>Leftists believe it's a fascist dogwhistle
>Rightists believe it's a cuck film because a black guy "wins" at the end
BRAVO Zahler, working the Plebs that can't separate their Politics from enjoying films. Absolutely Keking reading seething reviews from all sides
Biggest Pleb filter of the 21st century
I woke up with SHOTGUN SAFARI still stuck in my head
this movie ruled
Easily an 8/10
*Roll up into your shit and press play on their tape*
What do
absolutely based and truthpilled
Really, I can't fathom not enjoying this movie. It's almost flawless.
It also filters out normies due to its slower pacing.
I wanna see an alt ending with Mel shooting the black dude in the car, taking the gold, and then going home, gathering his family and moving to the Greek islands somewhere. This current ending is garbage and taints a pretty damn good movie.
This board sucks. I wish they'd bring back the IMDb boards :(
oh im sad now...
why did the nigger get away with it? seems like they all should have died
I really need to watch this now.
>there's a brawl in cell block 99
>there's a bone tomahawk
>people are dragged across the concrete
Is Zahler the most honest filmmaker of the 21st century?
Why? The black guy was struggling just as much as he was.
>fascist dogwhistle
Explin this one to me, like a scret fascist signal for them all to come and crowd around?
Dumb racist plebs
>Don Johnson
Alright I might have a looksee now
numero tres
clearly because there's a plotline about a white girl being assaulted by blacks in a poor neighborhood it's a call to fascism
Yikes what a mixup
oh also mel calls black dudes who go criminal "tainted" and his wife says something along the lines of "I wasn't a racist before we moved out here"
what did the director mean by the last scene
He was probably gonna go for another heist
>watch this thinking its going to be ultra redpilled by the press around it
>just a standard 7/10 flick with some slurs in it
wtf tv you people built this shit up for months. is this what passes for hardcore race realist movies now? I miss the 90's
>it's slow therefore its good
I hate this pseud thinking
Could have been edited down a bit. The long play worked for the pacing sometimes though.
I’m a rightie and the only real preachy scene that was obvious was when they hand in their badges. Kind of eye rolling. Other than that, it was pretty decent kino.
Also the setup for the bank clerk brutally murdered was fucking obvious when they humanize a new random char so much.
Too much redpilling. The Jews had to shut it down hard.
We all miss IMDb forums though
I clapped because it was slow
How come the black guys started shooting the robbers? Did I miss a piece of dialogue or did they just implicitly know the robbers were going to fuck them based on how savage they were
Cormac McCarthy does subversion pretty well imo
>Jordan peel releases cliche bad sci-fi films and calls them horror.
>Plebs do you face at how great it is
>Meanwhile based Zahler makes true kino and dabs on them jannies
The bank clerk getting shot up was unironically more horrifying than 90% of modern horror movies
The ending was retarded. Not because le black guy wins or whatever but because any of them survived at all. Yes ridgeman and henry had decent reasons for pulling the job but at the end of the movie there seemed to be no repercussions for henry stealing millions and killing people. No hint of regret or sympathy for the dead bankers that the masked guys executed, nothing. He just gets away scot free with nothing on his conscience and lives happily ever after?
Of course maybe I missed something
He never said it was good because it was slow. There's plenty of slow movies that suck, but there are also ones that use it to their advantage. This movie is an example of the ladder.
He probably left the states with his family
Why is showing black people being victimized by whites fine and even 'woke', but showing white people being victimized by blacks wrong and fashy?
kill myself, it's literally the best option
>you will never practice home runs on a niggers skull
Why are liberals the only ones to hear these racist dog whistles. Hmm
Because the liberal media wants to keep their pet victim status and dehumanize black people into being incapable of doing things humans can do
Anything that challenges that and goes "Yes black people too can be flawed" is haram
'cause liberals are all racists
is this qt swearing?
Were the masked gunmen supposed to be autistic?
Yes and the fact they disarmed them
he reminds me of a more cynical, bitter John Carpenter
finding debra from dexter hot is the only way the heart strings tug involving her is gonna work
I don't think he's super cynical I just think he has a more Peckinpah take on how horrible violence is and the unfairness of life
/ourguy/ liked it
Probably German or something
Real life, they likely would have won.
That one with the silenced machinegun was a straight psychotic and the leader was probably german
So yes
why is the dialogue so bad? it sounds like an edgy white boy tried to write tough things
His last two movies have contained sort of satire about tough guy characters
I mean shit there's that line in Brawl where gal is like "I'll put a great big smile on both of those nuts" and Vince responds "I wouldn't want anyone to see their braces"
Hlaf the dialogue is genuine and heartfelt but a LOT of it is taking the piss out of/satirizing action movie cliche dialogue
Kino. 8.5/10
This. The house they are in is in Switzerland.
>It's A SLOW BURN that LEAVES you on the edge of your SEAT
How can 3 faggots with a fucking tape recorder be so kino
It's not "slow" as in "uneventful". It's fucking 160 minutes long.
Same. I even wasted my once-per-month burger dinner on this shit.
do americans really eat pumpkin nickel bread?
7/10 is very good, considering most movies are under 5/10. Or are you that kid who only rates from 6-10?
