>this starkiller base is 10 times the size of the death star!
>quick! send our 9 x wings to destroy it
This starkiller base is 10 times the size of the death star!
Yeah they should have sent 10.
you just have to be yourself
just turn your brain off bro. disney know how to make star wars and you know how to watch them.
reminder tfa is worse than tlj for how it raped the universe and the originals
I clapped everytime I see a X-Wing this the authentic star wars not these prequels
Not really. You could still make a decent follow up after TFA even though it was shitty, after TLJ there's no hope for anything good at all.
I am actually happy, starshit is finally dying
>I am actually happy, starshit is finally dying
Gutting a planet and converting it into a giant weapon really seemed to me like a new order of magnitude above the death stars as an engineering feat, particularly stuck out to me since I thought this First Order was supposed to be a relatively small group with limited resources.
Overall was daft to stick in the first film. What will 9 have in it to top this?
>boss our new slow as fuck bombers with paperthin armour are ready
>great scrap the y-wings! we wont need them
that's something it would take an entire alliance structure to do even in star wars.
>The empire has turned the neighbouring galaxy to a deathstar
>send in 12 x wings!
All part of Abrams cozy safety blanket for poor traumatized Star Wars fans.
>don't worry boyos, mean ol' man Lucas will never hurt you again. Real sets, practical effects.
Correct, though TLJ continues ruining everything in new ways
>Luke felt responsible... He walked away from everything.
They ruined Luke right then and there. Rian just pissed on the corpse.
>real sets
>practical effects
Feels like Doctor Who tho.
Yeah, just tells you how much shit can go wrong cause movies have so many moving pieces. The production designer was the guy that did Oblivion with Tom Cruise. And that looked great, so if I had to point the finger it should be Abrams and his DP that lit the sets like shit.
>You could still make a decent follow up after TFA
no you couldn't
>there's nothing there to build off star wars will always have to be empire vs rebels
TFA raped the setting and introduced the worst Mary Sue in recent history.
TLJ raped the characters and made sure nothing could possibly salvage the worst Mary Sue in recent history.
You can recover the setting, even if you just simply retcon the retarded bits and claim it was an in universe mistake, but you can't ignore Jake "Nephew seems like Vader? R2, get the saber" Skywalker and the sheer incompetence of everyone involved.
>simply retcon the retarded bits and claim it was an in universe mistake
but how do you mean, in the 9th film?
>worst Mary Sue
the kylo fight in the 7th film when she pulls the lightsabre from the snow, the look on her face is "omg I can't do that?" unbelievably infuriating
they bringing y-wings back in ep.9
I meant that if you only worked of TFA, you could have fixed bits of the raped setting.
For example, hammer home the FO being a splinter organisation and the republic being the sleeping giant, spin some bullshit about how starkiller base was actually a hijacked project, make Snoke actually a little bitch who survived Palpatine by merit of not being worth his time, reveal Luke went away because he needed time to balance his emotions, etc.
Basically take everything in TLJ and either reverse it or shred it.
That just makes it worse, if they already had them, WHY NOT USE THEM?
>For example, hammer home the FO being a splinter organisation and the republic being the sleeping giant, spin some bullshit about how starkiller base was actually a hijacked project, make Snoke actually a little bitch who survived Palpatine by merit of not being worth his time, reveal Luke went away because he needed time to balance his emotions, etc.
sound pretty good actually, such a shame the trash we got, what the FUCK were they thinking honestly. I thought it might get even a slight bit interesting when rey was about to join kylo but nope same old boring garbage
I understand maybe a change up but those slow moving bombers were not the right idea
Why didn't they just hyperspace ram it? They could have gotten a shitty or frigate and pilot it by a droid.
>the kylo fight in the 7th film when she pulls the lightsabre from the snow, the look on her face is "omg I can't do that?" unbelievably infuriating
This part. She just closes her eyes for 15 fucking seconds downloading the Force or whatever bullshit they spun for this moment. And Kylo just stands there like a dumb faggot.
That single stunt tore a bigger hole through the plot of the entire setting than it did through any space ship
she's such a terrible character
>reminder tfa is worse than tlj
Remind me how strong Starkiller is?
I don’t get how it was not a one time thing because it soaked up a star and shot a whole solar system. But then it had no ammo and seemingly no propulsion
>I don’t get how it was not a one time thing because it soaked up a star and shot a whole solar system. But then it had no ammo and seemingly no propulsion
It probably had a hyperspace engine like the Death Star.
