So why is she bad?

So why is she bad?

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She's just an asshole tbqh.

Literally drives a patient to suicide by threatening him with his mother (who he was abused by)

she's a woman in a position of power

Because she's not milking my cock as I'm strapped down to a hospital bed.

When I first saw this as a 11 years old kid I thiught she was in the right and Jack Nicholson was a troublemaker making life worse for the crazy people that needed her help

>Literally drives a patient to suicide by threatening him with his mother (who he was abused by)
Oooooooh, really? McMurphy did that, even though he clearly didn't blame himself. Prove me wrong, cunt.

>try to do your job and keep order in a place where order is vital for patient's recovery
>get called a bad guy
I guess that's just what happens when men see a women with any sort of authority.

She's a bitch who doesn't allow patients to have fun.

Needs a good dickin

>see a women


>order is vital for patient's recovery
lmfao. I bet you're the type of nigga who thinks lobotomy is ok.

off yourself

no passion thus no compassion

A feminist who did nothing wrong but draw the ire of 1960 neckbeards and incels.

she wasn't bad the entire movie, she became bad when you realised what a totalitarian she is when opposed. when she became bored of nicholson's antics she fried his brain and gave him a lobotomy and that is what makes her bad.

Sadistic cunt that made her patient commit suicide.

Because she's not fucking my girlfriend with an oversized strapon

>hurr durr they made a typo, so their entire post is irrelevant
Sometimes. It's archaic as hell, but it does what it's supposed to do. It keeps dangerous and violent people with no self-control or understanding of reality pacified. Nowadays we do that with drugs.

sexually repressed

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>troglodyte defends sociopathic lobotomy instead of just killing people with mercy
not surprising coming from someone who would think this unironically. maybe you need a lobotomy

Yeah mcmurphy was the one who constantly belittled a traumatised kid and threatened him with his abusive mother

she isn't

why are there so many braindead women and sòyboys here

you sound like a virgin m8

>you sound like a virgin m8

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women love their television

Clearly haven't even watched the film. Even she realises she was wrong.

Fucking idiots. The whole reason murphy strangles her is because she drove him to suicide. They even take pains to show her personality has changed afterwards and that she is now kind to the patients.

He gets lobotomised because hr fucking tried to kill her. Not just because he went against her.

Fucking movielets i swear.

'cause she's a woman

what else reasons are needed

Wait are you saying this is a tragic drama in which everyone errs and suffers?
Are you telling me this isn't a super hero movie with an obvious good guy and bad guy?

where is her butt

She was wrong because she took on too much responsibility and ultimately failed at her job. McMurphy was obviously antisocial/sociopathic and all the other patients had real problems as well and with all her power she failed to prevent a suicide (and everything else that went on) she wasn't evil but basically incompetent, which in her position is very bad. This movie isn't about how authority or mental health professionals are inherently evil, it is about how technocratic rule is inherently flawed to the point of being analagous to evil. They will kill us all despite their good intentions and we may or may not deserve to die in the first place.

Have asylum sex

wow time has not been kind to Ellen Page

Back then, some had concerns whether Forman (a Czech immigrant who only came to the US at the age of 36) is the right person to adapt a such quintessential American novel. Later Forman rejected this notion by saying that "Communist party, that was my Big Nurse. I know very well what this film is about."

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She was vain because she became Kai and she was shown up by the Emissary of the Prophets.

She's bad from the inmates' perspective.

she was luBUTTomized

She was just doing her job, Nicholson was an absolute cunt. I don't even understand how people sympathize with him.

sociopath that drove her patient to suicide