Spider-Man: Homecoming: black girlfriend

>Spider-Man: Homecoming: black girlfriend
>Spider-Man: Far from Home: another black girlfriend
Based and blackpilled

Attached: Poor little white guy.jpg (2000x1333, 436K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>a literal faggot gets two chocolate cuties and a MILF

Attached: angry.webm (352x262, 1.04M)

She cute

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he cute

To be fair any half smart black woman would rather go with a white man since blacks fathers are either violent o absent.

Also, if they have children, their kids would only be 1/2 black and if the trend keeps going eventually those niggers will dissapear since white purifies the blood.

Anglos are not white

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Who is that on the right?

das rite. we got da BBC (Big British Cock). ytbois like you cant compete

The first one should be a white blonde but a least was a qt. The second should be a white ginger but she is an ugly feminist

Imagine being those girls in that scene and being like Tom you're straight as hell

>gets to be movie star
>thinks he'll co-star movies with stunning blondes everytime
>unfortunately born in the era of black worship...

Friendly reminder that if you're a Western white who has to live with niggers, sandniggers, spics and other atrocities it doesn't matter whether your interracial fetish is about males or females - in the end your future generations will be filled with mutts who have suboptimal IQ and hate your country because they can't find an societal anchor in your nation's history and culture. In the end - you always lose.

>couple of gypsies
Awesome, because I don't see enough of them at the main trainstation. Getting really tired of of your shit, mutts.

Laura Harrier

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>this whore is in a spidey flick
jews everyone

Agreed, she needs to be on my dick

she looks like she exclusively fucks white guys

What would Uncle Ben say about all those black girlfriends Peter keeps bringing to his room?

he'd give peter a firm handshake

Left or Right is her future user.

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She looks like shit, you just have no standards at all. Putting tons of make up on doesn't always make you good looking

Bases anti-white propaganda

>His smile and optimism gone

Her future is being my wife

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he's a 5'5 giga fag little who cares

>MCU Uncle Ben

Attached: download.jpg (189x267, 8K)

I mean he goes to NYC public schools who else is he gonna date?

laura harrier >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> zendaya

dont @ me

Attached: 432.jpg (680x366, 40K)

He could date nobody, like you did

she had pics with her white bf on her isnta before she became famous

also she has another black friend with a white baby and shes always posting pics of that baby. I know she wants to have her own white baby

They cute

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>4channelers pretending this is a bad thing
BASED tom with a severe case of jungle fever and TWO (2) black qt's

yeah they cute but laura cuter

Attached: LHR1.jpg (577x1024, 77K)

Mutts with more than 70% Caucasian genes show a higher than average iq and larger testosterone levels. The data is hard to come by because eugenics is a dirty word in modern academia but mixing white intelligence with nigger muscles is unironically the next master race. We just have to breed coloreds whiter, not whites darker.

Who can be his third brown gf?

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>tfw no QT brown gf

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he doesn't "get" them, girls like to hang out with gays purely platonic. You still have a shot user

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Me on the left

When did African American women take the BBC (big British cock) pill?

Attached: BBC.jpg (1000x576, 107K)

this thread is bringing back bad memories lads...


Peter "The bleacher" Parker

>that coffee skin tone
>those european facial features
>those iddy biddy tiddies
>that tight tummy
>that lewd posture
>that curvy mound
oh lawdy

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>tfw ywn be smoking in your comically overstuffed winter coat with a black qtpi
>tfw ywn give obama a smug look before walking out the door with his daughter
>tfw ywn be hitting it hard af doggy style while telling her that obama is a cuck with no presidential legacy beyond the shitshow of ACA
why am i here, bros? just to suffer?

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>those european facial features


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would you like to go to the beach with her user?

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Ever been to NYC in the past ten to fifteen years?
It's filled with negroes and Dominicans, and everything in between
It's an accurate depiction 2bh

oh lmao nevermind then. i don't know actually who this is. is the first picture of her i've ever seen and they looked european in it.

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imagine the sex she had later that evening

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>Wanting Weinstein's sloppy seconds
No thanks

haha i wonder what her sweaty nipples would taste and feel and like in your mouth haha. i bet they're tiny and soft but get diamond hard when you swirl your tongue around them haha. they probably taste like salty and metalic hahaha. so weird.

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>>Wanting Weinstein's sloppy seconds
what? elaborate pls.

darker girls who aren't properly back are so fucking hot, i'm all for them alongside white male leads rather than another blonde

Her glasses are covering her nose

dont do this to me user

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Hang in there, bruv

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why do blacks think dreads look good, they're fucking disgusting


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you just KNOW

Isn't Candace Owens marrying a British guy too?

If somebody as powerful as President of United States can be cucked so easily then what chance do we have?