Since I'm capable of foresight, I'll go further and claim that the Starkiller was designed to store part of the energy it received from draining the star and kept this reserve of energy so it would have enough to be able to hyperspace jump to the next star it was going to drain.
The device used to store this stellar energy for hyperspace jumps was called a Tyvium Battery. The Tyvium were an ancient group of Force-using scientists who developed the original hyperspace engines independently of the Duros.
They were good friends.
Why didn't they just hyperspace ram it?
This lol
Fuck the cancer that is disney
God, don't try to explain the nu-deathstar with science
It was horseshit enough that Rey and co. could watch the destruction of another solar system in real time
Because you can destabilize it and blow it up with a few X wings and some thermal detonators.
Too late, I'm already adding the Tyvium to wookieepedia
Friendly reminder that in less than a week from that scene she'll be fighting 3-4 of Snoke's elite guards at the same time and do better than Kylo
Make sure to add Tyyvium and Tyyyvium
The hyperspace ramming only works if it's executed by Holdo. Since there's only one Holdo in existence it can only be done once. Ever.
>all the rebels that were able to survive could fit into Han's ship
>That was the only ship to leave
I swear if in the next movie the rebels appear with bigger numbers
That and hollowing out a planet would cause it to disintegrate
But fuck basic physics, it's capeshit bro
>It was horseshit enough that Rey and co. could watch the destruction of another solar system in real time
fucking hell I forgot about that
It's fucking pathetic when anybody in Hollywood refers to themselves as an artist.
It was basically all offense and no defense. The Separatists probably could have built something so stupid but even they would know better than to leave the fatal flaw so obvious that a janitor could see it.
yeah I thought that the first order were just fugitives who were Empire loyalist or something that managed to make a small army but no lol the rebels apparently did not established a new government and decided to stay as rebels
I would have assumed they'd fill it with their construction as they dug
Still seems like an engineering feat beyond the scale that Star Wars operates
Maybe in 9 they'll say the First Order built a Dyson Sphere because fuck why not
Um sorry I thought Starkiller is the guy who tried to kill Vader, not the weapon
Gen Xers and Boomers are to blame obviously.
>X-Wings and Tie Fighters!
>Han and Chewie!
>Old Luke!
>A planet like Tatooine!
>No dancing lightsaber duels!
>A villain that reminds me of Palpatine!
>A Superweapon like the Death Star!
>Trench runs!
>Thank you Disney! I can now relive my childhood with muh kids!
Are you blind? It was obvious that she was outmatched. It was established early on that she is skilled in melee combat, but she really struggled with those three guards that she did kill. If Ben didn't strike down all the rest of them the fourth would have probably killed her.
It was so blatant that they just didn't know how to write Star Wars without a dominating faction of Storm Troopers and a plucky underdog resistance
I knew halfway through Force Awakens that this whole film was just going to be the plot of a New Hope. It was some time afterwards before I learned that the desert planet at the start wasn't Tatooine and I realised it might as well have been because what difference did it fucking make
>Still seems like an engineering feat beyond the scale that Star Wars operates
In the EU, all the planets in the Corellian system were dragged there from elsewhere in the galaxy by a precursor race.
You’re wrong because they CANT write Star Wars, regardless how contrived, because they are the biggest hack frauds to ever make a film.
>the plot of A New Hope
Where in A New Hope did Old Ben's Happy Fun Palace get raided by stormtroopers and Luke get captured by Vader and brought upon the Death Star for questioning?
horseshit. they put those elements in purely due to lack of imagination not as an appeal to boomers. no one that grew up with the OT wanted a beat for beat rehash.
Jesus Christ why does every scifi/fantasy setting have to have a mysterious ancient race that fucked off and left behind loads of amazing shit
Anyway, it's one thing for a setting's Old Ones to have done stuff, it's another for it to be current tech
The start of the damn film?
as much flak as the prequels get at least they tried something different
Some user on here said that the movie book explains its an ancient superweapon that the FO merely commandeered - don’t know if that’s true though
The sheer pretentiousness of the whole undertaking is kind of beautiful in its bullshittery.