>mfw whites call orange soda "assault"
I was arrested and handcuffed as a teenager for throwing a cup of water out of a car at a jogger, not the cup just the liquid. Turns out making someone wet is assault.
it was pretty good but it was built up as a 10/10 redpill masterpiece and it came off as more tame than american history x which came out 2 decades ago
I heard his next film is about 9/11, I wonder what the title will be
Based henchmen.
Was it autism? Their killings was needles complication instead of pragmatic
Really liked that scene with the bulletproof vest too. MOTY so far.
Did your stupid ass learn any lessons that day?
How did Vince die when he was wearing body armor? Does it only work at a certain distance?
fuck you elliot
A vest can protect you but it doesn't make you invincible. Not to mention that she was point-blank and shot him both in the face (which probably did some massive damage to his windpipe) and on the side.
Oh I think I missed the face shot somehow
Did anyone even feel bad about mel killing the hostage woman? She was so stupid that she deserved it. Imagimr having no critical thinking at all and trusting 3 masked madmen
i'm dying lmao
Tomahawk > Dragged> Brawl
>Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn
So you're telling me it's kino?
Brawl was a pleasant surprise. usually i hate prison stories. it's vaughns one role where he's not annoying and relentless
I wanted to protect Jennifer Carpenter :^(
The opposite for me
I guess it depends on whether you like Westerns or not, because Zahler’s films are all a bit stylistically samey (in a good way). They’re all 8/10s or above, hard to rank.
So does Zahler think wamin belong in the kitchen?
Dragged > Brawl > Tomahawk
I really liked all three though.
Zahler's writing style is more suited for westerns because of the campiness of it IMO
I learned you love cock in your mouth and ass. The latter first then the other.
It was a dare, friends packed 8 guys into a pontiac and we took turns shooting people with a super soaker in July in a little town with too many cops. The jogger yelled at us and we quickly drove away in fear. We were panicking as the cop pulled us over, shaking with rage-fueled excitement. In that moment I was euphoric knowing at least I had made some effort to fight back against the injustice caused by the white man.
Did zahler make the stay at home husband a nu-male on purpose?
If you like westerns you'd fucking hate Tomahawk
It's cinematically antiwestern, very flat and television-style, not enough nature or dramatic lighting/iconography
nevermind its very PC take on taking the injuns, who DID do that and worse, and go "nonono they're troglodytes, not normal indians"
I know you're a brain damaged little cretin reposting this for the 500th time after not even having the drive to have made it to begin with, but what do you consider a good horror film if not The Shining?
maybe if you like helicopter shadows
Explosion in 7 World Trade Center
>film opens with interracial sex scene
I almost laughed out loud to myself after all the hype from magapedes proclaiming it to be THEIR film
>defending women
I sure hope you guys don't do this.
she cute though
Brawl was my first contact with Zahler so i have a fondness for it.
great scene lol
Is Mel Gibson, dare I say, /back/?
>tfw you lived to see Mel Gibson get called a nigga
why did they don the facial concealing cloth?
Who gives a shit about niggers fucking chinks?
It filter out the studio too, the slow pace is actually what convinced lionsgate to give it a VOD release instead of a wide theatrical release. Lionsgate wanted to cut the film to under 2 hours, but Zahler had final cut in his contract
>Zahler had final cut in his contract
Any director that manages to weasel this into their contract is based as fuck in my eyes. I don't care how shit the film is
Dragged > Tomahawk > Brawl
Dragged had a kino ending
that's how I knew it was kino
this might be right. or dragged = tomahawk. i'll have to watch dragged again.
Retarded opinion, consider a vasectomy or failing that a trans-orbital lobotomy, Walt J Freeman could do it with an ice pick and a mallet so I have faith in you, user
Finna boutta watch this kino tonight, pretty pumped
Thanks for movie recommendations I was looking for a horror to watch
I think the film was pointing out that Henry was a hypocrite as well (much like the other characters). The last line references an earlier scene of Henry and his son playing a videogame about hunting lions. Henry's son says something along the lines of "Only white people do that." The last line was indicating that, although Henry often flaunted his moral superiority over Ridgeman (his unfair statements regarding the brutality claim - which the audience is shown isn't a big deal - and him killing the hostage, which was shown to the audience as self-defense), he's really no better than him.
The film basically is about how two people can be bigoted, have entirely reasonable concerns, and act out against other people who aren't bad people. It really repeats from a second viewing because all of the parallels between the two are obvious. Both have pretty much the same moral failures although people on one side or the other (pro-white vs anti-white) will support whoever their more sympathetic with.Point is - the character's racism is shown to be just normal, reasonable, behavior, which is pretty unprecedented for a film.
>mel gibson
>vince vaughn
>michael jai muthafuckin white
oh shit i'm checking this out
Watch Uzumaki/Spiral.
*really benefits from a second viewing
She shot him in the side of his body after she saw that shooting him in the head didn't work - wouldn't be covered by the vest.
most vests on the side aren't armored
What was their fucking problem?
Watched it last night and my problem is that it doesn't make logical sense. Black man pops up, kills Mel (without getting shot himself) and gets all the gold. I just can't suspend my disbelief that far, it was already ridiculous trying to figure out what that naked woman's motive was to kill Vince's character.
