Why is it that any time I criticize "The Matrix", people lose their shit?

Why is it that any time I criticize "The Matrix", people lose their shit?
Tripping over themselves to accuse me of baiting, of being a contrarian... asserting that I must be underage.
I have seen "The Matrix" multiple times. I saw it in the theater in 1999, and I watched it in a home setting. And every time I hate it.
It's a cheezy empowerment fantasy for fedora manchildren who think that they are enlightened and everyone else is just a drone, and it almost single-handedly ushered in an era of horrible editing and special effects that will forever taint filmmaking.
I honestly hate it. Why is that so hard to accept?
Anyone else that hates The Matrix please chime in as well.

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Matrix was never good.

cool blog

I love the movie but not enough to care that you hate it. Perhaps you should take meme responses like "Zoom Zoom Zoomer!" and "t. pleb" a bit less seriously.

it's okay to have shit taste

t. woman

zero arguments made against the film

Not even.
It's always "contrarian" first, and then "You weren't around when it came out so you don't understand."

Are you sure that you know how to read?

pretty funny to accuse people of losing their shit right before losing your shit

It's okay to be a brainlet but pls don't do it on my fucking board

No arguments as expected from people who like this shit.

Mr Anderson, we meet again

How did I lose my shit, exactly?

it's a cool concept I guess but it's full of holes

Found the zoomer thread

You are not wrong, however it was dope at the time and bullettime slowmo became a big thing awfterwards. It's not like Matrix did it 1st but they popularized it a lot.

>Coherently explaining why you don't like a movie
>Losing your shit

Your OP was shit, you don't deserve a well thought out rebuttal

>Found the zoomer
>... asserting that I must be underage.
I have seen "The Matrix" multiple times. I saw it in the theater in 1999, and I watched it in a home setting.

Like clockwork.

Not an argument.

nice reddit spacing

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Tell me, do you get up and pace every time you respond to someone who insulted you?

Rent-free. 24-7. 365.

found the twelve year old contrarian

No. That's a weird question.
Do you?

Nigga, you gay.

Because there is literally nothing wrong with the first Matrix. You're allowed your opinions but try to name a better SciFi too
>Inb4 BR 1

It was great for it's time. The fight scenes look stupid now that we have MMA.


Don’t argue with retards, the board is trash.
t. crossboarder browsing for shitposts

The Matrix consists of one city block, which houses
- highly respectable software firm
- o'the city hotel
- Morpheus interrogation building

Matrix is the ultimate contrarian filter

How so?

It's barely even sci-fi. It has more in common with Steven Seagal movies and YA fiction.

This post is desperate and sad. You are complaining about how the film influenced culture, and not about the film itself. Your only mark against it is that it is a male power fantasy. Sorry dude, but power fantasies have their place and the matrix does it perfectly.

I want to fuck Keanu Reeves.

Films are culture and represent everything in a culture. They are not mutually exclusive.

the matrix trilogy is good when you realize two things:
1. smith is the chosen one
2. red pill/blue pill is still within the matrix. you don't actually escape by taking the red pill.
check film theory's video on youtube about it.

It was shot in Sydney, looks like there's enough room for all that

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>Why is it that any time I criticize "The Matrix", people lose their shit?
Because it's a generally well liked movie that innovated action movies so much that everything copied them for about 10 years afterwards. And instead of saying you don't think it's a good movie you probably launch into some kind of autistic and aggressive rant about how everyone who likes it is an idiot and how you're the only smart person in the world because you don't like it.

The movie objectively was and still is a huge spectacle of direction, cinematography, style, and philosophy. It's as tight as you can make film. It leaves no real room for objective negative criticism. Mind how all the people hating on the movie can never point out anything bad with the movie itself, but how 'it stole the plot', 'it aged because everyone copied it', and the likes. Never will they ever be able to offer any criticism of substance and magnitude.

>check film theory's video on youtube about it.

I don't mind that you don't like the movie, but everything you typed is beyond faggotry.

imagine being OP right now

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i'm already dead. best i can do is pull off my rotting dick. which i won't do. i'm letting it fall off naturally.

It should seem dated now, but when Smith calls the late 90s the peak of human civilization, he was right

Reloaded>The Matrix>Revolutions>The Animatrix

based downvoted into oblivion redditor

So... clearly, you cannot read.

magazines were so fucking comfy

Bookstores were fucking comfy, back when they were good

Only thing that always annoys me when watching the movie is how these trannies didn't know what a fucking deja vu is

I definitely didn't replicate the feeling of deja vu, which is pretty much impossible, but the concept is cool. That moment when you feel reality is unreal, that you are surely reliving the same moment. This being a glitch in The Matrix was a nice touch imo

Literally my favorite film.
But 'De gustibus non est disputandum'
Whatever floats your boat. I'm with this guy, though

It is pretty funny to see all the M'ladies rush to defend this "chosen one" garbage that is exactly the same as Harry Potter and Twilight and all that other young adult fiction crap.

