This took me 2 minutes

This took me 2 minutes.

Attached: 5minigger.jpg (980x724, 156K)

Other urls found in this thread:

And it looks like shit


At 24 frames per second, you've got your work cut out for you.

he is supposed to have the eye, though

Attached: Badheads.jpg (640x480, 69K)

This took me 2 minutes.

Attached: fixed.jpg (980x724, 143K)

What was the fucking point? Seriously, why the FUCK would anybody waste any kind of time on this?

>*falls down the subway stairs thanks to shit depth perception*

Why though?

absolute unit

Kurt Russell?

They went over the top with him. Should have bandages on at least.


for you.

Attached: 0 face.png (980x724, 1.28M)

yeah when he drinks that shot at the bar and the alcohol leaks onto his open flesh and he doesnt even flinch, not believable at all

Of you mean making a shit edit and posting it like OP actually made something worthwhile I agree. But if you mean why put effort into something outside of some fag edit of wojak or pepe, suck a dick, you quintuple nigger.

Didn't he lose all the nerves there from the burns?

I'm spooked solid.

This took me 5 minutes.

Attached: GUS.jpg (549x403, 132K)

nigga turned into a piece of charcoal. I think the most believable thing here is that he didn't feel anything

OP got his feelings hurt ahahahaha


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2 min

Attached: fixed2.jpg (980x724, 126K)

But I’m not endlessly sucking cock like some prancing la la homo man.

Attached: 12468212450154.jpg (1458x602, 244K)

Comic books are fucking stupid.

>S-stop making f-fun of me guys!

They went over the top so it wouldn't look too realistic, to keep it within PG rating

not gonna lie, right side totally looks like me before I have my first ice cold Coca-Cola of the day bros

now do one with exploded Gus Fring


Attached: 1541456334335s.jpg (900x900, 81K)

they're for kids


I'll have it with you when I bend you over a table and fuck you in your quivering boy hole you nigger-loving sissy slutbag

ok this made me chuckle, based average american poster

Attached: 855BC1B5-34C2-4177-9880-3DF8EF541678.jpg (800x434, 82K)

Stop right there!

Attached: 1f25b1ab15815933a00b379fceaf5351.png (420x420, 133K)

posting in a based and advertiser-friendly thread


>You either die O'Hiro, or live long enough to see yourself become Devillon
Never understood what he meant

Attached: 1544748361205.jpg (1280x720, 89K)

RAI CHUHL!!!!!1!!!

Black mask?

His voice was superb

The Long Halloween and Dark Victory are the best batman comics and deserve their own live action movies. Year One and Dark Knight Returns are overrated.

Harvey Blackface...

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 9K)

Glass bottle cokes are delicious

Based opinion, I'm not as big a fan of Dark Victory since it's kinda just a retread of the same story mostly, but Long Halloween is the best Batman comic out there bar none

I think bandages would have been better and more ominous. I'd be okay with them getting ripped off during the final confrontation and him looking like he did but ahhh I know it's capeshit


Attached: gordon-TDK-two-face.jpg (501x223, 14K)

Looks like shit and now your movie is rated R

This took me 2 minutes.

Attached: 2head.jpg (980x724, 158K)

Tell your son that blacks are equal to whites, Gordon. Lie, like I lied.


Pretty scary

wtf I want a coca cola now

Looks kinda like megamind with his skin burned off

Attached: images(9).jpg (300x168, 6K)


I can tell it did

2 minutes to jack-off?
the fuck did you even do?

fucking kek

This character is a nigger. Why did they change him to a honkey cracka ass mithafucka? 90s Batman is best Batman.

Took me 40 minutes

Attached: 40minutesnigga.jpg (450x226, 41K)

>Remember the name you all had for me when I was at Internal Affairs?

Didn't fix the neck

Are you the same guy that edited Will Smith as the genie from alladin?

Based and this.

Based and crimsonpilled


looks badass with the mohawk

That was me, actually (not OP)
It's somewhat ironic that Yea Forums made a meme to mock me because they thought I was retarded when the whole thing was a troll and they're the retarded one's who got baited.

Why are you posting Brie Larson's toe? This is supposed to be a Batman thread.

Did it take you five minutes to write this reply?



nigga that's almost 10 minutes

based soft drink poster


Attached: 1552589746689.jpg (427x557, 40K)

My fuckin sides

Attached: moorcock.jpg (307x338, 29K)



predator/human hybrid

Attached: 15535297550005.jpg (980x724, 173K)

I want my mommy :(

I wanna suck your fat juicy cock. Extremely based.

ayy lmao

Came here to say this. FBPB

He needs some brisk.

Attached: ezgif-5-f20553be6f19.webm (482x360, 2.39M)

this is why I go here

I completely forgot about these commercials. Wow.

I just want to pick at Harvey's scabs

stop replying to this thread I'm tired of getting bullied

Attached: 1520479693981.png (400x400, 129K)


I love you

>I don't know, Harvey.
>Stinky. Harvey Stinky.
>*farts loudly* Why should I hide who I am?
Guys please upvote I worked really hard on this funny meme.

I actually laughed

>name is two-face
>he's actually a stand up guy


>laughing like a retard at a fart joke
fuck you for doing this to me

Attached: 1544302836153.jpg (225x251, 34K)

For me it's Diet Dr. Pepper.

Attached: 12965291.jpg (250x250, 7K)

>Why should I hide who I am?
my fucking sides user

Looks like the dude from the mask animated series.

That looks cool

add a bit of lime

They should have used practical effects, the stupid fucking retards. geez

Fuck I'm old.

Of the best commercials of all time, I actually felt like I was drinking brisk.

My face

My soul


Attached: sopranos.jpg (294x443, 31K)

we need to start briskposting

Holy shit I can't believe I remember this. But it was the one where he pulls the bra out of himself.

He's supposed to be twoface, not halfface.

That's an allusion to his actual schizophrenia. I don't read the comics but in TAS he was already dealing with mental issues before the disfiguration. Nolan couldn't flesh out the character in an already bloated film so he left little clues that make his transformation into Two-Face more believable.
>nicest guy you will meet sometimes
>total fucking psychopath other times
>compulsive need to use a cheat coin to agree with himself on decisions
>has a death wish, takes on the mob, goes out with Bruce Wayne's girl, etc.
>wants to settle down with Rachel
>polished DA, but can punch a guy out and doesn't get phased when someone pulls a gun on him
>so cunning that the police officers had a special nickname for him

Attached: Harvey_Dent.jpg (1280x800, 62K)

Heath Ledger is back

Based relateable anonymous poster

I'm spooked.

>give me a hug, man

based 30 year old boomer



Well TDK took alot from Long Halloween.

IDK how a straight adaptation can even work unless you do like an OVA miniseries with an episode for each month.

Attached: long_halloween_rooftop.jpg (890x666, 93K)


Attached: downloadfile-1.gif (250x250, 992K)

Based sugary poster

This took me 2 minutes.

Attached: sex.jpg (450x349, 26K)

Absolute kino


Fucking kek

Ah yes a nice b.r.a.p if you will

imagine the feels

Aye, but what about Bary's Red Cola?

Now this. This is sum OC

now this is podracing

Most unbelievable thing is how that eyeballs remained perfectly intact and how it hasn't shriveled like a prune without eyelids or tearducts to moisten it

when you nut but she keep sucking

Have sex

what is this hairstyle called?



This and the soup ad were snowman kino

They're going to have to call him one face now.

Oh my fucking God

Attached: lshic.jpg (238x284, 30K)

I need to try that orange vanilla Coke before they go away