How to stop fat friend from eating all the pop corn at the movies

we get a large, and he guzzles that fucker down in 10 minutes

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stop going to the movies with your friend

problem solved

Just sneak booze in like a normal person.

send him to the popcorn mines

Tell your friend that you are worried about his health and offer to help him lose weight if he would be up for it. Do it in a gentle way so as not to scare him off. That way you can make major improvements in your friends life and as a neat little bonus not get all your popcorn eaten. Idk just an idea.

put your hand down his pants

get your own popcorn bucket you fucking loser.


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Go to movie theaters that give you free refills on larges. When he eats it all, make him go back to the concession stand and get a refill.

Call him a fatty

Get your own popcorn and don't share

¨This, fuck sharing.

That's the name of Bob's cat tough.

>"Uncle Gubsy?"

never do this. don't give your lifeclock for free. training someone is a hard job and a major life commitment. tell that motherfucker to hire personal trainer.

why are two grown men sharing popcorn?
is one of you cutting a hole into the bottom of the tub and slipping something in there?

I love having friends

Tell him to eat with his mouth closed. Everytime he gets loud let him know. Either he'll be embarrassed and eat slower or he'll get pissed and eat slower

then when you debate it with other friends they'll take your side because no one likes someone who eats with their mouth open

you each get a medium, dummy. why are you and your friend sharing one bag of popcorn anyway you fuckin fagola

Haha what?


Get your own popcorn you fucking idiot

you know, the old cockcorn trick.

>he never got a secret popcorn tub handjob

Don’t buy popcorn

You get free refills on large popcorns, so make his ass get up to get another one.

Send him links to My 600 Pound Life videos.

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why are you sharing popcorn lol

Before the movie starts dump all popcorn into another bag for yourself and get a refill before the movie starts. You now each have your own popcorn.