Who are some overrated directors that just don't get it?

Who are some overrated directors that just don't get it?

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I don't know his œuvre too well to judge but he is spot on with Drumpf, the worst president in the history of the United States Of America.
God I wish we had Ross Perot or Dan Quayle as POTUS. It would be infinitely better than this sad shitshow.

we don't discuss politics here.

Nice B8

I don't know who that is


>muh orange daddy
The cuckservatives are little thin-skinned bitches.

Moon was good

how come he didnt try to start a music career like his daddy?

If you say so. Meanwhile, a CNN anchor was literally crying last night because Mueller couldn’t find anything on Trump.

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why did you downvote it?

to keep the damn normies out of course

>Mueller couldn’t find anything on Trump
The report is not public yet, retard.

Depends on what you define by normies. Yea Forums is always acutely aware of its own maladjustment but Redditors for the most part are so far up their own asses they don't even realize their behavior might be considered abnormal.

Duncan 'I wish my kids were never born' Jones

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It's time to let it go, user.

>why yes, i am permissive my wife sleeping with other black men, you?

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If there was anything incriminating in the report Trump wouldn’t be trying to have it opened to the public. I know we haven’t read it but you can already see the forest for the trees as far as how damaging it is in the press. It’s a big nothing burger, like that one CNN journalist said a year ago

Friendly reminder that mentally ill, self-loathing people have more influence and impact on white culture than common sense folks ever will. Fuck this gay earth.

Why do people post this kind of stuff on Twitter? Imagine being their kid 15 years from now and reading this kind of shit.

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That's the internet's fault. Even in the emo '90's some random suicidal tranny jacked up on xanax 24/7 didn't have a platform to spread his mental illness around and red a million retweets for it.

What is wrong with these people?
Everyone in my family is happy with their toddlers. Fuck these faggots.

I think in a sense this is just pure selfishness but it's also an immaturity that comes from the denial of seeing yourself as "past your prime" and therefore letting the ego get in the way of living for others, even if it's your own offspring.

yeah they're just narcissists who think they'd be reliving their 20s every single decade for the rest of their life if they didn't have kids

The kid has literally no chance to grow up as a functional and confident human being

he making fun of the stupidest and most useless president of all time. Please dont cry about it incel.

Blormpf literally wants more immigration. That kike slave can die for all I care. Just another republican.

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>It's like looking after a dog you can't housetrain
Is he not aware he's supposed to raise his kids?

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Duncan Jones. Imagine not understanding Trump has lackeys to do that for him. And bring his ranch hose to bear as required.

>think they'd be reliving their 20s every single decade for the rest of their life if they didn't have kids

probably not the wisest place to introduce that idea breh

>posts a tweet against trump

Back to /pol/, incel.

uh...you definitely can house train kids, in fact you're supposed to

I don't expect it to make me popular but to my mind Duncan Jones seems pretty well-adjusted for someone whose own parents named him Zowie Bowie.

Of course he wants, and that is why every anti American piece of shit homo citizen of the world and corporate shills, in short - leftist - constantly cries about him.

What a piece of shit.
No, his kids arent going to turn out OK because he's a lousy uncaring parent.

Well I'm glad your father managed to take care of you when you were shitting your pants, while putting out great music and touring the world and not complaining about it

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Imagine your father going on the interwebs to tell everyone that he wishes that he'd never had you. What is wrong with these people? Their kids should be permitted to kill them. Even when I was a kid and thought more than two descendants would prove a problem, I still, y'know, wanted heirs. As I grow up, depending on my financial situation, I set the limit even more.

David Bowie actually didn't take care of him and that's why Duncan turned out like this. He was an absent father and Duncan was raised by other people like babysitters etc.

