What is the most shocking ending in history of cinema?

What is the most shocking ending in history of cinema?

Attached: 50.gif (383x216, 728K)

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suicide is the solution endings?
Donnie Darko
Butterfly effect

Why is this a gif?

The Mist

just wait for it, are you fucking blind?


fight club
god of war 3
the matrix

oh wow

Attached: Planet-of-the-Apes-2001.jpg (500x307, 22K)

Holy fucking shit, I had nightmares from that one for days.

How did he know they "BLEW IT UP"? It could have just been he was thousands of years in the future and now the Statue of Liberty was just some relic of an ancient time

reminded me of the twilight zone episode about the masks didnt look monkey like at all

Attached: image.jpg (1200x680, 133K)

Stop it user, you're disturbing me.

He wanted humanity to last forever.

remember what your mom told you, if you make a face for long enough itll stick

I mean it is a relic from ancient time. The problem where are the fucking humans and why are they slaves? Thats how he knew.

Not funny.

Last phrase made the movie.

Attached: EXISTENZ_SLIPCASE_2D_PACK_2400x[1].jpg (1604x2030, 598K)

>what, are we still in the game?
based movie

Haha, fucking yes. Same thing with 12 Monkeys.

I don't fuxking get it, there's nothing happening in the gif

Fix your internet, you dumbass.

Hey fuck you, just tell me what I'm supposed to see dude

The shocking ending, did you not read the OP?

Infinity War

Attached: 1550487838743.gif (413x243, 51K)

I did but the gif what does it show, it just keeps looping and nothing is happening, just some water moving REEEEEEE

I mean I can't help you if your internet is shit. Let it load once you have better access.

Lad my internet is top notch, the thing has loaded no problem for fucks sake just tell me you retard

The Room

I don't want to ruin your surprise jeez user, there are rules about spoilers.

eh the matrix is more the best twist middle.

The sad thing is that this more or less happens in the books... except that isn't not an alternative universe, but rather humans devolve into mindless beasts because they stop reading books and then apes 'ape' their civilization down to replicas of their monuments and buildings, because apes are good at intimidation.
It's pretty much the most pretentious, brainlet allegory you can imagine.

Attached: pota-1991-russian-hc-front_s.jpg (508x800, 158K)

There's a twist in Matrix??? I don't remember any.

>he doesnt remember the scene where its revealed Neo is an anagram of One

Just spoiler it then you dumb cunt stop playing games with me ok, just fucking tell me

That's not a plot twist, you dumbass. That's just a plot.

Everyone and their mothers knew that Neo was the One. It wasn't surprising at all.

>falling for it

Attached: 342234.png (581x525, 55K)

I can't tell you because they would ban me, I'm already posting cunnies in another thread.

Ok, however, just do this one thing for me please friend, I need to know

Fuck you.

Ok listen up. It's the ending of Planet of the Apes. Not sure why you had to blackmail into revealing spoilers, but there you go.

The mist.

Ok that doesn't tell me anything, what does the gif show tho

I remember seeing this in theaters with my mom when i was 12 and it completely fucked my mind.

Elaborate. It seems like a standard plot development.

user, you're getting on my nerves. I'm already on thin ice here for being hunted down.

Look at the waves you blind dumbass.

Neo dies at the end. Spoiler warning. Also Mister Anderson is an anagram of Agent Smith.

No one knew what the Matrix was when the movie was coming out. They even advertised heavily
>What is the Matrix?
It was the inevitable twist everyone was waiting for when watching.

>when designers put this picture on the DVD cover
>acting like everyone saw it at birth

Please be fucking joking

Motherfucker I'm looking so fucking closely they're just waves there's nothing going on
You're the one stretching this out. Just fucking spit it out already

Clear your cache and load the gif again. How do I explain a gif? That's why is it a gif, not a picture.

>I'm looking so fucking closely they're just waves there's nothing going on
Just ignore the trolls dude they're fucking with you, it's an unanimated gif, move along and stop derailing the thread.

holocaust was a lie, jews did 9/11... there.

Factually untrue.

How is this even a question?


>Mister Anderson is an anagram of Agent Smith

wait a minute.....

user, I...

>Also Mister Anderson is an anagram of Agent Smith.

I don't think you know what an anagram is

You're being trolled. Hard. And you keep coming back for more. Fuck all happens in the gif you twonk.

Yeah fuck you guys fucking bullying bastards, is it that hard just to say "a monkey appears in the bottom right corner" or whatever happens in the gif, mofos

Burton is such a hack holy shit.

>Trying to hide the truth
Yeah good luck you false flag shill

I mean he's trolling you if he says there's nothing animated.

oh, I didnt realize I had to wait so long, thanks

That would actually be smarter than them just blatantly referencing every time the KJV mentions 'a smith'. Also the ear pieces are referencing peyot.

I think I figured it out, there seems to be something falling out of the statue of liberty eye

You think, genius?

How? Horses, beaches, humans, and all that shit and you're telling me people didnt know this was Earth from the start? Retards.

