Yea Forums incels btfo'd once again

When will you guys realize brie is /ourgirl/?

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I'ma laugh when she says no and then publicly shames this guy


Doesn't he know she hates white males

He even used white paper, what a misogynist.

Poor guy
>looks like a woman
>most likely a beta manchild
>doesn’t know that Brie hates white men

Thank God he didn't ask her in an airport.

Arrest this man

the brazen nerve of this white male to publicly sexually assault Brie like this

her life truly is a life in defence, I see what she meant now

>Her toes are destroyed by fungus.

I'd rather be rejected by a girl from my class.

Who's Marvel Ed? Is he from the comics?

she may say no, but there's no way she's stupid enough to publicly shame him
people treat these stories like the guy asking is a retarded puppy, and no one likes people who kick retarded puppies

Shameful. Why do white men do this?

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it depends on who has the power in the situation

he's a white male, which means he has the power, so it's rape for him to ask this from her

What do you think actually happens when celebs agree to these? I would think it would be awkward as fuck, you're with some sperg who you know nothing about for a couple hours who probably will be starstruck by you. I guess you just end up taking pictures with everybody for most of the time?

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She will say no and then go to the same prom with tyrone just to show that white boy who is in charge.

She'd have done it without hesitation if it was a black dude

This is fabricated by Disney you dumb fucks


Imagine that Brie say yes.
they start dancing, brie is doing cocke to cope with the boring night
suddenly she decides to make this night the best night ever for the kid, take him to a empty room and fuck him just for the kicks.
Some kid see them and call the cops. Brie is now in jail for having sex with a minor.

that would be swell...

>but there's no way she's stupid enough
Have you been paying attention?

That's no man.

>I merely starred in a blockbuster and a guy asked me to prom.To live life as a woman is to live life on the defense.

If it was then it would've been with a black kid and she'd say yes.

it's prom.. there is succ and fuck involved. did you not go to prom?

There's no way any of these kids is getting more than a cheek kiss unless it's Eva Green or something

>and no one likes people who kick retarded puppies

Sorry for going off-topic but now that you mention it: Is it true that in the US a kiss on the cheek is too much? As in you wouldn't kiss a girl you just met on the cheek, and wouldn't even kiss a girl you are friends with on the cheek because it's inapropriate?

>not writing 'It would be MARVEL-ous'
Fucking hell kid, you had one job to do

>It would be MARVEL COMICS (Trademark) - ous
Doesn't have the same ring to it.