They called themselves Visualists, yet spent most of the time pasting cutuouts of Ewan McGregor with Mark Hamill's head onto googled images of "temple ruins"
the movie didn't really make any of that clear as a viewer I just saw bigger weapon
It does ruin Leia in a rather subtle way, by making her into some Punished Snake eternal war lunatic that just can't let things go and perpetuates a seemingly finished conflict.
The one thing that did get my attention of the last movie was the idea of there being no more Jedis and Siths I actually wouldn't mind seeing a new group using the force and being something different from Jedis or Siths, fuck with all the fuckery they've been up to for so long I think even the Star Wars universe would also want them to stop
the guard wouldn't have killed her they were dropping daggers left and right to make the fight easier and at one point I swear a guard even helps her up
It was possible to salvage the Starkiller idea by making it a weapon FO found in the Unknown Regions not something they made.
But nobody in Disney even gives a fuck.
>luckily we have the power of minorities and women on our side
Point being if she were up against any competent opponent who wasn't dying from a bowcaster wound or a mere hired ragdoll she would have been cut down ten episodes ago.
>starkiller base
Why did Vader give his apprentice a planet size base?
That’s why you need to buy The Force Awakens: Movie Book™, user! Only £15.99!
Defend this
Since KOTOR2, I liked the idea of the last force user standing saying 'Fuck it, no more Jedi/Sith, they only cause trouble and huge wars'
Look how far the planets are apart (Maz bar was on Takodana)
I drop whatever is in my hand as soon as I forget that I have it even if I'm not manhandling a farmer-strong force user.
>Ok I've got her arm now time to finish her off wi- FUCK it slipped
>ep 9
>Death Solar System
>trench run in full sized death stars
Did they just edit out the weapon? His hand looks like he's still holding it and you can tell the actor knows the choreography is fucked up
>she is skilled in melee combat
Malnourished scavenger whose only experience would be fending off other scavengers
she used the stronk space magic
A lot of scavengers over the course of 20 years, also maybe pirates and marauders, and desert beasts.
fucking hell that's embarrassing
ummm women dont need magic to beat men, you sexist pig
>We've got thousands of fighters we can to completely annihilate what's left of the resistance
>Lets just send 3 and Kylo
Fuck star wars
Fuck rian Johnson
Fuck jj Abrams
Fuck light sabers
Fuck the rebels
Fuck the empire
Fuck George Lucas
Fuck rey
Fuck finn
Fuck the expanded universe
Fuck the comic books
Fuck the sound track
Fuck the Jannies
>a new even more mysterious sith lord has appeared
>ep 10
>rey and kylos daughter have turned to the dark side
>the resistance send ten x-wings this time to destroy the second orders galaxy sized death star
>pull back! We can't support you against the ship you just crippled with no fighter support!
It's going to be some shit ripoff of the Yuuzhan Vong, mark my words. The only people who can stop them are Rey and Ben's new and improved grey Jedi. Just to drive that point home they're going to have Ahsoka Tano have survived Order 66 and the Galactic Civil War just to die in Episode X.
As long as the worlds being destroyed were in a different solar system at all, even if they were right next door it should have taken years for the light of their explosions to reach their neighbours. The worlds appearing as visible to the naked eye and as large as if they the planet's moons was just icing on the cake.
JJ can't into scale.
>the galaxy is the size of a parking lot
JJ can't into time
>they just zig-zag across the galaxy in matter of minutes
JJ can't into speed
>Han can apparently on hunch pinpoint the exact attosecond in which to jump out of hyperspace after passing the force shield but before pulling a Holdo and atomizing Starkiller base
>black/blue/gold group
>there's literally 3 fighters per group
>galaxy sized death star dumps solar system sized death-starts out of it's hangers that dump normal sized death stars out of thier hangers
>they all blow up when a 9 year old in a spaceship blows some pylons up in a hanger on the main station
>ep 12 it just goes full-on Gurren Laggan with the space weapons
>ama drop my weapon in my left hand,
>just because
>ama do what da script says to do
>ama make it disappear
>aman alabama nigger and i can't sing
That was a very underrated part of the OT.
They had scenes establishing or implying the passage of time in subtle ways, like the trip in ANH having time for Obi-Wan to break out the training or Chewiw and R2 to play board games, then you had cuts in ESB in between Luke and The Falcon's crew, where passage of time from one clearly carried over to the other.
