Should I watch Buffy? Is it as good as everyone says or is it just a meme?
Should I watch Buffy? Is it as good as everyone says or is it just a meme?
It's one of my top 10 favorite shows of all time. Do you like 90s television? Are you okay with campier, cheesier shit?
First season is more monster of the week before it finds its footing, and the latter half of the sixth season and entirety of the seventh is clearly suffering from writer fatigue, but overall it's enjoyable.
One thing that might irk you is the fact that Buffy is pretty much the origin point for the current capeshit style of dialogue, however in Whedon's early works it was actually worked in properly. Probably because he actually had peer review then
it is good, and if i'm not wrong it is easily accessible from the beginning (after a few episode you should already know if it is something you can enjoy or not).
FUCK, rewatch incoming
I'd say it (and it's spinoff, Angel) are both a must watch.
I couldn't imagine how cringe the show would have been without other people like Fury and Greenwalt to reign in Whedon. Oh wait I can, it's called the comics
its surprisingly good considering how cringy the setting is
To be fair, back then there was no internet, twitter and shit to provide the echo chamber for that kind of writing, not to mention the "SJW" aspect of the show, which was there but not malicious
A lot of people forget what
Pointed out. If you look at the production credits for works Whedon is famous for, you'll start noticing that at any one time, Whedon always worked with 3 people who had some form of veto power.
He's basically the tv equivalent of George Lucas, but it took people far longer to cotton on.
The comics are just revenge on BTVS fans for not watching Firefly.
There was plenty of internet. BTVS was one of the first shows with writer/audience interactions, often with funny results.
Well there was usenet and early internet forums in the classic style (Avatar, post count, etc). However it was nothing compared to now. Nevertheless you still had writers/producers listening to fan feedback on the internet, as JMS did with Babylon 5 and Rob Tapert with Xena. Plus Joss had Buffy and Spike become a couple after the pairing became really popular on the internet, or at least that's the suspected reason.
You are now aware that the autism black hole of tvtropes started as a BTVS fan forum
I used to really like TV Tropes before they went mainstream and deleted all the porn articles
>Plus Joss had Buffy and Spike become a couple after the pairing became really popular on the internet, or at least that's the suspected reason.
They were never a couple, though. In fact, fans hated how it went down in S6. Back when it was on there air, I don't really buy Whedon ever did pander to fans for the most part. On that line in S5 of Angel was really all that pandery, IMO.
Troper Tales was pretty hilarious, I'll admit.
I also found about about Rose Potter from there, which was a wild ride of its own.
You know what I mean, their relationship, whatever you want to call it. Personally I liked their affair until Spike tried to rape her, I can't even watch that shit anymore. Same goes for Xander leaving Anya at the altar. I try to rewatch those episodes and my hand just finds its way to the stop button.
That's my point, though. That attempted rape was all about driving the point they were trying to make with that home. I guess you could call that a kind of pandering. I don't think it would have happened without fans trying to romanticize the rest of it.
As far as them hooking up, though, I don't think that was to please any fans. As late as S5 Fury was calling Spike fans serial killer lovers.
Fair enough. Who is your favorite character? For me it's Giles.
Whedon always said he finds happy end couples boring and he'd rather kill one off, which is what he did to every couple in Angel. If that was his writing. I didn't keep tracks of the credits, but
>Angel and Cordelia, universally believed to be OTP of the whole series
She ascends to a higher plane of existence, then gets body snatched, then ascends again.
>Wesley and Fred
Dies, then gets body snatched, then he dies too.
Didn't fucking pander to me, I tell you.
Oh, didn't know that.
To be fair, i think even in the 70/80s there was interaction between writers and the public, obviously limited by the available technology.
What I was actually talking about was the interaction between large part of the public that formed a loud opinion beofre even letting the writers know.(positive or negative)
So yeah, as i understand now this was there for Buffy. i was actually around 8-13 yo so I wasn't in the situation to observe that first hand, my first "whole world watching together and discussing" experience was Lost.
Best wafiu comin thru
>universally believed to be OTP of the whole series
Fucking lol
But yeah, couples splitting up/one of them dying is a classic Whedon trope.
it's fun. skip most of season 1.
I considered watching it, but it turns out it's one of those shity shows that's an hour long.
He completely pandered to me by killing off Cordelia. I liked her on Buffy but I found her insufferable on Angel. Worst character in the show
She made my peepee so hard, except when she changed into Ben. That was a boner killer
I used to really like the show but I'm not sure how it holds up these days. Honestly, just watch Angel. It was always the better show desu
I liked Buffy. At this point you'll get tired of the characters constantly mouthing off witty lines but it does work out in the end. Mind the extremely campy action/HS shit
>tfw no Giles x le techno witch comp sci teacher OTP
She was alright in S1. Then they removed her personality in S2.
Well I guess we didn't really have the internet to argue about this back then. Not to this extent at least.
I rewatched it for the 20th anniversary, it still holds up, just as good as Angel imo. The two shows have different strengths. Buffy is comfier, funnier and has stronger individual episodes, and a more interesting protagonist, whereas Angel has better arcs and higher production values.
I re watched it about 4 years ago. Held up quite well except for season 1.
it is wasted potential really
The more I've thought about it, I really like this ending. No bully.
At least Weasley had a peaceful death
they removed her personality in S2.
But she was the best in S3...
Season 5 is good but so overrated, the arc is truncated because the suits wanted it to be more like early Buffy. Also the tone is so off compared to earlier seasons, it was essentially a soft reboot. The ending was well done but ruined by the lack of proper build up.