Tory Kittles was great
Do you think the robbers prerecorded a line asking where the bathroom was in case one of them needed to use it?
>mfw no more Operator mode Tory Kittles in Colony
>it was already ridiculous trying to figure out what that naked woman's motive was to kill Vince's character
Are you retarded? They threatened to kill her family if she didn't. Why do you think they were taking a picture of her drivers license and asking if anyone lived there?
Zahler's films really are pleb filter
Hey incel, look at my latter
>I just can't suspend my disbelief that far,
Why not? Black dude was intimidated since he was a lowlife nigger with a cop with a gun to his neck, and Mel didn't know he had a gun.
>it was already ridiculous trying to figure out what that naked woman's motive was to kill Vince's character.
How was it ridiculous?
>"We'll pretend you killed us and then you'll go towards the cops and kill them for us. Do that or we'll kill your family"
Pretty easy to understand.
back to Yea Forums with your naruto shit
name a more kino soundtrack
I think what we can learn from the ending is that women and niggers ruin everything.
Someone post the Dexter chick getting her hand blown off
i love how they put the shitty song they heard at the diner on the soundtrack
Zahler wrote the music for this movie. The O'Jays performed it.
Where can I watch this? YouTube wont let me order it.
You can rent it on Amazon
i know. i just thought it was funny zahler wrote and i think possibly performed a purposely shitty sounding pop song and then they included it in the soundtrack. the lyrics are hilarious.
I got it through Xfinity on demand.
I normally torrent my shit by it's Zahler so I rented to support him
Yeah, it's a pretty interesting touch. Almost like something Carpenter would do. When I was watching the credits, I was pretty surprised to see that he wrote, I think, all of it. I just thought they grabbed some obscure 70s music.
That slim was a 4D genius and played everyone involved
vinces hairline kept distracting me throughout the movie.
literally perfect
This movie’s vision of the modern city is absolutely nightmarish
what is this? a magnet?
She really was a terrible mother. Why can't her daughter see the package? Selfish cunts.
hash, basically the same thing minus tracker if you know how magnets work
hmm I don't know why exactly, they know he's dead and package could've been anything from confession to severed body parts considering the wife knew he was gonna do some serious shit
and obviously the daughter found out what it was a few minutes later
Is it going to be easy for her to move that gold?
dunno how a hash is supposed to help get the movie but idk how magnets work really. Just curious, I've torrented it anyway
I always wonder how people do that, move stolen money, Jewels, gold, whatever, paintings, whatever, porn. It's not like she's a criminal who already has a connection and can do stuff. I wonder how much those eight pieces were worth
>Yell loud and clear "We will kill all of you, the lady too"
>Old lady civilian supposedly overwhelms 3 criminals heavely armed
>She's crawling towards you, who yelled "we're gonna kill you", she doesn't know you're cops, just that you want the gold... And to kill her... But she's crawling towards you... And you stand in a weird position to leave an opening in your vest so, an untrained old lady in a panic, can somehow slide a bullet to your face and your armpit or whatever opening she found... Without checking her for the gun that supposedly killed the people that wanted to kill her and might have enough bullets to kill the people she thought also wanted to (you). She doesn't run away, but towards you. A cop. That's been very meticulous about everything. Except this.
Ok. Truly pleb filter. It's not like you could see a mile away that the guy was gonna die when he made the call to his girl. But I guess the shock value was on finding how badly delivered it was.
you can turn the hash into a magnet, then add in open trackers of your choice or just rely on DHT
you can also google the hash to get your torrent file or magnet proper
I guess she's an ex-cop, she might have connections? I don't know, it is kind of weird.
What the fuck does "kino" even mean? Because I know it doesn't mean 'good' or 'quality'. You fags won't stop saying "shit kino" and "decent kino" or "she's kino" it makes no fucking sense.
She just likes shiny things. Bitches love shiny things and sticks.
Boring desu. Boneheaded and boring. Nobody gives a shit about this movie.
neat, thanks lad
dumb redditor
where can I find those goggles?
What kind of person takes the time to make this?
they look like old school welding goggles to me, not sure if it's a specific brand
4 questions that bug me
1. Is it at all realistic that the black guy Henry could buy such a mansion and splurge on such a lifestyle change within 11 months and not raise redflags with authorities? For a grand robbery of gold and cash where seven bank employees ultimately died?
2. Is Henry's mansion in the States or did his family go to Acapulco or something?
3. BIGGEST QUESTION: why tf did the skimask man rob the convenient store for $50 and then kill two people? These guys are total operators and seem foreign. Why are they doing literally ape crimes before a major heist?
4. At the end, why does Vince Vaughn repeat "A fridge...a dead rat" just like the black driver as they drive up the path to the getaway meeting spot? Why do they both say the same thing?
The robbers already suspected that they were corrupt cops - they mention it when they first spot them.
She shot Vince as soon as she arrived lol, when would they have time to search her?
Just admit you're retarded bro, it's ok
in the script there was a pit of broken glass on the way to the hideout that both cars had to drive around, with ripped up dead rats inside. i have no idea why that detail got turned into just rubbish though
1. He was a career criminal who stole cars. He probably knew a few fences
2. Again, he probably had it laundered well
3. They were robbing everything they could to pay for the van.
4. Zahler isn't a very good writer.
1. no
2. unclear
3. probing the police response or gaining some additional funds for the van. Convenience store might have been under the security company's watch, they advertise that sort of thing. Might have been testing them. Or the guy's just a psychotic sociopath who can't function without killing people.
