>get to your blind date
>see this
what do?
>get to your blind date
>see this
what do?
>remove kebab
>embrace cunny
truly the thinking man's dream
>talking to yourself
that's a sign of mental problems, user
young girls are ugly
seething roastie detected
Pedos get the rope.
hopefully this one :3
>that fucking short
Fuck you you sick fuck I hope you die a horrible death
that's what women telling men to not get irrelevant
The rope. Hopefully.
why? what's wrong with them?
I bought them for her, and she literally loves them
they're super cute and comfy :3
did everyone get banned?
Was banned 2 weeks ago for saying
"cunnyposter: the most based on the site"
and on the fourth day God said "and the little girls will be the cutest and sexiest creatures on earth"
I don't want to go to jail bros ;_;
Yeah wtf why didnt YOU also get banned mr jannie
turn 720 degrees and walk away
Panties not shorts
is the text still banned for that cbot kek
KEK, a worthy ban, brother
thanks for the support
Mods? anytime now will be great thanks
angel my penis is cold
why would you go to jail, user?
holy keks, no idea
this new mod still wet behind the ears, lmao
she's really blind?
Pretty weird desu he deleted some post here so he knows about this thread but ban you mmm
mods jesus christ do something
why does she look so much like masha bros
unironically who is tHis cunny bunny?
Fake news russians did it
where you hang out?
yup, there was several threads on autosage, kek
also, I'm testing a new cbot now, that's why posting hasn't been as regular
looks like I nailed it, tho :^)
that's my daughter/ blowjob machine you freak
But didnt ban you*
hmmm dunno, maybe it was some old reports
who knows, sempai
>yup, there was several threads on autosage, kek
Really today? I didnt see any
giv name
unirnonically possible :^)
>where you hang out?
when I'm not here, /cel/ and /4keks/
literally the best pair of earmuffs in the world, desu :3
my maisie wife is PURE, tho
i thought the pedo menace was finally defeated- today is s sad day
>who knows, sempai
>I wouldnt worry about it
mmm desu no offense but i really think your a janny
rate my house, bros
but these are the best threads on Yea Forums
Stfu pedo
wtf I love Brazil now?!
nowadays you can get banned even for posting mundane comments in off-topic threads
always check the chart, my friend :^)
>no pantyshot
can I come and visit?
wut dat mouf do bby
>still posting this old hag
maisie is for fuggs
no, no, I mean there was several cbot OP texts that would put the thread on autosage, so I had to rephrase them all
it only takes a second to do so, tho
>tfw feel when in love with Emily and Zhezhe