Whats Yea Forums's verdict on him?

whats Yea Forums's verdict on him?

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He makes this board butthurt.

He's doing great work exposing scammers and bullshit. Bit obnoxious look though.

He looks like he fucks black guys

I would be more entertained by reading the content of each program rather than having to see and hear Adam.

Also, he makes big deals about shit no one thinks. Like shit everyone knows he will "expose". Next episode he will reveal that despite being delicious, tide pods are actually poisonous.

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>ACSHUALLY 13% of the population commits 50% of the crimes. If we found a way to deport all of these subhumans, not only would we drastically lower our crime rates but our intelligence level as well

wtf Adam, no!

>not only would we drastically lower our crime rates but our intelligence level as well
>but our intelligence level as well

You're there buddy, youre living the dream.

Does he have any useful videos like crime statistics or news and media corporation ownership?

which makes him based

he's a child abuser

what a punchable face

he is the embodiment of the soiboi meme and that's a good thing!

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It's funny how he flew under the radar for a long time without any backlash until his circumcision debunk episode. After that, this board and pretty much everywhere on the Internet has been inundated with posts denouncing him about his stances on various subjects, but never circumcision. It's almost like (((someone))) has an agenda but wishes to hide who they are and why they're really doing this.

You can try and sit down your gf to watch his videos on wedding rings and in general jewelry and she might laugh at it and even agree with you but she will secretly despise and blacklist you forever if still don't do it.
I think it's the same way with a lot of other things he "exposes", on a logical level we can realize that it's scamming us but on an emotional level we can never persuade others to stop doing pre-established and deeply rooted in the subconscious habits and customs that have been around for a long time. It's just basic human nature.

I prefer Adam Eget Ruins Everything

Even if you know it's retarded, you also know that you can't sit everyone who comes in contact with you and teach them about why it's dumb, even if the evidence is so compelling, nobody will reject your conclusion if they just hear you out. That's how people end up knowingly doing retarded shit.

do you realize roasties expected you to buy them an engagement ring AND a wedding ring?

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Pretty much this. All he really does is read out Wikipedia articles whilst courting faux-controversy. Wedding rings are overpriced? No shit, Sherlock!

He's as unlikable as James Corden for me. There's something about the fat-smug face that gets me.

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Libshit Infotainment that blatantly and provably lies to the fucking audience.

Watch the episode where he explains how the sociological failure of Blacks is ENTIRELY the fault of a White conspiracy of racism and Blacks dindu nuffin.

He likes to spread half truths and ignore counter arguments. My favourite is him complaining how streets were once used by everyone before the invention of cars and it's a bad thing people need to use crosswalk because cars have taken the streets from people in big cities. He never bothers to bring up how cars systematically changed society for the better through the creation of millions of jobs that require the person to drive a car, nor does he bother to mention that there are tons of different ways a person can get around a city without walking or the fact that sidewalks for pedestrians to use existed for centuries. Nope, cars are bad and they took the streets from pedestrians and that's all that matters.

>greasy, overweight Leftist beta-male neckbeard with thick-rimmed glasses and a pompadour
>does an episode on how "'Alpha-Males' Don't Really Exist!"


Really makes you think.

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>Acktually Stalin killed more...

Don't forget he's a flaming homosexual.

>James Corden
Yeah! I don't watch any of them. But Corden has always been like that. Now if you watch Colbert or Meyers they are on a whole different unlikeable charisma, high level of smugness and dishonest broadcasting.

corden just wants to entertain. And good on him.

*Gets fucked by

Corden is an unfunny faggot and so are you.

For me it was when be said leaving childbirth to late thirties or early fourties is fine.

Yeah, fuck no, complications and fetal problems go wayyyyy up, and that's ignoring the far reduced fertility.

That he can ignore an entire body of obstetrical research tells me all I need to know about him.

Daily Reminder that people getting their information about the world from biased and unreliable Infotainment like this was one of the main points of the movie Idiocracy.
The irony is that much of the audience of Adam Ruins Everything are the same people that like Idiocracy and call it prophetic because "it predicted Brexit and Trump! xD".

He did a talk saying that generations don't exist. While true that their names come from the media, there's still some validity in the cultural and technological differences between the age groups. Of course some will fall outside the bell curve, the but they won't be the average.

>science has proven that cut fags are 90% less likely to get an STD
>but uncut fags can jack off easier

chad cut fag fucking all the whores vs virgin uncut fag who jerks off to anime in his mom's basement

Marxist propaganda the tv channel

Have you ever in your life touched a vagina that didnt belong to a dog?

