/Air Disaster General/

tfw you will never experience the terror of being in a commercial jet ploughing into the side of a mountain

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Other urls found in this thread:


>when I see your mom

How do these kinds of crashes even happen? Just jump oout with a parachute lmao

>it's a DC-10 episode

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I eagerly await the Boeing Max 8 episodes
called Death Cabin for a reason

>isn't an official rank recognized by anyone
Pilots are bus drivers.

FUCK flying.

>hurr durr cars are more dangerous
because they account for drunk drivers and senior drivers and other shit drivers who kill themselves.

>being trapped in a cabin for minutes having to contemplate your inevitable death

post some videos you fags

I know the passengers are expendable but why doesnt the captain have a parachute?


pro tip: the reason why they tell you to put your head between your legs when about to crash is to make sure your spine snaps and instant death.


>being trapped in a cabin for minutes having to contemplate your inevitable death
sounds just like my life today

not true

Did this just get put on netflix or some shit? There's thread about it every day

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>It's a "The plane is haunted by ghosts" episode

Attached: Air.Crash.Investigation.S03E08.Death.and.Denial.(EgyptAir.Flight.990).696x560.x265.658kbps.aac.2ch.m (696x560, 66K)

Get a load of this retard

Did you get that bullshit off your Faceberg feed like every other fucking idiot who spouts that nonsense?

> it's a "pilot panics and stalls the plane" episode

why does it happen so often?

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it's kino

nah it's just a great show

human nature I guess, you can be very competent at flying and not have the kind of mindset to not bug out.


Attached: PUILL UP PULL UP.webm (666x480, 1.21M)

>Another happy landing

Attached: Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith.(2005).1920x816.x265.2ch.AAC.mkv_snapshot_00.23.37.762.j (1920x816, 121K)

fuckk, I thought they were going to be Ok but that approach was way too fast, what flight was that?

Look, Yea Forums has a love of planes since baneposting

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Is there a mod where I can put the DKR plane in Microsoft flight simulator?

Air France Flight 296

> This particular flight was not only the A320's first passenger flight (most of those on-board were journalists and raffle winners), but it was also the first public demonstration of any civilian fly-by-wire aircraft.

Air France 296
They tried to make a low pass for an air show but crashed and the plane was full of people

Is this the Bane thread?

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Attached: Tu-144.webm (622x480, 1.55M)

isn't this the one where the frenchies rigged the black boxes to save airbus' ass?

are they OK?

Tried to make a low pass over the airfield but the aircraft was improperly configured, I believe. Some automated altitude or landing system interfered with the pilot's commands

Reminds me of the ANT-20. Another retarded meme plane the soviets made purely for propaganda.


Is this the same show as Air Crash Investigation/Mayday?

I just started watching it like 2 weeks ago on a whim and it's totally addictive.

I've only watched season 16 and just about to start season 17. Where's the best place to watch it online? Is it available to stream on any of the main platforms or do I have to keep finding shitty links?

So far I'm shocked at how often one of the pilots does something retarded like pulling back on the control stick instead of pushing down when the plane stalls.


>that one small French flight where one of the passengers asked the pilot if he could make a detour so that he could see a cruise ship down below and the pilot agreed and they flew straight into a privately operated cessna

Fucking hell. What a retarded way to die. Just stick to the flight path you fucking retards.

Attached: air crash investigations.jpg (1200x675, 88K)

>Is this the same show as Air Crash Investigation/Mayday?
Yes, the show has a dozen different names depending on the country its shown in.

Attached: Boeing 737.webm (1280x720, 1.73M)

>It's a 'people still didn't understand what wind shear/microbursts were' episode

Truly the Airbus way.

I just use youtube

The episode on the Boeing 737 MAX is going to be lit

I think the show is edited kind of different depending on which country it's shown in. The American version, as you'd expect, seems like it's edited for people with worse attention spans.

My new alarm sound


>it's another comfy Yea Forums aviation thread
I swear to God if the jannies nuke this one I'm gonna lose it

This one is pretty amazing as well


fuck, imagine that playing while knowing you are going to die. Chilling

How thee fuck are you gunna get a job after being known as "tgat pilot who bailed out of his plane and left 200 people to die"

Imagine the hate mail

Unironically yes

What the *fuck* was his problem?

Attached: mayday s17e1 killer attitude pilot.jpg (1024x576, 47K)

>doesn't even wait to hit the ground

now that's efficiency

Flight 296 - Blaming the Pilot

If youtube compilations have taught me anything it's that OVERSPEED OVERSPEED usually sounds about 20 to 30 seconds before your plane slams nose-first into the ground.

Not a great way to go.

Small dick.


Dumbest accidents? My vote goes to Comair 5191

>sure is weird taking off on a runway with no lights
>yer you're right

this but unironically

this was infuriating to watch, fucking spastics

>1 Survivor
>it’s one of the pilots


Aeroflot Flight 593 immediately comes to mind

>Here little Aleksei, would you like to come into the cockpit and fly the plane? Don't steer us into an unrecoverable dive, now!