4. there was a dead possum on the road, dunno about the fridge
They blackmailed her. Theres a scene where he questions her about her family while holding up ID.
The black guy didn't win tho
>would rather just sit on the couch playing the same (hunting metaphor) vidya with his lil bro so he ended up literally back here he started.
Great movie great message.
Only characters I felt bad for was baby waifu pissfu and the daughter they didn't deserve niggers killing and harassing them desu
The tear shot is Kino. Even Tarkovsky would call that visual poetry
This image is literally
>Hahahahaha I love shitting on metaphorical psychology and philosophical concepts I don't understand
>x disagrees with me fuck y and (you)
> s-s-s-h-h-hills amirite Hahahaha fellow have sexians
That's not the point at all. You're thinking of the black guy at the end of Den of Thieves, m8.
DaC ending means that Slim is ultimately a scavenger. He doesn't plan the robbery. He doesn't contribute resources. He doesn't ultimately kill off the guys who killed his friend. Without Mel and Vince, the cops, he'd be dead and his family would perish. This movie is not Survival of the Fittest. It's the chaos of the jungle. It's a crap shoot. It's all about odds like Mel spots off.
When Slim plays Shotgun Safari at the end, he's a voyeur. Just as he is during the final showdown with Mel vs the robbers, with his video camera. He's a vulture.
>Did DaC remind anyone else of Walter Hill's Trespass?
The ending is quite similar. Two white guys against thugs for gold in bumfuck.
Zahler was born in Miami, Florida, to a Jewish family.[1]
A based creator
his "homie" is dead and nigga shot mel gibson. You don't forgive yourself after shooting mel gibson, he's too based.
Yeah ignore the fact that they yelled that they were going to kill her.
Yeah ignore the fact that Vince just rests his hand over her back and starts conforting her.
Also ignore the fact that she's an untrained civilian (and old) and she pulled some krav maga shit shooting the guy in the face to stun him and then under the arm when she should be shaking in panic so much she wouldn't even been able to hold the gun straight.
God damn it dude, you're tirelessly stupid. Or I guess you're just an impressionable baby and you bought it all.
He didn't end up back where he started. He started wanting to take care of his mother and brother, which he managed to do.
Mels death kinda surprised me but it was well foreshadowed
>money solves everything
The real ending is basically the start
>m-money will solve everything
That and this movie is anti school shooter type tropes I wonder when the media will stupid jump on this and try and shit poo it because of the nz shootings
I know why she did it. I don't understand why the cops acted like nothing. Also, she John Wicked his ass as an old lady that can't lay down without pissing herself.
>Yeah ignore the fact that they yelled that they were going to kill her.
Which they were certain was bait.
>Yeah ignore the fact that Vince just rests his hand over her back and starts conforting her.
He did all the shit for his girlfriend, so I can see him trusting a woman too much.
>Also ignore the fact that she's an untrained civilian (and old) and she pulled some krav maga shit shooting the guy in the face to stun him and then under the arm when she should be shaking in panic so much she wouldn't even been able to hold the gun straight.
She didn't shoot him in the face to stun him and the second shot was pure luck.
>God damn it dude, you're tirelessly stupid. Or I guess you're just an impressionable baby and you bought it all.
>Is Henry's mansion in the States or did his family go to Acapulco or something?
It could be somewhere tropical, the color of the sea outside his house has the look. Or it could just be a very, very sunny day.
>BIGGEST QUESTION: why tf did the skimask man rob the convenient store for $50 and then kill two people? These guys are total operators and seem foreign. Why are they doing literally ape crimes before a major heist?
I think they're exchanging personal effects and other evidence from those crime scenes to the suited man for the armored van. I guess he's going to set someone up with that.
>The real ending is basically the start
Nope. The start is him getting out of prison for trying to make a living and avenging his brother, realizing his mother wasted all the money he got them, while he was in. The ending is him having made a living and his mother is offering to cook for him.
Hard pass
She's awful
In that case you should definitely watch. She has like 5 minutes of screentime and dies a gruesome death.
Yes. You can buy and sell gold quite easily.
Just don't do it all at once
>It's so bad that it's a pleb filter!
Really activates my almonds
>woah everything is literal man
Lvl 0 brainlets didn't even get the real ending where Mel wasn't even dead hence why nignig came back to bury him and his wife thought he was still alive.
The zombie sequel will be fucking amazing same writer as cleaver
It was bad on purpose homage to grindhouse and crime girtty cop kino
Are you soft in the head from repeating the same shit memes from 3+ years ago?
>it was bad on purpose!
>so that makes it good!
>in the script there was a pit of broken glass on the way to the hideout that both cars had to drive around, with ripped up dead rats inside
Wut? The significance of this is still lost on me. Is it implied the robbers/backers killed the rats as a message to all involved not to talk? Or just hillbilly poetry? Zahler is slightly autist.
Any other changes from the script that you would have liked to see intact? Did you read Zahler's newest shit?
>They were robbing everything they could to pay for the van.