>ep 10
>Rey is back being a shitty scavenger cause X-wings vs TIE Fighters
>Finn is scrubbing toilets in Newer Empire
>Poe is still whatever Poe does. Flies but can't land a joke
>Rose doesn't appear until ep 12 when the other characters are already ruined
>ep-47 it was all a dream by yoda as a child. he wakes up and is late for space school
wtf did he just sit there watching her with her eyes closed. He could have hacked her to pieces in that time
>supercluster sized death star that dumps galaxy sized death stars that dump solar system sized death stars that dumps normal sized death stars
>get's destroyed by some 7 year old latino kid cutting up some wires
Luckily, we have a timeframe thanks to TLJ. Finn and Rose took a trip across the galaxy and back in less than 24 hours. In a shuttle no less
>ep 12
everything is back to full strength for some reason this time the universe sized death threatens the resistance
>the resistance goes all out and sends 11 x wings 2 a wings half a v wing and 911 turbo in a last ditch effort to take it out
He wanted her alive you dipshit. What was he supposed to do, cut off her arms and legs? Does the First Order even have the budget to replace an enemy's limbs with cybernetics if they can't even put one turbolaser next to the thing that makes the whole planet blow up?
Nothing makes a whole galaxy seem puny like trivialising the effort of traversing it
Because it had such a massive fatal design flaw, even the janitors knew about it.
They also don't realize that Luke spent months on Dagobah while Han was dicking around on Cloud City. Admitedly this is potrayed shitilly, and plot holes arise with Lando saying that the Empire arrive to Bespin before them.
The passage of time in TLJ is a huge wtf
>Apparently the Resitance has like 12 hours of fuel
>but Rey spends days with Luke
>the chase is so slow, that other characters have time to abandon it on shitty sidequests and to do their laundry
It's fucking possible that it's like the next day after TFA. Hyperspace is instantaneous, apparently.
But, that sure feels like Rey forgave Kylo for killing her surrogate dad awfully fast.
These are such horrible films, turning your brains off is impossible, people in comas could rip them apart.
why the fuck would anyone support the republic if they are so useless
and they're supposed to be the good guys?
Come on now, be realistic
The latino kid also has to be riding a scooty puff junior or something
disarming her would be a start instead he's just waiting there until she load her Mary Sue powers
with like a group of 3 x wings named after some group that died in ep 6
By cutting her arm off? You can't just use the force to turn off a lightsaber, otherwise how would any Jedi die to General Grievous?
TFA was equally soulless but at least it had like... a plot and pacing
Tlj had 3 nonsensical plots that barely had anything to do with each other.
Fuck the only character who had any semvlence of an arc was poe
Umm maybe if he had somekind of force power to stop people shit that would be crazy useful like I remember seeing that thing everytime Kylo appears but for some reason here no umm what can be the reason of that?
She's literally standing there what the fuck are you retarded? she's no doing anything and he's just there watching
>same jedi some the galaxy from the evil sith lord 20 years ago
>what's a jedi?
>Jesus Christ why does every scifi/fantasy setting have to have a mysterious ancient race that fucked off and left behind loads of amazing shit
Nigger she is literally standing there with her eyes closed, and she's about half Kylo's weight.
Just cunt punt her and then freeze her with the force like he already did.
Tfa had a map left behind by Luke to find him and everybody thought that it would lead somewhere
Maybe Luke had found something important
Then tlj builds on this by saying “nah he left a map because he gave up on everything?!”
Yes, that clearly puts her at the same skill level as a man who was trained by a Jedi and then a Sith for most of his life.
how many compressors will rey bypass in ep 10?
top 10 anime thinking moments
Who was wounded and who wanted her alive, yes. But nowhere near his skill in health, as shown in the next episode.
And you know that from what experiments conducted exactly?
They should have just sent one, piloted by Rey
Also Snoke isn't a Sith and Luke wasn't much of a teacher.
However many she wants
Am i a pleb for liking the red ships ?
He could crush those giant chicken robots with the force. He could also grab TIE fighters out of the air. He also stopped the momentum of a star destroyer that was crash landing.
where tf is the center of gravity on a death star anyway?
does every level have it's own grav generator or what?
didn't the Executor get dragged into its gravity field. wtf star wars
>Did they just edit out the weapon? His hand looks like he's still holding it and you can tell the actor knows the choreography is fucked up
You can see the ripples of the green dildo he's holding.
Bro, the force allowed them to see it.
