What the fuck was her problem?

What the fuck was her problem?

Attached: Allison.jpg (569x445, 33K)

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She was a teenager

Nothing, when was literally perfect... before the makeup, that is.

nothing wrong
she was cute

She seemed socially awkward and the only way that she could get attention was by acting weird. By the end of the movie, she learned that she could also get attention by wearing makeup and acting like one of the popular girls.


a histrionic personality

child molestation and autism

father and brothers didn't recognize boundaries

Just another thot acting quirky for attention.

At the end of the day all females ever want is attention, some get it by whoring around and others by acting quirky and weird to attract desperate beta males


She was a pathological liar seeking attention.

dont get how it became a cult classic fuck me
the one message i took from the damn thing was that all of your problems can be solved if ur conventionally attractive. cheers film

Attached: baseketball.png (470x264, 226K)

Is this from Baseketball?

the guy with long hair looks like he is 35

>What the fuck was her problem?

She didn't have a problem, she just didn't have anything better to do.

>slurps the soda off the table

>Needing a "message" to enjoy a film
Are you a woman?


cringe post

>before makeup
She's wearing it you dolt

>being this autistic
you know what I meant

we all have our mating strategies

no twitter

She was still a virgin and jealous of the redhead girl

Daddy's dick was too thick

Attached: allison.jpg (330x233, 28K)

Edgelord that wanted to be pretty and popular and was salty she wasn’t

The redhead's a virgin too.

she wanted another Captn Crunch and sugar on mayo and bread sandwich.

So Yea Forums?

>believing women ever
>Implying that Thot didn't fuck every Chad in school

Attached: bc pleb.png (1798x821, 591K)

16 candles > Breakfast Club


This. Irl even a goofy 6/10 goth chick will have a plethora of orbiters for her choosing.

80s hipster

>the girl every lonely fag wants
An idiot made that image.

You want attention you must be female