I get that. But why rob a convenience store's cash register tray? There was no cash in it. I don't recall if he even took the money. The scene is so wild that you don't consider the point of it. Makes a great introduction. But these guys are high IQ operators. Was a scene cut explaining they were clocking police or the investigation? Except not much time passes at all, days, before robbery.
>just a psychotic sociopath who can't function without killing people
Yeah, hah, I considered this. But it doesn't fit with their m.o. later. Or maybe it does. Maybe they're just high IQ nihilists. Zahler dances a weird tonal line sometimes, like he gets off from the risk, similar to his head explosions.
The robbers in the movie reminded me of the videogame NARC, which Zahler would be great for.
the ballistic mask shooting was a cool shot. the movie looked so good fuck. and i wish more movies used ballistic masks.
Who? The criminals? See how you can't tell your face from your ass? So now, what the criminals know and think transfers to the cops as well? The cops are seeing the movie like in Space Balls?
>One guy decides to become a criminal for a girl, therefore everytime he sees a woman he just falls into some charm
Now you're just making shitty excuses. Whatever Vince thought Brett should be much smarter than that. All they had to do was frisk her. It's something that cops are quite used to know, even to witnesses,
>The "it was magic" argument
Weak. You must have terrible attention span or just bad memory. She shoots him in the face pointblank and then lowers her arm to shoot him in the gap of the vest, resting the gun there. Watch it again if you have the chance.
It's an atheist jew.
You're literally dumb and a waste of my time.
Nah I maintain that was still avatar and the wire
Nothing came close to the endless shitposting maybe sopranos VS the wire and breaking bad but Nah this movie will pass everyone will shit on shit that's actually worth shitting on because it's universally recognised as shit.
Like mcu/tlj Disney crap
So u literally just respond with another worn out meme? Nice reply fuckburger
The Deadly Twins
The movie is definitely right wing, they had the most inoffensive racial things like
>did you understand that
When interrogating the latina, also niggers cause the most trouble in the movie, the bank robbers probably wouldve left the people in the bank alone if it wasnt for that nigger trying to get cops involved
>Wut? The significance of this is still lost on me.
yeah idk it was just a security feature at the hideout that got cut out of the movie and replaced with that similar (kinda weird and meaningless) conversation. No clue why. Other than that there was a running joke about castles in regards to the embrasure that i wish stayed in.
In terms of zahler's newer shit i've read Fury of the Strong Man which is intense and bizarre and totally on brand for zahler. Hope rattlecreek is good, read that too.
>3. BIGGEST QUESTION: why tf did the skimask man rob the convenient store for $50 and then kill two people? These guys are total operators and seem foreign. Why are they doing literally ape crimes before a major heist?
I assume they were trying to have all of the money for the preperations for the the heist come from recent crimes, so they could pin everything on Slim and Muscles. The bank robbery crew was definitely experienced, and they probably knew that the most obvious way that police would try to track them would be through the van. If they have no large cash withdraws, it would be difficult for the van purchase to be traced back to them - even if the cops managed to find the arab guy who sold them the armored van (a specialty item). The arab guy didn't even see the buyer's face, only the money
lmao retard
Aaaw the baby is going to cry to his corner. Literally wrong all the time, can't admit it, quits with the classic "waste of time". No problem, it's an anonymous board. Nobody will know you're the dumbfuck from this thread next time you post.
That sequel already exists. It's called The Revenant, not the Leo movie, the undead kino. Same humor and gore, action is kino too. Gentile director. Highly rec.
Checked. That still image. And mask. Imagine if Zahler directed an adaptation of Rockstar's Manhunt.
Why do you keep calling her an old lady? No she fucking wasn't, and on top of that the robbers say she's younger than she looks
literal brainlet take
>but showing white people being victimized by blacks wrong and fashy?
Because it might make people look up the FBI stats on inter-racial hate crimes, robbery, murder and rape. Once Americans learn these statistics it's all over for black people.
he's a rare breed of jew like Kubrick or Raimi
Would have been better if they kidnapped the mom
was this a dexter revenge?
I think you might be right user, good point
Lmao get filtered
Thanks user. Imo Zahler was attempting to convey that the fridge and dead set on the road were identification markers given to the robbers/blacks in advance, so they could confirm their location at night, and could confirm, maybe, that it hadn't been compromised, meaning the dead rat was intentionally placed there? And Vaughn, as a cop, inferred as much from his experience. That, or Zahler was doing a Takeshi Kitano ode to criminal zen poetry.
I'm considering reading Zahler's book(s). I'm big on Elmore Leonard and Harry Crews, and his m.o. is similar. A shame Leonard isn't around to see DaC. Does Zahler ever expound on Judaism in his books? Not /pol/ just wondering. Having them be a diamond merchant and flamboyant banker was funny in movie. Also curious about this "9/11" movie he's supposedly doing next.
>they robbed the convenience store so thry could pin everything on Slim and Muscles
Oh shit, you solved the question. That makes sense. Robbing a convenience store for $20 to pay for the van, as other anons theorized, would be stupid as shit. Yours is the answer. I even wondered why they'd commit such a chimp-like crime preceding the heist, so even that had an air of racism. Glorious.