Galaxyfucker base. Luckily it has a thermal port leading directly to its critical systems.
Those were fine, the problem was that the characters and plot were trash.
I didn't even get what the starkiller base was doing. Was it IN the star system it was destroying or was it shooting from one star system into another one?
I only watched TFA once when it came out and I kind of dozed off a bit near the end so I'm hazy on what was going on there.
do you want a laugh?
read about it on wookiepedia.
not him but was it on the other side of the galaxy?
>make me a bunch of pictures of random shit that looks Star-Warsy and I’ll just pick my favorites and arrange them into something vaguely resembling a narrative
So this is why hollywood is shit
JJ is the worst kind of Star Wars fanboy because he can't think outside the OT paradigm. The Prequels were garbage but that's no reason to give up on creativity.
>how will we get through the shield?
>I'll just hyperspace within the shield, break the canon, sneak on the planet sized base, capture the commanding stormtrooper and lower the shields from inside.
>*winks and smiles at the camera* i'm han solo, you remember my character
>and i'm a nigger who happened to also mop the floor of this high security base, so i'll show you the way!
I think i actually hate nu-wars as much as i used to love star wars.
okay i skimmed it, and while retarded as fuck that at least kind of made sense. I thought at the time I watched it originally that somehow that thing was shooting from one star system to another, and I was wondering how the fuck they were firing a weapon that was faster than the speed of light somehow. I mean a few years prior they had the death star which needed to slooowwwwlllyyyyy get into position to fuck up a planet, and now they were just assfucking other planets from across the galaxy in defiance of any limitations on distance or range.
But that article at least explains that in that somehow they're firing through hyperspace. Which is retarded as fuck and similarly world destroying, but at least they kind of explained what the hell was even happening there. I think the movie just shit that out as a giant turdburger and let it sit there with no mention of how that was being done.
It's size it actually it's downfall. It's just a bigger target at that point since the fighters can just hide in it. The larger size means they can't cover all their bases like the Death Star could.
They could have saved it by revealing that luke had gone in search of something important like, i don't know, the first jedi temple?
and left a map to find him when he was needed?
Oh yeah, he did those things but rian decided punished Jake was better.
>Jake "Nephew seems like Vader? R2, get the saber"
first hearty chuckle of the day, thanks user.
But the map is huge! Don't you see how many planets and stuff there is?
>but at least it had like... a plot and pacing
>Running away to balance his emotions
Luke could have killed one of his students in self-defense. This guy would have been the Chad Ren who Kylo looked up to but could never reach. That would help explain why someone as unsure and indecisive as Kylo could lead his fellow students to kill the other students. They had already been brought together by a much cooler character.
No, they fucked around the Unknown Regions for nearly three decades and built SB in just a few years.
abrams is a corporate executive person disguised as a "filmmaker"
>even though we've already witnessed a single fighter take out every anti fighter gun on our most advanced dreadnaught!
>The Prequels were garbage but that's no reason to give up on creativity.
tell that mike stoklasa, he´s the one jerking off to at-at
Ah yes, because everyone knows Star Wars is a science lesson you fucking retards. Remember when the Falcon flew from Hoth to Bespin with no hyperdrive in maybe a day, a trip that realistically would have taken YEARS, minimum, even if the systems were right next to each other?
But now that DISNEY JEWS are making Star Wars we need to autistically nitpick and scrutinize everything!
>Snoke isn't a Sith
Two decades ago it was fair enough that a lot of people didn't really have a good grasp of the scale of space. Now there's no excuse.
>Chad Ren
good idea, but it would have to be Stacy Ren because we are in the age of stronk women, and of course luke would feel his patriarchy threatened.
>Two decades ago
Um user....its been almost 40 years since empire...
>Rakata Prime
get ready for an assraped version of KotoR
JJ Abrams will always be worse than Rian Johnson
Red ships were nice, but like with everything they backtracked into the comfort zone of copying Ralph McQuarrie like scared little slaves.
man The Force Unleashed was so fucking dumb I loved it
>Jedi killer eats sunmatter
>neo-empire winks stars out of existence
>Rick Carter just musing on the nature of the Force and getting a paycheck for it
>"deep creative mindsets where walls between individuals would drop"
>just add 2 suns
>just draw over McQuarrie
>kindergarten picture excercises
>Kathy got an idea from the internet
I swear to god.
