoubtly his better work for this very reason, though I'd say you can find similar qualities in Nausicaä.

I think Steven Spielberg might just like eating babies but I dunno.

see they were literally invaders going into someone else's land and he still shows compassion towards them

>Hitler was misunderstood
Hilter would have been an obnoxious /x/ schizo to be fair.

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But what will the Night King's tax policy be?

it's always fun when you find a """moral relativist""" in the wild and you ask them if they include nazi germany in their relativism

>invade a foreign land
>in alliance with pure evil
>and man-eating orcs

Hopefully, they learned their lesson after the Gondorean spanking.

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You keep going back to "but they don't understand it", which is absolutely true, but Miyazaki did not criticize that at all, he was talking about caricatures, and thus your argument falls flat because you're not addressing anything he actually said, but a straw-man.

>Tolkien was basically a lifelong academic and professor with little life experience outside that narrow field.

It'd certainly explain why he wasted so much time on gay midget fanfiction.

Also he spent practically the entire war on garrison duty in England.

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But the 6 gorillion!!

Is he going to get in 'trouble' for defending nazis?

He was in the Somme lel

I mean the orcs had some good ideas and Hitler had some good ideas let's just leave at that you know.

what was Chihiro/Sen's tax policy?
checkmate gayao chinkajappy

That touches on my main gripe with the story and people defending it as non-allegorical. When you're pulling from multiple sources you're inheriting it no matter if you choose to embellish it or not. This is especially true when it comes from mythology.

"Don't make fun of the ludicrous pedo warmonger"

I take it myazaki hasn't any room in his rigid construct of storytelling for our man conan.

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>Nanking massacre
I bet you believe the Holocaust ™ was real

>now Mas'r Faggo oi be gooin ta fuck 'ee in the ARRRSE

Just glad it wasn't either of us, user.

>the Somme

Should warn the millennials they'll have to look that one up.

Protip: wasn't garrison duty.

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He got sick as shit and spent most of his time at the front in the infirmary.
I think it was C.S. Lewis who got shot through the neck and had a near death experience bleeding out and waiting to die. It was the inception for a lot of his stories.

>>> 4channel.co.uk

pedos like them stick together

conan's not even "our man" in the movies let alone the clever and quite sophisticated original stories

take it to /int/ you fat foreigner faggot

>the average Jap's political views could put a stormfag to shame
>easily one of the highest standards of living
What did you imply with this?

>Japanese commit some of the worst atrocities in the history of mankind
>white people are the bad ones though

i remember that story, Conan was so lonely and horny on the snow after that thot made him pursue her that he used the frustration to defeat those snow giants

recently watched some of his films for the first time and there are definitely some sjw undertones

Didn't Miyazaki call out pedophilia in anime?

He was in the front lines for 3 months (July-October) before his foot started rotting away.

Attached: another japanese war crime denial thread.gif (1064x589, 981K)

they weren't just giants, they were her brothers, she lured conan there so they could have some fun killing him

No proof that any of these "atrocities" actually happened.

>one of the highest standards of living
So high they have a suicide rate that makes trannies look like sensible people

>I think it was C.S. Lewis who got shot through the neck and had a near death experience bleeding out and waiting to die

Yeah. On a tangential note he was a subaltern in the Somerset Light Infantry.

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I believe he's talking about the easterlings and the haradrim, and not the orcs

>easily one of the highest standards of living

I wouldn't want to be a Japanese. The crowding everywhere in their populous cities ie all of them beggars anything you'll encounter in New York.

>rape and murder millions in Eurasia
>Japan: "This is honorabu"
>Destroy military compounds placed in cities
>Japan: "Very dishonorabu"

This. Miyazaki is full of these old man trusims, high arent necessarily incorrect, but he's brutally judgemental and completely ignorant of his entire self when he says them. He just forgets that he has a life and a career and suffers the same limited egotistical human perspective as anyone else, then calls everyone trash for watching animation when he spent a lifetime animating

>If it’s the enemy, there’s killing without separation between civilians and soldiers
says the literal jap

Being taken ill is no less involvement, disease always claims a measure of soldiers in an army of the time. Three men in my family all perished that way while serving.