You have two choices:
>1) Suck Gameel Al-Batouti's dick and get $200
>2) Refuse to suck his dick, and cause him to kill 100+ people in an airplane ""accident""

Attached: Air.Crash.Investigation.S03E08.Death.and.Denial.(EgyptAir.Flight.990).696x560.x265.658kbps.aac.2ch.m (696x560, 47K)

This series has taught me to exclusively fly on planes with older pilots

>you will never experience the terror of being in a commercial jet ploughing into the side of a mountain
why even live bros?

>On 14 December 1942, it crashed after the pilot allowed a passenger to take his seat momentarily and the passenger apparently disengaged the automatic pilot, sending the airplane into a nosedive from an altitude of 500 m (1,600 ft), killing all 36 on board

Attached: Vasily_kuptsov,_Maxim_Gorky_ANT-20,_1934.jpg (2332x1983, 3.17M)

The one where the tower forgot a plane on the runway.

American Airlines Flight 587, when the first officers breaks the rudder


look at those control inputs

The Manx-2 episode taught me to only fly on real airlines, not billionaire tax-loop hole "airlines" which don't even do routine maintenance, hires inexperienced pilots straight out of school, and fines the pilots for diverting to other airports when its too unsafe to land.

>survived and lived crippled
>attempted to sue the airport but the case got thrown out
At least he's living physically broken, guilt stricken, and poor.


I still can't believe this actually happened, all those poor souls on board must have been terrified.

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Attached: wing slice.webm (1136x480, 2.46M)

>Fill up those fuel tanks and make it snappy. I've got places to go.

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IIRC that was standard practice on Boeing aircraft in wake turbulence, but not for Airbus planes and they didnt have a built in limiter to stop you destroying your own control surfaces.

>Superior Nihon steel, folded over 1000 times

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>what kinda pilot u want
>I'll take the dude talking about his dead daughter and dancing around senpai

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> The estates or families of 21 of the 47 passengers filed lawsuits against Polehinke. In response, Polehinke's attorney, William E. Johnson, raised the possibility of contributory negligence on the part of the passengers.


Only the pilot claims that because he did stunts with the plane for journalists and crashed it

I don't think I could ever take the pressure of being a commercial airline pilot

Pressure? LMAO. Just don't be a retard.

I mean there's a lot of other little things that can go wrong with the plane itself along with the weather


Based Airbus knocking off journo scum

>American still claps all the way down

This one gets my vote. I couldn't believe it when I saw it.

Holy shit the nips are fucking retarded.

>plane of 500+ experience explosive decompression and the back dorsal tail fin thing blows off
>US airforce base nearby spots plane withing 20 mins of crash
>offer to send in marines and shit to commence resuce
>told by nip self defense forces to stand down and that they'd do it
>their one shitty copter finds crash later that night: poor visibility because it's fucking night time now
>nip soldiers spend the ENTIRE FUCKING NIGHT in some nearby village erecting tents and digging toilets and shit doing fucking NOTHING
>they go the next fucking morning
>only 4 survivors
>doctors studying the scene discover evidence of people surviving the crash, only to die of shock, treatable wounds, or the elements of one night outside



>It's a the company is fined for negligence but the insurance claim on the loss of the aircraft means they make a profit episode

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Is it bad I always feel slightly let-down when everyone survives in an episode?

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The one where 2 of them were on the same runway and they collided, I can't remember why I just remember it being terribly dumb.

*teleports behind you*
heh better luck next time kid

Tenerife? Idiots in a hurry on a foggy airport

watching it right now, eerie
yep, assume so

Attached: pike.jpg (863x584, 29K)

Either this one Or the one where the Air France pilots manage to stall the plane and crash into the sea from 45000 feet despite the plane TELLING them they were stalling and there being nothing wrong with the plane besides one frozen sensor.

Nah man

>A good landing's any landing you can walk away from, a great landing is one where they can re-use the plane

Is there an archive or something of flight voice recordings


The audio makes it funny as hell. All it needs is the curb music

>This is the first fully automated plane flown by a computer
>immediately crashes into a forest and explodes


Youtube has a couple of CVR compilations, but the practice of releasing them to the public was discontinued after one incident where the crew were joking around and talking about sex and stuff - which made their relatives pretty mad

>The recording of the crazed naked man climbing on a planes wing during taxi and trying to force themselves into the plane

There's some good ones that aren't related to crashes

I dont get it, were the pilots asleep at the wheel? Why didnt they fucking advance the throttles and pull up jfc

> well i guess the autopilot wants to land us in the forest, i guess ill just sit here and watch us slowly descend into it