>feels good, man

The world is full of oddly juxtaposed things like that now. No self awareness.

>"heh you think you shouldn't touch a stove top when it's on well that's bullshit you retard AKSHUALLY the sun is way hotter than a stove top so comparatively the stove top is really cold and thus safe to touch"
>adam then spends the rest of the clip rolling his face over a burning stove top until his face melts off, revealing it was really a mask and he was a robot all along
>an engineer explains the programmed him to be retarded on purpose just for a laugh but then the joke went too far
>"ahem AKSHUALLY a joke can't go anywhere because it doesn't have legs and thus cannot walk heh"

>audience of Adam Ruins
Not to argue but his audience are the type of people 18-27 who need to have their "facts" given to them. They don't want to regurgitate anything for themselves.

They will never...
>Well I see those facts over there but these facts were given to me so I will ignore those.


This post was made by an American

Take a look at his twitter, smug cunt can't even take mild criticism from legitimate experts who take issue with his sensationalism and poor sourcing (can't even reference actual studies, just huffington post articles on them)

>Adam: Well I'm not good at uhhh....
>Gilbert: .....Anything

>last name is literally “Conover”

>girl: "I prefer alpha males"
>Adam: "Well akshually alpha males don't exist so please have sex with me"
This is how the video actually starts

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>I have no rebuttal
>oh I know what will get him
>"no you"
>nailed it!

got me, well played

I'd like to see a cross over with Penn and Teller

That's a skit. Are you retarded or something?

Yeah, no shit

>It's just political propaganda pretending to be comedy are you retarded or something

Needs to include something like
>"You see, the myth that stove tops are hot and dangerous is AKSHUALLY something started by racist whites in the 1800's to oppress helpless stove tops"

>destroys 90% of the feeling in your dick
>will never know what sex actually feels like
>holy shit I am superman
Literal retard

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you look like you fuck nobody

>destroys 90% of the feeling in your dick

ITT meme statistics.

>Dem presidential hopeful Yang

Being cut does nothing but mutilate your dick LMAO cope harder cutlet

Did it feel good when the rabbi sucked the blood out?

That's perfect.

>mouthwash is a scam and doesn't do anything because listerine invented a marketing term to help sell it

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>hey guys circumcision reduces your chance of an std by 90%
>um no sweetie pie circumcision does not affect feeling that's a meme statistic >:(

are you?

Adam Ruins Everything was developed by CollegeHumor and appears regularly on Youtube trending. It's SJW propaganda meant to argue against /pol/ ideology and assist in historical revisionism.

Just listen to these video titles:
>"Black People are Left Out of the Gun Control Debate,"
>"The Real Reason Hospital are So Expensive,"
>"How the NRA Changed the 2nd Amendment,"
>"Seeking Truth in the Post-Truth Era,"
>"Why People Think Video Games are Just for Boys,"
>"Alpha Males Do Not Exist,"
>"Why Weddings are a Total Ripoff,"
>"The Disturbing History of the Pilgrims,"
>"Why the TSA Doesn't Stop Terror Attacks,"
>"You Probably have Herpes and That's Okay,"
>"Christopher Columbus was a Murderous Moron,"
>"You Can Still have Babies After 35,"
>"Why the Myers Briggs Test is Total Bullshit,"
Aside from the Myers Briggs videos everything is a lullaby meant to cull NPCs into a deep slumber.

Let me know when Adam Ruins Everything does a video about Obamacare, or Anthony Snowden, or government surveillance, or illegal immigration.

The episode about glasses and clothing prices stands out because of this.

Based and redpilled

What, horsedrawn carriages didn't exist back then? Pretty sure those could run anyone down just fine.

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I used listerine for a while and it really made my mouth stink

>Black People are Left Out of the Gun Control Debate
Well I can certainly see why the Dems would do this.

>>"Why the TSA Doesn't Stop Terror Attacks,"
Because they check airports and not art projects?

It's kind of funny that someone thought this was a revelation.

Blacks have gun receptors in their hands tho

>science has proven that cut fags are 90% less likely to get an STD

Science has proven that all anti-circumcision posters are virgins

Ben will probably just bring up religious freedom and STDs.

and yet std is more rampant in america than japan/korea

He will probably just scream anti-semitism

The information he presents is often blatantly wrong and therefore there is absolutely no reason to watch his show, since I doubt anyone enjoys looking at his face.

>Let me know when Adam Ruins Everything does a video about Obamacare, or Anthony Snowden, or government surveillance, or illegal immigration.

Or there being 50-million genders.

