Not only is this show being held, but it's now a long running show and still on
"lam gods", supposed to be about a piece of shit set of images at an altar, none of which contain fucking, seems to have, at it's centerpiece, NOT adults fucking
no, that would be too simple
that's the piece.
it's not people fucking, it's children watching people fuck
email this faggot phillip somefag adn demand an investigation and special team to carefully ask the kids if they have been subject to any behavior that's abusive.
[email protected]
they are mentally ill fucks the lot of these arts fags
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Imagine some of those cunnies began to get moist.
Looks like it's only a small part of it, also kids can handle it and there's nothing wrong about fucking.
Truth - my parents let me watch stuff like this, and took to me to their satanic masses, nothing was taboo and I am sexually fucked up today because of it. This shit does harm to kids even if it’s not immediately apparent.
Why is there a white male?
As long they're just watching white people fuck I don't care
Its just a re-telling of Adam and Eve, its beautiful.
It’s not that they’re watching people fuck.
It’s that they are part of it.
People are watching the kids watching people fuck. That’s the sick part, not the nudity. I mean we all know what sex is.
The performance includes the kids.
>you will never watch live porn together with all your bros in elementary school
FYI towards the end of the fuck they kids reach out and touch the man and woman as they simulate a climax
Lam was the name of the alien-like entity Aleister Crowley alleged to have accidentally summoned. They aren’t being too subtle.
I hate liberals so much. Yes - I already have sex. Not in front of kids. Your lives are jokes.
Its a play about Adam and Eve. What's wrong with it?
Not your personal army faaaaaaaaaaaaaag
yeah sheltering your kids completely from sex and stigmatizing it is worse, id say the parents of these kids are taking it a bit far but we should all have the right to educate our kids how we feel is best, and if you wanna teach your kids by letting them watch a couple of ugly gypsies sweat on eachother vs showing them porn then so be it.
Have sex change
This kind of shit is also why I hate to associate with liberals. The concept of restraint and conservation is so alien to them.
my parents sheltered me from it and didnt give me the talk till i was 13. Now im a 31 yo virgin.
fake & gay
Try reddit or take your reeeeeeeeeeeing to pol dipshit
Are there only girls watching? Is this some pedophile ring or deeper meaning like sexualise our daughters with sexuality?
I don't think those two correlate. Most parents behaved that way yet plenty of people still have sex.
Holy moly not kids watching sex! Dude I was 10 years old when I first understood what sex was
Most animals dont teach sex. Still they knows how to fuck.
They aren't actually having sex
wtf i hate art now
>the woman who criticizes feminist notion of women being oppressed by illustrating that women choose to engage in sexual acts on their own terms
Pretty based actually.
sounds kino
That's a tranny, right?
did he find his penny?
Based monolingual conspiracy theorist
What does it feel like to have a pussy and get penetrated?
Not sure what you’re implying here, but if there’s another way to interpret the title you’re welcome to illuminate me.
cancelled mys sub
Its like entering in a bag of wet sand
me on the right
>Not sure what you’re implying here, but if there’s another way to interpret the title you’re welcome to illuminate me.
>The Ghent Altarpiece (or the Adoration of the Mystic Lamb, Dutch: Het Lam Gods) is a very large and complex 15th-century polyptych altarpiece in St Bavo's Cathedral, Ghent, Belgium.
have sex
like a milky coin being lightly salted
When I was 8 I watched a girl of the same age spread and play with her pussy Infront of me. Hasn't fucked me up, it's only a human body.
Thanks. I’ve actually read a good bit about the Ghent altarpiece but wasn’t aware of the Dutch title.
>milky coin
Where did this meme start?
lām is a letter of the arabic alphabet and can be translated to "for"
So "for god" would make sense
I was like 4 and was in the kindergarten, and a girl our age allowed me and 2 other boys to touch her pussy. Honestly, didn't affect me at all.
>twenty years later he posts this on Yea Forums
Yep, didn't affect you at all
ever sucked some dick?
Face it, tiger, in this day and age Yea Forums is as normie as it can get.
She just wants sex.
Its typical for nymphomaniac exhibitionists. Here in Germany we have an actress who loves in a love triangle and had real sex in 2 movies.
Last year she got a fine for sexual teasing truckers and policemen in civil at a truckstop.
>haha I'm on Yea Forums, that means I'm nothing more than a dirty skid mark on the edge of society
I bet you also believe that "NPCs" are completely devoid of emotions, memories, talents and experiences
I wonder if she would have sex with me if I ask nicely
Why do you even do this? What's the point?
If you are normal and clean, she would. There are rumors she swings alot. So she is in just for the sex.
I am clean but what qualifies as normal?
To provocate and send some message. Its like why some ballet dancers are naked, fanatics kill others or vegans make shockfest demonstrations.
Shockvalue and provocation to get noticed!
And you're telling me no one thumbed her asshole instead?
Look at these guys that can feel her up for a scene. As long you are not Weinstein i guess, she doesnt care.
Thats not part of the deal.
any webm for this?
>t. never walked in on parents in the act of love making
go back to touching yourself to degenerates trying to fill a hole in themselves
wypipo ladies and gents