>Flying to somewhere in nipland
>Everything should be fine
>Oh shit, everything is not fine
>Slam into a mountain
>Pain is unbearable, but I'm alive I think
>Please kami-sama, help me
>Hear helicopters after what feels like an eternity
>Then they leave
>Nightfall comes
>Hear the wails of other passengers who have woken up over the last few hours in unimaginable pain
>Between the pain and the screaming, the burned wreckage and the utter devastation you begin to lose your grip on reality
>Is this hell? Maybe you really did die in the crash
>Finally rescued the next day
>Tell the SDF you must have been hallucinating the sound of helicopters the day before
>They tell you that it was actually the Americans and they were told not to rescue anyone

which one

>tail blown off
>cg of the plane while its flying, until the crash, never shows the tail-end of the plane to not spoil it

>let's fly with our transponder off
>what can possibly go wrong

The fly by wire system overrides the pilots control IIRC

anybody else feeling they're going to die in their next plane trip after watching too many of these threads

How to make this my ringtone?


>Flying back home from Cali last Christmas
>Hit some turbulence over Utah or something
>It feels pretty bad, glance out the window
>Wings are bouncing up and down like they're made of rubber

Google 'youtube to mp3', download the video and put it on your phone. Then for maximum lulz become a pilot and get people to call you while you're on the job.

>SilkAir Flight 185
Did he do it bros?

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Comfy mother fukken WOOP WOOP thread

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It’s the embraer EMB 110P1, I’m sure there’s a download version available somewhere.

/airdisasters/ FSX server when?

The autopilot was configured to land, so it overrode the pilot’s attempts to increase throttle and pull up thinking the pilot was screwing up the landing

When will they do an episode on this dumpster fire of a jet?

Attached: 737 max.jpg (530x298, 23K)



>*pushes your nose down*
>"heh, nothing personnel, skipper"

IMHO yes, there are bound to be a couple of pilot suicides

The ones that come to mind are Germanwings Flight 9525, EgyptAir Flight 990 and Malaysia Airlines Flight 370


>ATC: turn left
>CPT: right
>ATC: no left
>CPT: turn left?
>ATC: right
>CPT: (turns right)

>This is the first fully automated plane flown by a computer
Welp, the soviets did it first but they made it on a shuttle that went to space and then flew back to earth all by itself. It even had crosswind but the on board computer managed to compensate flawlessly.

it even had ejection seats and it was design to be used as a rescue ship as well, fly up, grab the cosmonauts, get back.


oops wrong video


I was landing once at PDX (Portland Oregon) a few days after xmas. There were massive crosswinds and the pilot could not keep the plane straight while landing. I had a dreadful feeling come over me and knew I was about to die. We got like 50 feet from the ground before the pilot pulled up at full power. We then flew all the way up to Seattle (I was watching on the seat video screen GPS) then he came back down to PDX and tried it again. It was a rough landing (the plane swerving all over the runway). I thanked the pilots on the way out and they looked shaken. For a week or so afterward I really appreciated life. Then it wore off of course lol.

That was just a Twilight Zone episode


>It's a 3 planes just fall from the sky for no reason episode

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>Crashing these planes, WITH ALL SURVIVING


John Cox from the show has actually been in the news cause he broke the story that the jackscrew used to set the trim on the Ethiopian Flight was fully extended

I assume it will be a special episode

Saw the episode on him. At first I was on the side that he didn't so it and it was equipment failure. Then the episode went into details over how much there was to gain from the lawsuit. What I thought was someone trying to genuinely clear his name turned into a money making scheme. Now I'm skeptical.

Man, I must have flown dozens of times in my life. And yet, Im still here. I feel as though Ive won the lottery. Why me though? Whats so special about me? I just dont get it.

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Wings are pretty sturdy. I used to worry about seeing them bend but then I saw some pictures of the stress tests they do on aircraft that showed the wings bent up to like 80 degrees

these videos suck without the cockpit recordings

X Pilot on YouTube has a good number of them in his recreations.

>It's a Poland cannot into Russia episode.

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Is that the one where the Russians shot down the polish government?

>Every flight you get on is basically like playing Russian roulette, hoping the pilot or copilot didn't just get cucked by his wife/GF the night before

> it's a "pilot shut off the wrong engine" episode


Attached: 150204064755-01-transasia-0204-exlarge-169.jpg (780x438, 51K)

Air France 447 stalling a perfectly healthy airplane from angels 35 right into the fucking ocean is as kino as you can get.

Most of them do have the audio. The ones that don't just weren't released to the public.

This one has plenty of screaming and dead bodies at the end


Show me


reddit threads

Based death cruiser 10 poster.

>it's a us navy accidentally shoots down a 747 and tries to cover it up episode


Dude sounds like he was about to shit his pants.

>154 *BOOM*
>154 *BOOM*
Dammit muricans and their instant replays

wasn't this one a demo flight with air france's senior pilot or something on it and no passengers?