>*Wikipedia article*
>*quotes incorrect information to appeal to popular theory*

I dislike "educational" content that isn't interesting to watch. From what I gather it's just him walking around stating facts in a smug tone with no one to refute him. At least shit like ancient aliens have cool visuals to go with the bullshit.

Yeah, and so are niggers.
Probably a connection there.

>Authority Fallacy: The Show

It's kind of like Bill Nye's show being a thinnly veiled excuse to screech at whatever ideas the man doesn't like. It's not about eduction, it's about preaching.

>muh niggers

is that counting that gigantic pompadour he's got?

Look up the rates of STD's among niggers.
You're in for a shock.

You don't get to discount statistics from groups that change your country's image.

>anime poster

>>"You Can Still have Babies After 35,"
Almost a little too obvious that they're trying to encourage autism babies.

Literally all those titles are true though

>"Seeking Truth in the Post-Truth Era,"

It's always both humorous and sad to see the irony of a literal propaganda program talking about "truth" or this being some kind of "post-truth era" or some other such nonsense. But of course that's always the fault of Trump or Republicans or whatever, never the fact that our culture is saturated with a perpetual shower of lying fake news and clickbait authored by leftist shills.

I'm not. I'm accurately pointing out that the statistic isn't the fault of who you are blaming, i.e. White Americans.

I'm not blaming white Americans for everything.

Yes, beta male, they are.

Keep seething, incel lmao

>alpha males are not a thing, i'm just as much of a good potential partner than any alpha ok so stop undermining my lack of qualities REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>also lol keep seething, yall incels mad but I'm totally chill

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Nigga I’ve had sex with over 40 women. This whole “alpha male” shit is literally incel loser talk

FFS why do you think this website talks about “chad” so much? You guys created the whole virgin vs chad meme

IRL no one uses “alpha male” unless we’re being ironic.

Kys incel lol have sex, make friends

Virtue signalling cuck
The first season or so of the webshorts where OK but obviously poorly researched and glossed over alot of shit Penn and teller bullshit style or just straight up lied and manipulated the narrative to make x good y bad like every run of the mill documentary aka Michael Moore Justin theroex bs
It's like a s o y version of myth busters without the boystrous retard charm and karis titties
Not even a big fan of mb but it shite over Adam bigtime

My sides.

The discord tranny invaders love him.

You're an alpha male then you fucking retard. A man with confidence and good looks is an alpha anyone else is a beta.
Fuck you're a dumb nigger.

Ok this is eric.I knew several chads in high school and two who actually helped me get laid in the first place. Most notable was this 6'3 blonde guy with a big jawline. Hoes would just go up to him and tell him all their secrets completely unprovoked, and then later he would tell us what these dumb bitches would say and laugh. If beta males are a thing, which they are, then alpha males are too

I mean, it's easy to say you're right when you're pushing a fake narrative.

He lost me when he suggested boys were gatekeeping girls out of gaming because 90's game advertisements aimed for the majority male demographic.

>>"How the NRA Changed the 2nd Amendment,"
Is this like the “It say well regulated in it so these libertarian farms must mean gun control” argument?

Of course people don’t call it by that name, dumbass. That doesn’t mean that the alpha man doesn’t exist. We just have terminology for it and most normal people don’t. Adam Gets Cucked on Everything is trying to disprove the idea that alpha men exist, and he failed.

looks like the guy that was always around a bunch of stacies making jokes and laughing in the school but somehow he ended dating and marrying a fugly girl

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>imagine being this guy
>imagine being a beta orbiter of Dodger for years
>imagine sitting there useless fat and defeated as she gets married and moves ahead with your life as you stagnate as the same unchanging blob, your impotent rage steadily growing
>even your best friend who is now dead got more puss than you ever will for the rest of your life
>imagine one of the last things you do before you hang yourself in the toilet is make a soimouth ad for soilent betafood

The absolute state

That’s because of our niggers

Everyone's circumcised in Korea, though...

>Uncutfags spend their time screaming on the internet about how their penises are better
>Cutfags spend their time having sex with actual women

no, just most things

Can somebody translate this into freedom units?

This show seems to me like those books or lectures or whatever that’s like “this is the REAL history of America, the one your history teachers didn’t tell you about! We weren’t very nice to the Indians!”
When in reality that’s like the core of every American history class. And then somehow it works! People just forget that and think there’s some big coverup

>"he ruined everything"
>0 hits
what a disappointing board

Shrill nasally voice with a constant "I know more than you" smug as fuck attitude makes it unwatchable