Motherfucker you look 30

Motherfucker you look 30

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I'll be 27 in a month and people still call me "boy"

i was wincing at the trigger discipline

t. white bois

>character is 27
>parents still call him "sweetie"

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Fuckin kek

I'm 33 and some dude yesterday thought I was 21 y.o. intern. I have conflicting feels

>character is 27
>parent visit him last time in prison

>That 30 years old Boomer with jungle fever

>mandatory monthly school “trip”
>2nd year of Senior High
>no friends at this point, so go to the local hobby shop, buy a 40K novel and read it on some coffee shop in the city center
>80 year old couple starts talking with me because they think I’m a Uni student from out of town
Ever since I was 15, people thought I was in my 20s... I don’t even have a beard or anything. I’ve gotten so fat I’ve got a baby face. But even at Uni sometimes kids mistake me for a professor... GodDAMMIT, I just like shirts!

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How does it feel to be weak and unthreatening

>look like a basedboy
>look like a child

Gain muscle you faggot

i laughed hard at this part.

>I just like shirts!
What the fuck does that even mean everyone wears shirts

I'm stronger than 95% of people around me, lifting for 6 years now.
But babyface and a manlet

Tru about lifting I’m same but sorry about that people are shitty and judge on first appearances fuck them find your people who love you and tell the rest to eat shit

get rid of the beard and roll moustache only

When I was a 17 year old burnout i was a hospital porter and this MILF and her daughter thought I was a junior doctor. Another time when I was going for an interview as an admin assistant I was mistaken for a professor.
I wish interviewers looked at me so kindly desu. I never get hired.

I was thinking about this the other day. Totally doing it if I have a dtr.
Will Smith remids me of my older brother in this scene he likes to make. Teenagers embarresed.
U did gud today OP

Just be a club bouncer

I don’t mean t-shirts user, I mean shirts (buttons and all). Past a certain point, that’s all I wore. I had different styles and colors, depending on the season or overall attire. But I stopped wearing jumpers, hoodies and they like. I had a few every day vests too. And I stopped wearing jeans and went only for cotton pants.
Well, I’m not a burnout, but I’m really fucking up Uni (long story), so I can relate... My old professor told me never to become a doctor, all the while my mother wanted me to become nothing but a doctor. He said I lacked “basic emptathy”, which is bullshit.

same but in june
and instead of a boy, they call me tall boy
which is even more annoying cause they cant see at all that im at least bit of a man

I'm 20 and a 13yo girl thought I was older than my 30 year old sister. I felt bad, but in all fairness she still looks like a teenager.

tfw i'm 23 and teenagers call me sir

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>go out for walk around the neighborhood
>kids throw rocks at you

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>go and try to kidnap children
>can't anymore due to ages joints

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I'm 29 and look 49 you lucky cunt.

I actually think your prof was just trying to spare your feelings
it doesn't sound like you lack empathy, it sounds like you're too stupid to interpret human behavior accurately. (Not to be mean, but that's the quickest, simplest way to put it.) You being in charge of/evaluating other people's well-being sounds dangerous. You'd probably be best off working at a deli counter or something, where there's no need for spontaneous evaluation of emotions or statements, just customer:"I want (X) portions of (Y)" and you say okay and deliver on that

Nigga you at least 30

>first class of the year about to start
>getting 1 minute late
>knock on door
>teacher opens door
>literally know nobody its first day dont know the kids or teachers
>teacher asks
>"are you teacher or student?"
>"uhm.. student"
>she laughs
>everyone laughs

This was the most fucked up feeling Ive ever had