It's on Hulu and it has been remastered in recent years to make it even more kino than it was over a decade ago.

they can do a whole season on that RFLOL kek

There were 136 on board, 130 passengers and 6 crew, 3 died, all of whom were passengers and 2 of which were children.

Demo flight, yes. But it was shockingly full of passengers - journalists and raffle winners (so lucky!!) - 136 people!

After that crash France banned passengers on all future demo flights.

>0 results
Obligatory I'M THE PROBLEM post

Where are some websites I can view the aftermath of these desu?


More blyat.


christ, I would have vomited


I'm thinking of hosting an FSX server for /woop/, any interest?

this is fucking intense




Attached: wpnlifxnbun21.png (1000x667, 1023K)

That's an episode that 9/11 skeptics should watch because it explains how a plane flying at max speed, hitting a hard surface at over 2000 gs, can be reduced to nothing but tiny fragments.

One of the investigators said that if you didnt have expert knowledge of aircraft parts you would not be able to tell what crashed there.

This is essentially the same thing that happened at the Pentagon on 9/11 and skeptics couldnt understand why there were no large discernable aircraft pieces.

Got any episodes where it can be heard?

>Nearly 100 killed
>Only 7th deadliest crash for that model

Based DC-10

Fuck you

Who AirFrance here?



Then why do the videos show the nose come out the other side completely intact?

Attached: fa-NOSEOUT[1].jpg (435x328, 15K)

McDonnel Douglas DC "Dead Civilians" 10
McDonnel Douglas DC "Death Cabin" 10
McDonnel Douglas DC "Don't Control" 10

so now that the dust has settled. did the ruskies do anything wrong?

Attached: korean-air-flight007.jpg (1200x800, 188K)

what is that?

Daily Crashes: 10

Death cruiser 10 is still the best.

>McDonnel Douglas DC "Decimator" 10

Microsoft Flight Simulator X

It's not fair bros, why did she have to go out so early?

Attached: emirates-airbus-a380.jpg (1200x675, 154K)

I'll take a quick look through my playlist. This one has the overspeed *clack clack clack*s, at least


>waiting for the inevitable fireball explosion

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This is a Wreakage Brother thread

Attached: 3B057D9B-107B-42D1-AEB6-2BFD9D5793AE.png (299x168, 97K)

It makes me so happy to see these threads. I love air crash investigations, didn't know others liked them as much.

because Media Jews faked it.

Attached: WTC Southtower PLane out of fucking nowhere.webm (720x480, 2.79M)

I was talking about the Pentagon. It's a reinforced concrete structure - a much more solid structure than any 100 story tower can be. And there were fairly large pieces found in Manhattan because indeed the towers are only solid at its core around the elevator shafts and pieces of the plane can fly right through the rest of the hollow structure.

In the "I am the problem" case, the plane flew at a 90 degree angle straight into the ground at max speed. In the Pentagon case, the plane flew at a 90 degree angle straight into a reinforced concrete wall at max speed. In both cases the planes were reduced to very small pieces.

Attached: Murray St Flight 175 Engine.jpg (1200x628, 386K)


>first plane flown completely by AI
>crashes itself

Attached: terminatorposter.jpg (500x726, 54K)

probably because it's 5 minutes of actual information spread over 45 minutes of garbage

Did they really descend this fast?


Attached: 194-Wooper.png (300x262, 68K)

First, you have abysmal reading comprehension. Second, the best part of AIC is reading along with the NTSB reports.

What would go on in one's head when the plane begins to dive and there's no stopping it?

There was that crash in Ethiopia last week and then we started having fun. It's like a few years ago when there were all those Shark Tank threads.

More clacks


>the plane flew at a 90 degree angle straight into a reinforced concrete wall at max speed.
Airliners can't fly max speed at that height.
They would break apart long before coming even close to the WTC.
If you would have watched a couple Air crash investigations videos you would know that many planes get fucked up when going too fast.

>And there were fairly large pieces found in Manhattan
could have been easily placed by Mossad Jews next to the Bombs, they had complete access to the WTC complex for months.

>towers are only solid at its core
nigger are you retarded? the walls were still extremely thick metal walls, no chance a plane made out of alumiunium and plastic could even penetrate those.

Attached: cant.jpg (463x677, 78K)

Seems like the car got hit by debris when the plane hit the side of the road. That guy sure was lucky.

Attached: tAI.jpg (1236x655, 88K)

Comfiest show I have ever watched

your heart rate would skyrocket, you'd sweat and shake a lot, maybe feel physically sick or at least have a sense of stomach discomfort (maybe even fart or shit uncontrollably). Blood would rush to your brain and you'd feel a throbbing in your head and then a sense of sheer terror would kick in and you'd be screaming and almost detached from what was going on.