The Yakuza owns the police, so do a bunch of batshit cults so the police bullshit and say alot of murders were suicides. Plus there are alot of suicides because Japs are weird and like to kill themselves.

His films helps me fuck females.

Fucking this.

his films *help

not "helps"

>uh uh uh you shouldn't have nuked us
Yeah, we know thats what you think, lol

George Orwell's the one who got shot in the neck. (CSL was all but fatally injured by shell fragments.)

Who cares he makes great movies, if he does not like lotr ore indiana jones it is fine i can still enjoy those.

Look, if its not pre-industrial impressionism, Miyazaki says its the devil. Same as always.

It is kinda funny considering Tolkien himself was a massive pacifist even before most of his friends died defending a foreign country in a war he didn't see the point of.

But he wasn't an artist who used writing to "share a piece of soul". He was just an academic who wrote stuff because he liked writing shit.

Still participated in a few assaults though.

If you haven't seen an anime movie starting off with Studio Ghibli movies is an excellent starting point. For older movies stick to subbed versions. Disney dubs often sanitized flaws of some characters to make them "appropriate" for kids. Newer movies' subs mostly match that of the Japanese but I stick to subs.

chinese ver tasty! indian, australian not so much

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Yea Forums came from Japan and is owned by a Jap. So kill yourself.

>Japs are weird
>not because of the obscene working hours, the fact that the japanese beat their homeless to death, the societal pressure to conform and be perfect and serve the corporation on top of a long-running authoritarian society that crushes any semblance of individuality

You're right. My mid 20th century author WWI lore is rusty.

nice try, even the nazis recognized Nanking at the time and were disgusted by the japs for doing it.
Witnesses both from Germany and missionaries from Britain that were there reported what happened pretty soon after, when it was published internationally in news papers it was a huge blunder for Japan's image.
Iwane Matsui who was sick when the order was made was driven to tears by the dishonorable thing his men had done when speaking with high ranking members of the military but ultimately mocked.
There's also photography of what happened that was taken by japanese photographers, one of whom infamously said "I wish I had color film to capture the river running red"

You can argue about the logistics of the holocaust all you want, both the affirmative and negative use faulty numbers.
But Nanking definitely happened.

ignore this man, the dubs are masterfully done and you can get a lot of them over reading tiny letters set to a meaningless audio track


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it's an american website you mongoloid, in case you're such a fucking newfag that you're unaware of that fact

Pic related is his only good movie. Prove me wrong.

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Japs and Krauts thought that if they won a few battles the other side would surrender and basically had no contingency plan when they didn't

>nah man Japan is perfect and awesome, its just the criminals rule the police, the suicides are actually murders, and its the japanese fate to commit suicide anyways

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Not even his movie


terribly naive miscalculation, how could they have been so foolish I wonder, don't they know humans?

He didn't direct that one so you're definitely wrong
It's my favorite Ghibli tho, patrician taste my man

There has never been a lower IQ take on lord of the rings than this statement here.

The US basically provoked them into war by cutting off their fuel shipments due to various made up reasons. And the US was certainly at war as far as supporting their allies with anything except live men. They were supplying Russia and the UK with food, tanks, aircraft, ships, munition, intelligence and more. Saying the US wasn't at war is to be ignorant at best or disingenuously hypocritical.

yes you are

Nazis were all completely strung out drug addicts anyway, not sure about Japs, pretty sure they were just dumb

take it to /his/ you baiting 89 iq

>US plays a simple gambit that Japs fall for easily
>somehow the US are at fault here
Dumb, as I thought

They brainwashed themselves a generation in advance, the people who came up with the idea for the Japanese Empire were long dead, and had reformed the education system to teach the nation their victory was divinely assured. Japan had been ideologically setting itself for a suicide attack for like 50 years prior to the war

The Easterling and Southron civilians were still to the east and south of Middle-earth though.