>Mostly raised by his Scottish nanny, Marion Skene,[6] Jones spent time growing up in London, Berlin, and Vevey. He attended the first and second grade at the Commonwealth American School (now the International School of Lausanne) in Lausanne. When his parents divorced in February 1980, his father was granted custody of eight-year-old Jones (who was then known as "Zowie Bowie" to rhyme with his father's stage name) and he visited his mother on school holidays until ending contact with her at age 13.[7] At age 14, he enrolled in the Scottish boarding school Gordonstoun.[8] At the age of 12, he decided that he preferred to be called "Joey", and used this nickname until shortening it to "Joe" in his later teen years. The press reported that he went by "Joe" in 1992 when attending his father's wedding to fashion model Iman, where he was the best man.[9] He reverted to his birth name around the age of 18.[10]

>it's bad to make fun of a politician I like

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I'm sure Bowie didn't regret him though. To me it seems that he bonded with his child before the gap between was too big and took care of him as soon as he could in his formative teen years. Thanks for the info though, I know that Bowie also struggled with drug addiction during the seventies so maybe the fact that he was away was for the best.

retard boomer faggot

>Zowie Bowie

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Bowie said his greatest regret in life was not spending more time with his family. His whole last two years was him giving the big fuck you to the media and entertainment industry whom he blamed for not being able to lead a more reclusive life.

>corporate shills, in short - leftist

Good luck with that, user.

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Yo lil donnie

Irresponsible druggie boomers created a maladjusted generation.

>get visibly upset and angrypost when people mock your insane conspiracy theories and Trump derangement
why do leftists do this?

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>literally hordes of leftists crying when trump one
>exams were literally cancelled and safe spaces set up because they can't handle reality
>but other people are thin skinned

Yea okay, you've lost this arguement for fucking decades

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>trump one

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Lately all they can really do is parrot back the memes the other side throws at them. I mean, hey, it hurts them, so it must hurt the other side too, right? Makes sense.

I may or may not be hungover

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>Best man at his father's wedding
Sounds like they had a decent relationship desu

Doesn't change the fact that he was absent for most of Duncan's childhood

>God I wish we had Ross Perot or Dan Quayle as POTUS. It would be infinitely better than this sad shitshow.
Yesterday I drove past a pickup with a PEROT '92 bumper sticker. I didn't know what to feel.

Duncan Jones is secretly a medically classifiable retard and people have been pretending otherwise his whole life because his dad is david bowie.

just look at this picture. look at it.

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Not a bit like what this autist's attempting to do with the Mel Gibson picture at all.

It's peak narcissism. The only thing that matters is the attention it generates.

How is this the son of one of the most beautiful men to have ever lived?

holy fuck what happened to him lmao. Can't believe he made Moon. Is that what happens when you become a sjw? Suddenly, all your good talents just disappear?

why does he have pubes on his chin

Speaking of celebs who have outstayed their welcome..........

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ok fagelo

Funny how quickly every accuser disappeared after Kavanaugh was confirmed by the Senate. Almost as if the entire thing was to assassinate his character.

Drump is such a fascist dictatorial tyrant that none of his detractors dare speak negatively on any public platform whatsoever.

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Seth isn't wrong about him. Bart also lied about his yearbook and couldn't admit to some wrongdoing when he was a teenager. He's a dishonest, petulant little bitch.

Zero indictments.

absolutely based

Steven Spielberg

>zero indictments
>literal actual nothingburger
Imagine being this libcucked.

You mean Brett, right? Who cares that he wrote stupid junk on his yearbook. he wasn't a sitting judge when he was 16y

I hope someon shares this woth his kids when they are old enough to understand this.

>sticks his dick into starlet and crashes and burns his dream project

lmao, you are all thin skinned bitches, you stupid millennial manchildren.

And now we have to destroy that generation before it ruins the world.

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what you talkin bout willis?

No, just pedophilia, animal abuse, racism, and misogyny. But no politics.

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Glad you understand, now fuck off.

He's right, you know. Fuck kids.

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Jesus! What a narcissist

why do people hate trump so much? He seems like a good guy.

You only say that because you know you're a piece of shit.