Attached: 1487285861935.jpg (960x577, 129K)

Correct that, after rewatching it, he actually was directly hit by the wing. Now that is lucky.

i feel this way every time my own plane safely lands

Attached: kinetic-fallacy.jpg (606x720, 94K)

>nigger are you retarded? the walls were still extremely thick metal walls, no chance a plane made out of alumiunium and plastic could even penetrate those.

You're very very stupid.

here is the actual real footage of what happened.
it was just bombs inside the building.

Attached: bombs only.webm (920x615, 425K)

>9/11 autist comes into the thread to shit it up

Now imagine the conversation with insurance about that damage.

>DC-9 on an airline named ValuJet

Attached: terrified_pepe.gif (964x912, 1.08M)

I uncontrollably sweat and fart whenever there is turbulence or a rough landing, I even cried once. I hate flying but I hate not leaving my shitty country even more

and here the doctored and "official" MIT video this time with bad CGI.
Looks so real right?

the fucking CGI aged extremely badly, I wonder when the kikes will give us remastered 9/11 footage.

Attached: no planes hit the towers14.webm (712x480, 2.7M)


northwest airlines flight 255
>literally forgot to extend the flaps which is what your supposed to do before each take off
>1 person survives somehow

Attached: northwestflight255.jpg (300x275, 42K)

Fuck off this isn't the thread for your bullshit conspiracy theories, anyone with a brain knows 9/11 was not a hoax. Embarrassing

>oy vey!

Attached: every channel had its own variant of the 911 matrix shot.webm (712x480, 2.62M)

>burning alive in an aircraft
Would honestly have tried to open and jump out of the door

>nigger are you retarded? the walls were still extremely thick metal walls, no chance a plane made out of alumiunium and plastic could even penetrate those.

There was no solid wall surrounding the towers, user. The outer shell was mostly windows. And each floor had an open floor plan around a central shaft. The twin towers were for the most part hollow - it was often referred to as a hollow structure design.

Pieces of an airplane can easily enter one side and exit the other if it misses the central shaft.

Attached: hqdefault (2).jpg (480x360, 17K)

>the other plane had no fatalities or injuries
Nothing personnel kid

>*incapacitates you*
Heh, nothing personnel kid

Attached: Smoke-Tutorial-Featured-Image-1000x576[1].jpg (1000x576, 76K)

It's funny how a DC-10 had to fatally crash in the US first before the FAA grounded the plane. Considering that the FAA refused to ground the 737 MAX either until Trump overruled them, is really rustling my jimmies.

Same thing happened to a Spanish aircraft, but I forgot the name

Not that surprising considering the Gs that are being pulled.

The FAA are money grabbing cunts that give capitalism a bad name

Hong Kong Kai Tak was the most kino airport



Why would the FAA ground the 737 Max after one accident?

And nobody wouldve called for the grounding of the 737 Max if the second accident didnt closely resemble the first.

So it required the second accident to be similar for people to raise alarms.

lets go through it again:
>plane can't reach the speed at that height to even penetrate that steel wall
>the plane would disintegrate long before exiting on the other side if it magically could reach that speed (which it couldn't)
>it was clearly just bombs in the building
>the CGI looks like ass today
>fire/smoke shortly after explosion doesn't form pic related indicating that there was no plane in the air
>in every video the plane has a different approach and looks different

there is just so many things that are wrong with 9/11 and its footage, I have no idea how braindead mutts are still believing the official story.
like do you morons watch capeshit and think the CGI was real?

Attached: article-0-13365024000005DC-440_964x573.jpg (964x573, 58K)

The thing is that they didn't intend to ground it after the second either.

The FAA protects the companies, not the passengers. Check around the workings with ValuJet and their crashes. Lots of blah blah but little happening. After their reputation was destroyed they simply merged with another company, basically rebranding their shit pile and going on as if nothing happened.

I flew into that airport several times. It's much more exciting from the outside than the inside. But I always liked taxiing on the runway and seeing the great skyscrapers of the city close by. It always felt so futuristic. Most airports are some distance away from city centers so that was always unique.

The new Hong Kong airport, btw, is plagued by crosswinds and now like an hour away from the city :(

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most people don't understand honor anymore
capitalism killed it

you're no longer performing a job for society, you're scraping by sending all your money to the jews

>that steel wall

There is no steel wall, desu. You're starting off on the wrong foot already.

Oh stop playing with the retard.

What do you expect to happen when a big jet full of fuel hits a building? It just bounces off like a fly hitting a window?

True, because they werent certain that there were enough similarities to warrant it. The evidence at that point was just heresay - they didnt have any data on the new accident.

Obviously it should be squished like a fly hitting your windshield.

