How do you make and write something so dark but filled with so much beauty, so shakespearian yet so authentic...

How do you make and write something so dark but filled with so much beauty, so shakespearian yet so authentic, so pro human but so ugly, so driven by fear but so lit up by hope

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It's just good writing nigga, it isn't miraculous.

Your standards have just been set very low by the usual trash on TV/film.

It's easy. Tell a story that's set in pseudo reality. We say pseudo reality because we're not altogether sure that what we saw in the series is as spot on to what more or less happened. The women were not as attractive and their were more abortions than anything else. Saloons were not as clean and everyone smoked. Roads were packed with shit. Like lots of shit and there were hundreds of flies.

Messages from invisible sources. Or what some people think of as progress.
>well ain't the heathens use smoke signals all through recorded history?
How the fuck is that a recommendation?
>well seems to me letters posted from one to another is just the same idea
When's the last time you got a fucking
letter from a stranger?
>bad news about pa...
Bad news. Tries against our interests is our sole communication with strangers. So by all means let's plant poles all across the country, festoon the cocksucker with wires to hurry the sorry word and and blinker our judgements of motive.
>you've given it more thought than me
ain't the state of things cloudy enough? Don't we face enough imponderables?

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I'm gonna be honest: that show died with me with the priest

It seemed edgy for edge's sake. Maybe I have to rewatch.

Also, Hearst did nothing wrong

You can't deny David Milch is one of the very best when it comes to television writing. Too bad he's addicted to gambling.

My old roommate loved this show and he was a cringey Reddit soiboy

Cringey Reddit soiboys love breathing as well, you better stop.

Ricoh tier

The priest got murdered in real life sadly.


You'd know what cringey Reddit soiboys like, wouldn't you

The Doc praying & dancing with Jewel was amazing.
>Also, Hearst did nothing wrong
Fuck you

Sorry, who should I support?
>a bunch of savages and Timothy Oilphant and his friend
>the father of the guy that protected Krazy Kat and was the inspiration for Citizen Kane

Milch is one based kike
Close friend to John Milius, too
my two favorite kikes

shame on you
the actor had another commitment so they wrote in the brain tumor

if you want to claim edginess for edgy's sake i'd argue bullock's wife's son's death in season 2 was that. irl bullock had a daughter and she didn't die

he also incited the populace against immigrants and minorities with his newspapers, but probably just makes you like him more

>so shakespearian

How can one man be so goddamn sexy?

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>That god tier Milchian dialogue
There's nothing better on TV. You could easily tell which scenes were written by Nick Pizza and which scenes were written by David Milch in True Detective S03E04.

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Oh no, sorry, I wrote the post badly.

I meant the show always seemed to be edgy for edginess' sake. I wasn't listing the death of the priest as something edgy. It was a good moment. He was just my favourite character

I got a bit past the part where the whore decides not to take the child and escape to the east coast. Couldn't make it further; the whole thing was just a bit too depressing for me.

It's more like Dickens

>tfw when you find out Deadwood is based on real historical figures

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Bump for a fucking absolutely superb show. Cocksuckers.

timothy olyphant doesnt age only his hair all of them mostly look the same except for the women they aged horrifyingly needed lots of makeup on cgi plus powers boothe is dead

teaser's out boys

that showed way too much for a teaser

>we'll probably never get a real ending

feels bad

literally could not finish ep1, the most boring show i've ever attempted to watch and i'm a huge fan of westerns. i think it's poor casting and pacing, but apparently that didn't deter everyone.

this just makes me sad knowing it's coming back but only for a movie length instead of a whole season

i feel the same and hope its 3 hours long.

Imagine being older than 13 and write this comment.


Where'd that coon go

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There are PINKERTONS in this thread!

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It's the only top-tier kino I haven't yet seen and I want to keep at least one un-watched for when the hardest day hits (I'll take the risk of dying before that day cometh)

>It's just good writing nigga
>david milch
the entire point of mass communication is to be understood. milch is an expert at writing circuitous and odd dialogue, which needs to be interpreted. deadwood is what plebs think kino is.

>needs to be interpreted
yeah okay....

>bill, you're wasting your life gambling and drinking. why don't you come work with me?
>leave me alone, I want to live my life the way I want
see? how hard was that? milch is a human rube goldberg machine.

>you're on private property, I need you to leave
instead we get this:

ah i see, dialogue that colorfully conveys emotion, helps paint the relationship of those involved and fleshes out the characters depth and mental state during the scene is stupid and over indulgent. truly content for plebs. dialogue should be bare bones and read somewhat like a bullet point list.

Every woman in this show was insufferable, and the women are the main focus half the time. Ruined the whole show

i was recently watching deadwood for the 3rd time
I swear anons, i could have sworn there was a flashback scene in one of the later episodes that showed jewel as a normal, but very sassy individual who still had a limp but was not a tard.
I remember her getting shot in a shoot out and getting brain damaged, and that was a reveal about the character.
I was literally waiting for this scene and was surprised when i didn't see it.
did i fucking dream this or did it get mandela'd?

Imagine being this autistic

save yourself some time by just saying you're a misogynist, jesus

But it is understandable. English is my language and I had no problems understanding Deadwood.

have pusy

homosexuals are known to like florid and unnecessarily complicated language. that's why so many poets and writers are gay and jewish.

go to work, start speaking like that to your peers, and watch what happens. if you can't communicate an idea concisely, it's very likely that you don't understand it.

You can't open u r only okay at posting words on an image board

Bullock was mates with Theodore Roosevelt, wondering they'll reference it in the film.

Attached: 220px-Seth_Bullock.gif (220x291, 35K)

She's not retarded though. She has cerebral palsy.

i get that i was just saying tard as a generalized term
so, al's brother is actually jewel right?
thats what they were leaning at?

>so shakespearian

I would argue it's Latinesque dialogue, OP

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for one thing there are no flashback scenes in deadwood at all

I know, thats why it stood out in my mind...weird, i guess i imagined it or maybe i'm thinking of something else.

>pull quads
>wasted post
maybe i should stop

He gets a brain tumor in the 5th episode.