What made 80s/90s actresses so beautiful in comparison to actresses of today?

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They were hired based on their beauty, instead of based on their race.


I'm watching the very first episode of Baywatch, remastered in high def. Madchen plays this troubled girl who becomes obsessed with one of the lifeguards, she looks gorgeous in it

Nice big hair

Attached: julia-roberts-pretty-woman.jpg (564x641, 59K)

Nothing. You're just a zoomer so you dont get how things change over time

absolute babe m.youtube.com/watch?v=2pl1wKae6wU

No tattoos. Tattoos became mainstream in the late 90s, but before then it was rightly considered unfeminine and trashy.

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Your nostalgism.

Softer camera light

at least her kids can be hired now since they're black

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they couldn't camwhore

I am only 21.

Everyone claim your 90's waifu. I'll go first

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I guess he meant Sehnsucht


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The 80s and early 90s had ugly hairstyles and current actresses are brown mutts. The late 90s and early 00s were clearly the peak of sexiness

oh no no no no no no
look at this duuude

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You may be right.

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>big hair is ugly

dios mio...

un abominacion

racemixed people are so beautiful

every day
i pray

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You can still worship her. Just watch Bo Burnam it's the same person.

Our diet and general lifestyle was better back then.

High-rise jeans

Already posted, but not claimed. Late 90s Julia is one of the most beautiful women ever.

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Meh, she's pretty but I don't like the smug and self-righteous vibes she always puts off.

Yeah she's apparently a terrible person but I can't help it, I still love her.

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Less HD photos and harsh light showing every hair and pour

la goblina...

norm fucked her

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Posting the superior 90s romcom waifu, and fucking CLAIMED

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