>kinetic fallacy
Im not for feeling superior to people but im glad im not one plane denier autist

yeah I fucked up in replying to him initially, just ignore it

the DC-8 is the worst plane because it's the one that looks most like the spaceships Xenu used to transport his victims to Earth to kill them

Attached: DC-8_72_overflight.jpg (2474x1954, 531K)

>he thinks aluminium can cut through steel
ok brainlets

maybe a couple dents in the structure, bunch of broken windows, maybe small fires but nothing too serious that would cause a total collapse of the building.

like I said, the plane can't even go as fast as the CGI thing in the Mainstream media footage shows.
it was 100% fake and just a show.

Attached: hard impact sexual violence CGI meets steel.webm (720x480, 2.47M)

just look at this shit CGI.

Attached: 911 looked worse than scorpion king CGI.webm (720x480, 1.35M)

I'd say the Comet was the worst because each of them had a fatal manufacturing flaw. Not because they planned it wrong, it would have worked fine, but because they punched rivets instead of drilling them, which caused miniature stress fractures to spread until the planes ripped apart at cruising altitude.


I don't understand what this is trying to show

I can't even imagine how terrifying this must have been

Planes and buildings. Here's what happens:

>comfy accident thread ruined by tinfoil fatass

Just for a moment, then you'd be crushed. Most broke their heads and necks, the rest got more or less dismembered. The pressure shock was like a bomb going off.

It's pretty bad this thread around. The last threads had less of that shit.

how do (((((((((((((((they)))))))))))))) get away with this

the LAPA flight

There was a criminal investigation underway after the first, I can imagine it's been picking up pace since the second.

Some FAA and Boeing niggas are going to jail. Fast tracking certification fucking rules, bru, right up until shit hits the fan.

In one video the explosion is under the wing and in the other video the explosion is above it.
which means the plane was not real and the videos are fake shit.

I didn't start it, some retard started claiming bullshit here someone had to stop the moron from spreading the (((official))) bullshit story.

Because nobody really cares and because most people are just too stupid to see it.
Even if you now know the truth, what does it matter in the big picture?
If you get too loud about it the Shills will find dozens of ways to silence you, to slide it or to discredit you to keep the lies going.

The only truth you can learn from this is to never trust a jew, never trust a thing he says.

>The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

Attached: names of cunts that need to hang.webm (712x480, 2.82M)

>The new Hong Kong airport, btw, is plagued by crosswinds and now like an hour away from the city :(
I was in a stack once for fucking ages waiting to land there. Then the fpilot did the bumpiest landing I've ever had. Fuck Air France.

why the fuck is the captain telling the kid to turn left and the first officer telling the kid to turn right? what kind of absolute shit niggery is a foot here?

>It's a "grieving father murders the ATC responsible for the death of his family"episode

all they had to do was disable the auto correct. boeing built a solid plane. it's pilot error

>the only reason they're more dangerous is they account for these dangerous factors!
Based fear of flying retard

flying would be ok if they still had the concorde. imagine a 14 hour flight next to brie larson barefoot

It was a barely documented feature that had far more control than they said it did that takes control away at critical times via non-redundant sensors.

All to correct another design flaw.

I had a creepy experience once.

A couple years ago, when we returned from Tokyo and took off from Haneda, after takeoff due to the stormy weather there were a couple stalls. But around 3 minutes after takeoff, suddenly there was this huge stall. It felt like we were weightless. At first I thought, just an other stall. But then it kept going. And going. And going. And after about 5 seconds I thought woah this is long. And then it kept fucking going. Long enough that I thought, ohh shit, we just took off, how much longer till we hit the Ocean? Can the pilot land on the water or will we crash into it? Can I grab my luggage before the plane sinks? But then finally the plane got out of the stall. Everyone was completely silent and looked really cramped and then everyone started talking about it.

In total the stall was only about 10-15 seconds but it felt much longer than that. It was long enough that you had time to worry. Really weird too. I never knew that stalls can take this long. Usually they are like 1 second at most, not a quarter minute of what felt like free fall. The rest of the flight was awesome though, sadly I didn't get the window seat that time.

>exploded lungs and damaged skulls before death
oh my

>Design a defective aircraft
>Blame the pilots for not fixing it during an emergency
Fuck boeingniggers


You're a moron that doesn't know what a stall feels like.

>it's a mid-air collision episode
literally how the fuck do you screw up that bad?

>do was disable the auto correct.
pilots can't though

You'd have been dead before you knew what was happening.

ok kiddo who wasnt even there

Tfw I work on airplanes and can do pretty much anything thing I want. I can even masturbate in the cockpit

how did you know it was a stall? I'm not sure if I've been in one or not

That's not a stall, a stall means the plane is dropping like a brick (possibly faster than a brick as the pilot tries to get airspeed up) . There would be lots of screaming . You probably experienced the plane needing to drop altitude during takeover. Smoothly leveling, then descending the plane would probably be well below 1G for an extended amount of time.

I'm a nervy flier but one of the things that calms me during takeoff is the knowledge levelling off after climbing feels nearly exactly the same as dropping, you're feeling vertical deceleration, not altitude loss.

