Leaving Neverland

Did he do it?

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>Who’s Bad?
there’s your answer

Anger the (((tribe))) and Sony at the same time? He certainly did.

Nah. He had a horrible childhood and father. He created a happy place for kids, and for himself to try and feel what a good childhood would have been like. Corporate and private interests tried to make money off him and when he pushed back they saw an opportunity to slander him. Then those children who he tried to create a happy moment for saw the climate of pedophile priests and slander as an opportunity to try and get rich off of him as well.

No good deed it seems.

>Leaving Neverland
>Did he do it?
yeah, every morning when he went to work

I say no, but just to make people mad. I didn't watch the movie.

All those children he had sleepovers with and brought on tour with him are lying

People on the internet who like wanna be startin something are the only authority on what happened when those doors were closed

by touching children?

The man had 14 number one hits. In my opinion that entitles him to 14 children.

I'm siding with the opposite of whatever the popular consensus is because I'm cool and rebellious

based and redpilled
he cute

>tries to create a happy place for kids
>some dad goes omg lemme say MJ touched my kid
>pay dad $25 million
>continue sleeping alone with children
>put yourself in a position to allow more parents to sue you and get $25 million
>no, it's that important that you must sleep alone with children

really makes you think

All those children defend him, NPC libtard that serves as a mouth piece for rich faggots and pedowood. Over a hundred child testimonies.

Be cool as fuck? Yes, he's literally the Batman of society. The hero we needed but not the one we deserved, when we needed him the most he was attacked by the media for something he didn't do

guys if michael was a pedo he would have molested all the children, that's how it works. You don't just molest SOME of the children, you molest all of them. If one child says they weren't molested it makes Michael completely innocent

>did he do it?
Of course he did. Everyone in show business molests children.

>he's literally the Batman of society
I thought the Joker was the one in a society

> Dan Schinder, Steven Speilberg & other hollywood pedophiles get away scott free whereas Michael Jackson was wrongly accused & harrassed for years
It's almost like Kikes were trying to destroy him as a way to cover up their own asses. Every time a MJ Scandal was going on, it was to cover up a major political controversy going on behind the scenes

I'm not the one that tried to imply ALL THOSE KIDS hanging with him were accusing him to create a fake position that seems credible, you little faggot.
And if the two kids that says they were molested couldn't sustain five minutes of cross examination and the parents were the only ones exclusively interested in money, yeah, you don't need to be a fucking genius to figure this one out.

this. they all do it and every once in a while they toss a dead celebrity under the bus for a chance for the other hollyweird pedophiles to pretend to be outraged and surprised


Zoomers and their post-truth mentality that is impervious to logic and evidence are a cancer on this world.
>you mean you don't believe in the words of greedy cunts that made up a bunch of shit that they couldn't bring to the evidence table and had a past of extortion?

Fuck if I know. I wasn't there.

nah. Pretty sure he was just a weirdo, not a pedophile.

omg it is so unbelievable that Michael would molest the children he had sleepovers with

but i literally just said the accusers were lying, case closed. I've spoken it now it's the truth

>Only (((befriended))) white boys

its an old trick the jews learn from the british establishment, get an almost dead or dead pedo who no longer has any influence and throw him under the bus in a huge public display that goes on for a decade or more while the current elite have their island orgies beyond scrutiny

He couldn't befriend anyone because he was literally more famous then Disney & everyone idolized him or was after his money. Kids were the only ones who treated him like Michael Jackson instead of the "King of Pop"

I agree with you on this point but it doesn't mean they're lying about MJ being a pedo

A distraction? Sure. A ridiculous conspiracy to frame him? Bullshit

el hee hee

The jews framed him
He names the Jew in this video. Even if it's censored, you know what he's saying. Who do you think (((they))) are?
Literally our guy

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T. Absolutely retarded Kike

No, it's not unbelievable. It's incredibly unlikely since no pedos on earth behave this way, but it's still possible.
But when the ones that say that happened can't hold their stories under the slightest scrutiny and had a history of trying to get money then that is off the table and you're an idiot and a shill if you remain believing them. The end.

