Attached: hot-fuzz.jpg (767x431, 39K)
Prove to me this isn't the greatest movie of all time
Hunter Price
Other urls found in this thread:
Oliver Williams
what's the situation?
Isaiah Morris
If only Edgar Wright made Ant Man instead of that hairlet faggot
Nicholas Miller
Narp it really is
Cooper Ross
>every couple of months, put it on thinking I’m only going to watch until the chief inspector scene
>”ok, I’ll just watch until Sgt. Angel kicks the kids out of the pub”
>”ok, I’ll just watch until Skinner introduces himself to Nicholas”
>end up watching the whole thing again
Parker Lopez
Don't you mean this movie?
Brandon Watson
>dat FAL
I'm getting a boner!
Henry Wood
Its goofy as fuck and then I realized it's really about a bunch of pope believers. Also Irish people aren't even white.
Liam Wright
It's for the greater good.
William Baker
couldn't even finish it. but got further along than at worlds end. I also hated shaun if the dead.
Logan Sullivan
it’s reddit incarnate
Evan Allen
because Mars Needs Moms exists
Austin Fisher
I cant user, its way too good
Jack White
American Psycho exists
Ryder Moore
Jaxson Butler
>I'm disgusting lad in Bongland
>my first flick was JUST disastrous
>makes series about self inserting himself and his buddy into Hollywood troupes... It worked!
>let's steal all cool scenes from other successful zombie flicks with inserted romcom bullcrap... SUCCESS
>let's this shity meme repeat with every other Hollywood generic crap which hipsters will enjoy
>I'm now considered Tarantino lite there are fags which worshipping me like the Retards they are.
Daniel Cox
>copies Michael Bay
why choose the copy if you can choose the original?
Matthew Rogers
>Patrick Willems
Tyler Morales
If you mean the hilarious references to Bay's cinematography like their use of the infamous Bay telephoto swoop - it's ironic (or maybe even sincere) homage. Like a director as visually talented and unique as Wright needs to "copy" Bay. Lmao.
Nolan Thomas
and yet he does
Daniel Baker
They literally show one shot from Bad Boys II - the telephoto swoop "shit just got real" moment. If it's "copying", it's copying that includes a direct reference to the source material. That's not plagiarism, it's quoting.
Jason Barnes
He does it because he is not capable of creating something on his own he needs ripping other directors styles and then calling it "homages"
There is no original content when you see Edgar Wright in the credit.
Adam Williams
Learn English you mouth breathing retard
Sebastian Powell
>He's fuck-ugly
Jayden Cruz
Good to know that you are not just a retard but mouth breather too
>I'm disgusting lad in Bongland
>my first flick was JUST disastrous
>makes series about self inserting himself and his buddy into Hollywood troupes... It worked!
>let's steal all cool scenes from other successful zombie flicks with inserted romcom bullcrap... SUCCESS
>let's this shity meme repeat with every other Hollywood generic crap which hipsters will enjoy
>I'm now considered Tarantino lite there are fags which worshipping me like the Retards they are.
Nathaniel Carter
I can't
>You've got a mustache
>I know
Cameron Cook
Maybe you can explain to me how this 35 seconds of footage has more visual creativity than an entire Bay movie
Evan Lewis
Jeremiah Sanders
William Stewart
David White
>dude MILK lmao
Jeremiah Kelly
got problem?
Charles Reyes
The chief inspector scene is my favourite in the whole film
>we're making you sergeant
>in sandford, gloucestershire!
Isaiah Parker
Nathan Campbell
>hello Nicholas. How's the hand?