Why is she so great lads?

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The point is that if you are a good and safe driver only the stats from crashes where a bad driver causes someone else to die without them being able to affect the situation would apply to you.

>Single vehicle accidents were the most common accident resulting in death
get fucked faggot



can't just crash in russia - you must first undergo a rollercoaster of terror

>tfw not a brainless bimbo flight attendent who masturbates over the idea of being in a cockpit

Shame they're mostly really old and run down now. Went on a Virgin Atlantic with a 747 and it was really shoddy.

>Crash because the fucking ATC goes to have a nap
lmao russia

yeah right. I have been in a lot of flights and its normal that there is some shaking during bad weather conditions but out of all my flights I never ever had a feeling of free fall not even for 1 second except in that one when there was this bad storm

what do the pilots say when you do that

>tfw she outlasted the a380
Based boeingchads win again.

Wasn't there a flight where they went into the middle of a hurricane and the jet was completely out of control for something like 45 minutes, rolling, plummeting etc. before it eventually crashed?

The A380 was D.O.A. anyway.

>charges extra for critical warning lights
Burger plane manufacturing at its finest

So what is the future of jets now that the jumbos and A380s are out of favour?

Is it all going to be Dreamliner style lightweight quiet planes?

No, this is 100% on Boeing. They didn't warn airlines/pilots about it because they were worried that would hurt stock prices. Plus, the software reeks of H1B poo garbage.

What the fuck brought it down?

Attached: plane.webm (1920x1080, 915K)

Electrical or systems failure then loss of cabin pressure not picked up by alarms due to the failure. You've a tiny window to notice low O2.

There was another flight where the pilots died (along with probably most of the plain) and fighter jets were able to see what looked like a Stewardess at the controls, not able to operate the radio.

Suicidal pilot

The Conchord is gonna make a comeback

With airline safety needing to be close to perfect, fuck knows how they'll ever experiment with ramjet airliners.

A&P mechanic here. I had to watch so many crash videos/documentaries in school that I have dreams about plane crashes. AMA

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Helios Flight 522
it was a male attendant with some flying experience

covered by episode S4E10 titled "Ghost Plane"

Here's the one where some skydivers hit another skydiving plane and everyone bailed out and you can see the planes explode and crash as they fall


>fighter jets were able to see what looked like a Stewardess at the controls, not able to operate the radio.

Wouldn't they have noticed the loss of cabin pressure when the O2 masks deployed? They're linked to pressure censors and automatically dropped when the cabin pressure drops below a certain point

>Im the Problem

What the fuck happened to the other plane?

UAC announced this year they're designing a new one. I'd give it a few years of service before I'd risk it though.

>teleports behind you

Attached: nottoday.jpg (1940x900, 202K)

Ignoring other dangerous factors outside of your control is not a reasonable way to look at it. You're ignoring a portion of reality to suit your view. And not to mention that it doesn't matter that you think you're a safe driver. Everyone makes mistakes. The human brain is extremely unreliable.

the steward attempted to transmit a mayday a few minutes before the plane crashed into a hillside

when the masks deployed the crew were busy trying to fix a misread problem with ventilation iirc, by the time anybody in the cockpit realised it was a problem with the oxygen hypoxia had already started
it only takes 1-3 minutes for the effects of hypoxia to start, and 5-10 before you are completely incapacitated

the autopilot kept the plane circling the airfield until the flight attendant disconnected it, by which time it was out of fuel

The one on fire crashed and the pilot bailed with an emergency parachute, in the other plane the pilot managed to regain control and land it

Wasn't he also in the airforce at one point?

Nigel Farage once almost died in a plane crash
Mayday episode When?

Attached: INS_Farage_Plane_Crash_33-1024x656.jpg (1024x656, 192K)

why can i just be in whatever gear they have when i'm on a plane in case it all goes tits up, the only problem i can see would be the other passengers trying to kill me for it

Planes routinely drop during turbulence. I dont remember how many feet but its certainly noticeable

>everyone survived with only cuts and bruises.


MI5 would never allow an investigation of their failed assassination attempts

Assuming there was a way to jump out without whiplash tearing your head off, you'd be braindead in about 20 seconds from lack of O2.

I dont think it's possible to open up a door on an airplane while the cabin is pressurized. Youd have to wait til it loses pressure

Going to school for maintenance now, can't wait to have some shitty actor play me in one of these episodes

ahh yeah turbulence is the word I wanted to use instead of stalling

but how often does a plane drop for over 10 seconds without interruption during turbulences?

An airliner experiencing MULTIPLE stalls and one that was uncorrected for 10-15 seconds would result in the flight immediately being landed at the nearest suitable airport, the pilots being pulled out of service, and likely losing their jobs.

Stall avoidance and recovery is such a huge part of ATP line checks, and such an incident would not go without reprimand. What you likely encountered was some turbulence.