Dragged >>> Tomahawk >> Brawl
This is like his QT trilogy of Res, Pulp, and Jackie Brown. How weird is it that a Jewish director has trouble finding funds for his movies, which are unironically the most redpilled A-list movies being made. QT doesn't have the guts to cast Gibson either.
>Not /pol/ just wondering
>chimp-like crime
Yes, meaning I wasn't implying I'd not read Zahler's books if he included Jewish characters and observations in them. But generally gas them.
Wrong wrong wrong. Youse a stupid faggot.
Le Kino, a troi
>Slim’s facial scar suggests a deliberate rebuke to The Wire’s Omar. - Armond White
Is Zahler taking fellow Jew David Simon to task for (((Omar))) lmao based
let's say i have autism
is "anchovies" expressing discontent in the situation because of the disappointment one would feel if they discovered their pizza had anchovies on it?
I have autism and I think that is the metaphor
It's an Italian catchphrase
>I'm considering reading Zahler's book(s).
I've read mean business on north ganson street. It's quite good and similar to Dragged, in that it starts detective-y and gets more action-y. which i wish wasn't the case. I want Zahler to commit to a mystery. Maybe when the Slanted Gutter gets published . Also similar to dragged in the sense it centers black characters in a rusty area etc.
I even emailed Zahler about the slanted gutter and he responded. should be out in 2020. he wouldn't hint at the plot though, of course.
zahler/true detective season 4
What's Zahler's email? I would like to ask a question
Lads, how does this stack up to Payback? That's a favorite Mel film of mine, and I'm wondering if this has the same feel.
Anybody got a Mega link for this movie
>Does Zahler ever expound on Judaism in his books?
Brigands of Rattleborge has jewish mysticism. And a "revenge is bad" message. Which is about as hollywood as he'll ever get probably.
go to his website and you can write him. the fact he actually responded was p cool.
Thanks, Gaben responds to messages too, always cool when a big fella responds to the Plebs
Would It be an abuse of his email to suggest a book
This. Felt more like True Detective than S3 did.
use torrents retard
mega is only too happy to take shit down cause DMCA
That really was a perfect moment.
Jet Fuel on Steel Beams.
This looks pretty fucking bad, and since Yea Forums loves it I know it sucks dick
I like Mel, but what can you do.
I watched the trailer a couple days ago
and the trailer didnt tell me shit. I still have no fucking clue what this movie is supposed to be about. apparently mel plays a loser cop or something and thats all I know
I dont get it. either hollywood shows all thebest scenes in the trailer s oyou dont even need to see the movie anymore or they tell you fucking nothing
what they should do is tell you whtthe movie is about without spoiling everything. is that so fuckinghard?
It's better. A better comparison is Michael Mann's Heat as a grimy buddy cop caper. Similar cold/hot high test aesthetic. Like early Tarantino if he ditched the wigger crap.
Zahler is perfect for True Detective and that's why he won't get hired. HBO doesn't have the guts to hire him. This should have been Season 2! Vaughn is redeemed.
I disagree completely
I think she's ugly as FUCK and that shit was heartbreaking
Him and Vince play washed up cops that turn to crime after getting suspended from the force. How the fuck did you miss that obvious setup?
this movie was surreally dark, edgy, and cruel.
1. Brawl in cell block 99
2. Bone Tomahawk
3. Dragged across concrete
it was ok
OH WOWY WOW, this kino is clrealy GOAT
A lesser auteur would have used a big juicy meatlover hoagie with a crinkling wrapper jacked up in post. Whereas based Zahler chose a rather thin faux-gourmet thing that so many of us have begrudingly eaten yet can't recall where. And Vaughn's savoring it for 90 plus minutes becomes poetry, commentary on his character's conflicted feelings toward his elder desperate peer, but also subconscious metaphor for his reduced stature in life, and foreshadowing that this may indeed be his last meal. Smoke em if you got em. Kino.
what, do you have adhd or something?
>People thinking the title refers to dragging someone across concrete
Yeah no, sweaty. You missed the line that goes like this:
Anthony: "So tell me that we're not going to cross that line? That we're not going to execute anyone during a robbery"
Ridgeman: "No, we're not going to cross that line, that line is concrete."
Being dragged across concrete is them stepping over that line.
I do like egg salad.
Now that's what i call a pretentious post
Chubby nig gets his body and leaking innards dragged across concrete tho.
No, I agree with the other person. This part is stupid. They should have told her to fuck off away from them and when she wasn't responding to commands, they should have backed away from her or whatever. It was stupid for them to go into cop mode as soon as the lady came out, not thinking that it's a ruse because the robbers were obviously very professional and some fucking bank teller isn't going to overpower 3 of them.
Based retard not even understanding the main characters
This. I've witnessed this shit so often on Yea Forums now, it makes me really sad.
>fires 2 shots
>both clearly hit the ground in front of Mel
>gun goes flying
i'm willing to suspend disbelief for the stylistic choices in movies like this. but why show 2 clear gunshots, 2 clear bullet smoke puffs landing, and have a magic third bullet/ricochet hit the gun?
is slim a magic western anime gunslinger who can predict bullet ricochet?
>Watching an open matte version of the film
>Surprised when stuff pops up that you are not supposed to see
Watch the 16:9 version you fucking retard.