Yes, and there's nothing wrong with it. The children had consensual relationships with Michael. Prove me wrong.

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>no pedos on earth behave this way

did you watch abducted in plain sight on netflix

pretty much the exact same pedo book MJ used bro

Do what? Become the biggest pop music icon ever? Yes.

No agenda at all in repeating that lie every single MJ thread, huh?!
I'm sure you're not gaining anything from acting this retarded and repeating the same line that keeps getting debunked with a two click search of literally thousands of pictures of him and girls, black boys and everyone else.
Now why would someone be so determined on maintaining the lie that was specifically created to link homosexuality with pedophilia? REALLY MAKES ME PONDER

If he was guilty then so many Kikes wouldn't be continually trying to prove to everyone that he is a pedophile for nearly 30 years. The conspiracy got so bad against Michael that even Trump himself had to go on national TV & publicly defend him

The main "source" for leaving neverland is the same guy who defended MJ in the 2005 trial.

Really makes you think why he would lie when he really was molested, and only came out with the "truth" when he could gain money from it.

Oh really? He created a giant fucking amusement park on his house and would walk around holding hands with children and talking on global tv that he slept in the same bed as the Culkin kids? I'm sure he did that, because pedophiles are so easy to track, right. Because they are so fucking obvious and leave childish notes to everyone saying they love them and calling himself Applehead.
Very common behavior indeed.

This, threads over

>literally everything is about jews and a guy can't fuck children without those jews being behind it

back to /pol/ fag

>all this proves he WASNT a pedophile


the right wing FBI and police investigated him fully and he was innocent. If they could have given him the death penalty they would have, they all wanted him to be guilty. These accusers have been repeatedly found to be full of shit even their lawsuits were thrown out and they lied. Fact. Case closed.

Attached: Macaulay-Culkin-Interview-2018-Michael-Jackson-Marc-Maron.jpg (798x420, 30K)

Desperate for those strawmen, aren't you, brainlet?

T. Restera Tranny

They go over this extensively in the documentary


the one sided documentary

honestly it's hard to say if he did it. there's no physical evidence at all even though his place was absolutely combed by over 300 officers and all thats left are interviews.
it comes down to who you believe since there's no actual evidence.

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Yeah, we know. But they don't go over all their lies under oath, contradictions and constant change of versions from their two lawsuits, or that they tried to get a billion dollars beforehand, or that Wade only started this after being kicked from an MJ tribute show, or that they both owe the MJ Estate 75 thousand dollars, or that Wade was dating Jackson's niece during his story, and the list goes on to infinity.
>but did you watch the documentary tho?

>child abuse victims need to come forward about their abuse when I snap my fingers
>if they don't when i snap my fingers, that means it never happened

There are mountains of evidence. Only they're against the accusers of all 3 cases.

Oh god, look at this fucking idiot, he can't keep a single reply without a strawman. This is the kind of smooth brained imbeciles that believed Jackson was a pedo. His post has absolutely fuckall to do with I've written.
This is beyond satire.

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there's an exhausting amount of physical evidence

Look into the detectives and the prosecutors instead of the MJ fansites where they say "LOL NO EVIDENCE"

All that information and this is what you got out of it?

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>But they don't go over all their lies under oath, contradictions and constant change of versions from their two lawsuits
They went pretty extensively over the time Wade lied under oath and said MJ hadn't abused him

But there is zero (0) hard evidence.Only some very circumstantial evidence.

No, that's not the lies under oath I'm talking about.
In his case against the MJ Estate after he "realized" he was abused he lied under oath and was caught so many times the judge even made sure to add that "no sane person would ever believe his words".

They went over the time he lied 20 years ago. They didn't talk about the "lying" over the last 20 years.

>this guy lied under oath, but we should trust him now because sad piano and drone shots

We have, you didn't.
You just read a Vanity Fair article.

>he lies under oath all the time
>apart from when he was defending MJ, that time he was definitely telling the truth

are you this brain dead or just pretending?

The IQ of the typical Yea Forums poster.