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absolute unit

Zendaya looks more white than black

She's gonna look even more white with my cock in her pusy

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You gay, nigga

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no u

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Watch Greatest Showman, Zendaya was at her absolute hottest in that

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dont get me wrong buddy I have a serious case of jungle fever and I'd fuck pretty much every black/mixed girl on earth as long as they're not super fat, I just think Laura is superior. Zendaya is super hot tho

Zendaya is very hot but Laura is even hotterer

Attached: qtlaura.jpg (1242x1276, 107K)

With tons of makeup

my god I want her to crush my head with her thighs

It's ok, bros, we can get along

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>jungle fever threads are the most civil threads on the board
At least no matter what we can all come together and agree than brown girls are patrician as fuck

exactly bros, you're all my friends, and I know we will get our very own brown qts very soon

Of course.

Attached: It'sbeautiful.jpg (284x378, 17K)

she CUTE


I like those anti-cuck threads

Obama BTFO

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the whole cast is nigger? or only the secondaries?

imagine being force a black pussy as a gentle young white teen

he studies with minorities because he is poor in 2019

He fucked one of Obama's daughters

I gave my virginity to my first girlfriend and I'm very happy to be black only from then on.
I will never lose my white virginity, and that's a good thing.

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>mfw im drowning in pussy

What makeup?

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Obama is literally half white, so at least half of him probably gets a boner from the colonization taking place.

left is good but would go balls deep in right

Tell her to wear some clothes !

Wtf are you talking about she's wearing literal tons there

Her mom lost a lot of weight from that other picture

Is this interracial propaganda? Because Zendaya looks much more interesting and appealing than either of her single race parents here

I mean, don't get me wrong, I'd fuck the shit out of that chick. I've always had a thing for ugly-cuties. However, you know she's wearing makeup in that picture, right?

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he cute

I don’t know how to read this but the male version of a succubus is an incubus

umm que rico chocolate de bombon

>ywn hit the jackpot in the genetic lottery

Attached: Lily Fam.jpg (634x608, 85K)

an incubus impregnates women, a succubus (male) takes it up the pooper.

Wtf, but /pol/ said that black genes are stronger

>You know Peter when I was a boy...

Imagine if America had never relied on slaves
It would probably still be invaded by spics but at least no ghetto niggers

Read this
is right

Is it actually confirmed tho?
I liked her character in Homecoming.

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That man is a fucking legend!

Attached: zendaya-new-york-pr.jpg (600x900, 99K)

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He's flirting with her in the trailer

Attached: zendaya-coleman-on-.jpg (1200x1866, 319K)

In this photo: zero erections

I laughed reading that. And it gave me hope.

Im 25 too. Ive been chatting with a black girl for some months now, she'll come to my city in a month. She's from another country, its almost impossible to get a black gf in my country. But she'll come here.

She already sent me lewds and she told me she likes being submissive. I really really hope she's into namecalling and roleplaying because lets say that my country has a history of colonizing Africa and my god I would go nuts pretending to be one of my ancestors, fucking this savage and giving her a half white kid.

C'mon, from left to right... looks kind of latina (an ugly one) even though her father is black, asisn? samoan? the rock if he was fat? and last yeah she is black but she is a total cutie

Based jannie deleting racist posts

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No matter how much work he does, he will never get paid.

what is this cultural appropriation?!

He's light in the slippers, so no.

The Brown Goblino

Attached: zendaya.jpg (1200x1627, 173K)


This would probably be the wild west without anyone actually doing work

I like black girls like this who aren't too black. you know?

What makes this funny is that she literally dates officers from Harvard's Young Republicans group

Why the fuck are women so sexy? God I want to fuck so many of them

Why is she showing her sexy naked body for free bros?

shes a SLUT

Its somewhat annoying when you guys post threads about sexy women because it makes me aroused and then I need to fap

The niggering continues and you´re all part of the subversion.
Wonder why, hmm...

Attached: 4chan.jpg (350x550, 38K)

Just have your gf lock you in chastity. It's been 3 months and I'm the happiest I've ever been desu.

I'm in my late 20s and never had a gf or sex

Take the blue pill. Your dating opportunities will expand massively. You may not have sex, but you can hold your gfs hand while she has sex.


Did I stutter? Your only hope of not dying alone is to embrace being a cuck.

I think user is trying to push his closet cuck fetish on you instead of just finding a girl who loves him but gets off on that shit too and the two of them embracing the cuck fetish.

Attached: only_whites_will_understand.webm (640x360, 2.81M)

he's the only one with a fuckable ass in that pic

this really shows that mulattos are the true masterrace

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>big DSLs

umm no sweetie

i blame americans for this.

what is this from?