>Getting triggered by racism
>On Yea Forums
>It was stupid for them to go into cop mode as soon as the lady came out
They are partly responsible at that point for six civilian deaths, including several women. They knew who this lady was from the news on Vaughn's smartphone. She is a bank employee, not a fucking thug. This isn't VietNam where hostages were strapped or impersonators, and yet Mel tells Vaughn make sure "she's a she." Which he does through his scope.
>not thinking that it's a ruse
They clearly fucking think it's a ruse. Vaughn is a veteran, Mel has three decades street cop experience if not four. They make sure it's not a robber in a wig. They have a scope on the van the entire time. The woman responds to her name and complies with them. They expect gunfire from the van, especially fired at the woman to freak them out and send a message. Their priority is to protect her best they can, as men. They are, after all, doing this heist for their own women at home.
They have no reason to suspect a 30-40yo civilian female bank employee is going to kill them. Nor should they expect her to be armed. Why would robbers give her a gun?
So many anons are bitching that the cops "stupidly" thought the woman had killed everyone in the van. This is not true. They just saw the lady get the black guy and drag him into the van. Then they throw the black guy out again. "This is getting weird," they say. That's their POV with the woman. The woman is the only person there who is a known-known, thus she poses no mortal threat. It's a hostage situation. They had little choice but to accept her, as men. But also as cops, servants of the thin blue line, beyond redemption at that point, dragged across concrete as user pointed out.
It's homage to the Dollars trilogy, classic Western stuff with the smoke puffs and bullet screeches.
for one, mel is so paranoid about everything else for the entire movie, even after that. He showed standard 'a girl is involved!!' bet behavior there. for two, have they never seen a movie? we all called it as soon as she who just had a gun to her mouth and was told what to do, she wouldn't be given a position to take them out unless we saw it happening. broadcasted, telegraphed trap that could have been shown better if the guy who made this didn't want us to suspect her.
>we all called it as soon as she who just had a gun to her mouth and was told what to do
Who is we? You didn't call shit.
NIce to see Michael Jae White get work
>right-wing white supremacist movie written and directed by a leftist jew
>90 seconds of Vince eating a sandwich
Zahler is absolutely based.
Do you think MJW understands the top kek irony of two broke niggas removing tan-brown greasepaint from their black faces after their tap-dancing performance for a bunch of white guys (as getaway drivers for white robbers during the heist)? No one has mentioned that scene.
The more I think about this movie, the more I like it.
It really was a breath of fresh air.
>"For all the absurdist-tragic trappings... this is still your basic boneheaded, right-wing action movie - skewed so that its heroes' moral relativism is meant to be a sign of their manly integrity."
>David Edelstein, New York Magazine/Vulture
>"Zahler's filmmaking feels like the cinematic equivalent of "I'm not racist - my black friend says so," filling in supporting roles with black and Latino actors who are either reduced to stereotypes or just plain mistreated. Sometimes both."
>Todd Gilchrist, TheWrap
Torrents are fuckin stupid, my isp used to send me letters all the time until they told me if i did it once more they would cancel my internet so i have to download elsewhere. Dmca takedowns means nothing if i've already downloaded it before they take it down :^)
had a really bad feeling when they killed dexters sister
that was brutal
why do niggers always have to show off when they get money?
The only issue I had was how unrealistic the ending was. Henry got away with the gold but none of Vogelmann's associates went after it after he died? Also how the fuck did he launder that much gold so fast with basic street connections?
what's the third one from the trio?
Take and upvote dude
>this is the kind of shit conservalards navel gaze about
You can't make this shit up. I bet they also ponder about the cinematic qualities of Adam Sandler films.
What kinda feeling?
It was softly satirical, mocking Zahler's SJW critics. Anyone know if his script ended the same way?
sorry about your autism.
Most people do desu
I liked it. The biggest shock in the entire film was hearing a white person say they wanted to move out of a neighborhood because blacks behaving like savages had ruined living there and that if they stayed his daughter was going to end up getting raped by them. Never heard a white person say something like that in a mainstream film before.
this is why the film is so demonized; the daughter being unsafe in a black neighborhood narrative. the ultra-violence is just peachy, but don't dare suggest that neighborhoods decline when a certain element takes over.
but if you talk to any real people who live in a neighborhood that has become diversified over their lifetime, they will say the same exact things as this "racist" movie. people do not want to live in an unsafe environment whether they are left, right or center.
Same. Hopefully Zahler doesn't confuse shooting women in the face with kino
then the intent of the scene worked and Zahler evoked the emotion he wanted to out of you. showing her agonize over her baby and humanizing her for 10 minutes just to be inhumanely murdered was meant to punch you in the gut and make you feel awful about these criminals.
if you're feeling the feelings the movie wants you to feel, then it's a good movie.
Yeah I was just thinking that. Same with the piss lady. He is a crazy motherfucker but at least it's original
This movie is full of these. It's kino af.
also keep in mind that Dexter's sister was fucked no matter what, even if she didn't reach for the keyboard guy. the hand rubbing bank manager clearly lied about nobody being in the back, because he got his nuts cut off, and almost everyone inside the bank was executed
Yeah I really liked the film's portrayal of "racism." The characters were just allowed to exist and their concerns were portrayed as reasonable, from their perspective. We know that Vince and Mel did nothing wrong when they beat up the Mexican, but the black guy has no idea and gets butthurt about police brutality.
is that the bald black guy face up dead too? of course it is.