>most of those on-board were journalists

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Buddy, your senses are shit at sensing changes in vertical acceleration. It's just how humans are built. Our bodies were not meant to fly and deceive us when we lose reference. After you enter a sustained turn for a few seconds, with no external reference, leveling out can feel like an uncommanded turn in the other direction. This is why we built instruments for flight.

That, or chose a plane with a rear Airstair like the 727

Attached: 727db[1].gif (800x444, 157K)

Isn't that the one db cooper jumped out of?

>capitalism killed everything good with the world
fuck off economic brainlet

The very same

If you could manage to get out, not die from injury and pull your cord you'd probably live because you'd regain consciousness once you got down far enough. Your brain has like 3 to 5 minutes before brain damage sets in. Unless it stops your heart. Im not a doctor so i dont know how long you have until your heart stops from lack of oxygen.


Did you watch anything that the public doesn't have access to?

Boeing is getting fucking DABBED on right now

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a real human bean

They always get fat greasy evil looking guys to play the techs , who are always the root cause of problem. Although they get away with by blaming meh training meh schedule , They cast chads for the pilots


Al Haynes is a way better pilot and pulled off a much more spectacular feat.

Bob Hoover will forever be the worlds greatest stick and rudder pilot. May he rest and peace and the perpetual light shine upon him.

theres a fucking leg sticking out of it

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I'm certain he did. Something similar happens when you join the police. They show you lots of videos of cops getting their heads blown off during traffic stops to get you to stay noided. Stuff not available to the public.

Unless its a "The pilot deliberately kills everyone" episode. Then they get a creepy looking guy.

Attached: Air.Crash.Investigation.S16E07.Murder.in.the.Skies.(Germanwings.Flight.9525).1280x720.x265.983kbps.a (1280x720, 82K)


The pilot survived. But he went nuts afterward, threatened to kill Farage and the crash investigator, and then killed himself. Very sad story.
Though, I can't tell you why he doesn't appear to be wearing pants or shoes post-crash.

Attached: farage-ukip-plane-_3230014k.jpg (858x536, 279K)

Being a private flight instructor is statistically one of the most dangerous jobs you can have. My brother and dad are pilots and they know of many who have died, my brother even saw a glider and a Cessna crash one time. If there were as many planes flying around as cars it would be waaay more dangerous.

>its a carrier landing episode

Attached: E2_cablesnap.webm (1920x1080, 1.1M)

Back in the 1920s, people thought planes would replace cars and everyone would fly to work every day. Pretty funny in hindsight. You can see some of this in the film Metropolis:

UFO encounter
The pilot was punished for saying what he say this night. It was probably just Russians but whatever it was, how could it follow a plane that close without being blown out of the sky by it's tailwind or whatever. You know the turbulence that planes have to wait for as the plane in front of them takes off? Can planes follow other planes that close without trouble?


quick rundown
>airbus competing model is 20% more fuel efficient
>put bigger more efficient engines on old Boeing design
>engines so big they have to move them up and forward
>causes aircraft to permanently nose up
>Boeing secretly implements an auto correction program so the thing can fly straight
>instant death every time this undocumented program malfunctions
american ingenuity :^)

Imagine, back in WW2 people landed on runways that were much shorter, sometimes pocked with holes and bumps from battle damage, covered with fuel tanks and ammunition, oftentimes in the middle of rough seas, and with very shitty safety measures.
Fuck that shit

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>Auto-correction program
You mean trim tabs?

You're an idiot that is over simplifying what Boeing actually implemented.

>Black and white cameras in the year of our lord 2016

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>hurr you're perfectly describing the design documents and system controls
shut the fuck up boeing nigger, hope your H1B-fueled company goes down in flames like its aircraft

It was meant to point the nose down when it sensed a nose pitch rising at an excessive rate. If the nose got too high it could enter into an unrecoverable situation. Poorly trained pilots don't know how to recognize this or pull breakers.

Imagine what everyone on the ship felt when they saw it coming up again.


>I dont think it's possible to open up a door on an airplane while the cabin is pressurized
u wot mate? airplane doors open outward


>Broken legs and shattered bones from the flying cable.

There was this guy in the Continental Express Flight 2574 episode who looked pretty normal, too bad he was a dumb shit.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-23-20-20-00~01.png (1444x791, 647K)

The doors are wider than the doorway, you won't open them without full pulling them in then swinging the door around

>air crash investigations always makes it seem like it's a long process of investigating, with everything looking like it's a mystery until they notice something and have a brainwave.

This always seems fake as shit, in a lot of them it seems like they must have a pretty good idea of what happened almost straight away.

planes were moving much slower and had greater maneuverability at low speeds

do you not understand how to greentext or something

It is a long process tho, Lion Air Flight 610 crashed in October and the report won't be out until September.