He’s gay so he doesn’t care who he has to fake it with.

do you think Tom fucked zendaya while wearing the suit?

She’s a lesbian though

This. Bearding for his lesbian co star is also gentlemen behaviour

it was a superb owl ad or something

Zendaya is a Weinstein pig too, check her in Marchesa.

Black women are so healthy and fertile, I want to breed one. Literally nothing hotter than a negress with a swollen belly due to carrying a baby fathered by a white man.

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>based Tom
>wasting his time on thots
Not a chance

She changes colour depending on what politics or movie roles she’s on atm.

He just wants a hot white daddy and hates women. You can see it in his body language.

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They’re all white women from Reddit forcing a meme

pls jannie no banny

Attached: black.webm (960x540, 1.91M)

it's well known they are dating in secret, you dummy

>hiding his boner
he cute

Moisturiser, primer, foundation, 3 shades of contour, highlighter, 2 shades of eyeshadow, eyebrow filler, lip stain, mascara, blusher, fixing spray = this 1 face. Men are clueless about women’s make up. And she still looks like Jayden Smith.

Why do brown people pretend to be white?

>Watch Greatest Showman
I don't support animal abuse

>not bikini armor

Go back to pol

They *are* white, user. Just with brown skin.

>but she is a total cutie
It's not what I'd call her. Even zendaya may be called cute, but THAT is not it.

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Nah ah, not gonna fool me with memes, chump. I know bikini armor is better than all. Less=more.

aziz ansari lookin ass

Exactly, less skin=more sexy

You need some really convoluted answer to explain why that shit counts as protection tho. Bikini armor is so stupid it'd be more believable if you ditched the armor aspect and just went with a simple bikini that isn't intended for protection.

Go back to your goatfucking, muhammad.

nah, that's some incel internet theory that's totally crap


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But you would already need some convoluted explanation to why women would be wearing battle-gear anyway. Just do away with the explanations and embrace bikini, I say.

more like trash and cringepilled

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You're the Worst

>white purifies the blood
back to /pol/ with you

Now that's a top quality ebony sow. I bet you she has already produced a whole stock of healthy white fathered babies.

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Jesus Fuck....

Sauce plz.

>ends up needing a bone marrow transplant
>not a match in the world
Oh no!

Black women are built for whites
Colonize and bleach my bros

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>black gf
>levels up to half black
>mcu spiderman 3: white gf

This has always been a terrible argument. In which "realistic" setting are we seeing bikini armor? The super duper realistic settings where there are dragons, wizards and women warriors on par with men? It's called fantasy. Get fucking bent with this "realistic" smoothbrain talk or start explaining literal magic and the commune of the living elements and how they serve deities that seek to fertilize the above-ground with their mana-fueld minions. Go on.

that's not how that works brainlet

It is.

they're both half though

yeah but Laura looks blacker

Friendly reminder that Black women were meant to be bred by the BWC

There unironically needs to be a Bleached website, or one where it's exclusively Black women getting creampied by White men

Attached: BLEACHED.jpg (1400x831, 262K)

I enjoy almost every single type of interracial but WMBW is just so superior

All the niggers in it were cgi

You just KNOW when he was a young boy...


>Ankle lock

I'd give that hybrid some vigour if you take my meaning

I thought they were dating publically. They're each others' beards

Poor Barack.

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>>Spider-Man: Homecoming

moar liek NIGGER-MAN HOCUMMING amirite lel

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Based Klay

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Oreo approves

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God needs to give us a new flood

Is this an arab?

This would've been so much better if it was only the black bull coming in to fuck his wife.

>that pic filled with actual Chads
I don't know how that inspires you, most people don't look like that

>Listen Peter....

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basado piropo

I don't normally recognize these numbers as legitimate. But I'm sure at least one of you guys do. It's like every other white boy on this site has this in a reserved folder for quick access.

If you take these numbers as fact, then truly, black women do not love white men.

Attached: ethnic-preferences2.png (640x726, 130K)

>umm que rico chocolate de bombon
>umm que rico bombon de chocolate

Learn spanish fag.

I dont really care about that kind of thing, I know I love brown girls more than I love asian girls or arabic or whatever

thats what makes it funny you idiot, just like the "la creatura" meme.

En mi opinion, si en vez de la "creatura" se dijera correctamente, es decir, "criatura", no tendria ni la mitad de gracia

me on the back

The black girl is literally doing the "he cute" gesture.

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Holland is probably okay with it since a feminine white girl would be harder to act like he's attracted than an mustachioed apefaced mulatto.
Holland is gay btw and used Zendaya as a beard for a while

Found the trannie

Attached: rihannas-new-fenty-concealer-collection-jeffree-star-approved.jpg (750x430, 47K)

what a silly jacket