Other urls found in this thread:
>There’s a monster outside my window, can I have a glass of water?
>father was a priest/holy man
>water was blessed
>aliens = demons
great movie
This scene scarred me for years.
What movie?
Signs. It's fantastic.
You mean the one with Gibson? I don’t recall this scene.
Alex Jones is right
This entire movie scarred me for years, and is solely responsible for my intense, irrational fear of ayys that has persisted well into adulthood
iirc it's a second at the most. happens right before him and his brother start running around the house.
>is solely responsible
No it’s not.
This scared the shit out of my brother and me when we were kids. Watching it with the home alone, in the night was a bad idea.
>He didn't embrace the fear that this movie brought and learn to crave it, forever seeking out other movies that could emulate it by even a fraction.
What are other movies with scary ayy lmaos? Is communion any good?
No, it’s just really, really, really, really boring.
give me some good recs please user
Not the same user, but:
Dark Skies
also Area 51
Forgot to mention and Alien Abduction
>tfw walking into a tall corn field after seeing this movie
Why is this movie so scary bros? It's far scarier than any horror movie I've seen.
I'm a sucker for religious/occult horror movies. Some that come to mind are:
As above so Below
A Dark Song
The devils doorway
The new suspiria is ok-ish. A bit up its own arse though.
General horror
The descent
The hole in the ground
Pontypool - Throwing this in because it was very entertaining, not strictly horror though
Autopsy of Jane Doe
Some ayy stuff
Altered (Dumb fun)
Theres definitely better movies I have seen but they just dont come to mins right now, sorry. I should really keep track of what I watch.
Thanks guys. Unfortunately I've seen all of these. It's really rare for something to have a big effect on me in this genre but it's about all I want. I'm obsessed with finding something that will make me shit myself.
Just watch Ayy porn
Im the same, I saw Us last night. It was ok, nothing new or fresh. There's very few horror movies being made nowadays that are memorable. That being said though, The Hole in the ground was pretty good when I saw it a few weeks ago. Its the only memorable skin walker movie that comes to mind of late.
Dark Skies - the series
also The Forgotten
>tfw there will never be a truly great modern alien abduction horror movie
Why is it so hard to pull off? Fire in the sky is the closest they've got to the primal fear feeling.
Why does everyone think the descent was any good at all? It was garbage.