With her magical part demon floating healer shit? That was pure cringe
It's bittersweet but with like one of those artificial sweeteners that don't really taste good.
They're less winning at anything and more like just kind of showing the big evil the middle finger.
No? Felt like she was back to her roots as a bitch but also grown as a person.
I don't think the higher planes shit was particularity good writing.
I liked her tortured soul arc in early season 3 because of the visions, but after they made her part demon that was it. Suddenly she's Mother Teresa but with an attitude, no thanks
Just wait for the reboot
>A network is not attached yet
This means it might not even happen, and I hope it doesn't. They said the same shit about a Xena reboot which never materialized, thank god.
Nearly a year old now, and Whedon's name is pretty smeared at the moment.
I lost interest in season 3 because all of the characters became uncharacteristically mean and spiteful just to push the plot.
From what? Did he diddle a kid?
It has a specific audience. It's good if you're a college lesbian.
Not him but last thing I remember is that his wife left him and accused him of cheating on her for years with actresses and other women that he worked with
Well she kind of earned it. It was the episode where she asks that she never got the power and she's thrown into that alternate universe where it was Angel who got the visions. And when she sees him suffer she decides to undo it all without a second thought, even though the visions were killing her. She asks to be made half-demon so she could endure it but she doesn't know what it will entail, she doesn't know that it's a test and they're essentially turning her into a half-angel, the only half-demons she knew could just transform into monstrosities. And this decision is coming from someone whose main characteristic was supposed to be vanity.
It's why I think "Birthday" is one of the best AU episodes in fiction becasue it actually means something and has serious repercussions on the characters and the plot and it's also the climax of a long set up, rather than just being filler. It only shat itself as a plotline when Whedon decided to construct the entire rest of the story around cucking them just to make it "tragic", with that stupid ascension plot, and then the whole body snatcher shit with Conor switching sides. At least Fred made sense because Wesley's entire character arc was about descent. Angel's was supposed to be the opposite.
Earned or not, it was dumb. I actually prefered it when she got body snatched and I think Connor is the most underrated character in the series. Season 4 is my absolute favorite
He got accused of casting couching one of the actresses (almost certainly Dushku) and his wife left him. It was around the time metoo hadn't become accepted as a witch hunting laughing stock, too.
It was a bit too dark and directionless for my taste. There were some good scenes. I liked when they conjured up Angelus just to have him spill the beans on the evil's plans. I liked the scene where they lured fake Cordi into a trap by baiting him to try and kill Lorne. I liked Willow showing up with her OP post Darth Willow powerlevel and BTFOing the big bad, and I liked W&H showing up at the end and congratulating the heroes and giving them the home office as a present.
Connor irritated me. I think his best scene was when Angel came back from his ocean tomb and told him that he loves him but also get the fuck out of here.
I loved how dark it was and I think every episode is fantastic. It might be my favorite season of television ever, except maybe Farscape Season 2. Connor I find very sympathetic and tragic of a character, there were times when annoyed me but I always understood his point of view and it made sense. But yes, the scene where he gets BTFO by his dad was some great shit
Faith of all people? She was basically one of the first characters. That's some history, I thought we'd have found out about that by now but I guess Holywood is like that, the whole card castle only really fell with Weinerstein.
Bear in mind that it's not confirmed, but the other actresses have pretty good reasons not to have done it and weren't tied to whedon as much as she was.
He was sympathetic and understandable, I just didn't agree with his addition as a character because he was a walking melodrama McGuffin, constantly stirring shit. There are characters whose objectives are in opposition so they are in conflict and there are evils who will be killed because it's just their nature to hurt others, and most of that can be leveled out in the end. Then there's the kid who grew up in a fucking hell dimension; basically evil Mowgli. From the first moment he showed up I knew this isn't gonna be concluded well because it just can't be, because there's nothing to level out here; you'll never level him out with the rest of the cast there's just too much pain and hurt, but they also won't kill him becasue it's his son. So it'll be stupid. And alas, it ended with laser guided amnesia by W&H as part of the deal.
I mean I guess if the writing was better they could've slowly worked him out of it, but instead he was a little shit till the very end.
weird, I just started episode 1 about 30 seconds ago
Watch it, it's really good to fap. Josh Whedon has amazing taste in women and jailbaits.
Was anyone else happy when Joyce died?
>And alas, it ended with laser guided amnesia by W&H as part of the deal.
But I loved how it ended. When Angel is looking through the window at Connor with his new family, I tear up
I thought it was a brilliantly done episode and it made me emotional, but not because it was Joyce but because it was Buffy's mom. It certainly wasn't earned, Joyce spent the first four seasons being a neglectful, selfish cunt and then suddenly in season 5 we're supposed to think she's Mom of the Year. I can only surmise that when the monks changed everyone's memories to include Dawn they saw that Joyce was a bad mother and tweaked her a little
First couple seasons were comfy, then SMJ got anorexic, and the commandos/lab arc was pretty meh.
She was only anorexic in season 4, then gained some weight back
hoowwwwww are you feeeeeliiiiinggggg. dooo youuu feel okayyyy.
where can I watch the HD version? also has anyone seen the fixed HD version? apparently after all the fuck ups that were pointed out they made a fixed version.
Joyce died a raging faggot.
I want to watch Buffy and Farscape for 90's feels. Anything else you guys would recommend?
Dark Angel
Tales From the Crypt
The Adventures of Brisco County Jr