Not necessarily. Probably just took him longer than 3 minutes.
>Leftists believe it's a fascist dogwhistle
Oh shit lol I didn't see that clearly
>mother and father both work full-time jobs to pay for their children
>baby ends up neglected in his developmental stage
>a generation of emotionally fucked up children grow into drug addicted, good goy consumer adults
>keeping young mothers employed in soulless jobs will fulfill his expectations of that future generation
>>Leftists believe it's a fascist dogwhistle
Leftists also believe that Jordan Petersen is some kind of ultra right wing mastermind mesmerizing giant crowds with his Canadian fascism. Leftists are retards, user.
Call me schiz but is that white arc with an upstairs and white light supposed to be a stairway to heaven? And look where the balloons are placed. Like a funeral birthday.
not schizo, they were playing with light in this scene. and she's placed directly in front of that stairway afterwards.
>three henchmen are supposed to so smart and efficient
>unnecessary killing
>puts gum you chewed on the witness
The one in the first half before he's with his crew wasn't even intimidating.
Jennifer Carpenter's role was a complete waste of time.
plus every single person is wearing full head-to-toe black, even the robbers. very intentional funeral vibe.
pleb status: filtered
Did you find her boss weirdly creepy? Or just Jewish?
jennifer carpenter's horseface being turned into dogfood is never a waste of time.
>weirdly creepy? Or just Jewish?
don't be so redundant
>Spend ten minutes building a character just to have her get shot dead immediately
Unironically based.
That's not really how I perceived it. For me the movie plays a lot on mirror effects, mixes the past and the present. We don't know about the future.
Like the business woman suffers from crippling anxiety, wants to provide for her child in a motherly way, yet it is expected from her to bring money back home. The same way back in the days we would expect men to "man up" and "provide" and just shut their mouths about "feelings". Regardless of their well being obviously. Meanwhile the man stays at home and has to assume his home responsabilities and educate the child while also emotionally supporting his spouse, the same way it was expected from a woman back in the days, regardless of her well being or aspirations. And it has to be that way because that's a matter of survival.
She represents the millenial whose gender is irrelevant so long as she grinds not so much for herself and her family but for rich bankers/bank thiefs who have absolute power over her. They really do have absolute power over her. They will at will give her "small compensations" and encouragement so long as she goes straight back to work (with the help of her husband), or straight up erase her from the equation. Soft vs. hard power. It's the two face of the same coin, the entire movie is about that. Like really. The same way the banker offers a welcome speech that feels slightly awkward, unnerving, the bank thiefs also have their own speech. It's madness and chaos with a friendly face or madness and chaos with absolutely no face and a desincarnated voice. But the central point is MONEY.
It's the fucking rule of money. Even the jew banker gets massacred because of it. He actually gets his dick "circumcized" for fuck's sake.
That movie really is a pleb filter in the sense that it is very, very nuanced. Almost every scene has a scene that's a mirror reflection of it and I really liked that. And the closer you look at it the better the writing gets.
Mazel tov user. Hope you had a pleasant Shabbat and Purim.
that was his brother not his son. also the line about white people, he's just referring to exotic trophy hunting. sorry but you're totally wrong about everything.
>Bank girl gets executed immediately
>Vaughn's gf turns him down
>Black guy kills Mel
Movie tricked me good.
yeah, this dialogue really stood out to me as well. what the fuck is this (((banker))) going on about?
>The same way the banker offers a welcome speech that feels slightly awkward, unnerving, the bank thiefs also have their own speech. It's madness and chaos with a friendly face or madness and chaos with absolutely no face and a desincarnated voice. But the central point is MONEY.
Based user. Aren't the robbers European? To take it further, Jewish banker powerfreak on one side, sociopathic blackclad Nazi-esque killers on the other, not in a SJW way, in FML dark humor. You really get a sense that because Zahler is in the (((tribe))) he has complete freedom that white writer/directors do not. It's like Jews wish he'd not make these films but he's good and they can't force him not to, due to their genetic bond, but they sure as fuck with bust Mel Gibson's and Vince Vaughn's aging sacks for being part of this. This little bubble of cinematic freedom we're reduced to is infuriating. And Zahler won't admit it's there I bet.
Drag your ass across concrete, get in here boys. (No nigs)
Who the fuck knows, that's the point.
It plays on the obviously Jewish conspiracy cliché (guy is obviously a semite, the irony goes as far as to circumcise/cut his dick in the end).
But he's first and foremost a banker/capitalist that has his own selfish motives and interests (ayyyy, we 'bout to go GLOBAL). And Kelly is weirded out by it because that entire ceremonial is just like "???????" Is it genuine interest or trickery? Whatever, really. So long as their interests align, quote "So do I", they're cool.
I mean, even the husband has had a hand normalizing the situation with the flowers and little gifts. So long as she goes back to work, so long as she doesn't go against the bank's interests, doesn't question the hierarchy, she will be taken care of, receive a (small) compensation for her hard work.
It's hilarious how Yea Forums is trying to pretend that critics are outraged by this movie when is has the same RT score as Captain Marvel.