>google porco rosso for an image
>turns out there's a showing at alamo drafthouse today at 4
Well lads I know what I'm doing today.

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And this is supposed to explain why Japan should be immune to the consequences of bombing America?

The Japanese started the fight. They deserved whatever measures the US took to end it. Were it the Yanks who picked a fight with them then I'd think differently, but it wasn't.

EoE is ambiguous but not the actual series and not so much Christianity but Torah.


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>attacks a nation financially
>gets surprised they attack back

americans in a dumbshell

Bullshit. People on this board make 'em every day and they're professing to *like* it.

>various made up reasons.
You mean like attacking their allies and threatening US interests in the pacific with muh co prosperity sphere?
Get better b8 m8.

Normally I'd just watch the dubs but for this movie watch it with subs. Not only does the actual story take place in Japan so having explicitly Japanese characters speaking English ruins immersion, but the dub changed some dialogue around.

Not at all, I'm just arguing that the the whole "we were a peaceful nation before pearl harbor" is a load of bollocks.

That was Sam in the book.

>"It was Sam's first view of a battle of Men against Men, and he did not like it much. He was glad that he could not see the dead face. He wondered what the man's name was and where he came from; and if he was really evil at heart, or what lies or threats had led him on the long march from his home; and if he would not really rather have stayed there in peace." ― The Two Towers, "Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit".

>japs start seizing island nations left and right
>start genociding various asian ethnic groups because of the angle of their eyes
>preach they're god's chosen people and slaughter everyone around them and commit human experimentation in places like manchuria
>wanted to establish the entirety of the pacific rim as their Kingdom under heaven
>"n-no you see they were PROVOKED into war!"
This is your brain on weeb

your post smells of no or incomplete education

According to you they were provoking the Japs, so it wasn't a surprise, but actually the desired outcome

The absolute IDEA that it is America's job to enable unchecked aggression and foreign domination plots, and that relief efforts against invasion entitle the invaders to free bombing runs against America, for which America is forbidden to respond. The fucking gall of this Axis and Co Prosperity Sphere

he's just an example of your brain on anti-americanism

If that were the case then the US wouldn't have needed any other reason than that fact. History shows that US public refused to condone war unless attacked first. The US cornered Japan and made sure they would have no choice but to declare war and attack first, so they could go to war in Europe without losing face.

If guns were legal in Japan, there'd be no more Japanese.

That's a fairly ignorant statement since France has a cultural tradition of holding nothing sacred and drawing caricatures of everything.

>free to physically bomb and attack the military any trade ally of any nation you choose to invade for power
Just imagine me laughing out of breath

personal attacks in lieu of actual arguments and I'm the one lacking an education.

>git gud


Goy you are forgetting the 6 bazillion

>LOTR is extremely fucking racist

Why? Just because it is a European story that mirrors real history? Europe was invaded from Africa and Asia. Besides Tolkien hated racism.

>"The treatment of colour nearly always horrifies anyone going out from Britain, & not only in South Africa. Unfort[unately], not many retain that generous sentiment for long." ― Letter 61 — Written to Christopher Tolkien who was stationed in South Africa during World War II.

>"I have the hatred of apartheid in my bones; and most of all I detest the segregation or separation of Language and Literature. I do not care which of them you think White." ― From a Valedictory Address to the University of Oxford in 1959.

>"I must say that the enclosed letter from Rutten & Loening is a bit stiff. Do I suffer this impertinence because of the possession of a German name, or do their lunatic laws require a certificate of arisch origin from all persons of all countries? ... Personally I should be inclined to refuse to give any Bestätigung (although it happens that I can), and let a German translation go hang. In any case I should object strongly to any such declaration appearing in print. I do not regard the (probable) absence of all Jewish blood as necessarily honourable; and I have many Jewish friends, and should regret giving any colour to the notion that I subscribed to the wholly pernicious and unscientific race-doctrine." ― Letter 29 — Written in response to Tolkien's German publishers asking whether he was of Aryan origin.