I also noticed a woman and a horse in the corner

I mean the gif is about 12 seconds long. Not my problem if you mongoloids can't properly load it.


>12 seconds
Nice bait. It's like half a second at best

The Mist ending is just little bit too much. Who the fuck give it a go? It's fucking disturbing on so many levels.

No, it's fucking not. Fucking clear your fucking caches.

It nakes zero sense for that large rock mass to be where it is.

Why? 70k+ years have passed.

Holy shit you must be brain-dead, just because your brain runs so fucking slow that is mistakes a 1 second gif for 12 seconds doesn't mean it is, and stop mentioning fucking caches you computer illiterate numb nut

This is now a federal conspiracy investigation. The gif is obviously badly loaded into 4channel for some people.

I mean I fucking uploaded the gif you mongoloid and it is 12 seconds long on my fucking desktop, fucking go fuck yourself.

Still less insulting than this piece of shit.

Attached: 4ad6032f943db88037770eea7e8198f847085363.jpg (600x300, 83K)

Why the fuck it would be ony 1 second long you fucking fuck? That makes less sense than 12 seconds. It's obviously stuck. Jesus you people are so retarded.

Well done, really, top bait 9/10 lads you did it here's your (you)s

It's bait for you, but it's real for other people. Why would anyone upload 1 second long gif? You cannot explain that.

Because they wanted to create a bait thread brainlet

Plot twist: the gif is actually 6 seconds long.

cringe and bluepilled

The gif is a loop of 6 same gifs with one extra gif loop that is different. So it looks like 1 second gif 6 times before it actually takes off.

Attached: a457220dd3bc8849df660cee38e10384.jpg (350x496, 62K)


Cry more.

Nope. I've been watching it for a good 2 minutes now and nothing has changed, even used a gif image extractor tool and there is nothing significant in any of the images of the gif

Jeez you're stupid, read

Because you extracted the stuck version, you dumbass. Reload your cache, I'm telling you last time.

You couldn't defend War as decent on your best day.

Or, you just tell me what happens


Attached: 1532238735093.jpg (1280x720, 153K)

The ending of the movie. Jeez fuck, how hard is that to understand? I can't exactly reproduce an image ending of a movie in a text, can I?

>thought I was watching a spooky thriller
>fucking apocalypse movie out of nowhere

What the fuck is that.

I liked A Boy and His Dog's ending, even it was more amusing than shocking to me.

Attached: A-Boy-and-His-Dog-Ending-700x525.jpg (700x525, 70K)

What if he landed on ape Cuba?

Why didn't he recognize all the well known locations in the Grand Canyon area?

Imagine being this new.

This. He even went to a fucking New York ruined subway. How the fuck did he not know?

Well you can try your best. It's how they did it in the script you mongoloid

i need to watch it again
i was so stoned when I did for the first time that all I remember was laughing at terrible acting ad cgi

that ending was an abomination

underrated episode

I guess you could call him Aperaham Linkong

>that alternative butterfly Effect ending where the fetus cuts his own umbilical cord to cause an abortion
That was neat.

He didn't cut it, he strangled himself with it

You're right, I misremembered that. It's been a while. Still, they should have gone with that one for absolute shock effect.

Not shocking but fuck me this was perfectly executed.

Attached: almost.jpg (1280x720, 54K)

Yeah I agree, but at the same time, it wasn't a horror movie and iirc it made all test watchers

Definitely a good boy.

What is it?

>dat feel when DVD cover spoils it

Attached: 41ZC7QS2AGL._SY445_.jpg (304x445, 22K)

Ever seen Oldboy (2003)?

Why is this a jpg?

Apocalypto. Whole thing has pitch perfect execution but it ends with an amazing chase through the jungle and stops when they're on the shore just in time to see the first conquistadors coming ashore.

Pretty sure it's one of the 20 or so films the whole board is pretty much unanimous on.

Attached: sleepaway-camp-ending.png (1200x675, 1.02M)

Thanks, I'll have to give it a watch.

>not renaming the file apereham lincoln

You won't regret it user. Easily top 20 material.

Enjoy it, it's directed by Based Mel

But that scene at the of the Pyramid, user... BibleThump WutFace NotLikeThis

Yeah it's good

I maybe remembering it wrong but I swear the sky movie channel used to play it with the alternate endings sometimes

A star is born , heart kicker.


What's up with these edgy anons posting a movie frame and refusing to say the name of it? Like nobody cares about your little VIP club, you retards. The moment I lose interest, I'm not going to watch that movie and you will live in shame of not sharing something you like further. Absolute kek.

Because it gives them a sense of validation and attention, you absolute fucking retard. Stop being fucking new and go back to plebbit.

Just reverse image search the picture you numpty.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 69K)

The ending of Easy Rider. WTH? They weren't bothering anyone.

Fuck, I loved that movie. There was a bunch of faggots saying that it had a lot of inaccuracies but everyone on my family loved it, even my grandma and she was an old fashioned maya-speaking yucatecan lady.

I always expect that time of ending in these simulation stories.

based Twitch chat poster


It's as accurate as most westerns, that's all.

Truly terrifying ending