TFA is a bad movie but TLJ is the worst movie I've ever seen. I get what you mean though, you can't have one without the other, but Rian Johnson is sure to defecate whether he eats filet mignon or hot cheetos.
it really was a ton of fun just going full on op darkside
It wasn't a long game, but it was fun to just play through again with maxed out force powers just hurling troopers against the wall and being a total boss.
>unknown region
Just no one's bothered looking?
In the old EU, the Unknown Regions were difficult to navigate compared to the rest of the Galaxy, so it remained mostly unexplored. NuCanon runs on retard logic though so who knows.
Space is big even with FTL, and hyperspace can only be done along specifically charted routes or you risk colliding with a star or re-phasing inside a planet
Unknown Regions have been a thing since the early 90s
>re-phasing inside a planet
What are the chances of that? 1 in quintillion?
In the NuEU no man ever thought of exploring it, until a brave woman of color suddenly had the idea during a space battle with the Empire/First Order.
presumably if you miscalculate the jump you may come out of hyperspace inside your destination planet instead of into orbit or in-system.
The Star Wars Galaxy seems pretty planet-dense, and maybe just dense in general. Look at their asteroid fields.
and thus you see why imposing "restrictions" on FTL travel when you already establish FTL travel in a narrative setting is dumb. People fail to understand the distances between objects in space in our reality (mostly because beyond a certain point our human brains fail to create a solid mental analogy and it becomes nothing more than a string of 0s). In a fictional setting where FTL exists, the chances of colliding with a large object (planet, star) is ridiculously low. And that's assuming FTL = "just going really fast guys". This "must use specific routes" falls apart if you explain FTL travel in any other way, be it wormhole gates or phasing into a parallel dimension or whatever you please.
At the very least they should've shown Snoke ordering it so he can torment Rebels and show their deaths trying to bring Rey to dark side.
But nah.
Rule of Two + Sidious and Vader dead = no more Sith
>Remember when the Falcon flew from Hoth to Bespin with no hyperdrive in maybe a day,
No, because we have no idea what scale was involved. That was the point.
We also have no idea how fast a ship can fly without a hyperdrive.
We do, however, teach the basics of the solar system, the galaxy and scale at school.
Think about the movie you're actually talking about before you run the apologist lines.
>imposing "restrictions" on FTL travel when you already establish FTL travel in a narrative setting is dumb
But in mass effect you can only travel to other systems via a relay station that was created by some ancient race.
The prior movies had the time it takes to hyperspace travel be pretty ambiguous.
It allows your brain to fudge it a bit and suspend disbelief
In nuwars you have events taking place at the same time, or worse, on a timer, and we're doing hyperspace jumps willy nilly.
Its esspecially bad in TLJ where they supposedly are on like an x hour fuel limit but rose and finn are jumping to and from the raddis to do side quests like they used a fast travel point.
Its even worse when you consider rey is supposed to be training for at least a few days with luke, and then herself has to travel to Kylo.
Your brain wants to forgive the training stuff and say that maybe that took place earlier until you remember that her connection with kylo is real time and he is on the supremecy chasing the Rebsistance.
>make the jump to hyperspace on my mark
>lando just does what the fuck he likes when he likes anyway
reminder this fucker was also made a general because of some word-of-mouth muh battle of Tanaab or whatever the fuck.
It does seem like they blew it up too late. It served it's purpose and had no more sun to use. So the resistance killed it after it's main function was over.
isn't sending in only x-wings the same as attacking with fighter aircrafts for a bombing mission?
Is Starkiller even canon anymore?
Why didn't they pull the "exit hyperspace inside the shield" bullshit in the battle of Endor? Saves them a shitload of lives wasted on the deactivating the shield on the ground.
because jar-jar abrams, kathleen kunt, ruin johnson and their band of "yes" men/women do not have the slightest clue about storytelling, let alone something as far above their puny minds as continuity and "following your universe's established rules"
How did a base the size of a fucking planet not have a shit ton of tie fighters ready for launch at a moments notice? A fucking air craft carrier has like 60 fighter jets. And those are comparatively tiny.
...they did launch a shitton of fighters though?
Then how did they not win? Every xwing should of been shot down in 30 seconds when they are against 10 tie fighters each.
you're right. why pay attention to the world that's been established. fuck it, no one cares anyway.
are you sure you didn't write the story?
and it looks like basic writing concepts are above your IQ level too. Come back here when you learn how to write instead of reading off your pre-fabricated script of responses, shill.