>"It was Sam's first view of a battle of Men against Men, and he did not like it much. He was glad that he could not see the dead face. He wondered what the man's name was and where he came from; and if he was really evil at heart, or what lies or threats had led him on the long march from his home; and if he would not really rather have stayed there in peace." ― The Two Towers, "Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit".

if it smells like shit (your post) nothing more need be said than, "it's shit"

>"Thank you for your letter. I regret that I am not clear as to what you intend by arisch. I am not of Aryan extraction: that is Indo-Iranian; as far as I am aware none of my ancestors spoke Hindustani, Persian, Gypsy, or any related dialects. But if I am to understand that you are enquiring whether I am of Jewish origin, I can only reply that I regret that I appear to have no ancestors of that gifted people. My great-great-grandfather came to England in the eighteenth century from Germany: the main part of my descent is therefore purely English, and I am an English subject — which should be sufficient. I have been accustomed, nonetheless, to regard my German name with pride, and continued to do so throughout the period of the late regrettable war, in which I served in the English army. I cannot, however, forbear to comment that if impertinent and irrelevant inquiries of this sort are to become the rule in matters of literature, then the time is not far distant when a German name will no longer be a source of pride.
>Your enquiry is doubtless made in order to comply with the laws of your own country, but that this should be held to apply to the subjects of another state would be improper, even if it had (as it has not) any bearing whatsoever on the merits of my work or its sustainability for publication, of which you appear to have satisfied yourselves without reference to my Abstammung." ― Letter 30 — Written directly to Tolkien's German publishers.

>implying Gandalf's charge and later the Rohirrim cavalry charge didn't kill civilian orc camp followers, cooks, mothers, children, etc.

Way to prove my point sunshine :)

you haven't one to prove, you're only seeking to maliciously antagonize

Okay guys I'm going to invade China for power and because I want their land and resources, in fact I'm gonna fake an attack and bomb my men just to do it, but if any nation sends them aide we're going to bomb you too, and we expect you to be scared into compliance over this. We've done nothing wrong and how dare you help someone I am trying to forcefully annex and establish as a servant state. I kill you for that.

P.S. My own government doesnt even believe this, but white american contrarians will deny our war crimes to prove their education and worldliness


>letting a possible enemy combatant go will change the enemy combatant

That's actually the first time you've made a real argument instead of ad hominems. And yes, that's exactly what I did in my previous post.

>fuck americans, fuck hollywood and fuck anime

Yeah we were an anti Imperial Empire. It was fun

Can you even type the words surprise and attack in bongistan without going to the clink?

>due to various made up reasons
You mean not counting committing widely documented inhuman atrocities, looting and destroying American owned property, attacking their navy and diplomats.

Not him but nobody said America was purely isolationist before Pearl Harbor. It would have been ignorant of us not to be

hence I see nothing wrong with highlighting what your posts are, instead of arguing with something that's based entirely on false narratives and insincerity, giving it a hint of credence.

And then once we've been defeated, we won't cry about it for a hundred years but instead make one of the world's most miraculous recoveries and become one of the economic titans of the world and spread our culture to all the grandchildren of those who defeated us. Through peace, we will conquer.

Why didn't the people of Gondor try and educate the Easterlings and other peoples of color and inform them that Sauron is evil and that they shouldn't ally themselves with him? Hell, if the Elves can teach the Numenoreans, then the others ethnic groups of Men, not just the people of Rohan, should be able to be enlightened and turn away from attacking Gondor. They only sent two wizards, that's all.

I like how Conan brings out every woman's inner whore, like that one time he invades a castle and kidnaps some princess whose brother was just murdered and by the end of the book she's dripping when he promises to come back and destroy her kingdom and prolapse her anus on the bodies of her dead countrymen. We need those Conan adaptions

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only if you use them in the context of ethnic native Britons to be sure

>If that were the case then the US wouldn't have needed any other reason than that fact.
The population didn't want to go to war. Cutting off the oil supply to the nips was the most FDR at the time.
Just like how most people didn't want to get dragged into another european war, and of the people who wanted to join the war it was a 50/50 split on who's side to join (the US has a lot of germans).
Pear Harbor made that a moot point since public opinion turned over night, and then Hitler, in one of his many blunders, declared war on the US in a show of solidarity with his axis allies.
Are you just pretending to be retarded, or do you actually know nothing about history?