The special effects (and I am mostly referring to bullet time) make sense diegetically, which does not happen often. The slo motion in general is there because that is the way the characters have trained themselves in order not get killed in the matrix.
On the other hand, I was eleven when I first watched it and it was the first thing that ever made me question reality, i.e., made me interested in philosophy.
I understand that you don't like it (and let's not even get started on the sequels), but I don't need to be convinced that it's a bad movie (it isn't) or to stop liking it (I won't).
>It's a cheezy empowerment fantasy for fedora manchildren
That's an opinion
>t almost single-handedly ushered in an era of horrible editing and special effects
Can you elaborate on this? What do you consider "horrible editing, and what do you consider "superb editing"? In my opinion, the fact that so many movies tried to emulate it or outright spoof it afterwards speaks more of its cultural impact than of its general quality.

>What are Heroes in literaelly every culture we have knowledge of

Have sex

Matrix is unironically the #2 greatest sci fi movie of all time 2nd to 2001

The reason everyone flings shit at you and calls your "criticism" bait is because it ultimately amounts to "I didn't like it and everybody who did is DUMB".

It's always entertaining to see fags not make any arguments at all, but suddenly start acting like they're having a structured argument and demand proper arguments in turn when called out on their bullshit

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Reloaded is so much stronger as a film.

I can't rewatch the first one for the same reason I can't bring myself to watch Thor 1 again. Origin stories are lopsided as fucking hell and the Matrix especially feels like such a small film in comparison it's like a pilot.

t. woman who cannot read

>a cheezy empowerment fantasy for fedora manchildren who think that they are enlightened and everyone else is just a drone
>any time *** I *** criticize "The Matrix", ALL people lose their shit? they accuse me of baiting, of being a contrarian... asserting that I must be underage
It seems that you are a special one, may i say, chosen one, and everyone else it's just an unsophisticated neet
Fedora zoomer

The "Chosen one" trope and the hero's journey are two very different things.

You tried really hard there, but no.
Go back and try to read the OP post. I know it's hard for you, but try to read what it actually says.
The word "all" does not precede the word people, for starters.
Do you always edit quotes so they fit your narrative?

Have sex.

Take off your pants

>watches the movie nightly before his flaw thread

Have you ever read a paper? take the ALL and eat it, it doesn't change the point. You are not some fucking connoisseur for finding The Matrix flawed, everyone got over it cunt. Go make another thread about The Dark Knight next, and be sure of making specific criticisms about the filmmaking or script other than, "it doesn't resonate with me"

Don't you understand entry level philosophy? Don't you like decartes and Plato?

its leftist gnostic propaganda made by mentally ill trannies

debate me. Protip: you cant

Debate these nuts. Protip: you cannot do so

I always interpreted it as their own code word for that particular glitch in the matrix, its been a while but iirc neo merely notices and points it out, I dont think he actually calls it a deja vu but someone else does

i would if you had any faggot

Look people can say the Matrix wasn’t that deep or whatever the fuck. Sorry you contrarian faggot that this (((movie))) isn’t fucking perfect in everything that it does. Jesus Christ how do you people feed yourselves.

>ushered in an era of horrible editing and special effects that will forever taint filmmaking.
[citation needed]
The editing is tight, and there's not a lot of fat or jank with the cuts. As for effects, they were actually restrained to key scenes.

If anything the matrix upped the skill level and exceptions audiences have for martial arts choreography in western films.

>why do fanbois exist?
Your fault for socializing with them, fool.

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Its totally fine if you don't like the movie but
>It's a cheezy empowerment fantasy for fedora manchildren who think that they are enlightened and everyone else is just a drone, and it almost single-handedly ushered in an era of horrible editing and special effects that will forever taint filmmaking.

this is simply not really a good argument against the movie itself.
You are attacking the audience of it and filmmaker who copycat the style.

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I watched it last year. I assume it was good for its time but it really hasnt aged well. The effects are dated. I laughed when it presented all this high-tech stuff but computers are still blocky. The story is very, very mundane chosen one shit with its only depth being a pseudo anti-authority message and nothing beyond that.
It also ends with the protag talking about making a world without borders so I'm surprised Yea Forums likes it.

Why would it trigger anyone?

Yea Forums likes anything "old" that had mainstream appeal until one or two people tell them otherwise.

nigga you gay

the sequels were fucking awful for many reasons but mainly because they tried to deconstruct the first one and reconstruct it into something else
the first one is 10/10 the sequels are dog shit

it didn't need to be this way.

You didn't really criticize the movie though, you just sperged out about the people who like the movie and why you think you're so much cooler.
I think everyone accuses you of being a baiting contrarian because you come off as a reactionary child that's not really worth engaging in conversation.

I don't like sex. It's coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere

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It's because the third act was probably the best action of all time. It is

>I'm surprised Yea Forums likes it.
It's a rock solid script, the heroes journey with post apocalyptic cyberpunk aesthetic. It does a really good job of building tension and mystery. You don't find out what the matrix actually is until the start of the second act, until then its just playing up the unreality of things, the idea that you can't trust anything, and set it up as some illuminati glow in the dark cianiggers are behind before pulling the rug out from under you and showing Neo in the real world getting pooped of the incubator.
It's got some really incredible shots and transitions that keep you off kilter and add to the overall unreality of the world inside the matrix.
Also absolute /k/ porn.

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I wanted to bang Trinity so hard

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Watch it, The One.

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What good is a phone call…if you're unable to speak...?

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Yeah baby

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Pretty much.

OP is just a sperging out child
>i hate it
>i hate it
>empowerment fantasy

OP is a waste of air

>tfw the PWOT 1001 things wrong with the matrix movie
>the absolute butthurt
Now thats how you troll matrix fans.