Yeah, I would loved to see how Rey and Kylo just decide to not let those groups exist anymore or even create a new group that differs from both (not grey Jedis that's gay) but no Disney has to keep "muh space wizards" alive, We've seen their origins, their ups and downs I think it is time to finally see the end for them.
>D'Qar the Resistance base
>Literally the entire Republic between them and the First Order
>Only the small sortie shows up to attack Starkiller
I guess that one laser shot really did end the Republic. The First Order does reign.
If Kylo did that how will the MaRey Sue become the Force's new chosen one and beat the patriarchy by completely destroying the white dude. Since you know THE FORCE IS FEMALE.
t. accomplished writer and not a seething virgin on Yea Forums
>muh virgin insult
lol, just about as retarded as the people that use it as one
the virgin memespew
the Chad dismissal
There was nowhere to go once they established Rey as a Mary Sue wwho shits superpowers when she needs them, make the villain laughable imiattions of the Emperor an Vader who have less credibility than drak helmet from spaceballs. TFA killed SW but I reckon Rian Johnson could have at least attempted to course correct this mess. The went full retard and managed to piss the most beta normies.
>builds starkiller base, a better death star
>builds the supremacy, a better executor
>could afford abducting, indoctrinating and arming 100 of thousands if not millions of soldiers
>cant afford cybernetics
fucking xd
The way to solve the mary sue shit is simply to pretend it never happened. Write her TFA character off as a bad job, have a time skip so people can rationalise it however they like, then make a normal story.
Its a good thing the Resistance got the blueprints so they knew exactly where to strike
but it's the third movie, a little late to give rey a personality. not that the people running LF would be able to do that even if they cared to.
The sad thing is, they actually think they gave Rey a character in the last two movies.
I meant fixing TFA's mistakes.
TLJ has made Rey completely unsalvageable. There are simply no excuses for the shit she's pulled/
This looks like a YTP
All space janitors in the first order have a photographic memory of the complete layout the various superweapons the FO create.
They have to know where all the broom closets are.
Have sex
They actually believe that this OP female character with no flaws archetype is a valid template to write stories around.
Rey is a total female power fantasy
We have plenty of male power fantasy characters too, but mens fantasies revolve around saving the girl, beating the bad guys, being the best...you know, things that make good stories.
The ultimate female fantasy is to be the most well loved, never criticized, infallible, never wrong , prettiest one in the group.
This does not make for good adventure stories.
Those story group hags should stick to fan fiction.
but my kids still up and running about..
10 X-Wings?? We can't fit that into the budget!!!
Daily reminder it is almost exactly 20 years since the best Star Wars film was released.
Why do you even care anymore
I agree but would go with they're both on the same level of bad but since TFA didn't kill luke you still have retards that defend it.
Are you all too autistic to not notice her rampant daddy issues? If Han asked her to be his girlfriend she would have loved it.
It's unreal how beautifull she is.
there's only one solar system you fucking retard GOD I FUCKING HATE RETARDS SO FUCKING MUCH
You mean the daddy issues that were solved in 5 seconds in tlj?
right, their fathers probably worked hard to put them through college so they could become feminists and resent him for it.
iirc gravity wells had a lot to do with hyperspace jumping as well as the physical presence, so larger bodies like planets and stars had to be mapped out precisely in order to execute safe jumps and not get flung around or sucked into the gravity well.
>Remember when the Falcon flew from Hoth to Bespin with no hyperdrive in maybe a day
Fucking speed readers, I swear
Han only goes to Bespin because it's within reasonable sub-light range, him and Leia talk about this in the film you retard.
Bespin and Hoth are in the same system? wtf?
Hollywood execs love him because he's literally a walking happy merchant meme
"close her eyes and feel the force as she does battle with the sith lord"
It is almost as if nobody involved with this entire sequel trilogy ever watched the original movies, or if they did they did it while half on their phones. You do not turn on and off the force like a fucking sink faucet. It is made very obvious in every prior star wars movie the force is a part of every living being. One does not simply "tap into it", it is an extension of the user and to "get stronger", you have to physically and mentally train yourself.
>does battle with the sith lord
does this brainlet not understand the simple fact about what said? It was crystal clear in ROTJ that they were it, the end of the sith. Emo ren is not a sith lord, he's LARPing.