>and spread our culture to all the grandchildren of those who defeated us
makes sense because they aren't having grandchildren of their own either

>50 anecdotes
If that's what you base a country off of, I've got some bad news for you

If this
Is your post, then you are a dishonest contrarian subhuman who's willfully coexisting Japan's intent and crimes against humanity for some cheap alternate you made up to diss the US for completely different reasons.

let me guess
you subscribe to the justin cuckdeau school of
>if you kill you enemy or fight back in any way, they win!!
or are you one of those morons that harps on about
>b-b-but why didn't they shoot him in the leg?
when some violent nigger gets put down by the police after having raped and murdered some dumb bitch and brandishes a gun at the cops?

That's just barbarians in general man.
Giant oiled up muscle men wearing loin clothes known for being so alpha they murder everything in their way, even if there's an easier alternative.

Yep. Japan is honestly pretty great for that, doesn't mean you aren't a contrarian whitey dishonestly defending Japan's worst crimes (which they have since profusely disavowed) after they were forced to stop in a foreign counterattack and occupation

really accentuates how primal women are

I may think Varg is a rambling autist but I'm finna have to agree with him on that point.

>defending Japan's worst crimes (which they have since profusely disavowed)

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Same reason why North Korea is not a democratic paradise because we tell them to be.

>just teach men not to rape

Is that what you think this conversation is about? Youre right, Japan has done astronomically well in productivity and influence since we invaded and forced them to adopt an entirely different ideology free of war crimes and human rights abuses, thats why we did it

>really accentuates how primal women are
In pulp fiction directed at young men anyway.
But you know, we're all hard wired. In a tribal culture you'd want to hook up with the biggest strongest dude, and if he doesn't wait to ask if you're into it, then so much the better because it's his primal lust they're responding too.
Its just like how most dudes fantasize about the perfect ultrasubmissive nympho.

You'll never make your point if you keep deflecting and squirming like that, you slimy white contrarian

Anime is literally slant capeshit though

there is no point, i was just calling you retarded

>Is that what you think this conversation is about?
No that's just what he moved the goalposts to.
But the nips had an equally impressive economic boom during the meiji restoration. They basically condensed a few hundred years of social and technological evolution into a few decades. They're pretty unique in that most backwards civilizations who encounter more advanced ones usually don't do to well, while the nips seemed to adapt pretty well.

There is no such thing as a civilian or inocent orc. Orcs are corrupted mutilated beyond repair elves in LOTR´s mythology.
Furthermore the source of LOTR lies in norse mythology, particularly the sagas. The one ring is the ring of the nibelungs, Narsil is the Balmung (Siegfried sword. which is also reforged), Smaug is Fafner the dragon and so on. Tolkien was a linguist dedicated to translate those stories and poems which i am pretty sure preceed any and all American war efforts (and culture for that matter).

Furthermore the structures of western classical storytelling are rooted on the hero´s journey for the most part so what Miyazaki seems to be criticizing is a cultural difference rather than LOTR where his reasoning doesn´t necesarily applies.

I agree, the Japanese are industrious as fuck and are respectable evem when committing war crimes. Doesnt mean their crimes against humanity weren't some of the most half baked self-destructive terrible decisions they ever made

Just like any other slice of life in every season.

Does making famous Impressionist animation really entitle any old man to insist anything he can think of is as disgusting as he can imagine?

Tolkien's stated intention with the stories of middle earth was specifically because he lamented that there was no authentic english language mythology so he sought to make one.
He borrows liberally from northern european folklore and myth, but does his best to make everything its own thing in this big integrated lore.

seems like their productivity is not so good anymore and there's a lot of "fake work" going on in japan where they appear to be working all the time but nothing gets actually done

Thats true. At least it keeps the GDP up

If their productivity is as honest as their crime rate then I'm sure they dont mind