What was the point of this scene??
What was the point of this scene??
To trigger stormcucks
White men are absossed with the big black dick and that’s why they financially support their women to get fucked by black giganiggas throughly BLACKED.com subscription.
blacks trying to get over it
they are eternally triggered by based white men
Tarantino pushing his sexual fetish on the screen like he do with feet
you think he actually did it or was the story a fabrication just to bait that guy to have an excuse to kill him?
To show he was a black racist sociopathic rapist
It was obvious
Walton Goggins exposed clearly what kind of a liar he was. So, to me, everything he said was just bullshit
To shock audiences.
Tarantino listened to his mom fuck a different nigger every weekend.
To fuck with the general, didn't you pay attention?
He was lying.
>t. manlet whiteoid with tiny 6 inch dick gettting triggered by some black nigger
No wonder your women are getting fucked by niggers and arabs and settle with you pathetic cucks when they turn 40.
Hateful Eight has Jackson playing a blatant racist sociopath whose killing and humiliation of whitey is supposed to be seen as morally grey unlike in Django, the scene is just part of establishing this.
it didn't happen in the movie, but tarantino did a similar thing IRL
Tarantino didn't go to film school, he went to blacked.com
Unironically ruined Hateful Eight 2bh
Cope harder
Most reasons stated here a bullshit. The REAL reason why this scene exists is to establish the word "dingus".
cope skinlet
Tarantino is a fag like most of Hollywood
Because he could practically taste the big black dingus in his mouth
Dingus is underrated, so the scene deserves some props for that.
To piss off the racist character. Characters attack each other, you know. Sorry that triggered you, pussy.
>tiny 6 inch
>implying 6 inches is tiny
Much like he gets off on feet and unnecessarily puts them in scenes, he also gets off on weird raceplay shit. Like the really unnecessary rape of Marcellus Wallace in Pulp Fiction by the two white rednecks.
You're the worst kind of autist. Hard to believe grown men need explanations about movies.
He was still in the stable when the sheriff and the general discuss the general’s son, so he must have had some prior knowledge of the son. He also takes note of the general when he finally enters the room. I suspect he actually did kill the son but added in the rape to bait the general.
He was provoking him into pulling his gun so he could shoot him in 'self defence'. He just wanted to to kill the old cunt but not suffer any legal repercussions.
I didn't much care for The Hateful 8, but the last scene is pure kino.
Were you referring to the overuse of foot dpfetish shit or the rape? Explain how either is necessary?
>Like the really unnecessary rape of Marcellus Wallace in Pulp Fiction by the two white rednecks.
How was it unnecessary?
He didn’t say dingus, but he did say “willy” or some other slang that sounded out of place given the era. I don’t know. The movie really could’ve done without it.
I dunno it really took me out of the film. That whole scene felt like Tarantino really wanted a male rape scene and did what he had to to make that happen.
top kek
>took me out of the film
I liked it because of the sheer irony since Jules says earlier in the movie how Marcel Wallace ain't a bitch, but then he gets fucked. Literally.
>You only gotta hang mean bastards, but mean bastards you gotta hang
Best line of the film.
i'm obsessed with black cock so i enjoyed the scene
I guess I didn’t think of that. To me it always felt out of place in the film but that’s just me. Anyway, as to the original point, it’s just Tarantino’s fetish making its way onto the screen .
To show you that the blackie is a sick fuck
Don't think it has anything to do with Tarantino putting his fetishes in, since that's the usual crap people here like to spout even though it's complete gibberish. He does put feet shots into his work though, Kill Bill 1 and Jackie Brown come to mind, also that From Dusk scene with that Spanish chick he wrote himself in.
The fact that they killed Channing Tatum was pure Kino too
Wait, not that guy, but 6 inches is bad? That’s half a foot
Mia being barefoot too. I think we see her soles before her face.
I could have bought that t wasn’t a self insert by cucktin fedorantino HOWEVER he himself narrated that “character name was regaling ya with stories of black cocks in white mouths” . How irredeemably disgusting
Tarantino is a faggot for BBC
Because his mom was massive BBC whore.
Look it up.
>lies about Lincoln letter
>talks bullshit how he is some bad ass negro commando
Yeah nah I am sure he made some white guy suck his dick in the middle of the winter before shooting him. Why wouldn't he tell the truth to an old man he wanted to kill anyways?