Why do television and film awards still have separate categories for women?

Why do television and film awards still have separate categories for women?

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>6 year winner on the bounce
how is this allowed?

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>competitive ironing
The fucking state of britbongs

To have more catergories that people might actually be interested in

>unmarried Geoff
I guess his divorced his manhood

To the American brains, these are fake news to fill the quota in the tabloids.

>believing these articles

>hog calling contest
The absolute state of burgers

>ywn be a daily sport journalist
hard pill to swallow desu

So that women can win awards too

People always used to trash The Daily Sport for being a trashy rag, but now that I'm older and wiser, I realize it was all by idiots who didn't get that it was all satire.

>Miranda sex toy

ffs this has to be Viz

post more sunday sports

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>Gordon Ramsay sex dwarf found dead in badger den

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they fucking love badgers and sex dwarfs. it's their go-to template.

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Fake news.

But in all seriousness Transexual mtf athletes should be barred from any competition featuring real women.

If a real woman has naturally occurring higher levels of testosterone like that Caster woman then oh well suck it up bitches but if it's just blatantly a man playing dress up get the fuck out of real competition.

It's a dangerous life being a sex dwarf.

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Fucking seriously. Miranda?

well lookie here

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>Fake news.
you don't say...

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>As I pulled out, another sharp edge ripped a big chunk from my foreskin and lacerated my Jap's eye
Fucking lmao

how can you deny, after reading that, that anglos are not human?

I mean, look at those faces. Look at the things they do. This is not a human behavior. Africans do not behave like this. Indians do not behave like this. Anglos are not from this earth. They cannot be. Those beady eyes...it's all there.

The Sport is our The Onion, brainlet. It posts parody stuff all the time. Their only semi serious bit is the sport section.

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They like their dwarf lookalikes

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Oldy but a goody.

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>lookalike awards party
i'd love to go to one of those. i'd get drunk and go around making the same ''you look just like_'' joke to different people

>chap's eye instead of jap's eye

>Tate was taken away for indecent exposure outraging public decency and unlawful shitting in a municipal facility

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my fave

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Why are all the stories variations on genital injury caused by foodstuffs or lookalike sex dwarfs?

Who buys this?

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most of it is legit sport-related news and commentary, it's actually pretty good.

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I think we need a new word for this phenomenal humor: "sad-ire" the combination of sadism and satire.

>Who buys this?
People interested in food-related genital injuries and sex dwarfs presumably.


it's just banter m8

When I first saw this image my mind immediately thought of sam hyde

it'll never catch on lad

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God I love Sunday Sport

I guess that's the sad ire of it.

How did they not notice any wrong when James May started showing some game?

Can't believe people still listened to Prince after this.

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fuck me that's vintage sunday sport, or is it from weekly world news?
i remember finding a copy of that when i was a kid, and i thought it was all real. it had a story about a half alligator half man hybrid that gave me nightmares.

He was moving too fast for them.

National Enquirer apparently

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Let's take a second to appreciate Viz

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lmao. literally rape jokes.


How can you read that and not see that American "English" is a fucking disgrace only uttered by boring soulless mutts.

Of all the things he did, this is the worst

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dunno if you're aware but these are fake
as in, this shit never happened
it's trolling in paper form that tricks people into paying money for it
did you fall for it?

>it's trolling in paper form that tricks people into paying money for it
it comedy, mate, meant to amuse. People pay money for it because they appreciate the comedic value.

can you be 100% sure that every britbong that looks at this shit doesn't believe that it's real?

The UK made sarcasm you faggot mutt

those articles are not from your average british tabloid. They come from Sunday Sport, basically The Onion meets Weekly World News for working class britbongs

No, of course not. There is no bottom when it comes to human stupidity. How many times have you had a friend/relative/colleague come to you in outrage, hands you a clipping from a newspaper or printout from a news site...and it's the Onion?

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>t. london paki